People in my fourm family say I act mature, but am I too mature? Just wondering!
I'm already in the World That Never Was, and need to beat Xigbar!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed the reaction command and died right now! I need help, please!!!!!!!!!!!!
As of today, I hate teachers who help students. Cuz' this teacher who helps me in math went out shopping yesterday and got some real girly clothes that didn't suit my tomboy style. She acts as though when she's with me, she knows everything about me, but she doesn't.
This rpg is a mix between Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, and Advent Children. Choose characters from any of the three. Story: Xemnas tells Roxas, Axel, Demyx, and Larxene to find a boy with a lighting bolt scar for some reason. At the same time, the Sliver Haired Brothers are trying to find a boy with raven black hair and green eyes to help them find Mother. Meanwhile, Harry tries to deal with everything that has happened when he reivices two strange gifts that claim to come from his godfather and some new students appear to Hogwarts. Rules No Yoai or Yuri Only brotherly or sisterly love Can't doublepost A user can hold up to three characters No such language like f*** Harry Potter: Harry Potter-Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Hermione Granger-Aerith G. Ron Weasley-AnimeGirl104 Ginny Weasley-Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Neville Longbottom-kairixheart Fred Weasley- George Weasley-kams8 Draco Malfoy-ChocoKitten Minerva McGonagall- Sorting Hat- Voldemort-CerberusX Advent Children: Kadaj-HeadBodyMaster Yazoo-Darksmile ^_^ Loz-Ienzo Barret Wallace- Cloud Strife-Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Cait Sith-Twin Turbo99 Red XIII/Nanaki- Cid Highwind-Duel Wielder Vincent Valentine-Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Yuffie Kisargai-swordser2 Reno-Ienzo Rufus Shina- Rude-Hiei121 Elena-hitna3510 Tseng- Denzel-naminesgirl Marlene Wallace- Zack-FinalForm Tifa Lockheart-kams8 Aerith Gainsborough-Aerith G. Sephiroth-HeadBodyMaster Organization XIII: Xemnas-HeadBodyMaster Xigbar-sworder2 Xaldin-CerberusX Vexen-Nymph of Destiny Lexeaus-kams48 Zexion-Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Saix-naminesgirl Axel-Ienzo Demyx-x.roXas.x Luxord- Marluxia-NeverendingDarkness Larxene-Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Roxas-Riku-Mania Sora-AnimeGirl104 Riku-Aerith G. Kairi-Kairi_Li93 Hayner- Pence- Olette-namine_of_kh2 Namine-Jordier0xs0x I will reserve a spot for some people. Just post this or pm me, 'kay?
Here's the prologue to my KH/HP story, The Double Keyblade Knight. We know of the three knights that can wield one keyblade, but what if there was another knight who could wield two keyblades, like a certian Organization we all know and love. All the KH characters will be in this, I'll show them if I can. I'm naming the knights, please tell me if you like or do not like the names. Prologue The sun shone in the courtyard of Disney Castle as a knight walked into the hallway up to two large purple doors, dangling around the knight's neck and bouncing off the dark red armor were two key chains, one in the shape of a crown, the other in the shape of a charm. As the knight walked, the sun shone on its armor. The knight had a feminie body, a hamlet encased the knight's head, horns stuck out at the ends of the hamlet. The knight approached the door, she turned on her heel and knocked on the door, a section large enough for her to enter opened. As she entered, the section closed behind her. In front of her was a long red carpet, she started down the carpet. As she got closer to the throne, she saw three knights standing in front of the throne. One of the knights turned to the new knight walking toward them. "You're late," he said in a strong voice. "Sorry about that," she said in a calm voice while walking up. Sitting on the throne was a mouse with round ears wearing royal clothes, all the knights kneeled on one knee, bowing their heads, he stood up and smiled slightly. Each knight looked up at the king. "Take off your hamlet and state your name and blades," he said. The knights stood up, each taking their hamlets, the first knight revealed to a girl with short blue hair and dark blue eyes, the second knight revealed to a boy with spiky sandy blonde hair on one side and bright sea blue eyes, the third knight revealed to a girl with long wavy dark brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes, and the fourth knight revealed to a man with short black hair and dark brown eyes. "Fai, Kingdom Key," the blue haired girl said. "Rain, Way to the Dawn," the blonde haired boy said. "Hermione, Oblivion and Oathkeeper," the brown haired girl said. "Han, Kingdom Blade," the black haired man said. King Mickey Mouse nodded, smiling, seeing all four knights with their fists over their hearts. All of them had known each other since they were really young, Han was the oldest, so he felt he was the responsible one of the group. Fai always considered herself the cheerful one of the group, she was looking for ways to get into fights with her friends. Hermione was the smart one of the group, but she never really showed it to anyone. Han said she was the oddball, becuase she got tooks to protect a boy at her school while starting her new year. One time, Fai said she was in both light and darkness. Rain was a shy and quiet boy, not only he was quiet, but Fai and Han agreed that he had feelings for Hermione, the way the two blushed when they were near each other. "Why did you call us here, your majesty?" Han asked. "I needed to see my knights," he said. The knights nodded and turned to leave the throne room, Hermione ran out of the throne room, Rain following after her. He couldn't catch with her, but he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into a deep kiss. "Don't leave so suddenly," he said. Hermione, this time, pulled Rain into a deep embrace, smiling slightly, seeing Fai and Han running up to them. Rain returned the embrace, they stayed like that for what seemed for an eternity what in reality just a few minutes. "I'm not going anywhere for now," she whispered. "But don't ya need to get back to your school?" Fai asked. "Yeah, Hermione," Han said. Hermione looked up and nodded, she turned to her ship and started walking toward it. She waved goodbye Fai and Han, but hugged Rain again before she left. Hermione only wondered why her keyblades chose her as she rode back to her world. It seemed there's a little bit of a relationship between Hermione and Rain. Chapter one will be up soon!
I'm working on a story where Kairi gets the Keyblade, Aerith is Goofy and Hermione is Donald. You may think the title is weird, because I called it, 'Heroines of Light'. The storyline is like KH1, but a little different, I don't really like Sora getting all the attention.
It's Aerith G., of the Ancient Gullwings Sphere Hunters, calling anyone wants to join. :D This isn't like the Gullwings from FFX-2, but some similar stuff. So if you want to join this sphere hunter group, left a message!
Hi, I'm Aerith G., I joined a while ago, like a few days ago. I really like KH, CoM, and KH2. :p I was born on June 28th 1993, I'll be fourteen this summer, but right now I'm thirdteen. I have a lot of weird interests, but normal interests as well. My werid interests are my crossover parings like RikuxHermione Granger, KadajxHermione, Harry PotterxKairi, and Vincent ValetinexKairi. But my normal interests are Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, Chinese Zodiac, and anything I can think of. :D I'm a Rooster and a Cancer for my signs, I have short blond hair and light sea green eyes and wear glasses. I'm living in a small town called Edgerton in real life, while I live in Hallow Bastion in my fantasy life.