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  1. Jin
    I just found this and can't stop laughing for some reason
    Thread by: Jin, May 11, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jin
    Skyrim legendary edition + Gta v for One piece pirate warriors 2 (grand line edition)

    I'm stuck really cause i'm not sure if I should everywhere I go the game is still like £30 but on PSN the normal version is 20 and grand line edition is 30

    I'm really stuck on this so vote on it please
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 20, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jin

    Thread by: Jin, Apr 20, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jin
    okay so I need a favour from someone generous...does anybody have One piece pirate warrior on their PSN download list? I've been meaning to buy it lately but eeeh it's still too expensive I know this might sound like begging but if anyone has it and is willing to game share i'd be really grateful :C


    (also if not OPPW2 does anybody have Persona 3 FES ps2 classic?)
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 19, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jin
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 19, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jin
    On manga to buy..going to forbidden planet next wednesday and I'm stuck between two of the many loves of my life; Air gear volumes or D.gray-man volumes...

    D.gray-man; I can get 9 volumes ( 3 3 in 1 editions) for £20 (buy 3 for 2)

    I can only afford one volume of d.gray-man as it's £20 cause i'm going by train and need enough to get back home sadly since the only forbidden planet store is in leeds which is a train ride away from me rather than bus.
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 18, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jin
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 15, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jin
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 14, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jin

    Pecking order

    [​IMG] dbz abridged obsession came back
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 8, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jin

    I honestly couldn't find another thread about this in the gaming section. Anyways here is a new trailer on ultimate ninja storm revolution what I'm personally looking forward to is the best friend combo; Shisui and Itachi C: I originally wasn't gonna get this game but now I'm all for it. even if 4 player combat is only single player.
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 7, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Jin
    Mom bought her the Bluray disk from sainsburys...I should really watch it...because I don't know what it's even about @_@
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 6, 2014, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jin
    Finaly I have something to watch now after KLK ended. I spent the past week rewatching naruto.
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 4, 2014, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jin
    Okay here is the deal.

    I've wanted to download all of the KH2 cutscenes; obviously for AMV purposes but the thing is when it comes to browser downloading I tend to sometimes screw up or my browser crashes. I would find it personally a lot more easier if someone put all the cutscenes (within that individual game) and put them all within a RAR file.

    My reason for this is I've switched computers a lot in the time i've been on KHV and i'll be honest what brought me to the sight was two things; Codes & KH Cutscenes. I might be the only one but personally I really don't feel like downloading each and every cutscene one by one again at that. I'd do this myself and put it onto mediaflare or something in a RAR file but I feel for other people looking for KH-cutscenes (even thought the KH AMV era has more or less passed on) I feel like it'd make things so much easier it's always been something I've wanted to suggest but I never have.
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 4, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  14. Jin
    Okay so I'm gonna be honest here I only used my PSP for mainly; KH BBS, Crisis core & Persona portable along with Dangan ronpa I haven't explored the rest of whatever the original PSP had to offer because I originally only bought it for KH BBS so can any recommend games similar to any of those four that you think I'd enjoy? I've always looked up lists but eeeeh looking through all the games doesn't give me an impression on them really if you get what I mean.
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 3, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Jin
    It's the dark hour..

    Thread by: Jin, Apr 3, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jin
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 3, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jin
    Yes I got permission from the people who drew the images but anyways.

    what do you think?


    PS my phone camera quality is terrible but this is the best I could get
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 1, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jin
    [​IMG] just met her online ^_^
    Thread by: Jin, Apr 1, 2014, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jin
    Okay I know I said that SID was possibly my top jrock band..but..We also know I haven't watched the naruto anime in a long time. back when 5 kage summit started to be honest but I heard opening 13 of naruto and I'll be honest Nico touches the walls grandrodeo sid and uverworld along with one ok rock are all good bands and some of my favourite but this song. I heard it last night and just god. I absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G about this song. if you don't know who they are they did; naruto opening 8 diver and fma opening 4 hologram.

    the song itself means even if the sudden rain falls or something along the lines of rain. I love it because it makes reference to even though madara is powerful and can rain down on them with everything he has they won't back down I love as well how mizukage is positioned when she's creating the might be a bit perverted but I find it a bit hot. xD

    Thread by: Jin, Mar 27, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Music
  20. Jin
    Okay let me start off by saying; Kishimoto has REALLY made me happy. I don't know why I'M JUST REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEALLLY HAPPY WITH HIM FOR THIS NEWEST CHAPTER.

    Anyways I was so happy I read over the newest chapter thinking of things over and going through many theories but I came up with a plausable theory now I've told it to my friends at college and they all believe it is possible. I'm pasting it all from my document cause I put all my thoughts into it last night:

    Basically. Since the initial sage of six pathes bloodline was split into the alpha uchiha and senju. and Naruto is technically strong blooded senju being the reincarnation DIRECT reincarnation of ashura the alpha senju. Basically if i'm right and Sasuke is another instance of indra's incarnation other than madara himself. If kabuto can infuse naruto's senju DNA into sasuke it'll make up possibly the strongest blood that links back to the sage of six pathes initial incarnation in which could make the most powerful rinnegan ever since the sage of six pathes himself had it.

    cause my theory with the uchiha is that; indra being a direct and full blooded otsutsuki uchiha as history went on the uchiha blood line began to dilute and the sharingan was obviously began becoming harder to manifest to it's true level 3 form. but because indra is full blood he doesn't need to do any of the stupid things the current uchiha did to gain power

    indra was able to use perfect susano without an eternal mangekyo if you saw. which shows everything the only arguement we could have is the fact that Madara is technically the direct reincarnation of indara but as we know he already died as such the reincarnation could possibly be sasuke but being a direct reincarnation of indara honestly could make a rinnegan as powerful as the sage of six pathes
    Thread by: Jin, Mar 27, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga