Okay if there are any other threads on the same topic please just feel free to combine the threads. Now if you haven't heard about the Hunter x Hunter movie The Last mission here's a trailer on it Personally I've been watching this trailer every now and again too often I honestly love the trailer and am looking forward to the movie. But it's been 2 months almost going onto 3 since it got released in japan now I know I should be impatient but Movie's should be subbed sooner I mean Evangelion 3.0 got subbed the day after release in cinema's which is amazing. Now I have to give credit to the fansubbers to say the least and be empathetic but 3 months should be more than enough but thats beside the point of this thread now. What I wanna discuss is Theories on new characters in this movie from the trailers. Specifically Netero's old friend who flips the coin back to him and possibility of a connection between netero to this antagonistic looking guy Spoiler feel free to post theories and thoughts. Now my own personal theory hasn't been shaped yet but I would love it if you guys helped shape a theory around the movie characters.
Finishing up full burst with this scene that made me already cry so hard when I saw it in manga form..oh god nothing will ever be okay again for me ;_; Also: can a mod close my thread in game help about UNS3 sagebuto. I was finaly able to beat him
Okay. As of late I've got a new game; Naruto UNS (Ultimate ninja storm 3) Full burst, I speed ran the entire game in 12 hours now I've only got one battle left as we know is Sage Kabuto. I cannot beat him I'll be honest here in the entire expirience of gaming against bosses I have come across I don't think i've met a cheaper boss than Sagebuto in a fighter that is. I don't know what equips or bento I should use or stratedgy. thing is I do well for the most part I get to the final stage of the fight where kabuto begins going crazy with his the sound 5 jutsu's and at that point i've lost all my medicine to healing myself earlier and ugh. can you see where i'm coming from so please KHV can someone help me?
Now. This is a topic that's eaten at me for a long long time. Footballers and their job and how much they get paid. To be honest no, Not their Job and Not about them. But how much they get paid it's always something thats bugged the hell out of me about the ridiculous amounts of money that is circled around within the Football industry within Europe especially. They get paid ridiculous figures, you know me and my college friends have always discussed about how it's wrong that society pays out huge amounts of money for people playing a ridiculous sport in the first place. Yet we complain about things such as the depression and etc and the recession. If we cut back even 1/3rd of the money allocated towards footballers don't you think we'd be a bit better off financially wise? Let me know your thoughts on this and if there are any flaws on what I'm saying. I do hate football as a sport, but I don't mind it. It's just the pay outs they get are ridiculous.
Doctor who, I'm watching the 50th anniversary special now and I can't stop laughing at
I sat there playing through the last mission like so Just bought the DLC better be worth the £12
I'm not sure if there was already a thread of this but I've heard about this from some friends lately and I searched it up now. There's not much to the trailer because it comes out next year now but I'm excited for this whether the movie itself is good or not. If there's already a thread of this please just merge it together
Cause, TWD comes out this sunday and J-stars & Jojo All Stars come out next month.
I made my first Gif
I'll direct this more at the openings of Hunter x Hunter 1999 and the Ending songs of 2011. Really both are amazing but I wish that Hunter x Hunter 2011 had diffrent openings - It's getting pretty boring having Departure as the opening of Hunter x Hunter 2011. But What I would like to direct your attention to would be the amazing opening for 1999. and also with 2011 I have to say I absolutely love the ending songs for it, especially 1 3 and 5 they are really all amazing songs. In contrast to some of HxH 1999 ending songs which used to make me feel uneasy I absolutely love 2011. If only they gave 2011 the variety of openings that 1999 has and 1999 some of the amazing endings that 2011 had it'd be amazing.
Now, I've been looking around a lot for a smooth high gif used in Hunter x Hunter 2011 Ending 1 Just awake. Oddly enough i've not been able to find any gifs for this anywhere. around 2:08 - 2:12 preferably an endless gif with all of them running together but if possible do two versions, one with the full transition from the first one running by himself to the other 3 catching up with the first one. and one endless with all of them running looped. Hopefully can make it high quality and smooth please.
You'd expect the regular superman batman or t.v characters, right? welp mine was a rabbit...not just any certain rabbit it was How about you?
Lately, well actually not lately for a while now. There's been a lot of built up tension between me and my mom and I can't explain why at times now this isn't something that'll come as a easy thing to convey to others but I've needed to get this out of my system now. Before I hit year 10 (where we start studying for GCSE's) I always used to be obedient to my mom, not that my moms is bad in anyways. I'll be honest I have one of the most caring and considerate moms ever because she's never been able to say no to something I want and has never deprived me of anything at all. She's always been there for me. Now this has been on minor scales before during year 10 & 11 but recently I've sort of been outbursting and talking back to my mother whenever she says I've done something wrong or I'm wrong or I can't do a certain thing, I don't know why but I can't help it but talk back I only see it as trying to say that she's not right with her statement not to disrespect her or anything but I've been doing it too much now and it's come to the point it becomes a complete argument we always forget about it in the end because I always end up saying sorry but it would be better if we didn't end up arguing in the first place. Is there anything I can do or keep in mind for when this situation comes up? or anything else you can suggest for me to do.
FYI just started watching this today. All I can say is; Such fanservice much panties many nosebleeds
well? .
So, I expect we've all watched or atleast HEARD of Hunter x Hunter, a classic Anime back in 1999, now it's had 4 years running of a remake anime. If you've never heard of Hunter x Hunter Spoiler is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated byYoshihiro Togashi. The story focuses on a young boy named Gon, who discovers that his father, whom he was told was dead, is actually alive and well. He learns that his father, Ging, is a world-renowned Hunter: a licensed profession for those who specialize in fantastic pursuits such as locating rare or unidentified animal species, treasure hunting, surveying unexplored enclaves, or hunting down lawless individuals. Despite Ging having left his son with his relatives in order to pursue his own dreams, Gon departs upon a journey to follow in his father's footsteps, pass the rigorous Hunter Examination, and eventually find his father. Along the way, Gon meets various other kinds of Hunters and also encounters the paranormal. The original inspiration for the manga came from Togashi's own collecting hobby. for those of you who've watched it, do you think Kishimoto inspired some of Naruto's backstory and foundation from Hunter X Hunter's story, there's a lot of controversy of Kishimoto ripping off togashi but I don't like to say that because everyone needs to be inspired by something.
If you remember a few weeks ago, I posted a comparison between amv's I had made from my furthest back one I could find. And to my latest; sadly my latest got blocked under copyright but thank god that they let it back up after i did a copyright counternotification. Anyways here we go.
Childhood T.V crush if you had any? Lately I've been going back to watch shows like samurai jack and code lyoko, and I've been wondering now, who was your childhood T.V character crush? I mean no matter what you say everybody had one even if this does sound dumb. Me personally? Spoiler