Story - After Kyrie is captured, Nero and Dante follow her captors to a strange new world. The two join the rebel group, AVALANCHE, so Dante can get money and Nero can find Kyrie. But not all goes as planned, the two meet the mysterious Aerith Gainsborough, who tells them that Kyrie is more than human and that demons have also appeared in their world. What lies ahead for Dante and Nero in this strange world? Rules: No god-modding Romance up to PG-13 Can make a OC Two characters each from each series OC Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Human, Demon, Ancient, Half-Demon) Weapon: Bio: Side: (Sephiroth, Shin-Ra, AVALANCHE) Devil May Cry: Dante: Protecter212 Nero: TerryNirv Kyrie: Aerith G. Lady: Trish: Gloria: Credo: Agnus: Final Fantasy VII: Cloud: Protecter212 Aerith: Aerith G. Tifa: Aerith G. Barret: Vincent: Protecter212 Cid: Red XIII: Yuffie: Rufus: Reno: TerryNirv Rude: Tseng: Elena: Zack: Sephiroth: OCs: Name: Raito Hidari Age: 17-18 in human age - Picture Gender: Male Race: Half-Demon Weapon: Broadsword named Tyrant Bio: Raito thought he was a normal human in an orphange his younger years but his hair color set him off from every other child he known but then Shin-Ra came and put it down by killing all on sights for no reason as Raito died that day but somehow, revived with newfound strength and faster reflexes any human could possibly have but he prefers to pretend to be human to hide his true strength as it worked so far. Side: AVALANCHE Name: Mayra Tribal Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Ancient Weapon: Bow and Arrow Bio: Mayra was a young woman who was once engaged to a member of Shin-Ra, but the Wutai War took him away and Mayra blamed Shin-Ra. For nearly four years, she lived on her own until she needed money and joined AVALANCHE. Side: AVALANCHE
I need some help on Days. I'm on Day 74, looking for Xion. When I get to the part of Pence's quiz, I always get the third question wrong for some reason. I try all the answers, but I can't never get it right. How many cars are on the train in Station Plaza?
Story: After Sirius's death, Harry runs away and meets a mysterious man named Sephiroth. Around the same time, Hermione encounters a man known as Genesis, who is also the new DADA teacher at Hogwarts. As the sixth year begins, Harry distances himself from his friends. What the two friends don't know about their mysterious instructors is that they are sworn enemies. Will Harry and Hermione follow in their footsteps and fight each other as well? Rules: No god modding Romance up PG-13 Can have up to three characters from each section Can have summons from the game Make OCs OC Chart: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Occupation: (teacher or student) House: (if student) Weapon: Characters: Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife: Protecter212 Tifa Lockheart: Aerith G. Aerith Gainsborough: Aerith G. Barret Wallace: Yuffie Kisargai: Red XIII: Cait Sith: Vincent Valentine: Protecter212 Sephiroth: TwilightBlader Genesis Rhapsodos: Aerith G. Zack Fair: TwilightBlader Harry Potter Harry Potter: Aerith G. Hermione Granger: Aerith G. Ron Weasley: Protecter212 Ginny Weasley: Albus Dumbledore: Minvera McGonagall: Draco Malfoy: Protecter212 Voldemort: OC: Name: Alex Snow Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Short brown haired youth wth eyes as blue as the ocean with pink skin while wearing his wizard robes of his house with his wand at made of dragonheart and oak. Bio: His family runs a dojo to teach students as his mother was a witch and hsi father a sworsman as the two aided the Order of Phoenix years ago when Voldermort still remained but never in contacted them in person, Alex has a natural ablilty for magic and anything that involved his reflexes making him a potenial Qudditch player if offered the chance, he tries his best to help out the students. Occupation: Student House: Gyffindor Weapon: Katana or Wand
At the title implies, this is a cross between Harry Potter and Dissidia -Final Fantasy-. For some weird reason in this story, I made Hermione Granger, the most unlikely in the world, the child of Terra Bradford, hero of Final Fantasy VI. Please, just shoot me. (not really......) Anyway, Hermione's opposite is Lucius Malfoy, but I actually wanted his son to play that role. Harry, who is of course a hero of Cosmos as well as Hermione, naturally battles against Voldemort. This first chapter mainly about Hermione growing without any knowledge of her true powers and heritage. ~ Destiny Odyssey I The Agreement and A Daughter’s Life The sun was shining down on the farming city of Mobliz, its two oldest inhabitants and leaders, Dunce and Katarin, were taking care of an old friend of theirs, a girl by the name of Terra Branford. She had appeared to them a few months ago, saying she was pregnant from Locke Cole. Since the two were such good friends with her, they agreed to help her as Terra helped Katarin during her pregnancy. Katarin entered Terra’s room; on the bed was a young girl with sandy blond hair and bright blue eyes, hands on her stomach. “How’s the baby?” she asked, placing a wet towel on her forehead. “Alright,” she said, gasping for air. “Katarin, I think it’s almost time for it to come out.” Katarin gasped and nodded, running to tell Dunce. Terra gasped and could feel it trying to come out, Dunce, Katarin, and a doctor were all in her room, the doctor was carefully pulling the baby out. Katarin and Dunce encouraged her as the baby was coming out. After a long hour of childbirth, Terra was exhausted from the laboring process and smiled at what the doctor held in his arms. Wrapped in swaddling clothes and crying loudly was a baby girl with light brown hair and light cinnamon brown eyes. Dunce and Katarin smiled as Terra was handed for her child and she cradled her in her arms. Everyone left the room so Terra could be alone with her daughter. Terra leaned back a little and sighed. She was a mother now, it was so surprising. As she looked down at her sleeping daughter, she smiled and remembered her father’s final words. Before he died, he had told her she could live as a human if she was attached to something or someone. There was someone she was attached was to, the children of Mobliz and now she had a daughter, she knew life would be better. Suddenly, in a flash of light, someone else appeared in the room, but the light was so bright, Terra couldn’t see the person’s face. “Such a beautiful child you bore, Terra Branford,” the person spoke in an angelic voice. Terra gasped in awe, it was Cosmos, the goddess of harmony in the universe. But what did she happen with her daughter, she wondered. Cosmos calmly walked over to them and stroked her hair gently. She turned to Terra with a soft smile that contained all the sadness in the universe, “Terra, I am afraid to say your daughter’s life could be in danger if she stays here. Chaos is gathering terrible warriors to destroy the universe and one of his allies are planning to take your daughter.” “Should I do, Cosmos?!” Terra asked, fearing for her daughter’s life as she held her close to her body. Cosmos smiled and said, “I’ll take her to a far away world and watch over her for you. To make sure she is safe from harm until it is safe for her to reunite with you.” Terra gasped and looked at her daughter, then sighed. She handed her to Cosmos, who gently took her into her arms. Then she disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Terra in the room alone. She traveled to a distant world called Earth, and arrived at the home of the Grangers. Gently, she placed the baby on the doorstep and knocked on the door, then disappeared. The couple opened and were surprised to find a little baby girl sleeping on their doorstep. They took her into their house and named her Hermione Jane Granger, unaware of the truth that hid behind their daughter. ~5 years later~ Cosmos appeared in the London Park as she watched Hermione be with her family. She began to notice a bright green strain appear in her hair, probably something from her real mother’s unusual heritage as she was half-Esper and half-human. Her parents were not in sight and Hermione was by herself, reading a book. Cosmos smiled and walked over to her, changing her appearance. When Hermione saw her coming, she now had the appearance of a young woman, her hair was shorter and pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a white summer dress and matching sandals. She smiled and sat next to Hermione, who placed her book down and looked up at her. Cosmos smiled at her, introducing herself, “Hello, Hermione. I’m Lily Maria Strife.” “Hello…..” Hermione was shy and obviously nervous around her, as though she knew something about her. Cosmos smiled and they spent the whole day together, by the end of the day, Hermione was asleep on her lap and Cosmos took a look at the book she was reading. The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson, she opened the book and began to read, remembering when Hermione read it; she pictured herself and other people as the characters, so Cosmos tried that as she read. Far out in the ocean, where the water was clear as crystal, there lived a little mermaid called Hermione. She was the youngest of eight sisters, each named Terra, Aerith, Eiko, Garnet, Rosa, Lily, and Rydia and was the most loved of her father, the sea king, and grandmother. She led a peaceful life under the sea with her sisters, father, and grandfather, but was fascinated with the world above, when each of her sisters returned from their visit to the surface on their fifteenth birthday, she longed for a life out of the water. Finally, Hermione’s fifteenth birthday came and she ventured to the surface. There, she encountered a ship containing a young prince named Cecil and she fell in love with the handsome prince. But soon, a storm appeared and the ship was caught in its terrible wake. Hermione ended up saving Cecil from near-drowning into the water’s dark depths. Once she dragged him ashore, she left him and hid from a young temple maiden from a nearby temple. Cecil awoke and saw the temple maiden, believing she was the one who saved him. Hermione watched, wishing she could reveal herself to him. The next day, Hermione asked her grandmother if humans can live forever if they don’t drown. Her grandmother explained human’s lifespans were shorter then the merfolks’, while when mermaids die, they turn into seafoam. But when humans die, they have an eternal soul and are sent to heaven. Hermione, having fallen in love with Cecil and longing for a human soul, sought a sea witch known as Cecilia. She begged her for an eternal human soul so she could become human and could be with Cecil always. “I will give you a vial of potion that will turn you into a human,” she said, holding a small bottle in her hands, “in exchange for your voice, for you have most intoxicating voice in the world. When you drink it, it will feel like a sword is being through you and walking will feel like a thousand needles on the soles of your feet. If the prince marries you, you will receive an eternal soul. But if he married another, you will not receive a soul and turn into seafoam the morning after he weds.” Hermione agreed and took the potion. After arriving on the shore, Hermione took the potion and turned into a human. Cecil found her and was immediately attached to her beauty and grace, despite her being mute. Cecil often played music for her as she danced for him despite the pain she felt. They spent most of their days together, and for quite a time, were happy together. But their happiness was short-lived as Cecil found he was betrothed to a princess from a nearby kingdom. Cecil lamented that he did not love the princess, for his heart belonged to the temple maiden who he believed saved him. The only one he could not have, and he added to Hermione that she was starting take her place in his heart. “I was the one who saved you!” Hermione wanted to say, but could not. But when Cecil finally met his bride, Princess Porom; he realized she was the temple maiden. She was studying there before taking the throne and Cecil happily agreed to marry her. Hermione began to despair, she thought all that she had given up, all that she had suffered to be with Cecil, all to be in vain now. Right away, Hermione knew that at dawn, she would die. The night of the wedding, all of Hermione’s sisters appeared to her, all of their long beautiful hair was cut and Terra held a knife in her hands. “Please, sweet Hermione, the witch says if you kill the prince with this knife, you will turn into a mermaid again and live out your full life,” Garnet told her. Hermione took the knife and walked into the prince’s room, but as she stood over the newlywed couple and gazed upon Cecil’s content face, she could not bring herself to kill him. She realized that as long as her beloved Cecil was happy, that was enough. So Hermione leaned down and kissed his forehead in farewell and threw herself into the ocean to perish. But instead of turning seafoam upon her death, Hermione saw an angel appear before her. “Come with me, and I will take you away from your sorrows. Through hard work and good deeds, we can earn an eternal soul together,” the angel said. And so, Hermione took the angel’s hand and knew the true meaning of love. Cosmos smiled the sleeping form of the girl on her lap, as she picked her up, she heard her mutter something. “Mother….. Terra……” With a sigh, Cosmos handed Hermione back to her parents and disappeared back to her palace, wishing the young Hermione a good life. ~6 years later~ Now whenever she went to check on Hermione, Cosmos often appeared as Lily Maria Strife, as she always did to Hermione in the past 6 years, and she watched Hermione prepare to leave for Hogwarts. From what Hermione told her, Hogwarts was a school of magic and she was so happy to be accepted to go to it. But only Cosmos knew the true reason why she was accepted, the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore, must have known that Hermione was really part Esper due to her real mother and wanted her to control that part of her. One day, Cosmos appeared at Hogwarts, in Albus Dumbledore’s office in her goddess form to the elderly headmaster. “Hello, Albus…..” She simply bowed with a crusty to him. Albus gave a little smile. “Cosmos, hello.” He said, a friendly twinkle in his eyes as he looked at the harmony goddess. “What can I do for you?” “Tell me why Hermione was accepted to Hogwarts?” she asked. “Do you know of her true heritage? Terra Branford is her real mother, an Esper-hybrid. I assume you know Terra became pregnant with her after Locke Cole slept with her and she gave birth a daughter who I brought here due to the dangers I sense from Chaos.” “I guess you could say that,” Albus told the goddess. “When McGonagall told me the truth of young Hermione Granger, I only thought it fitting for her to come here and train her power. So, yes, I do know of her true heritage, Cosmos.” With a simple bow of her head, Cosmos appeared again to Hermione who was all set to go to Hogwarts. She smiled and drove her to London, and when they arrived at the station, Cosmos pulled out something for Hermione. It was a silver necklace with a star pendant; she slowly placed it around her neck. Hermione looked up at her, confused. “What’s this, Lily?” “It’s my good luck charm for you, Hermione. I just wanted you to have a good school year and send me a lot of letter, ‘kay?” “Okay!” Hermione smiled and hugged her, Cosmos hugged her back. Soon, Hermione let go and ran to the station she needed to go, Cosmos waved goodbye to her, smiling and letting a single tear fall form her eyes. Then she disappeared to her throne and sat down. ‘Please, be safe, Hermione…….’ ~ If there's anything you don't like, just say the word! That's all until the next chapter, which Kefka appears, examining the child of his rival.
The continuation of the thread
As I wait here, listening to the silence I dream of a land filled with peace and grace This land filled with the rich aroma of flowers It is this land where I'll go to pass on Though neither you nor I imagine that time Let us admire the beauty of this place Which has been promised to us And there, waiting for us, will be an angel Shining like a sun, he will reach out a hand So we may go above the clouds to a land Where pain and worries vanish from sight Our forgiveness will be taken away for good. You can imagine what flower filled place I'm talking. Just a poem I wrote last year for English.
Story - One day, while visiting her sick sister in the hospital, young Hikari Hamajina falls unconscious for several days. When she awakes, she finds two young men by her side, one claiming to be her brother and the other, her boyfriend, who explained during her unusual coma, the world ended and began the Vortex World. But also during her coma, Hikari was granted demonic powers at the cost of her memories, becoming a demi-fiend. During the end of the world, Hikari's sister vanished. Now, Hikari must travel with the two men to regain her memories and visit her sister. Rules: No goddmoding Romance up to PG-13 Character can be from different series No killing unless granted Character Form: Character Name: Gender: Age: Bio: Appearance: Power: Weapon: OC: Character Name: Hikari Hamajina Gender: Female Age: 19 Bio: Hikari was a avenge human who was granted demonic powers by losing all her memories. She only has certain memories and often sees a strange man beckoning to help her. Appearance: Power: Many demonic abilities Weapon: Twin daggers Character Name: James Hamajina Gender: Male Age: 22 Bio: James is Hikari's older brother who brought their sister to the hospital. He was one of the few who survived the world's end and with that, he gained the powers of a passed warrior. Appearance: Power: Healing, fire Weapon: Spear
Story - During his transfer to Inaba, Souji Seta meets a mysterious girl named Arisa, then they live with his uncle and his cousin. Soon afterward, a chain of strange disappearances and murders happen, the two form a team with the wealthy Ryoji, childhood friends Chie and Yukiko, music star Rise, biker Kanji, detective Naoto, twin middle school students Hikari and Sakura, amnesiac pregnant mother Tomoyo, and the strange being called Teddie. Rules: Romance PG-13 No killing less granted Can own up to three Persona characters Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: Bio: Element: Persona: Persona 3: Yukari Takeba: Junpei Iori: Mitsuru Kirijo: Akihiko Sanada: Aigis: Fuuka Yamagishi: Ken Amada: Koromaru: Ryoji Mochizuki: Persona 4: Souji Seta: Yosuke Hanamura: Chie Satonaka: Yukiko Amagi: Kanji Tatsumi: Rise Kujikawa: Naoto Shirogane: Teddie: Original Characters: Name: Arisa Suzuhara Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: (one with white hair) Weapon: Bow and arrow Bio: Arisa is the heir of a high ranking company, but not much is known about her. She transferred to Inaba to relax in a quiet small town, but soon is involved with the murders as bits of her past comes nipping at her heel. Element: Fire and Wind Persona: Orpheus Name: Tomoyo Urina Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Dual-blade sword Bio: Tomoyo was found by the river in Inaba, five months pregnant. She was kept at a nearby hospital and soon recovered. She lives with the Hanamura family and is getting to get birth to her new child. Element: Water Persona: Neptune Names: Hikari and Sakura Haramu Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Chain-linked daggers Bio: Hikari and Sakura are twins both in middle school and love anime. They disappear during the first two cases and are found with Yukiko when she is captured. They are powerful together and more powerful apart. Element: Ice and Fire Persona: Ares and Minerva Name: Shinichi Inoue Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon: Nodachi Bio: A student living in Inaba who lives alone in a house nearby the Samegawa Flood Plain as he works part-time as a programmer to pay the rent to his house as most students consider it amazing for a person his age to live alone Element: Darkness Persona: Amon
I've reawaken the idea of fandubbing Final Fantasy VII. Everything is in this vid: I would like some help, though. With casting voices and other stuff, ghaleon441 had agreed to get the footage of the game. I wonder if he's still remembers. Anyway, I need some help. Thank you!
My favorite hobby is cosplaying. But I'm sorta a newbie, I'm planning on making a Dissidia Terra costume, Dagger's royal dress, and a few others. There is one small problem, I've never sewed before, but I am willing to try it if I can make the costumes!
Story: 16 long years after the events of Persona 4, peace followed through the many years. Time, they say, is like a river and history repeats....... Hikari Seta, daughter of Souji Seta, along with her best friend, Kyoto Nakamura, is transferred to the small town of Inaba, due to her father's work, and lives with her cousins. Soon afterward, they meet and become friends with the children of her father's kids, and Kyoto's siblings arrive. Strange rumors appear, on rainy nights, a mysterious channel appears and certain people who watch it fall into long comas. As Hikari and her friends investigate the mystery, they unleashed their true power, the power of Persona. Rules: No swearing Romance up to PG-13 No killing unless granted Character Sheet: Username: Character Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Weapon: Parents: Element: Persona: Original Characters: Username: Aerith G. Character Name: Hikari Seta Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: Hikari Seta is the daughter of Souji Seta and Chie Satonaka. Although she has her mother's spirit, her personality goes toward her father. When her parents go overseas with the parents of her best friend, the duo are transferred to the town of Inaba to attend here. Here she awaken her persona power. Weapon: Sword Parents: Souji and Chie Persona: Izanagi Name: Kyoto Nakumara Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: The oldest child of Arisa and Hattori Nakumara, Kyoto grew up with Hikari as a extra sister. When her parents went overseas for her mother's singing career, Kyoto transferred with Hikari to the school in Inaba to provide for her younger siblings. She had already known about the power of Persona, but often forgot she had the power. Weapon: Bow Parents: Arisa and Hattori Persona: Micheal Sakura Age: Unknown Gender: Probably female Appearance: (human body) (within the television world) Bio: A mysterious creature that lives within the television world. She first encounters Hikari, Kyoto, and their friends when they enter the world. She creates special glasses and special weapons to help them awaken their power. Who is Sakura and why does she live in the TV? Weapon: Claw Parents: None Persona: Hercules
Story: Arisa has started her special mission and left to the alternate world with Rise, Aegis, Fuuka, and Suki. Now she must help the rebel prince and his group fighting against the king over the next year. But she is beginning to doubt her mission and the people around her. Can she be able to stop the king before the year is over? Rules: No swearing Romance up to pg-13 Up to 3 Persona Characters No killing unless granted by creator Persona Characters: Ryoji: Fuuka: Aerith G. Rise: Aerith G. Aegis: Aerith G. Mitsuru: Akihiko: Ken: Yukari: Yukiko: Chie: Yusoke: Naoto: Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: Bio: Persona: OCs: Name: Minato Nakurama Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Dual-blade sword Bio: Minato is really Arisa Nakurama, spent by the mysterious Igor to help the alternate people of Earth. She had been accompanied by Fuuka, Aegis, Rise, and her sister, Suki. Upon arriving, she was immediately appointed captain of the guard, and assigned to protect the prince and princess. She's obviously hides something from the prince. Persona: Many Name: Sakura Suzuhara Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Staff Bio: Really Suki Amisa from earth, Sakura went along with her sister and lost all her memories of someone special as the cost. She had been appointed as the handmaid for the princess and tries to recall the memories she lost. Once in a while, she often spends time with her sister. Persona: Many Name: Shiori Namjia Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Shuriken Bio: The kind-hearted princess of the kingdom, Shiori is second-in-command of the rebellion. She tries to figure the sudden change in her father as he attacks the new captain, along with her handmaid and guards. She also tries to get the captain and her brother to get together as she sees that he falls in love with her than the noble lady he had been engaged to. Persona: Venus The announcement of my first audio drama!!!!!! Since it's my first time doing something like this, I would like some help from some experts. So, could someone give me advice on casting? Everything is in the video, and my email is if you want to email me.
Welcome to the Junkyard, a world where everyone uses logic and scienific methods to solve problems and where six tribes, each one led by a person of noble lineage, plot to take over one another. This world is ruled by a mysterious leader, who views the tribes' rivaliry for enteriment. Suddenly, one day, a auburn haired girl appears in a flash of light at the home of the Twilight Organization's leaders, noble twins, Sora and Roxas. Soon, strange markings appear and disorder spreads throughout the world. The mysterious leader issues a order that the other tribes to bring the auburn haired girl to his palace. Rules: No god modding No killing unless granted Original Characters allowed Romance up to pg-13 Two characters per user Original Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Weapon: Mark: (heartless sign, organization sign, unborn sign) Tribe: Tribe Position: OCs: Name: Minato Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: Minato appeared with Kairi in the flash of light. Like Kairi, she can't remember her true world or anything else but has sworn herself to protect Kairi from all cost. Weapon: Sword Mark: Heartless sign Tribe: Twilight Organization Tribe Position: Stradgey Planner Characters: Sora: Riku: Kairi: Aerith G. Roxas: Namine: Hayner: Pence: Olette: Xemnas: Xigbar: Luxord: Larxene: Marluxia: Zexion: Vexen: Demyx: Saix:
The title says it all! I wrote this back when Crisis Core first came out. I had a thought after reading upon a dozen stories of Harry being raised by someone other than the Dursleys, and the person who came to me was Sephiroth, then it all came out at once. Please, enjoy. Prologue A boy with silver hair and neon colored eyes was walking around an empty lab room, trying to look for something in particular. Young Sephiroth was looking for an item that the crazy scientist Hojo often used for experiments, but apparently he couldn't find it. He heard something going on at the door and opened it to find a tiny baby boy with raven black hair wrapped in a deep green cloth with a letter upon it outside the door of the room. Wondering what happened and how it got here, Sephiroth picked up the baby, who was crying loudly. He held the baby gently, saying, "Sshhh, little one. I'm here for you." He sat down and read the letter that was attached to the cloth. To whoever finds this letter, This baby is the sole survivor of the Potter family. His parents, James Potter and Lily Evans-Potter, died in defending him from the evil wizard, Voldemort. You'll find a scar on his forehead; the baby's name is Harry James Potter. He's a wizard, but don't tell him any of this until he reaches the age of eleven, when he can go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I, Sirius Black, friend of the descended James and Lily, brought Harry here so he can live a better life than staying at his only relatives, the Dursleys. Please, protect Harry, whoever you are. Sirius Black Sephiroth wasn't sure how much of the letter was true, but he smiled at the now sleeping baby in his arm. Then he began to think where he had heard the name 'Potter' before, but Hojo entered the room and saw the baby in Sephiroth's arms. Sephiroth tried to hide the baby from the twisted scientist, the look he often saw from these black beady eyes made him want to protect the baby more. "What is that, a new sample?" Hojo asked, a crocked smile appeared on his face. Walking up to Sephiroth and Harry, he grabbed the cloth and pulled out a needle. Harry started to cry loudly again, Sephiroth tried to stop Hojo from putting the needle in the tiny baby's body. But it was too late, Hobo placed the needle on the upper part of the right arm, Sephiroth watched in shock as the liquid in the tube went down. Once he was done, Hojo simply handed Harry back to Sephiroth and walked away. Sephiroth stared at the ground, his eyes wide in shock. “Don’t worry, Harry….†He whispered. “I’ll protect you from Hojo. I promise.†Sephiroth took Harry to the doctors and asked them if they could take care of the baby. They agreed, Sephiroth gently smiled and hoped the best for the baby as he grew up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four years later “Harry, where are you?†Sephiroth called out. “C’mon, can you quit this?†It had been four years since Sephiroth found Harry, and he took care of him as a brother. A shy boy with short raven black hair and bright emerald green eyes appeared from behind a corner; he walked up to Sephiroth and tagged at his finger. Sephiroth felt the tag and smiled, seeing the five year old black haired boy standing behind him, holding onto his finger. Harry was growing into a fine child, his raven black hair was getting messy almost every day, and his bright emerald green eyes became neon when he got his daily dosage of mako. But Sephiroth saw him as a little brother; he wrapped his hand around Harry’s hand and walked off somewhere. Two boys were waiting for them in another room. “Harry, remember Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos,†Sephiroth introduced, kneeling at the raven haired boy. “Glad to see you, Kit,†Angeal said, waving at him and laughed. He gave Harry the little nickname because of his green eyes looked identical to a kitten’s then Sephiroth’s eyes. Genesis stepped toward Angeal and hit him over the head. Harry let out a little giggle after Genesis hit Angeal, the three of them smiled at the smile he was giving. “Hey, Sephiroth, why we have to go?†Harry asked his older ‘brother’. “Hojo…..†He said in barely a whisper. Harry’s eyes grew wide in fear; he clung to Sephiroth’s leg and started to cry. Angeal and Genesis both sighed, a few days ago the three of them found out that his real father, James, used to work for Shin-Ra, both him and his wife, Lily. They were both partners with Hojo, but James quit after Lily became pregnant with Harry. Sephiroth closed his eyes and lifted Harry into the air, surprising him, Angeal, and Genesis. A small smile appeared on his face as he placed Harry onto his shoulder, he laughed lightly. “From now on, Harry,†he said, “you’ll have to breathe the air of higher places.†Harry smiled, he placed Harry back on the ground and he ran off. Both the raven-haired boy and the red-haired boy ran after him, Sephiroth laughed as the two boys running after his little ‘brother’, then thought back to the time he first introduced Harry to Angeal and Genesis, looking up to the sky. Three year old Harry ran to Sephiroth, he grabbed him and put him on his back. He started to walk, getting used to the tights holds Harry gave onto his shoulders. Harry had never been this far from the factory before and he had no idea where Sephiroth was taking him. Sephiroth stopped for a moment, Harry looked at who was standing in front of them. It was two boys; one had shoulder length black hair and dark blue eyes and another with short bright red hair and bright blue eyes. As Sephiroth held Harry in his arms, he shoke at the sight of them, because the boys noticed them. Sephiroth kneeled down and set Harry on the ground, but he grabbed onto his pant leg. “Who’s this, Sephiroth?†the black haired boy asked. “His name is Harry, an orphan so I’m raising him,†Sephiroth answered. The red haired boy stood up and walked up to Harry; he kneeled down and smiled at him. He ruffled his hair, the black haired boy and Sephiroth smiled, Harry seemed confused but was also happy. He reached out his hand and grabbed a strain of hair that fell into his face, but immediately let go when he saw the confused look of his face. “Why did he do that?†the black haired boy asked again. “Harry has never seen any colors than those he has seen in the Shinra Building,†Sephiroth said as he kneeled next to Harry, who was starting to cry. “It’s okay.†“So, he must have thought my hair was something burning bright, huh?†the red haired boy said, holding the strain of hair he grabbed. Sephiroth nodded as he wrapped his arms around Harry, comforting him as tears started to roll down his cheeks. The two boys smiled at Sephiroth and Harry, the black haired boy said, “So, Harry, time to introduce ourselves, I’m Angeal Hewley.†“Genesis Rhapsodos,†the red haired boy introduced. Harry turned to Genesis and Angeal, nodding, a smile appeared on his face. Sephiroth let go of him and stood up, Harry timidly walked to Genesis and Angeal, looking at both of them. He pointed to himself and said shyly, “My name is Harry Potter. A bad man took my parents away.†Angeal looked like he felt sorry for Harry, and took the three year old boy in his arms. Sephiroth and Genesis smiled as they watched Angeal swing Harry around, hearing the boy laugh. They watched the two play together and that know Angeal was showing Harry to have a good time. “He has….. mako energy in him,†Genesis said softly to Sephiroth. “I can feel it.†“You do have the ability to sense what people are, Genesis,†Sephiroth said. “Know if they’re human, Cetra (or Ancient), or if they have mako.†“Heh, but still Sephiroth,†Genesis said. “You’re a better person than I am. You’re a good brother to Harry.†Sephiroth laughed a bit, but he knew Genesis was right about him. While he watched Harry play with Angeal, he knew to Harry, he was always like his big brother, no matter what happened. “Harry….†Sephiroth stood up and walked to Harry, who was on Angeal’s back. Sephiroth smiled, and ruffed Harry’s hair. “Harry, I have to go away for awhile.†“You’re leaving to apart of that terrible war, aren’t you?!†he said, tears streaming down his face. “Don’t leave me, Sephiroth!†“I’ll be leave once the war is finished, Harry. Til then, Angeal and Genesis will take care of you. Alright?†“When you come back, I’ll be a SOLDIER! Promise me!†Harry had his pinky finger out to Sephiroth to seal the promise he just proposed to his big brother. Sephiroth smiled and wrapped his pinky finger around Harry’s pinky finger, “I promise…..†He watched Angeal take Harry to the room he needed to go to become a SOLDIER. Angeal took Harry to an empty room, but it wasn’t really empty. A boy around twelve years old with short raven black hair like Harry’s and bright purple eyes was standing in the room, he ran to Angeal and Harry, a smile on his face. “Hi, I’m Zack Fair, and I want to be a SOLDIER,†he introduced. “Hello, Zack, I’m Harry, who wants to a SOLDIER, also, right Angeal nii-san?†Harry turned to Angeal, a huge smile on his face. “Right.†Angeal smiled at Harry, and he taught Harry and Zack, who became close friends as they trained to be SOLDIERs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Four years later Nearly four years had passed since Harry’s promise to Sephiroth, he missed his brother terribly, but he made a great friend who wanted to be like Sephiroth, which made him happy. Zack Fair, who turned sixteen on the same day Harry turned nine, was a really good friend. On the day they met and became friends, they had always been together, and what Harry made happier, Angeal was their supervisor. “Harry, where are you?†Angeal looked around with Zack to find Harry to give him something. In his hand was a wrapped package for Harry, a gift from Sephiroth. Nine-year-old Harry Potter ran toward Angeal and Zack, wearing his new 2nd Class SOLDIER uniform, he bumped into Zack. He smiled and laughed with Zack as he turned around to face him. “Yeah, Angeal-sensei?†Harry turned to Angeal, bowing as he turned to face his other ‘brother’. Angeal handed the package to Harry, which he opened to hold a brand new katana in his hands. He looked up at Angeal, who mouthed to him, ‘It’s a gift from Sephiroth, for you now that you’re a SOLDIER.’ Harry hugged Angeal and cried tears of happiness, now that he knew his brother was thinking about him. Angeal smiled and stroked Harry’s head; Zack also smiled and gave Harry a thumbs up at his friend’s new weapon. Letting go of Angeal, Harry turned to Zack and gave him a thumbs up as well. Angeal cleared his throat, Harry and Zack stood straight and saluted Angeal, who told them that they had a mission to save a captured train from Wutai soldiers. Harry thought about what he and Zack were told, Wutai, that’s where Sephiroth was, stilling fighting in the war. “Alright, Angeal-sensei, let’s get ready!†Harry said, clapping his fist into his hand. Smiling, Angeal nodded and led the two 2nd Class SOLDIERs to a chopper they were going to use to get the captured train. Harry and Zack smiled at each other and put their fists together, something they always did before they did an exercise or a training assignment together. They got in with Angeal, and waited for the chopper to start. ‘I hope to see you soon, Sephiroth,’ Harry thought to himself as the chopper flew into the air. Hope you like it!
Story: When Yuna, Rikku, and Paine walked down the road to the Farplace, they ended in a world known as Gaia. They joined up with the soldiers of Alexandria and were assigned to protect Princess Garnet til Alexandros. A meeting with Zidane Tribal sends Yuna along the path of adventure to find Tidus. Rules: Can create OCs Romance PG-13 No cussing No killing unless granted Can certain characters for the important events of the story. OC Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Bio: Appearance: Power: Job Class: Final Fantasy IX: Zidane Tribal: Protector212 Garnet Alexandros: Aerith G. Albert Steiner: Vivi Orutina: Freya Crescent: Eiko Carol: Aerith G. Amarant: TwilightBlader Bahrne: Kuja: Beatrix: Dali: Garland: TwilightBlader Final Fantasy X-2: Yuna: Aerith G. Rikku: Paine: Brother: Buddy: Shinra: LeBlanc: Logos: Ormi: Shuyin: Lenne: Tidus: Original Characters: Name: Yuri Ferrence Age: 18 Gender: Male Bio: A wandering swordsman who left his village to hone his own skills and learn his own sword style in combat as he searches for his calling in the world, currently, he's been staying in Alexandria doing odd jobs to get money, little does he know, one small play will change his life forever. Appearance: Power: (I suppose this means Trance) Hair color change yellow and his eyes turn red as his sword becomes encased in a watery coating to further effect his style known as Shigure Souen. Job Class: Blademaster/Fighter
I wrote this a while back. It based on a short story I wrote, the two main characters reminded me a lot of of Cloud and Aerith. All the characters are original versions of their FF counterparts, expect for Mia, Lilly's mother. Enjoy. Chapter 1 A young woman in her early twenties woke up from a quiet sleep. She walked to the window, thinking, 'Something exciting is going to happen, I know it will.' "Lily!" a motherly voice came from behind her. Lily shook her short light brown hair out of her light emerald green eyes. A older woman appeared, she wore a apron and a blue dress. "Is everything alright, Lily?" "Yes, Mother." Lily bowed at her mother, and left her small cottage home. Lily was a special girl, but she couldn't remember the reason or anything of her past. "Today's going to be great, I know!" She said to herself, looking at the covered plate that covered the beautiful sky. She ran out the passage of her home, smiling. Somewhere else, a woman with short spiky black hair and bright emerald green eyes gasped slightly, she pushed her oval shaped glasses up on her nose and walked away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a starry night in the sectored city of Asgard, but no one knew a great power was building. The one person who knew was a young woman around twenty two years old. Anyone could she was a beautiful and lovely woman, with shoulder length light brown hair in a ponytail and deep beautiful emerald green eyes. Dressed in a short sleeved red jacket and a light pink dress, she almost gave off a aura of mysterious gentleness. Her hair was up in a bright pink ribbon with a pale green orb in the bow, around her wrists were silver bracelets, and on her feet were brown boots. Dangling around her arm was a brown woven basket filled with beautiful flowers. The woman was kneeling in front of a mako generated furnace in a darken alleyway, its green colored amber wafts surrounded her face, lighting up her green eyes. She stood up, cradling something in her hands. Turning to the side, she pocketed the item and walked to a street corner. In another sector of the city, a train stopped in a station with Shi-Ra Company guards protecting the platform. A woman with short blond hair and bright blue eyes jumped out and knocked out the guards. Another woman stepped out, she had short spiky raven black hair and bright emerald green eyes, wearing oval shaped glasses. She wore a gray short sleeved jacket over a white long sleeved shirt with a silver bracelet around her right wrist, black pants, black leather fingerless gloves, and brown boots. Two men joined the blond haired woman ran up the stairs. A third man, he had short red hair and dark purple eyes, wearing camouflage style clothes. "Alright, lets do this, Mia!" The man said, excitedly. "Okay, Barrel," Mia Ganger told her partner, Barrel Waller, pushing her glasses up. She turned behind her and said, "Follow us, newcomer." Mia calmly led the way with Barrel running up behind her, a figure jumped from the top of the train, it was a man with long snow white hair in a ponytail and deep sea blue eyes. He wore some kind of military uniform, he stood up and followed Mia to the stairs, taking out two guards on his way. The unusual thing about the man was the large sword he carried on his back and the strange glow in his eyes, reaching the top of the stairs, the man joined the woman and the other men. "Wow!" One of the men examined the white haired man and his outfit. "You used to be in WARRIOR, alright! I can just from looking at you!" "WARRIOR?!" The woman shouted. "Bigs, aren't they the enemy?! Why is HE here?!" The other man, Edge, told her, "Calm down, Jess. He USED to be a part of WARRIOR. Didn't catch his name though...." "My name is Raiku," The man introduced. "Raiku Strafe." "Raiku Strafe, huh?" Bigs whispered the name to himself for awhile then said, "Well, my name is...." "Listen, I don't care what your names are." Raiku said. "I'm just here for the money." Bigs could only nod when the group heard a familiar voice shout, "HEY!!!! No traveling in groups!" It was Barrel and Mia running up, Mia turned to Raiku, looked toward Edge and asked, "He the new member of our rebellion?" Edge nodded while Jess entered the code to open the door, the door opened and Bigs, Edge, and Jess ran inside the reactor. Mia and Barrel stayed behind to talk with Raiku. "Mia, I don't trust that ex-WARRIOR," Barrel said. "Name's Barrel Waller." "Mia Ganger." Mia simply said, pushing her glasses up on her nose. Raiku nodded and walked with them into the reactor, Barrel turned to Raiku, a sour expression on his face. "Hey, have you been in a reactor before?" "Of course, I used work for Shi-Ra Company before." Raiku replied. Mia took off her glasses and stared down at her bracelet, sighing. Barrel sighed, he told Raiku, "Raiku, the world is dying because of Shi-Ra." "That is none of my concern." Raiku simply walked past the two of them. "I'm just there for the money, not a lecture and definitely not saving the world." Barrel grew angry at what Raiku said, but Mia stopped him as she putted her glasses back on and followed him. The group waited for Jess to enter the code and open the door, which she did. Barrel followed after Mia as Bigs entered another code to open the next door. They walked into the next room, and Edge entered the final code to open the door to the elevator. Bigs stood by the door, letting Jess, Mia, Barrel, and Raiku enter the elevator. Jess pressed a green button and the elevator started to descend. The whole room was quiet, Barrel turned to Raiku and said, "Raiku, the world's going to die if no one does something." "Look, Barrel," Raiku said, crossing his arms. "I don't care what happens to the world. I'm just here for my money." Mia grabbed Barrel's shoulder to prevent him from attacking Raiku, the elevator stopped and Raiku was the first to exit it. Following behind him was a cursing Barrel, a silent Mia, and Jess. They came to a long broken thick, Jess jumped to the other, Mia and Barrel followed, and Raiku followed out last. Jess stopped at a ladder and turned to Raiku, saying, "The spot is down there." Raiku nodded and climbed down the ladder, Mia and Barrel followed behind him. They crossed the bridge to the center pillar, Mia took a bomb and gave it to Raiku. "Shouldn't Barrel do this?" he asked. "I'm gonna watch you, so you don't mess up!" Barrel told him. Raiku sighed and walked over to the pillar, he planted the bomb and was about to enter the code when he heard a voice. 'Please, wait! This isn't just a Reactor!' Raiku looked around, but shook his head and entered the code. Soon, a red light flashed, Raiku ran back to Mia and Barrel. Mia smiled and walked with Barrel to the ladder when a red machine scorpion appeared. They took out their weapons, the scorpion attacked Mia, she blocked the attack, but it pushed her far back. She jumped onto the leg, running to the face and smashing her fist into it. Raiku slashed at the legs, Barrel shot his machine gun at the legs as well, Mia jumped from the face, taking out a thin bladed sword, before anyone could blink, she slashed the machine into pieces. Each piece fell, making a loud clack sound when they hit the ground. The trio ran to the ladder, Raiku climbed up first and noticed something was wrong with Jess. He walked over to her and saw one of her legs were struck. Sighing, he helped her free her struck leg, she smiled, Mia and Barrel arrived at the top. They ran back to the elevator and entered it. Jess pressed the button and turned to Mia and Barrel. "Jess, how much time is left for us to escape?" Mia asked. "I don't know, probably two or one minute," she said, a discourage look on her face. Raiku slammed his fist into the wall, a ticked look on his face. Before anyone could do anything, Raiku ran out of the elevator when it stopped and past Bigs and Edge as Mia, Jess, and Barrel joined them. They were well out of the way when the fire ring from the explosion appeared, but the shock wave made the group fall to the ground. Only one person cried out, it was Edge, the fire was caught on his pants, he was running around like crazy. Mia stood up and said, "We'll meet up at the station." "Hey....." Raiku spoke up, Mia waved at him, telling him to wait til they got to the hideout. Sighing, Raiku walked around the town when he heard a voice. "Excuse me...."
Thread #3 Story: Hikari and her team have to stop the mysterious Neo-Organization and Versago. Aerith G.: Hikari Aerith Miko Jecht Braska Yuna Garnet Arisa Ashe Penelo ghelon441:Micheal Lucreica Lucia Hiro TwilightBlader: Ryo Shen Versago
Story: Many centuries ago, the world was torn by a terrible war between the two beings, the angels and the demons. The war was ended by a very powerful human known as the Great Wizard, he sealed the both the angels' and demons' realms so they could not escape. Now, the seals have been broken and demons are planning a war against the angels. Only the descendant of the Great Wizard can stop the oncoming war. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Bio: Race (Human, Angel, Demon): Appearance: Weapon: Rules: No cussing Romance up to PG-13 No killing unless granted Characters can half-race Original Characters Name: Maya Age: 17 Gender: Female Bio: Maya is the descendant of the Great Wizard, only she has no clue about it. Her family was killed by demons when she was a child, and she had worked for a farmer and his family since then. All Maya has is a engraved ring with unlimited powers, and she has been attacked by demons. Race: Human Appearance: Weapon: Staff Name: Ralser Age: 27 (really 2310) Gender: Male Bio: Ralser is the Great Wizard, having used a eternal spell on himself. He had hidden over the centuries, waiting for the birth of his descendant and the time he can train her. He could see the future and knew what would happen. Race: Human Appearance: Weapon: Dual sword Name: Marcus Von Schneider Age: 29 Gender: male Bio: After the events of the demon/angel war and the wizards seal his family began to train in case the seal was ever broken. They trained every member of the family to aid the decendant of the great wizard. Marcus is the middle son of three. Using a magical device passed down through each generation he is able to fight on par with demons, angels and others of power. He considers himself to be the guardian as his two brothers have left with their own tasks. His task is to find and protect the ones who are to fix the broken seal with his powers born from the magical device that lets him don a magical suit of armour. Race (Human, Angel, Demon): human. Appearance: Armoured Appearance: Weapon: A sword which enables his transformation into his magic armour. It also has abilities that work with the armour which allows him to transform it into other sword-like weapons. Name: Zeliek Age: 5,132 Gender: Male Race: Demon Bio: One of the first demons to enter the world upon the shattering of the seal, and one of the oldest, Zeliek seeks to eradicate the humans, who he sees as lesser beings. He feasts on the souls of his victims and shows no mercy to anyone, not even to his own kind if he sees any sign of weakness from them. Appearance: Weapon: A scythe with an onyx handle and silver blade, with a jade embedded in the bottom, used to extract the souls of anything Zeliek kills. Name: Selenia Shadow Age: 18 Gender: Female Bio: She was born of both race and is a little bit of an outcast. She doesn't trust anyone and if she was they would have to gain her trust. She does like to fight, but only when needed. She means well in life and tries to be nice but she has that darkside and it does come out once and again. She is of what seems to be noble blood but that is unsure. She has become an orphan. After her parents were killed but a demon. Race (Human, Angel, Demon): Half demon and Angel. Appearance: Weapon: Staff and metal claws. Name:Purge Age:7,005 Gender:male Bio:A demon that was banished from the underworld for planning to eradicate all life including his fellow demons he now works to achive his goal by using others no one is sure what side he is on Race (Human, Angel, Demon):Demon Appearance:His head is wraped in black bandages his two eyes and his mouth can be seen both completly red he wears silver cloack covering his chanimail armoer underneath. Weapon:summoned swords Name: Neptunis Age: 1500 Gender: Male Bio: Neptunis was in the Angel and Demon. In that war he lost the love of his life forever......He now vows revenge on the Demons for all they have done to the Angels. Race: Angel Appearance: Weapon: Trident with a Cross enbeded in it. Can also wield the elements of Water and Light.
*gets an umbrella to avoid rotten tomatoes* Please, don't throw rotten tomatoes at me!!! >< I know a lot of people hate HSM, but the main character is the shy pianist, Kelsi. Troy turns to his true nature, evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The KH trio is in this story, so don't worry! ^^ Only Kairi and a FF character will sing any song and Kelsi pumps her head to listen. Enjoy! Prologue The voice that calls “I’ve been having…these weird thoughts lately…Like…is any of this…for real? Or not?†She felt this strange sensation of falling into an abyss. It was cold. It was dark. It felt like…like she was falling into the depths of the ocean. She leaned back, letting go, allowing herself to continue to drift away. She was falling faster now. The sensation was incredible, unreal, words could not describe it. The air that rushed over her skin was ice cold and soothing. It felt like freezing water, but at the same time like cold air. And the freedom that went with that feeling was amazing. The teen found the experience exhilarating and ethereal, when suddenly, it stopped. Just like that, it stopped. The teen’s bright blue eyes spanned open, and there was suddenly a flash of brilliant light. There, before her, was an expanse of ocean. Her sneakers were digging into the beach sand as the waves withdrew from the shore just inches in front of her toes. She was standing in front of an ocean; behind her was East High Islands…her home. But hadn’t she just been falling into what seemed like the ocean? The teen had to shield her eyes from the bright midday sunlight, though it didn’t take long for her eyes to adjust to the sudden change of setting. There was someone standing in the water. The teen squinted her eyes at the figure. Shoulder length brown hair, very tall, somewhat tanned skin. He was strong, the muscles on his arms proved it. The girl recognized him. Wasn’t that…? Troy? The teen grinned mischievously. It was the perfect opportunity to play a trick on him. She took a step forward, ready to charge to at her friend. But when she took her step into the water, there was no water beneath her foot. She hadn’t heard the splash of water underneath her sneaker, nor had she felt it. The girl checked to see if she was simply imaging things. No…It seemed like the water was receding away…From her! Just then, her eyes caught on something. It was…a tidal wave! Going straight for Troy! Troy could see it as clear as day; it was barely twenty yards in front of him, huge, and coming fast. Yet he paid no mind to it. And then, as if someone had called his name, Troy turned around to face the teen standing on the shores of the ocean and stared at her with knowing blue eyes. He looked as though he was smiling as he extended his right hand to his friend. The teen charged into the water, one hand extended to grab her companion to save him from the tidal wave, which were now just a few feet behind him. The tip of the wave curled into itself as it hit shore. She knocked back by the powerful wave, and found herself pushed under the water, despite how shallow it had been earlier. It had swallowed both the teen and Troy, but Troy looked as though the water hadn’t touched him. He was still standing, exact in the same position as before the wave had hit. He opened his hand even more, extending it to his friend. Didn’t she want Troy’s help? She struggled against the water current, still trying desperately grab to Troy’s open hand, when the current suddenly grew stronger and she was thrown backwards, flipping and spinning. She attempted to yell out, but only ended up with mouth full of water. Her eyes were forced shut and her lungs began to burn with the need for air. When she managed to open her eyes, the midday sun had been replaced by orange sunset. She thrust her head up out of the water, gasping for air, shaking the water out of her short messy dark chocolate brown hair. After a brief moment, the teen came to her senses and tired to regain her bearing. She was still in the ocean in front of East High Islands. “Kelsi! Kelsi! Over here, Kelsi!†Kelsi turned in the direction of the voice that was calling her name. There on the beach was a girl with long black hair and bright brown eyes, waving and calling her name with a beautiful wide smile across her face. She was completely bathed in the orange tint of the setting sun. She wouldn’t stop screaming her name. Kelsi grinned and waved back at her just as happily. “Gabriella!†She hurried over toward her, pulling herself through orange gleaming waves to reach him. Gabriella only continued to giggle and smile. As she reached the shoreline, Kelsi looked at her, somewhat breathless, yet managing to give her, her best grin. Gabriella couldn’t help but laugh at the goofy smile on her face, throwing her head back slightly. Her smile suddenly faded as she blinked in confusion, her attention shifting skyward. There was something in the sky. And no, she wasn’t being a ditz upon seeing her first cloud. There was something in the sky. The expression on her face caught Kelsi by surprise and she looked into the sky to what she was looking at. Early shooting stars glimmered against the fiery sky; making shadows and highlights on something that was falling. Gabriella gasped at the sight, as Kelsi blinked in disbelief. What in the world was falling? Kelsi squinted and adjusted her glasses to make out the features of the object. Was it…? Yes, it was a person! Kelsi looked even harder at it. It wasn’t just any person…It was her! Kelsi’s blue eyes widened at the sudden realization, and she suddenly had the sensation of falling, as though the ground beneath her was simply given way. Gabriella turned to look at her, gasping. She was falling! But how could it be? She was standing on the beach, next to Gabriella, and she wasn’t falling. She looked up, or rather, down, trying to see where she would land, but there was no ground in sight. She then turned to Gabriella, extending a hand, pleading for her help. But she could do nothing more than reach for her. It was as though she was standing on some invisible platform that had him nailed down. Kelsi opened her mouth and began to shout her name, but nothing escaped her throat. And then, much to her shock, the image of Gabriella vanished, broken by a ripple as though she had been nothing more than a reflection on the surface of the water. She leaned back. She knew at this point that it was no use to cry for help. Nothing could reach her out here, falling into the sunset. Is it a dream? Suddenly, in a flash of light, Kelsi found herself surrounded by a great blue, as though she was right back where she’d started, falling into what seemed like the ocean. She spun and twirled through water-like atmosphere, falling headfirst until her legs grew heavy, and when she opened her eyes (with some effort) she found herself flipping right-side up. Her feet touched ground. Kelsi looked around. Nothing but darkness, not a soul in sight. No Troy, nor Gabriella. Kelsi summoned up all her courage she took a brave step forward, and as she did so, a blinding came up from below her. She had to shield her eyes as the darkness she was standing on broke away and flew off. Kelsi looked at the piece of blackness that were flying away, and realized that those creatures were not dark fragments. They were birds. They were doves, to be more exact. Kelsi gasped at them, their white feathers drifting downward all around her. Until finally, they had all fluttered deeper into the blackness that surrounded her. Kelsi turned her head slightly to the right, so she was looking over her shoulder, then looked straight ahead of her once again. She was truly all by herself. She was on a small circular platform that seemed to be floating in the darkness. There was picture of a girl with short black hair in a yellow and blue dress holding a apple spread across it, and all around her were the faces of seven little men, each of which to express a different emotion or trait. But Kelsi wasn’t interested in the giant picture. She wanted to know where she was-and she wanted to know right and then. She ran one hand through her short straight dark chocolate brown hair. What to do…? Suddenly, Kelsi heard a voice-it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once…Perhaps it came from within her. Wherever it had come from, it caused the teen to look back over her right shoulder. She tried to follow the voice, slowly moving her head from the right side and to the left in an attempted to pinpoint the voice’s source… So much to do…So little time…Take your time. Kelsi was at a loss. Take her time? But there was only “so little timeâ€, wasn’t there? She found herself confused and almost frightened by this series of events. What in the world was happening! But don’t be afraid. The door is still shut. The door? What door? Now, step forward. Can you do it? For a moment, she wasn’t sure if she could. Her feet suddenly felt extremely heavy, as if she had grown roots and was suddenly stuck to the spot. Kelsi looked around for a while, wondering if she ought to obey the strange voice. Then, swallowing hard, she lifted her white Converse sneaker up off the ground and took a step forward. Then another. And another. The belt that dangled around her waist jumped as she moved, and her necklace, with the dark red stone piece and gold bead, a gift from Gabriella when she arrived, rocked back and forth with her movement. She managed to cross over to the center of the platform and stood still, as though awaiting further instructions from the strange voice. Power sleeps within you Suddenly, a beam of light appeared on her right. Kelsi turned her head to look at it, and it that was a stone tablet bearing a red shield had risen up from the part of the floor that the light had touched. If you give it form… Kelsi spun around just in time to see another beam of light fall upon the surface of the platform to her left, and saw another stone tablet had appeared, this time bearing a green wand bearing a blue symbol on its top. Three circles, one big and two smaller ones attached to it. She then noticed that the shield bore the same symbol. …It will give you strength. Yet another beam of light had appeared and summoned yet another stone tablet from the depths of the flooring. Kelsi turned her head. This one had appeared right in front of her. This stone tablet held a broad sword with a gold and blue hilt. All three objects spun around in place just above the stones. Kelsi looked at each item, baffled, when the voice came once more. Choose well. After a moment’s hesitation and thought, Kelsi stepped toward the platform that held the sword. She pulled herself up onto the platform and took the sword into her hands. Upon further inspection, Kelsi saw a small red circle on the hilt, and inside it was the symbol of the three circles that she’d seen on the other items. She stared at the sword in awe, her blue eyes wide in wonder. It felt good in her hands. Like she was born to wield it. The power of the warrior. Invincible strength. A sword of terrible destruction…Is this the power you seek? Kelsi looked up into the blackness, still hoping the owner of the voice would reveal himself. After a moment of empty silence and darkness, she looked back at the sword in her hands and nodded “yes†in reply. The sword instantly vanished from her hands, breaking up into lights as though it had made of fireflies. She was alarmed to feel strength flow into her, her body was absorbing the light of the sword! Your path is set. Now…what will you give in exchange? She slowly turned around to look at the remaining two items: the shield and the wand. “Give upâ€â€¦? She had to give up one of those in exchange of her newfound power? Kelsi jumped from the platform that once held the sword and looked at each of the items. What to give up? She started for the shield, but stopped when she reached the center of the platform. No. Who wanted to be strong and weak all at the same time? She had no choice. Her eyes drifted from the shield to the wand. She swallowed hard and walked toward it. She pulled herself onto the platform and, looking sadly at the item before her. She had decided. Gently took the wand into her hands. The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. You give up this power? (A/N:In my personal opinion, Kelsi is more a magic person.) The wand seemed to be nothing short of amazing in itself. It had a very simple design, which would probably make it not only useful for magic, but for bashing things with as well. Her fingers fiddled with the blue circles at the top as she tore her eyes away from the wand and looked back into the darkness. Once again, Kelsi nodded. Similar to the sword, the wand broke into lights, and the teen watched silently as the lights wicked out one by one-she was not absorbing them this time around. You have chosen the power of the warrior. You’ve given up the power of the mystic. Is this the form you choose? She had to wonder why the strange voice kept saying aloud what her choice had been. But once again, she nodded her approval. Yeah. That sounded pretty good. Kelsi turned on her heel, awaiting further orders from the voice. Yet as she waited for the voice, there was a large jolt that almost knocked her off the grey platform. She looked down at her feet and realized the platform was sinking into the stained glass image. There was another jolt, and Kelsi tumbled from the stone tablet onto the colored glass. She stood up quickly, realizing that the glass, too, was shattering. The pieces flew up around her and vanished into the darkness. Kelsi hoped briefly that she wouldn’t fall, but when the glass broke beneath her, she was disappointed to find her hopes false. She ended up falling with quite impressive speed. There was no light around; she was engulfed in the darkness. Where had she been taken? Kelsi didn’t think she’d ever find out. She must be dreaming. But this felt so real…And it was lasting longer than any dream she’d ever had before. So…what was happening to her? Her hair was fluttering about wildly into her majestic blue eyes as she plummeted further into the darkness. Kelsi’s eyes strained to catch the glimmer of light that wasn’t going to come for awhile. The darkness seemed to last forever-which was bad news for her. Most people her age probably didn’t agree, but she thought that darkness, whether it be just the dark of night or the deeper darkness of, well, this place, for example…It just seemed to hold some kind of evil. Suddenly, like a ray of hope, Kelsi’s eyes managed to catch onto something that glowed a brilliant blue. She gazed at it intently, as though it was her savior. She eventually realized that it was another platform, just like the one before. It, too, had a girl painted upon it like the stained glass windows of churches she’d seen in books. But this girl was a brunette, and wore a long blue dress. And in place of the seven men, she saw pictures that seemed to tell some kind of story-it had something to do with a prince and some special kind of shoe. After a moment, Kelsi’s feet touched the smooth surface, and everything she’d noticed was forgotten. A sword had appeared in her hands, almost instantaneously. She examined it carefully, and discovered that it was the very sword she’d chosen on the other platform. She checked it again. Yes, it had the three circles on it. You’ve gained the power to fight. Take a swing. Kelsi had almost completely forgotten about the voice. It had surprised her and she jumped back a bit, but once the surprise had faded away, she did as she was told. She took the sword in both hands and swung it around, like she did with her wooden sword often. Use this power to protect yourself and others. As if she couldn’t figure that out for herself. Kelsi almost laughed aloud. Her cheery grin, however, was wiped away when a dark spot appeared on the platform. She spun around in place to face it and leaned forward, examining it, watching a strange black like-creature that was taking shape with ever so curious blue eyes. What was it? Was it dangerous? Would it hurt her? There will be times you have to fight. As Kelsi watched, another spot emerged, and ever more amazing was that the creature had risen out of its two-dimensional form and stood before her. By this she was aback, and unwittingly took a small step backward. Looked like one of those times. Kelsi clenched the sword in both hands and watched, her blue eyes wide in shock. Keep your light burning strong. Suddenly, the creature jumped at her in an attempt to attack. Kelsi leapt back, and then ran around to the side so she was directly behind it; and then took three good swings at the creature. The creature exploded into black mist with her third swing. The other, similar creatures flattened themselves into the floor and vanished. Kelsi spun around several times, checking, making sure there was no more shadow creatures. Behind you! The voice had caught her off guard again. Kelsi spun around so quickly to face the shadow that approached her that she almost slipped. She swung the sword wildly before her, and to her great luck, the blade struck the shadow in what appeared to be its chest, making the creature vanished with explosion of darkness. Only one was left now. Kelsi struggled to regain her footling, turning around fiercely and glaring at the monster. She was about ready to attack it when the creature flattened itself into the floor, vanishing into a dark blotch that formed beneath it. Kelsi were aback by the black patch’s sudden appearance. A rumbling noise. Kelsi’s head snapped in the direction it had come from. Her eyes went wide as she saw more of the dark blotches. They were spreading across the platform. Within moments, more of the large dark blotches began to appear on the blue glass-like surface. First near the circular rim, and then everywhere. Spreading, like a disease. Kelsi looked down near her feet. These dark patches…they were everywhere! All around them! For the first time, a sad expression appeared across Kelsi’s face as she realized with dismay that she couldn’t move. Not because her body wouldn’t obey her, but because if she did, she would step into darkness…And who knew what would happen if she did that? Either way it didn’t matter; the dark void appeared right under their feet. Kelsi immediately sank into the darkness, and they gasped in shock as they did so. That’s when everything seemed to move in slow motion. This shadow…This darkness…It was like quicksand, expect for the texture…It was like ice-cold air pulling at her skin, pulling her into some cold, dark void. It felt cold. It felt wrong. It felt…evil. She couldn’t stand it. While the stuff was crawling up to her waist, Kelsi tried to lift herself out of it, tried to pull herself toward what was left of the glowing blue platform, tried to grab hold of something-anything-that could help her. The darkness was up to her neck now. Kelsi threw up a hand, hoping that someone would grab her and pull her back to where it is safe… Swallowing her face. Kelsi’s blue eyes went wide in terror as the last of her vanished. She struggled as though her life depended on escaping that darkness, her eyes shut tight and her breath held as though that would help repel the evil the darkness held. But after a moment, Kelsi gasped for air, her eyes opening wide and her hands grabbing the nearest object in her reach. She was grateful to find her hand press against a smooth, glass-like surface, and see a soft purple glow out of the corner of her eye. She looked around cautiously, and then slowly rolled onto her stomach, happier than ever to find that she’d ended up on another platform. This one, however, did not have distant image of a girl on it. This platform had three purple hearts on it, each of which showed a white silhouette of a girl, the same girl in all three hearts. Who she was and what her story was, Kelsi would probably never know. There was nothing else on this stained glass platform, save a beam of light coming out of the seemingly endless darkness, coming out at an angle. Kelsi followed the light with her eyes and saw what it was pointing at. There, jotting out of the surface of the platform, just in front of her eyes, was a large arched door. Kelsi stood up and walked around the door, examining it, and the stopped right in front of it. It had a beautiful ornate pattern all over it: around the handles, on the edge, where the double doors met…It seemed to be somehow important, though Kelsi couldn’t exactly pinpoint how so. It didn’t seem to lead anywhere-just to the other side of itself. It was slightly transparent, but it was standing there. She placed both hands on the door’s surface and pushed. ‘I can’t open it…’ She folded her arms and placed one hand thoughtfully under her chin. Now what? There was nothing else here, right? Kelsi turned herself around, and noticed that another beam of light had appeared. She followed the light column down to where it met the platform, and saw a peculiar red chest that had appeared. Baffled, she walked toward the chest and knelt next to it. Kelsi opened the chest, only to find whatever had inside vanished. It left only a few twinkles of light behind in the chest. She sighed and closed it again, then stood and looked at the door. And when she did so, she gasped in surprise. It was no longer transparent. Kelsi blinked in confusion. But…how…? She walked back to it, but before she could lay her hands on it, she heard a strange noise coming from within. She took a few steps back. If anything was coming out of there, she didn’t want to get in its way. Then it was silent. Kelsi looked at the door again, starting from the bottom to the top. What was happening? Then the double doors began to part, ever so slowly. A bright white light was emitted from within, so powerful she had to shield her eyes from it. The door opened itself wide, inviting Kelsi to enter. She looked down at the floor, and then slowly raised her eyes upward to the light, allowing her eyes adjust to the brightness of it. She then began to step toward it. Kelsi leaned forward as she walked, curious now as to what was creating the light, or what the light was hiding. But the light grew stronger and stronger, until it finally had swallowed her up within. After a moment, Kelsi could hear the sound of water rushing up onto shore. When she reopened her eyes, she found herself back on the island, up on one of the wooden platforms that had been built in the trees. She looked around in confusion. What was she doing back here? Had she woken up from this dream? If so, why did she found herself still standing? Was it possible to fall asleep standing? Kelsi found herself hoping beyond hope that she’d finally manage to wake up. Hold on. The door won’t open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself. Nope. Kelsi sighed in dismay. The presence of that voice…It meant she was still in this…this bizarre dream world. Kelsi looked up from the floor, and gasped when she saw the girl sitting on the wooden railing. She was stretching her limbs and yawning as though she had just woken up from a good nap and swinging her legs playfully back and forth. She recognized the way her auburn hair curled sideward, and her brown eyes, and her green dress. (A/N: Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie here are Chad, Zeke, and Talyor) Yes, Kelsi knew her. She smiled and stepped forward to greet her, when she suddenly turned to look at her. Kelsi was shocked at the hardness and wisdom she saw in her young brown eyes. “What’s most important to you?†she asked, her voice crystal clear. Kelsi stared back at her, hoping to see her break. But it never happened. Kelsi sighed, surrendering. She didn’t even have to think about the answer to that question. “Friendship.†“Is friendship such a big deal?†The girl’s expression didn’t change as she looked away. A strange sense of panic washed over her. She began to back up quickly, but in doing so almost flipping over the edge of the platform and fell into the water. Kelsi grabbed onto the edge of the platform and pulled herself back up onto it. As she tried to catch her breath, she saw a pair of sandals just inches away from her nose. Kelsi raised her head up to find another one of the kids she recognized from the island. The boy was dark sandy blonde hair, wearing a short white and red shirt and blue shorts, holding what looked like a cookbook in his hand. He had the same hardness and wisdom in his face as the girl. “What are you so afraid of?†he asked, his voice also ringing out as clear as day. She looked at the boy before her as though he was crazy. Kelsi had to wonder if these were really the friends she knew, or just images that the strange voice had pulled from her memory. It didn’t matter. The voice had said to tell him more about herself. Kelsi sighed in defeat, but she had to think about this question. She wasn’t sure what her fear was. “Being…being indecisive.†“Being indecisive? Is it really that scary?†He looked away after that, just like the girl had. It was as if Kelsi held nothing of interest to them, or if they didn’t want anyone to see them talking to her. And it was scaring Kelsi beyond belief. Kelsi hesitantly moved backward. She had this place memorized. She knew all the pathways, the trees, docks, the plants…the whole island by heart. So she headed straight for the way off the platform, but instead bumped into another one of her friends from the island. This one was pretty tall, with hair that seemed curled with a curling iron. He was fiddling around with something similar to basketball, spinning it around on one finger and watching its movement intently. However when Kelsi bumped into him, the boy’s attention turned from his ball to Kelsi’s nervous figure. As Kelsi was about to apologize for bumping into him, the boy spoke, his voice just as loud and clear as the two kids before him. “What do you want outta life?†he asked, somewhat causally. By now, Kelsi had decided it was best not to argue with the voice’s will. The quickest way to get out of this dream, this nightmare, this premonition, was probably to answer all the questions. Kelsi straightened so she was looking straight into the boy’s eyes, and tried to think without flinching. It took her a while, but she finally came up with an answer. “To see rare sights.†“To see rare sights, huh?†It looked like the kid was going to laugh at her answer, and to Kelsi’s extreme surprise, the boy didn’t look away as though he’d lost interest. This boy lingered amusedly on Kelsi’s face, until finally turning away as though he had to go off and laugh by himself. Kelsi almost grew angry, and was about to step forward to smack him one, when she found that her feet was glued to the floor. Your adventure begins at midday. The voice! Keep a steady pace and you’ll come through fine. Kelsi grew confused. What was that supposed to mean? Midday? Her adventure? The day you will open the door is both far off and very near. The door? Did it mean the door that she’d seen on the other platform? The one that she was now allowed to enter? Kelsi was suddenly blinded by a great white light, and stumbled forward as she waited for it to dim. When it did, Kelsi found herself somewhere else, on another one of those stained glass platforms that floated in darkness. Kelsi’s footsteps became steady as she crossed the platform. She examined the image on the surface. Another girl…with long blonde hair in a blue dress. She seemed to be asleep, but was surrounded by throny vines. Kelsi moved across, still examining the picture, when a beam of light shot down onto the girl’s face. Kelsi looked up to where the light seemed to be coming from, and then walked over to where it seemed to pointing. Yet as she reached it, she found herself surrounded by the little shadow creatures from before. The sword appeared suddenly in her hand as Kelsi ran toward the first in her reach and slashed at it ferociously until it disappeared into a burst of black fire. The rest of the shadows huddled together as they began what seemed to be some kind of group charge. Kelsi could hardly help smirk as three wide swings of her sword defeated the entire group at once. She straightened, confident now that all the little shadows were gone. Kelsi turned their attention back to the beam of light, but this time it had moved. It was no longer on the girl’s face. It had moved downward, and then created a circle imprint. The outline looked like white fire, ever burning and seeming to grow stronger all the time. Kelsi ran toward it, dropping to her knees as she reached it. Kelsi stretched one hand into the circle and, feeling nothing out of the ordinary, stepped inside it. She was starting to think that she was on some kind of training mission. Either that or a wild goose chase. As they stood there, waiting for the voice to speak up before Kelsi forgot it, the beam of light moved again. This time it went all the way over the edge, and as soon as it did so, a series of square stained-glass platforms appeared, making a sort of stairway up to another place. Kelsi was pretty sure that it was another stained-glass image platform. She looked around, and seeing that there was nothing more to do on that platform, she ran toward the stairway and hurried up it, careful to not slip and fall into the pit of darkness that surrounded her on all sides. The brilliant yellow glow of this particular platform was the first thing that Kelsi saw. And there, right in the middle, just like all the other platforms before it, was a boy. Another brunette, this time wearing a expansive, looking yellow dress. She was quite the beauty, but just behind her was the face of a hideous. Yet, both of them looked quite peaceful-neither of seemed afraid or anger. Forming a around them were the silhouettes of various people: candelabrums, clocks, and even several items from a tea set. Kelsi pushed the thoughts out of her mind and looked that beam of light. She found it just above the center of the platform. She smiled slightly as they stepped toward it, curious now, as it wasn’t running away. She stepped underneath the light and gazed up at where it seemed to come from. And then the voice that Kelsi’d been waiting for made its presence known. The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes. Kelsi was no longer sure if the voice was being cryptic or literal. Though confusion reigned over her, Kelsi slowly turned around to look at her shadow. Sure enough, there it was. Darker then she’d seen it before, reaching all the way from the center of the circular platform to the very edge. Her shadow turned slightly to face her, adjusting itself so that it looked like it was lying down on the floor, so it was looking at Kelsi straight in the eye. Kelsi’s heart stopped for a second. She hadn’t done that. Then suddenly, the shadow began to pull itself up out of the floor. Kelsi stepped back in alarm, starring as it began to change its shape. It had at first looked just like her, but now its hair stretched reaching out from its scalp, some of which chose to wrap itself around the creature’s head. Two eyes began to glow yellow from deep within the mask of dark tentacles. Its fingers stretched and sharpened into sharp black claws. Its feet became smaller, curving inward as you followed it to the toe. Kelsi stepped slowly backward. But don’t be afraid. A giant-shaped hole appeared in the chest area. Kelsi could see right through it. “My God.†Kelsi said to herself. The shadow had grown to immense proportions. It loomed over Kelsi, dark and menacing, staring down at her with glowing yellow glows. Kelsi took small steps backward, one hand held slightly upward, hoping that it would see she didn’t want to fight it. But somehow, Kelsi felt that she was about to. And don’t forget… Kelsi’s eyes widened in fear as the creature completed itself. Kelsi stumbled backward, gasping in terror, trying to escape. She ran, still staring over her shoulder at the giant shadow creature. It was just standing there, as if it were waiting. She continued to run, but nearly slipped over the edge. She’d forgotten. There was no way out. She was on a large circular platform floating in darkness. Where could she possibly run? She began to teeter on the edge of the platform, but thankfully managed to shift her weight on back onto the platform. A look of despair appeared on Kelsi’s face. Kelsi swallowed hard and spun around to face the creature. Kelsi had no choice but to fight it. She stared at the monster as it straightened itself to its full length. It…was…huge. She gripped the sword tight in her hands, and then ran forward the shadow. Its gigantic frame grew as she came closer, becoming more and more frightening as she approached. But Kelsi had learned a long time ago to swallow her fear. Kelsi ran at the nearest available limb of the creature-its right hand. Unfortunately for Kelsi, the hand seemed to be creating a purple energy sphere. Its first attack, evidently. Kelsi didn’t care. She followed the hand at all costs, as if she had a lock on it. Even when the creatures raised into the air and then slammed it onto the platform. The purple energy had disappeared as a black patch had appeared underneath its palm. The hand was resting on the ground. An opening! Kelsi leapt in the air; sword raised, and began to swing wildly at it. Her swings didn’t seem to do anything to the creature, but she had to keep trying. She slashed the fingers and the palm furiously, and followed that hand everywhere it went. She wouldn’t let it get away from her. Suddenly, Kelsi felt a sharp pain at her back. She spun around and saw some of the little creatures from before surrounding her. So that’s what the giant had been doing: pulling little helpers out of the platform. Kelsi slashed at them, too, pushing them further from her, then returned to the Black Hand. She leapt at it when it was high above her head, and swung her sword at it with all her strength when it was level with her. She didn’t think about the little black creature, though they were attacking her from behind and weakening ferocity of her attack at the giant hand. It seemed to be luck that they moved themselves in the way of her sword and were attacked as well. And every time they disappeared, Kelsi felt her energy return. Eventually, all the small shadows had vanished, but the giant had other means of attack. From the heart-shaped hole in the being’s chest appeared a huge glowing sphere of purple energy. Even though her alarm, Kelsi didn’t stop attacking the beast. Even when the energy sphere shattered into pieces and all those pieces came after her, Kelsi did not hesitate in her blitz. Even though every muscle in her body had told her to run, she had merely jumped into the air in order to keep her attack rolling. She was starting to think that this battle was going to be hopeless. She switched her focus from hand to foot and back to the hand. Nothing seemed to be working. The giant continued slamming his fist into the floor, making it ramble to the point where Kelsi would lose her footing. The giant didn’t even seem to notice that it was being attacked. And that’s when Kelsi remembered. The creature’s face! She’d read in a book somewhere about how the face would always be the weakest point on the fighter’s body, since the muscles in the face couldn’t be built, no matter what kind of training was endured. Kelsi jumped up onto the creature’s arm and began to run up toward the monster’s face, clutching the sword tightly in her grip. “Hey, ugly!†Kelsi yelled as she reached the monster’s face. “Your face is wide open!!†Kelsi screeched to a halt in front of the monster’s face. The head began to move slightly, acknowledging Kelsi’s presence. She raised her sword high into the air and then swung the blade swiftly downwards, the blade slicing across the giant’s face, right between the eyes. The creature roared in fury, everything seems like it was going in slow motion; Kelsi had won. Kelsi slid down the monster’s arm, planting her feet firmly on the stained glass platform and then spun around to face it. She moved quickly backward, away from the creature for the first time. She had won, but the giant hadn’t disappeared yet. It was still standing there, still looming over her. Kelsi clutched the sword tighter in her hands, waiting for something to happen, when the sword suddenly vanished with a white light. She gasped in shock-she was weaponless! And the monster was still alive! Kelsi wanted to run, but she remembered where she was-a circular platform. Even so, she had to get away from the giant shadow monster. Even just being out of its reach would be enough. She leapt backward again when the creature lashed out at her, swinging one mighty hand in an attempt to knock her off the platform. The shadow slammed his other hand down onto the platform as well, causing a great rumble in the ground beneath Kelsi’s feet. The creature had fallen to its knees and glared at Kelsi with those terrible glowing yellow eyes. Kelsi’s knees suddenly gave way, and she tumbled and fell onto the ground. Kelsi felt all her fear return. She was powerless. She couldn’t swallow the fear anymore. It felt like she was going to throw up all of her terror. She stared up at the creature, terrified, still trying to get away even though she was sitting on the ground. Kelsi kicked her feet, pushing the ground to help her get away, when suddenly she felt a familiar texture on her hands and legs. She risked taking a glance at the floor and was horrified by what she saw. It was one of those dark patches from the blue platform! One had formed underneath her! Her heart began to race, feeling like it was going burst from her clothes. The monster stared down at Kelsi, those yellow eyes gleaming as though everything had gone according to its plan. She squirmed under the giant’s gaze. Those horrible glowing yellow eyes… But don’t be afraid. Too late. Kelsi tried to escape from the dark blotch that was below her, but this patch was different. Instead of slowly pulling her under like quicksand, it was reaching up to her with dark tentacle like things and holding her down. Along with its black tendrils was something that resembled black fire and smoke, curling around her limbs and holding Kelsi down just as firmly as the tendrils. The smoke and tendrils first began to wrap around Kelsi’s legs, engulfing her in darkness. They seemed to hold her tightly; it even felt like a series of cold, soft hands had taken hold of her. Kelsi struggled under the feeling of it. She clenched her teeth, holding back a yell of frustration and terror. The monster was still there, still glaring at her, but doing more than that. Its malicious glowing eyes burned into Kelsi. Kelsi’s mind raced. She could do nothing more than to stare back at the monster, but…that malicious stare… Suddenly, the creature raised itself so it was almost standing upright. As though it was planning to do something. Like delivering a final bow. You hold the mightiest weapon of all. The voice seemed to be trembling. Kelsi had finally managed to roll onto her stomach, even though those dark tendrils had wrapped around her entire torso. She tried to crawl over and grab the edge of the platform, but it wasn’t working. She could barely gain more than a few inches. Kelsi stretched her arm out, but her hand couldn’t reach the edge. Then the dark tentacles and the black fire began to grab hold of that hold. Now all of Kelsi’s limbs had been caught by that dark stuff. There was nothing more she could do. So don’t forget… The voice was definitely shaking. She found herself slowly starting to sink into the dark patch as the tentacles began to engulf her. She turned around, checking to see if the giant shadow beast was still there. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw it there, still looming over her. It was leaning downward as though it was going to crush Kelsi with its body. Kelsi’s eyes were wide with terror, begging for mercy. No. She didn’t want to die here. Not here. Not in this bizarre place. No. Not here. Never here. Anywhere but here. Black tendrils of fire and smoke reached up and began to wrap around Kelsi’s face. “Cold…and dark…so dark…†You are the one…who will open the door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of water crashing on the beach shore had slowly filled her senses. She opened her eyes and stared up at the blue sky. The large white clouds rolled lazily across the blue expense. She shielded her eyes from the sky as she stared up. It looked like midday, but she couldn’t really tell. ‘The sky’s blue today…’ She switched her attention from the sky to whatever was lying in front of her. She pushed herself into a sitting position and propped herself up with her hands. It was the ocean. A great expense of beautiful blue ocean lying out before her. No mainland in sight. She smiled sleepily and yawned, than laid herself back down to get some more sleep. She lay down, finding herself suddenly lying in some shade. She lazily opened her eyes and looked up. Her view of the sky was obstructed by a girl. “Whoa!†She sat straight up, all her chains jingling at the sudden movement. Still on her knees, she turned herself around to her friend, her exposed knees rubbing against the beach sand. Both friends began to laugh at each other. “Gimme a break, Gabriella.†Gabriella giggled, tucking a loose turf of her long wavy black hair behind his ear, and then stared straight into her companion’s face, still grinning as though he knew she’d done something wrong. Her chocolate brown eyes were still laughing as she spoke in a tone that sounded just like a mother’s. “Kelsi, you lazy bum. I knew that I’d find you snoozing down here.†Then she turned away, as if she were shunning her for her wrong doing, her nose lifted snobbishly in the air. She looked back at Kelsi out of the corner of her eye, waiting for her to laugh at her imitation. “No! This huge, black thing swallowed me up!†Kelsi began to explain. The adrenaline had suddenly begun to run through her body, just like it did at the end of her dream. She tried her best to recall everything she’d seen, every detail, her blue eyes burning through the ground as she struggled to find words to explain. “I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t-†A hand dropped onto the top of her head. “Ow!†Kelsi raised one hand and rubbed her new bruise. “Are you still dreaming?†Gabriella laughed, dropping the false mom act. He leaned forward and stared straight into Kelsi’s face. “It wasn’t a dream!†Kelsi protested. But her words caught in her throat. “Or… was it? I don’t know…†Kelsi looked down at the sand, suddenly confused. Had it been really a dream? But it had felt so real… She then looked over her shoulder, toward the ocean, as though its deep depths held the answer to all his questions. “What was that place?†she murmured, mostly to herself. “So bizarre…†“Yeah sure.†Kelsi looked up at Gabriella in surprise and slight dismay. She didn’t believe her…? Gabriella had given up making fun of Kelsi – for now. She walked causally toward the shoreline, and stopped just a few inches from where the water receded from the shore. Gabriella looked up at the sky at first, gazing at the white clouds as they rolled by. And then she turned to stare out to the horizon, as though she also believed that there was some big secret out there that she just had to know. Kelsi turned her attention to Gabriella. “Say, Gabriella. What was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.†She shifted her position so she was no longer kneeling on the sand (the texture was starting to hurt her knees) and turned slightly so that she was still facing Gabriella. She propped herself up with her arms, her gaze never drifting far from her. She smiled at the question. “I’ve told you before, I don’t remember.†“Nothing at all?†Kelsi sounded suspicious, and almost doubtful of her answer. “Nothing.†Gabriella had answered as if didn’t bother her one bit. “Do you ever wanna go back?†“Mmm…Well, I'm happy here.†Gabriella’s smile deepened as the words came out. “Really…†She was still doubtful. Kelsi finally looked away from Gabriella and stared out over the horizon, just like she was. “But you know,†Gabriella continued with a little giggle, “I wouldn’t mind going to see it.†She smiled at the thought. “I’d like to see it too,†Kelsi replied, fixing her gaze back on Gabriella and resting one arm on her knees. She grinned at her thoughts. “Along with any other worlds out there. I wanna see ‘em all.†Gabriella giggled as she turned to face her friend with a nod. “So what’re we waiting for?†“Hey, aren’t you guys forgetting about me?†Both Kelsi and Gabriella turned around. There, standing with a log tucked one arm, was a boy. He was taller than both Kelsi and Gabriella. He had shoulder length brown hair, that stuck just about everywhere (but in the most stylish manner) and blue eyes that were almost aqua in color. He was well built for a fifteen-year-old, and held the thick log as though it was nothing. Kelsi grinned. She’d known this guy since…well, as far back she could remember. She and Troy had grown up together. “So,†Troy continued with a shake of his head, “I guess I’m the only one working on the raft.†Troy glanced at Kelsi with a slight smile, and tossed the log to her as he walked over to Gabriella. Kelsi yelled in surprise as she tried to catch it… and failed miserably. Troy laughed slightly than looked right at Gabriella, straight into her innocent brown eyes. “And you’re just as lazy as she is,†Troy finished, accusing Gabriella as he motioned toward Kelsi. Kelsi made a face at Troy as she pulled closer the log to her. Gabriella giggled. She put one hand behind her head in an embarrassed gesture, and feigned a wince as Troy spoke. “So, you noticed,†she laughed, a sheepish grin spreading across her face. “Okay, we’ll finish it together! I’ll race you!†“Huh?!†Kelsi had seated herself on top of Troy’s log, and looked up at Gabriella as though she was craziest person she’d ever met in her entire life. There was no way she was going to race both Troy and Gabriella after she’d just woken up. Troy had seated himself down in the sand next to Kelsi. And then, as though Troy had read Kelsi’s thoughts, he yelled out, exhausted that he’d been doing all day – alone, as it turned out. He rolled his blue eyes so he was looking up at Gabriella, the only one still standing. “What, are you kidding?†Gabriella paid no attention to their protests, and merely laughed at their expense. She then cupped his hands around her mouth like a megaphone. “Ready, go!†The boy and the girl exchanged glances, then suddenly leap to their feet and began to run along the shoreline as fast as they could. Troy looked over at Kelsi, his face filled with laughter. Kelsi, on the other hd, looked absolutely determined to beat Troy in this race. Troy almost laughed at Kelsi’s seriousness, and finally looked straight ahead. If Kelsi was going to try to win, then so was he. Gabriella laughed the entire run across the beach, bringing up the rear of the so-called “raceâ€. She couldn’t stop laughing at them as she made her way toward the “boat ruins†on the other side of the island. Both Troy and Kelsi were way ahead of her, the two of them being neck in neck. Kelsi finally looked over at Troy. The boy and the girl looked at each other as they ran for a moment, and then suddenly, both grinned at each other, as though there was some kind of joke just the two of them shared, and then continued their race. Kelsi’s grin grew even bigger, the mysterious dream pushed out of her thoughts. Then the boy and the girl looked back at Gabriella, both of them grinning, and began to call out her name and urge her to run faster. There was only this moment. This eternal summer that had been granted to the three of them in the form of an island paradise. There was only now. There was no door. No darkness. No mysterious voice. This place… These were the East High Islands. The passage to Kingdom Hearts. *covers myself with the umbrella* Hope you enjoy the story!