I'm guessing him helping Sora, he thought that it was a way to reunite with Roxas.
Would Sora and Riku switch count? If it does here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0uKIsmb7oY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjPavQ9lXdA
I don't quite get it, what do you mean number of lines? Sorry for bothering.
That is your problem. I'm just givin' out facts.
Beating him with the Sweet Memories Keyblade doesn't prove a thing. The only thing it does is give you less Strenght.
I agree with you. Most people think that the Beast is weak since he's a Disney characters and all, but meh. If only Belle was a supporting character in our beloved Kingdom Hearts team. After all, she wooped Xaldin's '***'.
Axel knew about them trying to betray the Organization, so it's understandable how he killed Vexen since he was 'spilling the beans' about Marluxia's plan, that would also ruins Axel's plan in stopping them. Eventually, Sora stopped them and has no memories about it, which sounds kinda funny to me.
Kingdom Hearts--Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories--Kingdom Hearts II--Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix--Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories There ya go. I got all of 'em. It's a shame that I don't have a psp nor a ds so I couldn't get Birth by Sleep or 358/2 Days. Well, it was fun having all KH games, guess I'll just skip those games. I like the story about Sora more anyway.
"Let's do that again."
This is the only thing I have to say: you can't compare a PS2 game with a Gameboy game.
I would say that Marluxia was my favourite Organization member. I don't care what you people say, like "omg, he has pink hairz" or "darn, hes ghey". I don't think like that of Marluxia. I'd rather look at someone's personality in the game rather than looks and/or weapons. I guess weapons do count a bit now though, but NOT the color. Anyway... the reason why Marluxia is/was my favourite Organization member, is because he first of all was a traitor to the Organization. I liked his plan about trying to take over the Organization, even if we still don't know for what purpose he wanted to accomplish that. I think he had an other opinion about Nobodies than the other Organization members. Another reason is that he uses an awesome weapon to fight with--that's right, a scythe. It's kinda funny, since the most games I've played I've liked the characters with the scythe weapon, or anything related to scythes. There are more awesome Organization members out there, but this is my favourite.
Aqua would probably be around the age of 22-25, I wouldn't use one number because that would just be random. Ven would be around the age of 14-17, he looks like Roxas and seems a bit older than him, though. I would say 16. Terra, hmm.. I think he's around the same age as Aqua, probably 23-28ish. I hope you don't think that's old, or else you have issues. Master Xehanort.. I have absolutely no idea how old he would be. I wouldn't be saying that he would be over the age of 100, he could be around the age of 50-70. Oh, if you think I'm far from right, it's my opinion. Seriously, Master Xehanort looks like a healthy old man too and he probably wouldn't be so old or else he wouldn't live right now.
I did. Free speech? Well, anyway. Wisdom Form is also pretty powerful but not as powerful as Final Form. The reason why I chose it, is because it can shoot magical shots. Yes, maybe in the game they aren't that powerful, and you might say that because you didn't choose the staff at the beginning. But, were it to be in this fight it would probably be quite handy. Wisdom Form has good magic and the MP rechargers pretty fast. I'm not sure about my decision at the moment, but Final Form feels overrated. Also.. Final Form can't attack from a distance, you can't send the Keyblades towards someone. If that was a possibility I too would have chosen for Final Form. Ever tried Final Form + Firaga against bosses...? Right, overpowered much.
Nobodies cannot be possesed by darkness. Nobodies were rejected by both light and dark. "I think Roxas would win because he's better." Why is he better, please don't just say he is better. WHY is he better? WHAT makes him better? . . . sigh
I do have a question, though. Why would you think Riku and/or Sora is gay? That doesn't make any sense if you would explain WHY they would be gay. If it's about the butt grabbing thing, he's not grabbing his butt, you need to look more closely. And you know, he's helping Riku, not molesting him.
No, you're not right. Remember how Riku doesn't belong in the dark realm anymore? So he cant use his dark powers anymore. And no, I think it's impossible to do the "limit attack" without Sora since that would just be plain awkward. I'm going for Beast. He got that name for a reason.
Sora would definately win. As some of you said here, Roxas isn't a Keyblade master, and even though he posesses half of Sora, that was his skills in KH1. Definately in KH2 Sora has improven much and you said Single-handed. Trust me, if it really was single-handed for both guys Sora would definately win, heck even if Roxas had 2 Keyblades he still will get his *** kicked.
I am pretty sure it's not a big of a deal to let Sora weild two Keyblades without using Drive. Didn't you guys remember how Sora used Riku's Keyblade and his own in the Final Xemnas battle? Oh.. and I'm pretty sure Drive Forms are just a feature added to the game to make it more interesting. So in other words, Sora can wield two Keyblades, but sometimes wielding two swords will leave you many openings.
It's funny how you said a thread was useless when this one is.
Oh my god. If you people keep on saying crappy stuff like this, ALL threads wouldn't be needed. I mean my god..