If you read my strategy to level up fast and you are at level 99 or between 60 and 99 and cannot beat mysterious figure here is a strategy: Deck: Thunder surge X5 Curaga X3 (note iv only done this strategy with ventus ) you need 3 thunder boost abilities to make thunder surge really effective to mysterious figure if you have 3 thunder boost using thunder surge will take alot of his life away (75% of a bar ) you need lots of health boosts to have a big health bar you need all magic hastes and attack hastes to reload your attacks and curagas quick you need all these requirements or you get your a$$ handed to ya ^^ now at the start of the battle unknown will move to his left (your right) and run to you you move forward and use thunder surge if you have 3 thunder boosts you take loads of his life half or 75% of his first life bar then just dodge roll away from him until you see an opening to use thunder surge if he takes your health low dodge roll until your in a safe position then use curaga you then repeat
This a thread to help you level up quick in kh bbs firstly you need exp chance the deck you will need Deck: Mega flare x3 victory pose (to make mega flare you need max levelled crawling fire and fission fire and meld them to get exp chance you need quick blitz and blizara and abunding crystal) (unequip things that draw in hp orbs) now equip exp chance then get your hp down below 25% (where the hp gauge flashes red) you need to be in RADIENT GARDEN at the area you fought the trinity armour (the boss ven terra and aqua fight together ) and now you go into the center then immedialy go to the edge then use mega flare staying at the edge or a distance from enemies so you dont pick up hp orbs use mega flare to defeat al the enemies then from doing this you earn 5000 exp/cp repeat this process it helped me loads =D this strategy is so good it levelled me from level 55 to 74
$#!t the FU3k this has pised me off now now square make another Final mix for bbs with a Eraqus sentiment why do they make final mixes better yet if they make final mixes why not release them world wide you'd get much more profit i understand the first final mix but the second was unnecessary we had the $#i version and the second final mix had much more than the original but can someone please answer this: The first final mix was understandable but what was the reason noruma kept fm 2 in japan and why do they make final mixes and not release them world wide t?
this is A$$ vanitas has so little life but soooo much power anyways im using ven i have once more and second chance deck: Tornado mine sheild mine sheild mine square mine square mega potion mega potion level 55 beginner mode please a strategy anything
i want to play it but was it released in uk? (I didn't know where to put it so if you could please move it to its appropriate place thank you ^^ )
im level 52 have 3 tornado sonic blade and curaga
Name:Marcell Age:16 Gender:male Appearance: Rules: no out of character no god mod no inapropriate language -------------------------------------------------------------------------- okay so i made this threads to let people start this own story don't follow mine that i start in the first post you can join my story or make up your own :)