SID. They've done so many emotional anime songs for me and the main singers voice is honestly P E R F E C T the way he sounds when singing I've never put my finger on it if it makes me sad or pumped it does both to me honestly. They're definitely in my top 3 for J-rock bands because of how calm his voice it yet I feel there are so many connotations behind the way he sings here are a few songs of theirs I've listened to a lot of their songs more than this but these are the main ones that got me to look them up. The main singer as I said is just BRILLIANT and I honestly think they're my top J-rock band because of how emotional their songs make me feel but along with that they give me motivation at the same time. enjoy
The latest band that has been doing all the openings for Kuroko's basketball and they're honestly in my top 3 along with One OK rock and SID my J-rock bands change all the time but these 3 are my main. and I absolutely love them. here are some of their openings and tell me what you think! Spoiler: KNB OPENINGS I hope you like them!
What do you think? the first anime was amazing though a lot of people say it pales in comparison to the game which I agree with but. Do you hope this happens? The anime might have been criticized but it was still a really well done and kept me on my toes I even re-watched danganronpa a couple of times just because it was that good Personally my drive for watching SDR if it was animated would honestly be Komaeda because I absolutely love his character. Thoughts? I heard there was a teaser for the animation of SDR anyhow
it wasn't enough we're getting a ratchet and clank movie but something that stood alongside ratchet and clank along with jak and daxter. A SLY COOPER MOVIE. I love this I don't care if it'll be bad I'm prepared for this :D thoughts? also I couldn't find another thread on this if there is please merge :C
Okay the ultimate ninja storm series is amazing I won't deny it being amazing but ever since the 2nd game my dissapointment has been huge. the battle system is great the cutscene's the bosses they're all great but what I hate is how they butchered the beautiful konoha free roam from UNS1 it's the most annoying thing I've ever come across really to have to play a successor to such an amazing game without the same story gameplay. Aside from that we have revolution coming out which is in a sense a successor to generations but UNS4 is announced but if happened..what would you want in it? CC2 have always done one thing right and thats OST's for every game they make they pick perfect OST's so i'd like them to keep that
Now if you're not up to date with Naruto leave. Anyways The eternal mangekyo sharingan. I've been wondering really what do you think would happen if they used Izanami/izanagi because they're not supposed to lose their light but yet if they used a forbidden doujutsu such as izanami what would happen to an EMS user it's been bugging me for a while any thoughts? Any thoughts? I thought this was 3ds only but it seems to branching to multiplatform so hopefully they'll improve the console versions? all I've played is OPPW which was good but repetitive.
I just finished making this today. I'm not sure what to say I was just working on it last night really. Any comments?
I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to post this into Movie's & Media > Anime or here so I just posted here anyways. Me personally I've recently been reminiscing of all the openings I've watched for anime's since I was 7-8 years old really. The one that's stuck in me today that brings back so many memories and emotion would have to be Sign by flow for Naruto shippuden opening 6 the worst thing was that it outlined everything that would happen at the time and I didn't even read the manga for it back then. It was a really sad time for me but the opening is really brilliant as well.
I dunno. I had inspiration at first for it then I just gave up trying afterwards Low quality I know but that's cause I saved it as a Jpeg and didn't set the resolution to max.
I only recently realised that He sung some of the dub overs of the one piece openings and really now that I know it's basically Edward Elric singing the english openings for OP It's 100x better really I never knew here are the openings he's sung I'm pretty sure he has done a lot more songs but I never knew that He did songs. He sounds really good aaaah. thoughts?
The movie has been announced officially was announced some time ago, At the moment it's in the stage of scripting, filming will begin this fall. Thoughts? Personally I'm very excited for it been waiting for them to make the next one in the series for some time now I lover On Stranger Tides but it seemed like such a short film to be a POTC film really.
Well I've been playing this game for a week now. There's not really much of a drastic change they say they revamped the graphics but really I only see a change in contrast from UNS3 which doesn't compensate much for £30. Next would be the single new character. Kabuto sage mode for the most part he is a character with ranged abilities his boss battle is intense and emotional. I bawled at itachi's goodbye the one thing this game does is make me cry like a baby really. I love the variety of character costumes especially the school ones they make me laugh in combat but other than these minor additions the only thing worth getting full burst for is the Kabuto DLC and the Character costumes which for the most part is what it's got to offer I wouldn't complain if it had been cheaper to be honest but what can I say. overall still a good game I loved speed running through the story again brought back memories from last year as a whole though I'm minorly satisfied and I won't be getting revolution because it will basically be generations all over again which was a terrible game to begin with honestly. I miss NARUTO UNS1 because of the open world konoha with huge 3D buildings and being able to be a true ninja and run across rooftops chakra jump everything. I really wish they would look back and integrate these features into a future uns game
Now so far in these 3 episodes for TWD S4 P2 that have come out, I'm not sure it was pretty slow paced at first for the first 2 eps getting into it. But now in the latest episode it got really interesting cause we might just find out Spoiler The cause of the infection I loved the first part of season 4 because it brought in a disease concept mixed with the zombie airborne infection which was great I loved it. Season 5 is announced as well so What are our thoughts on this? (also if there is already a thread like this please merge it) I'm surprised nobody made a thread about this actually as of late It came back to my memory that they're doing this details will be announced in 4-5 days (3rd of march like crunchyroll says) death note is a classical anime along with FMA , Soul eater, Code geass. So death note fans I wanna know your thoughts on this project and what you think it could be,
I came across this new weekly shounen jump series called illegal rare. Supernatural creatures live alongside humans, but these "rares" are being hunted to extinction over time. An organization is being formed to protect these rares, and allow them to live their lives as they like. The starting members of this organization are few; there's the masked Fukumen, the Black Vampyr king AxL, and they are soon joined by the sweet-voiced mermaid Mirror. Together, they will protect the rares from the deadly hunters! I read the first chapter and it does seem to be interesting but it's drawn in a sort of shoujo style manga. It looks unique but yet a bit off I can't explain.