Well , this seems to be the problem , I had Sony Vegas 10 a while ago , but then tried to uninstall it , it didn't fully uninstall , i don't know what happened , but i can't reinstall it either. if i go into control panel > Uninstall programs here is what shows up And then , when i try to uninstall this , it comes up with this I'm really not sure what to do , i want to reinstall Vegas 10 , but can't seem to do so x.x Anybody have anything that could help me?
I'm wantint to now fight bosses , i can record using the PCSX2 recording device , but i want to record the sound along with the video of the battle. Because everytime i record a battle i have to put music over it in sony vegas and render and so on , I'd rather just record both the sound and the video into one clip or something. Is there a program that i can use to record like this?
I just got Adobe After effects CS4 , i'v organized everything i need , but theres just one problem , whenever i try to play a clip , there is no audio. So i tried to play a music clip , no sound , does anybody know a solution?
I want to use my PS3 (SIXAXIS) controller with my pcsx2 emulator , my emulator is working , i just need a way to play it with my PS3 controller , can anyone help me?
I'm not sure if i should be posting this in this section , but i didn't know where to post it. I just wanted to ask , if i were to get a copy of Kingdom hearts brith by sleep final mix , would i be able to play it on a non-japanese psp?
I just finished Watching Digimon tamers , throughout i almost cried , especially when Jeri lost Leomon , in the end i cried so much seeing Henry cry as he shaked his head at his dad for making all the digimon de-digivolve , then when Takato found the portal , i felt happy yet sad because i wanted another season with the Tamers..but there won't be one... Did Digimon tamers Make you cry??
This is my first amv in quite a while , i haven't made one for ages i wanted to begin making them again , so i decided to make this one. this is my first ever try with sony vegas to make an amv i tried my best to make mostly everything sync , so yeah , tell me what you think. ^^ [video=youtube;Zn7L25sfMv4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn7L25sfMv4[/video]
Could not resist , Even if this dies , i atleast Tried ^^ This is for those people who like the Manga/Anime Shaman King , I may Add rules Later if a few people join , Choose Who you want to be. Marcell -Yoh Asakura Terra - Ren/Len Tao Fayt - Amedamaru Bushy brow - Ryu
Right , i want to begin using codes on my PSP for KH BBS , but , i have a PSP 3000 , updated , is there anyway i could get CFW Cheats on my PSP??
I would love it if someone could make me 1 or both , both of Yoh asakura , but in the signature i want Yoh And Hao opposite or back to back , with some Text saying "Two Halves of the same whole , Brothers" the Avatar of Yoh's face , somthing not common , if you don't know who these characters are , they are from Shaman King if anyone could make me them it would be much appreciated.
I know i do......
Ok , so i have a toshiba laptop (vista) , it's charger port had moved out of alignment , i got my uncle to sort that out , while he had the laptop he installed some software and when i got the laptop back i couldn't connect my laptop to the internet , so i phoned up my uncle and he said he had installed somthing and that might be the cause , so i tried to uninstall it but it wouldn't uninstall , so my uncle told me to make a restoration point (where you reset the laptop to like before a problem occured) and i tried it but i failed and then somthing went horribly wrong , i couldn't get onto windows , it goes tot he starting screen and a few other loading screens and then it comes up with a message saying somethings wrong with the drivers , so my uncle just gave me a formatting disk today , but it is a windows 7 installation disk , and so when i try to format it needs to copy files and it won't get past copying files it says: Copying Files (0%)... and it won't get past 0% what should i do i don't know what to do, please help me
Ho perso la scuola a causa della neve i'v missed school due to snow
I am typing this from my ps3 so this is the problem: Where i normally plug in my charger into my laptop the charger doesn't plug into anything i started to panic and cry because i didn't know how or what happened i thought the charger port had fallen into the laptop and i found out its moved out of place it can sort of be seen so i phoned my uncle he said just send it off i got the laptop this summer but it was my mums for 2 years so i'm not sure about warranty can someone tell me what has happened i'm confused all i know is the port has moved to such a place i cannot plug my charger into
it's sora and vanitas with crossed keyblades and the text says "you seem familiar we met before" this is the turn out i'm not that experienced ^^
okay so here's the thing i have adhd, long ago when i was little i was diagnosed with adhd at present i have been on medication and for a year or so i'v been on this medication it helps me concentrate, it makes me feel good and all that but then during my time taking this medication i have been wanting more and more it makes me feel good mood lifting and i overdosed many times now my parents lock my medication in a safe when it wears out i feel really weird as if i need more someone please help me overcome this addiction.
anyone ? good show wasnt it
[video=youtube;Wqvcjy-s0WA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqvcjy-s0WA[/video] [video=youtube;3CzYnP92N7U]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CzYnP92N7U[/video] kh remember the name kh at worlds end ^^
[video=youtube;gSLTephkVWI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSLTephkVWI[/video] made this alittle while ago
i have a vauge idea i want a pic that has sora and vanitas back to back along with ventus and roxas somthing like " you seem familiar do i know you " if this is possible to make please do so thank you ^^