A Note from me, this is slightly a KH-based story, but also based on a series rpg I played in. The list of characters and their elements with KH characters: Michal Nightroad-Wind: Xaldin Kai Horuma-Lighting: Larxene Sophia Glanda-Water: Demyx Cliff Ross-Earth: Roxas Rose Untoi-Darkness: Riku Geryl Hamaji-Light: Kairi Neon Hisaho-Mist: Namine Kyo Horuma-Divine: Saix Jecht Rosis-Fire: Axel That's all the characters. Enjoy the story! Chapter 1 A Meeting of Chance A boy with short white hair and bright sea blue eyes was walking down a forest trail with his father, a man with long black hair and bright blue eyes. Both the man and the boy had pointy ears, the man was a being humans called a fallen angel, or 'Keldon'. The boy was only half-Keldon, his mother was a human who died at his birth. The boy didn't know his father was the king of their king, young Micheal Nightroad looked up at his father, Alsator Nightroad. "Father, we should find a place to rest and restock," he said. "Yes, Micheal," his father said. They walked for a hour until they found a quiet village, Micheal swallowed at the sight of it, it was a village full of humans. A war went on before he was born, his kind was nearly wiped out until they prayed to their gods to seek harmony with the humans. The peace and harmony with the human came at a cost, all the Keldon lost their wings. As they walked through the village, Micheal looked around for someone who would take them in. He saw a young girl with short bright flaming red hair and bright chocolate brown eyes carrying a bucket to a wall. He ran to her, noticing a small scar above her left eye. "Do you need help with that?" he asked as he saw her struggling with the bucket after it was filled with water. "Yes, please," she said. Micheal grabbed the bucket and asked the girl if he and his father could stay with her and her family. The girl agreed and took Micheal and Alsator to her house. "Father, we have some guests!" she said, excited as she entered her home. A man with short brown hair and bright brown eyes looked up at his daughter and the guests she had brought with her. He just smiled. "Welcome, gentlemen," he said politely. So Micheal and Alsator smiled back, the man and his daughter were very nice, while his father was restocking their supplies, Micheal spent his time with the girl. One night, while Micheal and his father were eating dinner with the man, he noticed the girl wasn't there. He was about to ask where she was when he heard the most beautiful voice. Following the voice, Micheal saw the girl singing the song, she was holding something in her hands. Micheal sat down beside her, what she was holding was a small ring with a sapphire stone. She handed it to Micheal, and stared at the sky. "I'll never forget this," Micheal told her, handing the girl a garnet stone on a silver chain. He helped put the necklace around her neck. "Thank you," the girl said softly. The next day, Micheal and his father left the village before anyone woke up. Micheal thought the girl and sighed. 'I'll never see her again....' he thought. Eleven years later Twenty one Micheal Nightroad yawned as he walked down a empty road, eleven years had passed since the day he was given the sapphire stone ring by the girl. He wore the ring on a necklace alongside a golden stone, the final gift his father gave before he died. He came upon a large village, sighing, he entered the village and bumped into someone. It was a girl around fourteen years old, she had short flaming red hair and bright chocolate brown eyes. Around her neck was a silver chain with a garnet stone and another necklace with a jade stone. "Sorry 'bout that," she said, standing up. "I'm Kai Horuma." "I'm fine," Micheal said. "Micheal Nightroad." "I'll show you to a inn, Micheal," Kai said. She grabbed his hand and led him to a three story inn, as they walked, Micheal thought Kai felt familiar. "Hey, have a new guest for ya," Kai told the innkeeper. Micheal bowed at Kai, and walked to his room. Laying on his bed, he took a wooden flute and started to play it. Kai heard the flute playing, and sighed. There was something awfully familiar about Micheal, she just couldn't place it. The next day, Micheal saw Kai breakfast for him. Micheal walked through the village, looking through the shops and thinking about Kai. 'I knew there's something familiar about her,' he thought. 'But where.....' Chapter 2 Elemental Secrets Kai yawned as she walked to the gate of the town, she spent the night patrolling the town. She thought about Micheal and why he felt so familiar to her. Picking up the garent stone, she thought about what happened eleven years ago. She remembered two Keldon came to her town, but her memory was too hazy to allow her remember fully. Shaking her head, she noticed a suit of armor walk up to the gate. Taking her sword, she pointed at the armor. Kai's chocolate brown eyes narrowed at the armor. "Sorry, sir," she said. "But I can't let you pass. Can you take off your armor?" The armor took the hamlet to reveal the face of a man with spiky brown hair and closed eyes. Kai immediately put her sword away and bowed at him, letting him pass. Micheal walked up to her, smiling, he was carrying some supplies. "So, you're the guardian of this town?" "Uh, yeah, that's right." Kai said, blushing a bright red. On the other side of town, three more people appeared. One was a girl with long blue hair and bright blue eyes, she walked off somewhere. Two other people were man, one had short light sandy brown hair and light green eyes, and the other had shoulder length blonde hair and dark brown eyes. They went in seperate ways. Kai took Micheal to a special shop, a place she called her 'getaway'. She looked through the shelves, looking for something. Seeing Micheal reading a book, she noticed he was wearing glasses as he read. She found a book and sat across him. "Micheal, I didn't recongize you for a second," she said. "Oh, I only wear glasses when I read," Micheal said, taking the glasses off. Kai smiled, they brought their books and left. Micheal heard a sound, Kai ran to the mayor's house. Wondering what was happening, Micheal followed her. "Kai, what's happening?" he asked. "The town is under attack," Kai said, tightening the strip to her sword. She ran out and Micheal followed. He saw strange monsters, Kai ran toward one and attacked the monster. But it attacked her back, she fell back, Micheal caught her. He noticed a small trail of blood was underneath her right eye. He took his sword out and attacked. Kai was laying, Micheal fought the monster to defend her, the golden stone on his necklace was glowing bright. As Micheal was ready to attack, his appearance changed. He now was wearing golden armor, on his back was golden wings. Kai woke up and her appearance changed as well. She was wearing violet armor, she had violet wings on her back. Four more people appeared in colored armor, one was a girl in sapphire armor, one was a man in deep green armor, another was a man in deep red armor, and the last was a man in silver armor. Micheal created shield of wind for him and Kai. Kai swiped her sword, lighting followed after it, the girl waved her hand and water appeared. Earth raised after the man in golden armor hit the ground, the man in the red armor swiped fire from his sword. Light swiped from the man in silver armor. The monsters died, Kai fell to her knees and become unconsious. Micheal picked her up and took her to the inn. All the armor disappeared, everyone followed Micheal to the inn. Kai slept soundly, Micheal watched over her as she slept. Everyone waited for Kai to wake up so they could talk about what just happened.
I couldn't wait any longer to write this, so I'm writing it now! Prologue There has been only one story on how the broken line between worlds, and a few knew it. A little boy around six with short black hair and green eyes was reading a book with that story in it. 'Long ago, the world was united and filled with light. People loved the light, and eventually began fighting over it. Then, darkness found its way into people's hearts. Darkness consumed the hearts and light of the people, and in a flash, it spread..... The world disappeared disappeared into the darkness..... But a glimmer of light remained in the hearts of children...... Children gathered their glimmers of light and recreated the world. The recreated world, however, was no longer united..... It was divided into several small worlds.... Because the true light was still hidden deep in the darkness..... The boy closed the book and walked out of the cardboard room he slept in for the past five years, a man as fat as a pig, a woman who was thin as horse and a boy equally fat as the man stood at the front door. The boy ran toward them, the man nearly shouted. "Boy!" the man said. "We're going to see the meteor shower in the park, and you're coming with us!" "What?!" the boy wondered, nearly excited. The boy was Harry Potter, sole survivor of a car crush that took the lives of his parents. The crush left a unusual lighting bolt scar on his forehead. The Dursleys, being his only living relatives, took him in, and raised him, though he was skinner than Dudley. His uncle, Vernon Dursley, looked displeased at the thought of his nephew coming with him and his family anywhere, but Harry's 'babysitter' was out, and there was no one else. On the ride to the park, Harry sat in the very back seat, staring out the window. He was thinking about the story he just read, and what meaning it did have? They arrived at the park, Harry sat a few feet from his relatives as they ate a picnic his Aunt Petunia made for them. The meteor shower started, and everyone watched the stars fall from the sky. As Harry watched, he thought he stared the form of a boy around his age falling from the sky. Wondering what it was, Harry ran toward the spot where it hit the ground, ignoring the shouts of his uncle. He slid down the hill he was on, and panted when he saw a boy with short silver hair laying on the ground. Regaining his strength, Harry slowly walked toward the boy and kneeled down to face him. Hey, are you alright?" he asked, seeing the boy was sleeping. Slowly, the boy opened his neon green eyes and looked at Harry. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around at the surroundings. "What is this place?" the boy asked. "Surrey Park," Harry answered. "I'm Harry." "Kadaj," the boy introduced. Then he fainted in Harry's lap, since no one else was around, Harry adopted him as his brother. But Harry thought he saw a girl with shoulder length white hair and light green eyes staring at him, then disappeared. As Harry brought Kadaj back to his family, his uncle looked like he was about to explode. "WHAT IS THAT THING?!" he shouted. "He's not a thing, he's a boy, like me," Harry said, smiling at the sleeping boy on his back. "He's now my brother, and what you do to me happens to Kadaj as well." He walked to the car, and sat down in his seat, Kadaj laying next to him. That night, Harry dreamt he was with Kadaj, a boy with silver hair like him, two girls, and a man fighting shadowy figures. The girl who was in the forest near the park sat above the house Harry and Kadaj Potter were sleeping in, staring at the stars. "Harry, you're Hope, Kadaj is Kindness, Riku is Friendship," she whispered to herself, holding three necklaces in her hand. "Look for the true light...." Then she disappeared. The whole prologue was in my mind, waiting to come out. So here it is! The first chapter of the story, taking place ten years after the prologue, introducing other main characters. Chapter 1 Earth Ten years had passed since Harry adopted Kadaj as his brother, since then they have been together, only apart if needed for something. When they were eleven, they both went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and placed in the house of Gryffindor. Harry walked down a empty stone hallway, staring at a midnight raven black feather dangling from his neck. The feather appeared to him the day after he found Kadaj, and dangled from a silver chain, he decorated the necklace with four different charms. "Harry!" a girl's voice called out to him. A girl with long flaming red hair and bright brown eyes appeared from the corner of the hall, Harry hid the feather before she appeared, with her was an older girl with long wavy brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. "Hey, Ginny, Hermione," Harry waved at two of his friends. Virginia Weasley and Hermione Granger smiled at him, no one expected during the first year of the famous Boy-Who-Lived that he would have a brother. Kadaj and Hermione were close, but not as close as Harry was to Ginny. In fact, the two brothers had crushes on the two girls. "Harry, mate," a familiar voice called from behind him. A boy with shoulder length flaming red hair and bright sea blue eyes appeared behind him, and standing at his side was Kadaj. Kadaj's hair had grown to his shoulder. It wasn't messy as Harry's, but the two brothers enjoyed being with Ginny, her older Ron, and Hermione. "Harry, we need to get that report done for Professor Snape," Kadaj reminded his brother. Harry nodded, and the brothers ran down the hall to the library. "Ron and I need to visit our brothers," Ginny dragged Ron down another hallway, leaving Hermione alone. She took a necklace with a silver white feather dangling on it. Sighing, she placed it back under her shirt. "Soon.... Hope and Kindness will join the others," she whispered. A little girl with shoulder length white hair and bright light green eyes in a sun yellow dress appeared at her side, in her right hand was a silver feather with a raven black tip. "Yes, very soon, Sis....." the girl said. Hermione ignored the girl, and walked the hall to the Transfiguration Room. Destiny Islands A boy with shoulder length silver hair was reading a letter with a boy with shoulder spiky brown hair and bright sea blue eyes and a girl with shoulder auburn red hair and bright purple eyes. The letter said: Dear Sora, Riku, and Kairi I fear a new evil will rise up and try to recreate Kingdom Hearts. Pete has raised a great army of Heartless. After talking to Yen Sid, I believe that a new hero will appear. Riku, Sora, I need you to seek the one of the double 'key', and stick the person. A sphere will appear to you, giving you the power to Drive with the bearer and anyone. The reason I'm asking you two is because I think Kairi isn't ready for this. Riku, Sora, head to Traverse Town and find the new key bearer. Mickey "Looks like another adventure for us, Sora," Riku said, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, but without Kairi," Sora said, turning to the auburn haired member of their trio. "I'll be fine," Kairi said, blushing at both of them. But Riku was the first one to notice Kairi's blush. "Are you sick? Your face's red," he said, putting his hand on her forehead. Kairi knew he wasn't seeing thing, Sora thought the scarlet sunset making her face look red. Riku removed his hand from her forehead and wrapped his strong arms around her. "We'll come back, I promise....." "Let's get ready, Riku!" Sora shouted, excited as he ever was. Riku simply nodded, giving Kairi a quick kiss on the check and ran off to join the Key Bearer. Kairi just stood there, her hand on the spot where Riku kissed her. 'Riku, Sora.....' she whispered. 'I'll wait for you........' KH-Vids The world of KH-Vids was peaceful as it always was. The different parts of the town were busy with people, shopping, writing stories or poems, watching videos to others, talking with families, and role-playing. The beach area was serene, as with people enjoying the sandy beach and cool water. A girl with long snow white hair in a ponytail wearing nothing but a bright yellow swimsuit was sleeping under the shade of a palm tree. When she thought her shade had gotten darker, she opened her bright green eyes to the face of a woman with short dark brown hair. "AHH!" She jumped onto the palm tree trunk, a man with waist length black hair and purple eyes walked up. "Sheesh, Aerith, you're easy to get scared," he said, putting on a pair of sunglasses. Aerith G., the fourteen year old Writer Child of the large Kadaj Family, just stuck her tongue at one of her family partners, Zack Fair, his wife, Yuna Fair, giggled slightly. "It's okay, Aerith-sensei," Yuna said. Sliding down, Aerith sighed and walked with her partners to the town, a set of twins waited for them. They both had raven black hair and bi-colored eyes, it was Rinoa and Kadaj, or Kad, Zack and Yuna's twin children. Yuna was already five months pregnant with her third child, and everyone knew it. Aerith noticed when she passed a two year older girl with long silver hair. "Dawn-sensei!" she shouted, waving at her. Dawn, the late blooming sister of the Kadaj Family, turned to Aerith and waved. Then she continued onto the role-playing area, Aerith sighed and continued to the Kadaj Family house. The house of the Kadaj Family was a large castle with thirteen floor. Laying on her bed, Aerith stared at the ceiling and fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of Zack knocking on her door, she got dressed to the sound of Zack talking to Yuna about something. As she tied the black ninja headband around her forehead, Aerith looked at herself in her mirror. She was wearing her normal outfit, a long sleeved deep red gunner coat that covered her mouth, her hands were covered by black cloth gloves with silver rings on her ring fingers, underneath the coat was a bright orange sleeveless street top, a pair of light brown cut shorts were hidden by a black belt, cream colored socks were on her feet. A pair of dark cat ears rested on her head, the pair of mini white wings attached to the sides of her headband almost flattered as she reached out to touch her reflection. She left her room and grabbed a pair of light brown boots laying next to her door, her room was on the second floor. Walking down to the first floor, Aerith stopped suddenly as a man with long silver hair and devil-shaped dark orange eyes walked past her. He barely noticed her as he walked up the stairs to the other floors. After a few minutes, Aerith continued to the front door, putting on her boots. Smiling at the town, Aerith ran to the role-playing area, but just as she was about to enter, something stopped her. She turned to face a little girl, she had shoulder length white hair and light green eyes, and was wearing a bright yellow sleeveless sun dress. She ran toward the outside of the town, Aerith felt like she had no choice but to follow her, so she started to run after her. Aerith wasn't sure why, but she felt like no one could see while she was running after this strange little girl. She reached the exit to the town, where the girl was standing still. 'Please come to the old cave and play with me,' the girl said, and she ran off again. Aerith ran after her again, this time heading toward a hallow cave in the side of a tall mountain. She stopped suddenly when she arrived, seeing a familiar black engine motorcycle sitting in front of the cave. And a familiar spiky black man came out of the cave. "Hey, Zack!" Aerith shouted. Zack saw Aerith and simply nodded, she walked into the cave. Back when Dawn used to be with the family, and while Zack and Yuna were not married, the four had found the cave and made their hideout. She smiled as she stared at the chalk drawings on the wall. Most of the drawings didn't make sense, but Aerith liked them. She noticed a wooden door at the end of the cave, it had been there for a long time apparently. A couple of drawings caught her eye. On a small rock was a drawing of Zack and Yuna, they did it about a year ago, but they weren't very good. Aerith noticed something that looked like a shooting star from the image of Zack's face to Yuna's. But she looked closely to see a arm extending from his face to Yuna, with a star at the end. 'I've come to see the door to this world....' a voice said behind her. Aeirth jumped and turned around, it was the girl, standing behind her was a person in a brown cloak. Aerith tried to see the face hidden within the hood, but couldn't because the deep darkness. "Um, huh?" 'This world has been connected...' the girl said, almost speaking within unison with the hooded figure. "What are the heck are you talking about?" 'Tied to the darkness...' 'Soon to be completely eclipsed...' "Um, please, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this." But Aerith began to realize something about them. "Hey, where do you guys come from?" 'You do not know what yet lies beyond the door.' Aerith clashed her fists and knew these two people were really freaking her out. "So, you ARE from another world!" The girl and the figure didn't move a inch. 'There is so much to learn. You understand so little.' "You'll see!" Aerith shouted, showing her clenched fists at them. "I'll go out there and learn what's out there!" 'A meaningless effort...' came the unison voice again. 'One who knows nothing can understand nothing.' Aerith turned to the door, staring at it for brief second and turned back to the girl and the figure, but they were gone. She walked to the Kadaj home, and met Yuna, standing outside the front door, staring at the sky. So Aerith joined her, lending against the door. 'Once we get out, I can't wait....' Yuna gently whispered, putting her hands on her pregnant stomach. 'Once we take flight, it will be great.' 'Yeah....' Aerith said, staring at the sky, not noticing a shooting star passed through the sky. Chapter 2 It was a new day in KH-Vids, Aerith sat at the Starbucks Coffee Shop on the sixth floor, drinking a cup of coffee. Once she was done, Yuna joined her, she asked, "Aerith-sensei, are you sure about the concert?" "No need to worry, Yuna, I'll make sure the concert is great!" Aerith said, smiling. "Better get going! See ya later!" She ran to her room and changed into her songstress outfit. Looking at herself, Aerith smiled. The top was a bright blue sleeveless kimono top, underneath was a black sleeveless shirt, black fingerless gloves with rings around the ring finger were on her hands, disconnected sleeves covered her arms, a black leather belt held up a light blue kimono-like skirt around her waist, on her feet were black boots. When she was about to leave, she turned to see the man from before. He walked up to her, and kissed her on the lips. Aerith kissed him back, and ran out the door. Since she wore a cloak over her songstress clothes, Aerith waved to everyone she passed as she headed the stadium. After entering, she headed for a room prepared for her, she took off her cloak and headed to the center of the stadium. Aerith took a few deep breathes and walked to the microphone. The music started and Aerith bumped to the beat of it, she started to sing into the microphone, "You are my one true love. You are the voice that is so sweet in everything I do. You bring the best out of me. You are my wings to fly. You are the wind beneath them. I miss you every night when I close my eyes." The crowd went wild when they heard her sing, not only she did write great stories in the Kadaj Family, but she was also the world's youngest singers, though she didn't do it often. "You put your feelings down. You stopped your tears. You brought me love. You held onto my heart. You held hope to have me near. Sometimes, I close my eyes. Sometimes, I let my hunger rise. I think of all you are, you are the love of my life!" Out of all the people in the crowd, Dawn was one of them, she smiled and cheered on her writing sister. "All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passion are in your hands!" Zack and Yuna watched the performance from the box seat given to them, Yuna cheered Aerith on and Zack just sighed. "You reach me in my need. Your rhyme flows under my skin. I need you desperately. A sweet healing that will begin. You are my one true love. You are the voice that is so sweet in everything I do. You bring the best out of me. My everything is you. The very motions that I move, and everything with richness, the very richness of the peace you bring." Sitting with them were Rinoa and Kad, they smiled and cheered on their parents' partner. "All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are.... Always, always, you are with me. Always, always you are with me. Always, always, you are with me. Always, always, you are with me." Dawn and Kad just simply smiled when Aerith sang the song, she was doing great, being the world's youngest singer and all. "All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands! All my dreams and my passions are in your hands." The crowd's cheer died down a little, but they cheered out as Aerith sang. "Love of my life.... You are the love of my life..... You are the love of my life.... You are the love of my life..... You are the love of my life..... You are the love... Always, alway, you are with me..... You are the love of my life... He comes to finds you on your knees...." When the crowd died down completely, Aerith bowed and walked away for a break, smiling. "Yes, that was great!"
This is a story idea I came up with, which I'm planning on writing soon. The cast of the characters isn't what you expected: Aerith Gainsborough as Jack Sparrow Riku/or Sora as Will Turner Kairi as Elizabeth Swann Leon as Governor Swann Roxas as Norrington Sephiroth as Barbossa Yuffie as Mr. Gibbs Seifer as Pintel Setzer as Ragetti Told you! Don't ask why Aerith is Jack, and I can't decide for Riku or Sora for Will. But if you read this and complain about Barbossa, shut the hell up!
Chain of Memories if Namine had a certain protector during her reconstruction of Sora's memory. Harry Potter belongs J.K.Rowling. Kingdom Hearts belongs to SquareEnix. Prologue Ever felt you needed to protect someone you never met before, but felt really important to you? That’s how one Gryffindor student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry felt, sixth year prefect Hermione Granger felt like that the whole day. She felt great it was a Saturday, or else she would be in trouble. The whole day she felt like someone was calling out for her help, and it sounded a girl’s s voice calling out. She sat under an oak tree, sketching, one of her unknown hobbies. Ever since she was little, she’d always like to sketch, usually she’d draw Harry sleeping or doing a chore from the Dursleys, but she never knew who she was drawing. Now she was drawing a girl in a simple white dress and sandals, in the girl’s hands was a sketchbook like her own. Her head was down, on either side of her was a shadow, the shadow on the left had a scythe and the shadow on the right had daggers. Hermione ran a hand through her cut dark brown hair, it was no longer long or wavy, it just touched her shoulders now, in a most coolest manner, the back stuck out everywhere. Her deep chocolate brown eyes, usually filled with happiness and cheer, looked at the new drawn sketch, she felt like she should protect the girl, if she was real. During the week, Harry had been training Dumbledore’s Army if Voldemort were to attack unexpectedly, Hermione was so busy, she didn’t have time to sketch. Getting up, she walked back to the school. As she walked, Hermione noticed something in the air, it was a white feather. It didn’t look like an owl feather or any other feather, it was much smaller. Holding out her hand, Hermione grabbed the feather. Tightly holding the feather in her hand, Hermione continued back to Hogwarts, once she had entered her room and been her sketchbook away. As Hermione examined the feather in her hand, her door open and Ron Weasley came in, shouting, “Hermione! Voldemort is here, with some Death Eaters!†Nodding, Hermione grabbed her wand and ran with Ron to the Great Hall, the feather still tightly clutched in her hand. An out battle was going on in the Great Hall; lots of the students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff were fighting many black robes figures. A boy with short messy raven black hair and emerald green eyes was leading the students. “Harry, mate!†Ron shouted, running with Hermione to him. “Hey, guys!†Harry Potter shouted back, dodging an attack. The battle want on for a while, almost all the Death Eaters were gone, but someone screamed as Voldemort quickly grabbed someone. It was Hermione, Harry was raging with angry, Voldemort held his arm around her neck, his wand pointed at her neck. The feather was still in her hand, but she was lightly loosely her grip on it. Hermione looked at Harry; their eyes met for one last time, the world around her went in slow motion as Voldemort uttered a cruse on her. A blue light engulfed around her and she disappeared. “Hermione, no!†Harry shouted, wanting to run to her, but Ron grabbed him. The blue light that engulfed Hermione became so bright that it became blinding. After the battle, Harry went to Hermione’s room and found her sketchbook. Looking through it, he noticed most of her sketches of him, but the last one he got confused. A girl scared of two shadows in the background, who was she and what did the shadows mean? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marluxia smiled at a girl with shoulder length blond hair, who was kneeling at him, she wore a simple sleeveless white dress and blue sandals. It seemed like she was shaking at the sight of him, slowly, she looked up at him with bright sea blue eyes. “When the Key Bearer comes, rearrange his memory,†the Assassin said. The girl only nodded, tightly holding a sketchbook to her chest, she walked to the next room, which only had a single chair in the center. She sighed, as soon as she reached the chair, a blue light appeared. Falling from it was an older girl, with shoulder length dark brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. She looked at the girl; she could see the feather in the girl’s hand. They stared at each other for a long time, when the dark brown haired girl asked. “Who are you?†she asked. Well, what do ya think?! Like it? Hate it?! Love it?!? Read, please!
Being alone is terrible for anyone, even someone like me But I am alone, feeling all the light fading away from me Darkness is but everywhere around me Shadows fade into monsters and hearts disappear with the darkness Without you, my world is a dark place which no one completely understands My only weapon is my strength, but its not enough for the monster in the darkness I'd encounter Your strength would create a sword powerful to defeat all the darkness in my heart I'd wished for my light to be somewhere in my never ending darkness That you would be there, waiting for me In a world which no man seemed to understand, I embrace what they fear Seeing the world of light only breaks my heart In a world of darkness, in my darkness world, I stand alone Without anyone, until you come into my life again The darkness, the eternal darkness from within my own heart That is my home A new poem! This really tells my life since I moved up here, after I left my friend. I knew Kingdom Hearts a bit, but I always felt like Riku.
The snow blew lightly through the short light sandy brown hair of a young girl of fourteen years old. She looked up at the sky, her rimless glasses covering her light sea green eyes. Though she looked like a normal girl, the only thing about her was the pair of white cat ears on her head and a gray cat tail on her butt. "Neko onee-chan!" a voice called out to her. Neko Hiroshi looked to the source of the voice. A young boy of seven with light blond hair and light blue eyes ran up to her. A pair of dark brown cat ears on his head and a light red cat tail on his butt. "Rek, what's it?" Neko asked her young brother. "The boss wants to talk to you!" Rek shouted excited. Sighing, Neko walked to a large abandoned theater house. Upon entering it, she dodged a lot of traps, trapdoors, and enemy warriors leading to the boss' office. Sitting in front of her was a man of thirty or older with long gray silver hair pulled back in a ponytail and piercing ice blue eyes. Leo Star smirked at Neko, fourteen years ago, he found a lone baby drifting along the shore of Gemi Kingdom and took her in. "Boss, is this about the plan to kidnap the prince of the Virgi Kingdom?" Neko asked. "Of course," he said. "Just remember, during one of the scenes, you sneak into the castle and kidnap the most handsome guy in the whole kingdom, Pisec Virgil." "Fine!" Neko left the theater house and walked along the shore of thebeach. Every night, she saw a bright pink light, beneath the sign of Cancer, the sign Leo found her under. Seeing Rek waving at her, she waved back at him, smiling. Neko never knew her past, but that didn't bother her, because she had Rek, Leo, and the whole gang of Gemi Thief. But still, Neko looked back at the shore, into the sky. She wanted to know where she came and if she had family. That night, Neko drifted into a dreamless sleep, her head full of those thoughts. The first original story I'm becoming! I'll be writing this until I can get to my KH-Vids Story. Yeah, some stuff is named after stars and other things. Enjoy!
Story: 20 years after Sora's adventure, the gang settled down and lived a quiet life. Until Riku mysteriously disappeared with one of the children. His daughter and the kid of Sora and Kairi gained their keyblades and must travel to stop Riku. Character Fourm Name Age Elements Parents Appearance Sibling (if you want one) Weapon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hikari Age: 15 Elements: Light and Darkness Parents: Riku and Namine Appearance: Siblings: Soku(brother) Weapon: Keyblade Soku Age: 16 Elements: Darkness Parents: Riku and Namine Appearance: Siblings: Hikari(sister) Weapons: Sword, Keyblade
There was a question you asked me On our last day together A question that burns deep in my heart 'When the flowers blooms come, what does the winter snows becomes?' I answered, 'They will become the spring blooms.' Thinking back on it now, I have almost forgotten it But it is winter here, in this unfamiliar home, watching snow fall I heard someone asked the same question to a girl Then I remember the time when we were together Watching the snow fall in this place, I feel alone At times I can hardly breath when I think about you Behind these light green eyes you'll never see the tears I cry If I were depart from this world, surrounded by nothing but cold snow Remembering your love for me, I would depart with happiness But I hope you found the person who you'll ask that question to And she'll answer with the same answer. Please, be happy with the one you choose But remember us and our time I'll be waiting for the spring to come so I can watch the cold winter snow change Change into the spring flower blooms My class just started writing poems and this was on my mind. We have a blanket of snow here, so I'll be waiting eager for spring to my class play! X3 But also this is for the friend who I left back in Virginia. I miss you so much!
I had a spelling test, and one of my words was Flurry. Then, I realized as I wrote it, it was Axel's Organization Name(Flurry of Dancing Flames). I wondered if other Organization names or titles would be said.
My world was so bright when I was with you You were the only one who made me laugh, smile I always wished we would never part ways Now, far away from you, my heart is crying in pain In this new place, with unfamiliar faces and places I've become a lost wolf, without you to guide me To take my hand On the last day we were together, As you walked toward your house I counted the final steps I saw When I left, the face I knew so well started to vanish My heart cried secretly, I showed happiness to my family Just to hide my sorrow Please, help me remember Remember the times we'd spent together The moments we had And erase this pain when you were gone A poem I made, telling my sadness when I had to leave someone special a few years ago. A friend I made in fourth grade, we'd eat at lunch and talk. I really miss him! TT-TT
Here is a very, very, very, very early preview of the KH-Vids Story I'll write next year. Riku was walking through the second district of Traverse Town, looking for someone with two of a 'key'. The letter from the king was for him, he was assigned to look for one with the two 'key'. A girl with long white hair in a ponytail and bright green eyes(look at avatar) ran past him, running after her was a man with spiky waist length black hair and purple eyes and a girl with long black hair and bi-colored eyes. He thought he saw right on what was on the white girl's head, cat ears?! Who would have cat ears on their head? "Excuse me....." a voice said from behind him. He looked to see a boy with short messy black hair and deep emerald green eyes. "I'm Harry Potter. You are?" "Riku. Did you see the girl who ran past me, the one with cat ears?" "Yeah. Hey, have you seen my brother?" Riku wasn't sure he knew what Harry meant, just then a boy with sliver hair and neon colored eyes jumped on his shoulders. "Harry, where's Hermione and Ron?!" "I don't know, Kadaj. Oh, this is my brother, Kadaj. My adoptive brother." He used emphesis on the word, 'adoptive'. "Hi!" Riku just waved, but said, "Care to join me?" "Sure!" Harry and Kadaj said together. So the trio started walking together, toward the Gizmo shop. *Meanwhile, in the Gizmo Shop* Aerith sighed as she entered the shop, Zack and Rinoa caught up with her. She turned around to face one of her partners and one of their children. "Zack!" she shouted. "We need to find Yuna and Kad! And Dawn-sensei!" "Calm down, Aerith," Zack said. "We don't even know where we are." "Traverse Town!" Rinoa told her father. "That was the man at the shop told us." Aerith nodded, she looked and saw ninjas coming out of pools of darkness and monkeys. She screamed, but willed The Flower of Destiny and The Heart of Brave in her grip. Zack fought with his Buster Sword, and Rinoa fought with The Orge, a double bladed dagger. When the darkness ninjas and monkeys were gone, Aerith sighed. "Why are those things chasing us?!" Aerith shouted. Zack shrugged his shoulders, putting away their weapons, they left the shop as Riku, Harry, and Kadaj entered it. So, tell me what do you think? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Let me know, please!
SORA! skipped the third year, so I'm doing it. Story: The gang's third year is approaching.... But Kai's father, Sephrioth, is acting weird, a criminal had escaped from Azkaban, looking for Lily. Dementors guard the school, but Kai isn't effected by them. Why is Sephiroth acting strange and why is the criminal want with Lily? Name: Kai Age: 13 Appearance: House: Gryffindor(same as first year) Name: Rox Age: 16 Appearance: House: Gryffindor
The new chapter of the Legend of Dragoon rpgs. Story: More than a 1,000 years have passed since the war. Kyo and Zephyr traveled the world as their wolf forms and human forms, looking for the Dragoon Spirits. The spirits have chosen morden verisons of their original wielders. A new journey will begin. Rules: Romance is allowed, but up to PG No fowl language -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Forum: Name: Age: Gender: Weapon: Dragoon: Appearance: Background: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragoons: Fire: Kajin(Xendane) Light: Wind: Lighting: Karia(Aerith G.) Earth: Water: Darkness: Divine: Kyo(Aerith G.) Name: Karia Age: 14(human) 27(Keldon) Gender: Female Weapon: Sword Dragoon: Lighting Appearance: Short bright red hair, bright dark brown eyes, a light gray pendant around her neck, scar beneath her right eye Background: After the death of her parents at 7, Karia wandered until she found a town. While staying there, she discovered her Dragoon powers. Wielding the final gifts of her parents, she became known as a town hero. Name: Kyo Age: 27(human) 42(Keldon) Gender: Male Weapon: Sword Dragoon: Divine Appearance: Short black raven hair, bright brown eyes, a scar on his upper left arm Background: Kyo was the father of the original Lighting Dragoon, Kai, and gave up his freedom for Michael. Famous as the general of another war, Kyo was kidnapped by a woman to make her pregnant. Realizing what she made him do, he killed himself in front of Kai when she was 9. Five years later, he rejoined his daughter, his sons, and Michael with Zephyr. Now as the Divine Dragoon's wielder, he travels the world as a lone wolf with Zephyr.
Sometime, next year, if I get my own laptop, I'm planning on writing a KH-Vids story. Any idea, anyone? Anyone who replies will be in the story. I have a few ideas, but I'd like write totally different.
This is my new rpg! Story: Kairi and Sora were a prince and a princess of different kingdoms, Riku was Sora's friend and a lonely knight. When a evil wizard named Xemnas appeared to destroy the worlds they live in, Sora sends Riku to bring Kairi to bring her to his kingdom, but it turns to a bigger adventure. Rules: 1. You can up to four characters 2. Romance and brother/sister relationship allowed 3. No cussing Sora: Kairi: Riku: Aerith G. Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexeaus: hiddenkeyblade3 Saix: Zexion: Axel: Demyx: Luxord: hiddenkeyblade3 Marluxia: Larxene: Roxas: Namine: Aerith G. Olette: Hayner: Pance:
I just found out that they made a anime based on the first game of the Xenosaga games. It's called Xenosaga: The Animation. It looks so cool!!!!!!!!!!!! X3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRIiuBc7wtc
This is a new rpg!!!!!!!!!! You can have all your favorite characters! :3 Story: Kingdom Hearts goes Harry Potter! The Keyblade chooses sixteen year old Harry Potter and Hermione Granger as the new Masters of the Key. They travel to new worlds with new companions to save their friends, Ron and Ginny Weasley. Their companions, Vincent Valentine and Nanaki from the Planet, Eiko Carol from Gaia, and Lulu from Spira, were all given one order: to find the ones with the 'key'. Can they save Ron and Ginny from the darkness? Can the mysteries of Hermione's unknown past be solved? Why do her dreams involved a certain brown haired boy with golden eyes? Rules: 1. No Yoai or Yuri 2. Only brotherly or sisterly or very emotional love 3. Can't doublepost 4. User can hold up to three or six characters 5. No cussing Harry Potter: Harry Potter: Aerith G. Hermione Granger: Aerith G. Ron Weasley: Ginny Weasley: Voldemort: Final Fantasy: Vincent Valentine: Nanaki: Aerith G. Lulu: Eiko Carol: Aerith G. Kingdom Hearts: Cid: Leon: Yuffie: Aerith: Aerith G. Alice: White Rabbit: Queen of Hearts: Cheshire Cat: Tarzan: Jane: Clayton: Hercules: Phil: Cloud: Luna561 Hades: Aladdin: Jasmine: Jafar: Pinocchio: Geppetto: Jiminy Cricket: Ariel: Luna561 Sebastian: Flonder: Trition: Ursula: Peter Pan: Wendy: Hook: Beast: Other Characters: Lucrecia Crescent: Genjyo Sanzo: Aerith G. Son Goku:
After next week, I'll be gone for a week. Going up to Canda, no computer, no t.v., no PlayStation for a week. But I'll be back. Please, send me Pms on what's been going. Though there will be nothing do but fish, I'll take my Mp3 and some books with me.
On my birthday, I got a novel from TokyoPop called Kino No Tabi. I found it in Barnes & Noble. It looked interesting. But after I read it, it was amazing! I think I love Prologue and The Land of Peace chapters. Tell me what you think! It's about a girl and a talking motorcycle who travel the world, staying each place for only three days. Kino, the girl, got her name from a traveler who stayed in her village, and died. The motorcycle, Hermes, is like a little kid.
Here's the first chapter of the Double Keyblade Knight, which takes a look at Hermione's non-knight life, in the starting world of KH2. Also, it seemed some Organization made in here. :D :D Read and comment!:p :p Chapter 1 Hermione stared into her reflection of her hamlet as she sat on her bed. She gasped for air because she spent nearly four hours training, her parents never knew about her other life as a knight of the key. Hermione did want to tell her parents, but when she got the chance, she learned they died. She laid her head on her pillow and put her arm over her eyes, sighing. What if her other friends knew about her life as a knight, they might not want to be her friend anymore. Hermione sat up on her bed, hearing the ball ring. She got out of bed and walked up to a window, opening it. In front of her was a town, in the distance she could saw the sun either going down or coming up. No one seemed to mind the way the sun looked or know why it looked the way it did. Hermione smiled, she always found the twilight sun beautiful. She got dressed in a dark blue tank top, white, black, and gray bracelets on her left wrist, a sliver chain bracelet on her right wrist, cream colored cargo pants, and dark red sandals. She walked up to her desk, staring at the pictures on it. The first one was her, Fai, Han, and Rain on Sunset Hill, they were all smiling, Hermione had her hand Rain's shoulder. The second picture was her with a boy with shoulder lenght black hair and bright emerald green eyes and another boy with shoulder lenght flaming red hair and bright sea blue eyes standing in front of a large castle. The boys had peace signs out; Hermione was holding a book and sticking out her tounge. Those were her other friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Behind them was her school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Also on her desk were enveoples partly opened, all from the King. It had been nearly a year since she had gotten a letter from the King. The King had disappeared last year, trying to find the reason the star were blinking out in the sky, last she heard he stayed on the other side of the door of darkness, Kingdom Hearts. She sighed when she heard a knock on her door. "You alright, Hermione?" A girl with shoulder lenght flaming red hair and dark sea blue eyes entered her room. "Yeah, I'm fine, Ginny," she answered. Ginny Weasley was the youngest and only girl in her family, she also was the only one knew about Hermione's other life, her life as a knight. During Hermione's third year, while Hermione was training with Oblivion and Oathkeeper, Ginny came upon her and found out. "Ginny, I'm going for a while," Hermione said. "Going to meet the others at the station." Ginny nodded as Hermione connected the key chain onto her belt, and then ran out the door. The estate of Ganger manor was huge, Hermione's parents were like millionaries, that was because they made money by helping other in companies and factoires. After walking out of the gate, Hermione grabbed a brown shoulder bag. 'The best shortcut I know is through the back ally,' Hermione thought. There was nothing in the back ally, expect the entrance to the usual spot, that was where one of Hermione's friends went. She went to the chain fence, when a girl with short dark brown hair and bright dark green eyes walked out. "Olette, hey," she said, smiling. "Hey, right back at you," Olette said, giggling. Hermione and Olette laughed at each other, before Olette said, "The gang has a new member." Hermione nodded at that comment, Olette hugged her friend, and then she hugged her back, Then she ran off again, running through the sandlot, where the yearly summer event began, the Struggle Tournament. That run made her a little tired, she sat down on a bench and took some papers from her bag, there were music notes on it, but no words on it. Hermione started writing a song a few years ago, but she couldn't find any words to go with the notes. She took a pen and started to write some words, and started to sing to them as well. "There's a song that inside of my soul. It's the one that I've tried to write and write over again." Her voice was so beautiful, that Seifer and his committee, which included Rai and Fuu, the committee's little follower, Vivi, stopped what they were doing and listened to her song. Hermione had her eyes closed, so she didn't notice Seifer staring at her. "I'm awake in the infinite cold. But you sing to me over and over again." Hayner and Pence, Olette's other friends, entered and heard Hermione singing. They also stared at her, listening to her beautiful voice. A boy with spiky sandy blond hair and bright sea blue eyes walked up behind them and also listened to Hermione. "So I lay my head back down and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours, I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope." By now, almost everyone in Twilight Town was in the sandlot, hearing to Hermione sing. On a roof nearby, a black cloaked figure also listened to the young knight sing. "Sing to me the sing of the stars of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again, when it feels like my dreams are so far." In the crowd, the blonde haired boy continued to stare at Hermione as if he seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "You sing to me the plans that you have for me over and over again." The cloaked figure lowered its hood to reveal a man with short dark purple hair covering one eye and dark blue eyes, he took out a book and started to sketch something. "So I lay my head back down and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours, I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope." The man finished his sketch and stared at Hermione, the wind blowing through his hair slightly. He closed his book and tucked it back in his cloak. "I give you my destiny. I'm giving you all of you. I want your smphony singing in all that I am at the top of my lungs. I'm giving it back." The boy slowly backed away from the crowd to the back ally. Hermione just continued to sing as though nothing changed. "So I lay my head back down and I lift my hands and pray to be yours, I pray to be to only yours, I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope." The people went back to their normal business before Hermione opened her eyes, she stood up as a man in a lime green shirt walked up to her. "Hermione, are you planning to singing at this year's Struggle Tournament?" he asked. "Of course, yes!" she answered, putting the papers in her bag. "I gotta go now, see ya during the tournament." She ran through Station Heights, greeting everyone around her as she ran, Hermione entered the train station and walked up the stairs, when she smiled at her friends. Fai was dressed in a dark blue tank top, light red skirt, and light brown boots, on her right wrist was a bright pink bracelet, Han wore a sleeveless dark gray shirt, bright blue shorts, and brown boots. Rain stood to a side, wearing a casual red short sleeve shirt and black cargo pants, a pair of light brown sandals on his feet. "Hey, guys," Hermione said, running up to her friends. Fai hugged her playfully, Han greeted her with a friendly hello, and Rain gave her a light kiss on her cheek, which Hermione blushed. Then Hermione pulled out a folded up piece of paper and gave it to Han. "The direction to my house," she told him, he nodded and led Fai and Rain out of the station. Hermione followed her friends, smiling, when she ran into Seifer and his committee, Seifer's face looked red as a tomato, Rai was laughing very nervously, Fuu stood between them and nudge their elbows,which made Vivi laugh. "Hermione, will you join the committee?" Seifer and Rai said together, bowing at the same time. "Sorry, boys, I'm busy," Hermione said, she pulled Seifer's hat over his eyes and lifted his chin with a finger. "But thanks for the offer." She ran off, then hid behind a pole, Fuu pulled his hat back over his eyes, Rai hold up a fist, saying, "Hermione totally digs ya, y'know." "Yes," Fuu said, nodding. "Yeah," Seifer agreed, then he fell unconscious. Hermione laughed as she ran through the back ally and thought, 'Maybe I'll check out the new member of the gang.' She entered the usual, looking around, nothing changed, there was only one person in the room, he had sandy spiky blond hair, his back to her. Hermione thought Rain had gone with Fai and Han to her house. "Rain?" she asked. "What are you doing here?" When the boy turned around, it wasn't who Hermione expected. She gasped, dropping her bag. Whew, that's a day of Hermione's life in Twilight Town, sorta I see Roxas as Hermione gender counter part. I don't know yet. Only Hope, belongs to Mandy Moore.