I think they made a good choice to put it on the Nintendo DS. I think the game did well enough on the Nintendo DS, just as how Chain of Memories did good on the Gameboy Advance. Sure, cutscenes are interesting, but I think that they made the 'text' scenes a little better in this game. It still has some rare animation in it here and there, so it's still fun to watch.
I don't think anyone has really counted, but there are a few. I think enough to satisfy anyone, really. You should never forgot that the game was made for the Nintendo DS. The filesize of the game is already about 250 MB.
They went to Twilight Town to let Sora sleep there.
Chernabog was a pain in the ass for me at first. I remember dying a few times on that fight. And even when I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts I fear having to beat Chernabog for some reason...
I didn't cry, it's called character development people.
If you bought your PS2 from a store or something, then it's NTSC if you're in United States and PAL if you're in Europe. NTSC-J is Japan. And much easier way is, what mirrors edge said, look at your games and it should either say NTSC or PAL. Whichever you have, and if they work, that's your PS2's region.
I'm not sure if he really made them, but that's just my theory. Seeing as he found Xehanort and knew that he lost his memories.
Um, see ya! It's your choice, mate.
I'm interested in acting for your Abridged series. Although, could you give me a few lines? I find it easier to try it out with lines you give to me than make them up myself, highly appreciated. I would like to try out for: Sora, Roxas or Hayner.
I'm not sure if anyone has said this already. I think that Ansem the Wise is the creator of the pods. And as far as I've heard, Ansem found Xehanort, but Xehanort has lost his memories. So, Ansem, as curious as he is decided to create the pods. I'm not sure, but it's a possibilty, right? You won't need Naminé for it.
That was in Castle Oblivion? I thought they went out of the castle to go to Twilight Town and make Sora sleep there.
If Kingdom Hearts III would be a PS3 exclusive, that would just be amazing. Think about it people, blu-ray disc? :]
I think the Heartless are pretty cool, and they won't cease to exist because there's always darkness in people's hearts. I think Heartless are superior because they have to be created in order for Nobodies to be created as well.
I think I don't prefer any of those. Because.. well, KH2 Kairi was pretty awesome and all. BUT, she really changed. Like way too much. I don't know how you would do that, but she got her character back like at around the end. When she's like "You know, Sora's completely hopeless without us!" Something like that... And yeah, I do have to say that KH2 Kairi is prettier, but her look changed so much. Also, I don't really judge a character by their looks, surprisingly.
Growing up, eh? You know, it's not just kids that like Disney. A lot of older people like Disney as well, sooo I don't know what you're getting at.
I really, really, wanted to say Destiny Islands, it's what started the story. But, since there isn't much to do there, and you can't return, it's not my top favorite. My top favorite, though, is The End of The World, simply because it's just amazing. Tough battles, which made it all the more fun!
Post above me: what do you mean by, "they just revealed some things". Sorry, I don't get it, and it might just be me. No offense. Anyway, I've played all three games and it's really hard to decide which one is the best. I can't say I didn't like any of the storylines. It's actually like a continued story. I do agree that they are different, though. Since in every story, other things are introduced etc. I have to say that my least favorite story was Kingdom Hearts II, because, well.. it wasn't nearly as good as the other games in the series. Like I said, I don't actually dislike any of the storylines, but KH2 is in last place if I had to choose. Second place is Kingdom Hearts 1, it was a really good story. It was a really good story to begin the series with. You get to know about Sora and his friends, stuff about the Heartless too. It's basicually like an introduction to the Kingdom Hearts series, and might I add that they did a great job! First place is Chain of Memories. Boy, I really liked what they did with this one. I'm not too fond of the gameplay, though. But that's not really a part of the story, so it doesn't count. It was just awesome, the way Sora loses his memories going deeper into Castle Oblivion. Although it is revealed that it's done by Namine. I just loved what they did with the story, memory, that's what it's based on. Love what they did with it.
When I first started playing Kingdom Hearts. I've simply never played any other PS2 game before, but I did play a lot of PSX games. Which probably has some advantages, like, getting used to the Analog stick and all that. I really didn't want to play it, but I decided to play, since my sister bought it and all. I ended up playing it more than her, but that's not the thing. I seriously wasn't any good in the game. I couldn't even keep up with how many times I died and all. I even died in random battles, but I already had set the difficulty on Expert, 'cause I felt like it. That was like, what? 6 years ago, when the game first came out. But now, I think I can do it with ease. Not that I'm THAT good, but the game isn't that hard for me. Although, playing Kingdom Hearts II has made me realize that they made the second game way easier. You can tell, but I guess it's because Sora got more skilled. So yeah, it was pretty hard for me at first, but playing a lot has made me get better at the game. I STILL do like Kingdom Hearts II better though, just because it plays better, in my opinion.
Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
Does anyone have a full digit list of the music mod code?