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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    My parents are going up to the Twin Cities for a bowling tournament that my dad is part of this weekend. And the one of the suggestions was that I go over and stay with my grandparents for the weekend, but there is one problem. My grandma tends to comment and insult me about anything. Every Sunday, we go to their house for dinner and because I don't eat salad like everyone else, she says, 'So you're not a rabbit.' And just she said as just we were about to eat some ice cream, you'll get fat. When I tried to be sarcastic on her caring for my weight, she said she didn't get a shit about it. I don't think I can handle her for two days, though I often hide downstairs.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 25, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    Okay, since I need help in school, I have a IEP person to help. And the weird thing is, all the people who have helped me are named Sarah. As you can tell, this is the right spelling, not the weird way it's done in XIII. Anyway, is someone trying to tell me somthing, like I am going to change my name to Sarah? Or have a child named Sarah? Please, tell me!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 15, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Princess Rapunzel
    Two paintings I made in my Art Class. The first one is what I did as a Junior and the second one is what I did as a Senior. They are random, I know. And you will have to click on the pics to get the full size.

    Apple on Books:
    View attachment 30134
    Lockon Stratos (First Season):
    View attachment 30135
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 31, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    What should I blog about? Noob, first time.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 18, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    Oh, joy, KHV

    I have first seamster exams on the same week of Christmas Break. Well, the good news that I only have to take about three exams. Hooray!
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 10, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    A little something for the holidays. I wanted to put Coral of the Bells by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the end as the credits, but I chose against it. Also, I wanted the video to convey the song's meaning, especially at the end with Aqua's noble sacrifice.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 8, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    I am in Denver National Airport with my parents, waiting for the plane to take me back home. Just finished a Quiznos sub and am on the iPad. Can't wait to be back in Southwest Minnesota again. |3
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 5, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    My video done with Sony Vegas. I'm very proud and kinda like it. Story is on the channel, and I'm starting to wonder if I should make a squeal to it. Enjoy.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 30, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    FFX: FA < - Refer here to the first story

    Story~ Sin, the creature that brought with it, a spiral of death endlessly as the true culprit was none other than Yu Yevon, taking Final Aeons to craft them into new Sin's, however, exactly two years ago to a day, a Summoner named Yuna crossed paths with a man claiming to be from Zanarkand as the man slowly learnt about Spira itself from Yuna's Guardians.

    Tidus, this man became Yuna's Guardian along with Auron, his caretaker and mentor who was once Braska's guardian himself, they journey leads them to many places and a plot that threatened to destroy Spira as Seymour, one of the Maesters of Yevon, planned to save Spira by becoming Sin.

    However near the end of the journey, Tidus discovered he was but a dream of the Fayth and when they destroyed Yu Yevon, he'll disappear, another of Yuna's guardians, Kari had the power of the Final Aeon without any sacrifice's and another was a young man who held an Aeon within him, but these people did not fade as Tidus did.

    Now, two years later, sphere's and ancient ruins are being discovered all over Spira as Sphere Hunting was born, the people of Spira allowing Machina to return to their lives and the Al Bhed becoming a part of Spira’s society once again, but Yuna decides to travel once more when two of her Guardians bring a sphere that held the image of the man she loved and lost... Will Yuna find Tidus and end her story and his on happy endings? That's what we're going to find out!


    Got permission from Protecter to restart it. This is the sequel to Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Memories (made by Protecter212), however the plot does remain the same except OC's are thrown in with their side stories.

    Romance is accepted but PG-13 people!

    Posts must be sentenced at 3 lines or more.

    No godmodding, not everyone can be almighty and not escape without any injures.

    OC's are permitted and before any of the members of the previous thread ask, your OC's from X can make an appearance.

    Number of OC's in this thread you can control are two, same as before and you may control up to as many FF characters you are given, your previous OC’s in FA don’t count and are free to be used anytime.

    New Dressphere's are debuting in here too, of course they have drawbacks to each one.


    FFX-2 Characters Available

    Yuna – Aerith G.
    Rikku – Aerith G.
    Paine – Aerith G.
    Shinra – Protecter212
    Brother - Aerith G.
    Nooj – Protecter212
    Baralai –.Aerith G.
    Gippal - Bushy-Brow 1992
    Shuyin - Protecter212
    Lenne - Aerith G.

    OC's from X

    Dean - Protecter212
    Lukya - Aerith G.
    Kari - Aerith G.
    Daichi - Bushy-Brow
    Ryo - TwilightBlader

    OC's for X-2

    Aqua - Aerith G.
    Lockon - Aerith G.
    Yuji - Protecter212
    Shugo - Protecter212
    Haruku Hotaru - Bushy-Brow-1992
    Maylene Oraboros - Bushy-Brow-1992
    Stefan - Dr_Wigglz

    ~Character Sheet~

    Name: Your character's name.
    Age: Their age.
    Race: Can be anything, even half-breeds!
    Appearance: Their appearance of course, pictures are allowed.
    Default Dressphere: The default sphere you'll use in battle
    Ultimate Dresspshere: The ultimate sphere you'll use like Yuna's Floral Fallal, Rikku's Machina Maw and Paine's Full Throttle
    Bio: Their history.

    OC Characters

    Character Name: Aqua
    Age: 6/?????
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Dream Giver
    Ultimate Dressphere: Dark Musician
    Bio: A strange little girl who is never seen without her white dragon machina. She clings to Yuna because she reminds her of her mother. The Gullwings believe her parents are musicians due to the fact her only memory of her father playing some kind of organ and bright lights. She gets a headache whenever she watches the sphere.
    Weapon: Boomerang

    Character Name: Lockon
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Guado, Half-Human
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dressphere: N/A
    Bio: A guest engineer to the Gullwings when he met Lady Yuna, then he asked to join full time. When asked why, he said he wanted to fulfill his late father's wish of traveling Spira with a well-celebrity, and Brother immediately made him the bodyguard and protector of Yuna since she was the high summoner. Lockon is quite knowledgeable since he was a former scholar of Yevon who left when he discovered the truth. He respects and honors Lukya as the Guado leader and has faith in her choice of a lover. Aqua's machina pet seems to like to bite his hand, while he hides his guado features with machina.
    Weapon: Dual-bladed sword.

    Name: Stefan
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Short black hair,piercing green eyes, semi-muscular build, has sideburns.
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dresspshere: N/A

    Name: Devln Gancanagh
    Age: 22
    Race: Al Bhed
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dresspshere: N/A
    Bio: Devln has devoted himself to protecting Lady Claire. After Home was destroyed and the attempts to rebuild going well, he found a better use for his mechanical skills and fighting style. It's the reason he differs from most Al Bhed, for his love of his sword and preservance of honor kept him at a distance from his kin. He speaks when spoken to and not often offers his opinion on matters.
    Weapon: Sword

    Name: Claire Dominick
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Lady Luck
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Royal Flush
    Bio: Claire grew up playing games. When she heard of the High Summoner's trials, she thought it would be a good idea to visit those places and see what games awaited her. She met Devln, who has been a loyal protecter of the seemingly defenseless girl, in the Al Bhed desert where she had wandered looking for the places Yuna and her guardians had traveled. Claire was supposed to have grown and trained into a Summoner but she failed and has always resented Summoners for their special recognition.
    Weapon: Dice/magic
    Bio: Stefan is an experienced soldier. He has fought in many battles, and lost very few. He is a thief that values treasure greatly. Agile and nimble, he is extremely fast on his feet,which is useful in his proffession. He has heard of Yuna's past accomplishment with the help of her guardians,and seeks to join them in order to gain treasure.
    Weapon: (Look below this psot for reference)

    Name: Haruka Hotaru
    Age: 15
    Appearance: (click)
    Long red hair down to her waist, orange eyes. Wears baggy navy and black bottoms and a loose fitting red and black sleeveless low-cut top (just above her belly button) ((she likes to feel comfortable)).
    Default Dressphere: Brawler
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Awakened Fighmaster
    Bio: Woke up one day at the age of 10 with complete amnesia, not knowing a thing about her past, anyone or who her parents were. She only knows of her first name because of a tattoo found on the back of her neck which says in small letters: (Haruka 273). When she made her way wearily into Luca she was on the verge of collapse and taken into a medical facility. The authorities were called to see if any young girls had been reported missing, but there was no trace of anyone looking for a 10 year old red headed girl at all.
    She was taken into an orphanage where she has been ever since. Now 15 she works behind the scenes at the Blitz arena and tries to live life the best she can. She gave herself her new surname Hotaru (which is Japanese for Firefly) after her and her friends were hanging out and a Firefly decided to land on top of Haruka's head, it's warm glow matching the colour of her hair, to which all of the girls laughed.
    Weapon: Knuckle Daggers.

    Name: Maylene Oraboros
    Age: 14
    Race: Half Ronso, Half Human
    Appearance: Like Daichi she is half Ronso. She has bright green eyes and pink hair which she ties in a side ponytail and just as pink fur on whitey greyish skin (she has a lot more fur than Daichi). She however is way smaller and petite than other Ronso... even Daichi as she comes up to about 4ft, she also like Daichi has no horn and her face appears rather human... although she does possess some feline like features and she still has a tail. She wears Ronso styled clothing and because of her small stature, surprisingly takes the ranged and magic approach to battle instead of the rough, and brutish style the Ronso are known for.
    Default Dressphere: Gun-Mage
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Feril Maiden.
    Bio: She like Daichi had a tough life being Half-Ronso, however she didn't choose to flee the mountain. 2 years ago, she witnessed Daichi and Kimahri's fight on Gagazet, and now regards Daichi as her hero since he was able to change the view on Half-breeds. However that changed when Seymour arrived. Biran and Yenke, in the spirit of wanting to help Maylene after everything that happened with Daichi and Luna, forced her to run away while they and the other Ronso barred his path and were then slaughtered.
    Since then, the survivor Ronso have adopted similar views to half-breeds again because of Daichi (being a half-breed) having relations with a Guado, and none the less... Seymour's very own sister. Maylene still however regards Daichi as a hero. She continues to live on the mountain under Kimahri's protection and looks up to the elder Ronso like a father figure.
    Weapon: Morph-Guns. (They can be configured into many different types)


    Here are Protecter's characters to add as I was the first person to make mine.

    Name: Yuji
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Joker, Mage, Gunner (This will be explained)
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Xtreme
    Bio: One of the new recruits of the Gullwings as Yuji is kind hearted and does what he can to help those he sees but he will turn serious when the situation arises, he is also the partner of Shugo who is usually left on the airship to provide intel since Yuji’s the fighter, when the two first met, they used the DoubleGrid to become a warrior with half the powers of their own spheres, becoming a new and powerful force, Yuji’s side handles the body transformations while Shugo creates the mind transformation, together, they become a two-in-one warrior, the left crystallized eye flashes when Shugo speaks through the transformation.
    Weapon: Depends in what form the two are in, Fists, Magic or Gun

    Name: Shugo
    Age: 17
    Race: Human/?????

    Default Dressphere: Cyclone, Heat, Luna, Fang (Will be explained)
    Ultimate Dressphere: Xtreme
    Bio: Another new recruit to the Gullwings as Shugo tends to look up anything he finds interesting to him, he also can delve into Spira’s Library which records all information of the world, he is more of an information gather than a fighter but he can fight alongside his partner Yuji during their transformation as the DoubleGrid requires the two be in synch for it to fully work so Shugo provides the Memory Spheres that are available for use, he does have a 4th Memory, Fang which acts independently of it’s own will and protects Shugo when he’s in danger for an unknown reason, when the two first used Fang, their roles are reversed and the transformation ended, Shugo felt like he was losing a piece of himself to the berserk nature of the form so, he vowed to never use Fang again as the Memory disappeared for a year.
    Weapon; Same as Yuji’s
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 30, 2011, 115 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel
    Final Fantasy XII: War of The Winged Fate

    Story ~ Two long years have passed since the end of the war between the mighty empires, Archadia and Rozarria. Laying in-between the two empires was the small neutral kingdom of Dalmasca, now occupied by Archadia after King Raminas was murdered by the once trusted Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg and Lady Ashe committed suicide, following the death of her newly-wedded husband, Lord Ralser.

    In secret, a resistance force had formed, and at its lead, the Princess Ashe, who had be rumored to be dead. A spy for the resistance, while on a intelligence gathering mission, is neatly beaten when she's suddenly saved by a very unlikely person, a young orphan named Vaan.

    As if the gods had willed it, it would be through this one meeting that a simple orphan and a surviving princess would meet to defy the Archadian Empire and unveil the truth of the war.


    The story of Final Fantasy XII, expect there will be OCs as the story will be changed very little and certain events will occur.

    Yes, OCs can join the main party, but only a certain number. Others, if willing, can join the bad guys, but no OCs in the Judge position, unless you ask and have good reason for it.

    Romance pg-13, this isn't rated M. -_-;

    No godmod, everyone has to retreat once in a while and the cast is mainly human.

    Posts must be 3 sentences or more.

    OC control is 2 max, same is for the FFXII cast or you can control one, your choice.

    OC Chart:

    Name: Your character's name
    Age: Their age
    Race: Are you a Bangaa, Hume, Moogle, Seeq, Viera? Be creative and make a half-ling race, new or ancient!
    Appearance: Descriptions and pics are fine
    Weapon: Staves, gun, swords, bows, barehanded, the choices are endless
    Home: The homeland of your character
    Quickening: Your special attack, what is its level 1, 2, and 3 names and what does it do?
    Bio: Your character's history within Ivalice


    Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca:
    Basch fon Ronsenburg:
    Larsa Ferrinas Solidor:
    Vayne Carudas Solidor:



    My OC character

    Name: Feath
    Age: 15
    Race: Half-Hume, Half Viera
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: A handcrafted bow called Dynast Protector with arrows, Dynast Fire
    Home: Dalmasca
    Quickening: Level 1 - Whiten Fall - Use Magicks to surround herself with arrows which immediately covers in ice and shoots at the enemy
    Level 2 - Song of Aurora - Sings a enchanted song as she sends a rainbow colored ball to the enemy, who is sleeping from the melody of the song
    Level 3 - Wood's Angel - A light surrounds her as she gently touches the ground and a violet quake happens, shaking the enemy
    Bio: Princess Ashe's childhood friend and playmate, Feath was born into the noble world under a Hume father and a Viera mother while always managing to hide her Hume features. Oldest of triplets, her two younger siblings vanished around the same time her older half-sister left for Archadia. She was immediately picked to become a spy to gather intelligence from the Imperials and always managed to get away before they would notice her. However, one day, she wasn't so lucky and got caught only to be saved by a young Hume orphan named Vaan. She briefly thanked him and left, never thinking she would see him again.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 27, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel
    Story ~ Everyone has heard of the Sorceress war between Galbadia and Esthar. During the seventeen years after the defeat of the Sorceress Adel, military schools known as Gardens were built in the world's three countries, Balamb, Trabia, and Galbadia, to train future mercenaries to defeat the Sorceress if she was to return.

    However, one day, a student of Balamb, Squall Leonheart, discovers two girls with no memory of their pasts, but they know how to use their weapons. In secret, Squall adopts the girls as his sisters and they become students of the Garden. But the destinies of these girls as well as their hidden pasts are about to become with Squall's and a new sorceress.


    My latest crazy idea, but I think you get the picture. This is Final Fantasy VIII, the same storyline with the addition of characters from X-2 and Harry Potter. This will begin when three or four people decide to join.

    Rules: No godmodding, everyone in this is human and can't get away from a injury.
    No cussing others playing a certain character.
    Can control at least one or two people from each entity.
    OCs are happily accepted
    If you are playing from one of the series mentioned above, keep them in character. PLEASE!!!!!!!
    Romance PG-13

    OC Chart:

    Character Name:
    Age: (has to be between 15-19)
    Appearance: Descriptions and pics are welcome.
    Limit Break:
    Home Garden: (Like with Selphie being a transfer student, does your character come from a different Garden or live in Balamb?)


    Final Fantasy VIII:

    Squall Leonheart:
    Quistis Trepe:
    Zell Dincht:
    Selphie Tilmitt:
    Irvine Kinneas:
    Rinoa Heartilly:
    Seifer Almasy:
    Laguna Loire:
    Kiros Seagill:
    Ward Zabac:
    Edea Kramer/Ultimecia:

    Final Fantasy X-2:

    Harry Potter:

    Harry Potter:
    Ron Weasley:
    Hermione Granger:
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 22, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    My latest video. My first solo FF series video, when I first heard the song, the story slowly formed itself in my head. Then this occured, I am so tempting myself to make Squall & Yuna the main focus of my FF videos. Story is on the channel if you wanna read it.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. Princess Rapunzel
    Since I got GIMP, I've been trying to find figure what to do with it. And recently decided to do a multi crossover project with the lyrics of Rebecca St. James' Lion song. I've only finished the first verse. But I'll show you what I have so far.

    That's what I call You
    I'm curious about You
    I'm scared and unsure that you are safe
    But Your eyes seem to say that You are Good

    Like I said, only the first verse, but I hope try to the entire song with Gimp.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 15, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Princess Rapunzel
    Back in August, I went to Sogen Con, a anime convention in Sioux Falls, SD, near my small town. Anyway, I got some neat stuff, a few pins, a Core Drill necklace, a Gundam 00 necklace, two KHII shirts, a Lucky Star wristband, and a twenty sided dice made into a necklace for me. For my army blood bro, I got a Core Dril keychain and a Kamina plush. To the point, one day, when my English teacher told a story of her husband performing a excorism in their old home the other day, some guys looked up a picture of my dice necklace and told me it was demonic. Just who they do think I am? Though I admit I was so ashamed that I hid it for the rest of the day.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 13, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    And Haruhi has chosen one of the most cocky, badass, and crazy to dress up as for Halloween.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 27, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    This video is my thoughts on Kairi's parents, though I think she's a orphan who was raised by her grandma. You're not going to like this, but the artist of the song is Lindsey Lohan. It was hard to tempt myself to reuse clips of Ansem the Wise, because there are not enough clips of him. Story on the channel.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 25, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    Yup, Code Lyoko fans. Code Lyoko will return with a fifth season in 2012! But with XANA gone for good, will it still be about the Lyoko gang, or a brand new generation? Looks we have to wait to find out. X3
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 25, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Princess Rapunzel
    A old songfic I wrote when the last book came out. NOTE: It was before I read the final book, and wanted to try a fanfic when Harry dies, not to mention when I was a bigger Harry x Hermione fan than I am now. The song is Angels, by Within Temptation. But overall, the idea is after Harry dies, Hermione is haunted by his angel, who stops her suidice and helps her down a new path. Enjoy.


    It was a gray and gloomy day at London Cemetery for some people, a group of people stood as a coffin was being lowered into the ground, the group wore all black, one person in the group, a girl with long wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes just watched the coffin as if it was nothing.

    The people around her cried, Hermione Granger ignored all the cries around her, Virginia Weasley cried the most, Ron Weasley sobbed a bit. It was the funeral of Harry Potter, the only person Hermione cared about. But Hermione looked like she wanted to forget about him.

    She could remember all the years they'd spent together as if they were yesterday. His voice, his touch, even though Hermione tried to rid herself of them, they remained there. She just couldn't forget him, no matter how hard she tried; he remained there as if he was a part of her. Hermione tried the hardest to forget his death three days before.

    Three days ago, Hermione witnessed a duel between Harry and his long time enemy, Voldemort. Harry had promised Hermione he would protect her, both he and Voldemort cast the killing curse at each other, and they both died. When the world heard what happened, they cheered and wept, because the Dark Lord was destroyed and their savior, who just turned eighteen, had died. Harry was going to ask Hermione to marry him

    Everyone left after the coffin was buried, everyone but Hermione, she stared at the tombstone, which said:

    Harry Potter

    July 31st, 1980-August 1st, 1998

    Savior of the Wizarding World

    Beloved son and friend

    We'll always remember you​

    Hermione didn't notice a tear run down her cheek; she swore she could see Harry dressed in a white robe with white wings in front of her, a small smile on his face, his emerald green eyes shone with happiness.

    Sparkling Angel I believed

    You are my savior in my time of need

    "Harry…" Hermione stared at him, this angel who was once her best friend and the person she loved.

    During their last year, Hermione and Harry were dating, but something kept telling Hermione to stay away from Harry. But she didn't hear it; she was too blinded by her faith for him to hear it.

    Blinded by faith, I couldn't hear

    All the whispers, the warnings so clear

    Hermione only watched Harry joined his parents in the sky, and sighed. Now Harry can finally be with his parents, she turned and walked to her apartment. As she turned the key in the door lock, she thought about Harry and his parents.

    I see the angels; I'll lead them to your door

    There's no escape now

    No mercy no more

    No remorse cause I still remember

    The smile when you tore me apart

    She still remembered the smile which Harry wore that satisfied himself before the duel with Voldemort. He always wore that smile to satisfy himself about something, and around her. Even if it meant dying to protect her.

    You took my heart

    Deceived me right form the start

    You showed me dreams

    I wish that they turn into real

    When he was still alive, Harry had a surprise for Hermione each month. He took her to places that wouldn't be on a map, gave her treasure that would be unknown to the wizards. The things he gave her and places he showed her made her think it was all a dream.

    You broke the promise and made me realize

    It was all just a lie

    Hermione clutched a fist as she remembered the promise Harry made to her, he'd said he would always protect her, no matter what. But she got hurt by Draco Malfoy, and Harry was running toward Voldemort.

    Sparkling Angel, I couldn't see

    Your dark intentions, your feelings for me

    She knew Harry's feelings for her, but his intentions for the others she didn't know. She only knew he wanted to get revenge for the murder of his parents seventeen years ago.

    Fallen Angel, tell me why

    What is the reason, the thorn in you eye?

    She realized the term Fallen Angel suited him, when she saw him in the cemetery, she only saw black wings on him instead of white. She got up and walked to a room, tears streaming down her face. Hermione entered a spare room in her apartment, the only things in there was a drawer and a large bed. She walked to the drawer and looked down at the top, not thinking, and grabbed something.

    I see the angels; I'll lead them to your door

    There's no escape now

    No mercy no more

    Even though Hermione realized what she grabbed was a gun, she didn't care, pointing it at her head, her finger on the trigger, Hermione looked ready to kill herself. But before she pulled the trigger, a voice stopped her. "Hermione, don't kill yourself…"

    No remorse cause I still remember

    The smile when you tore me apart

    She turned around and saw Harry standing there, his wings folded. Slowly, he walked toward her, putting his hand on hers, lowering the gun. Hermione stared into his emerald green eyes, as Harry leaned forward and kissed her, the gun fell out of her hand and landed on the ground.

    You took my heart

    Deceived me right from the start

    You showed me dreams

    I wished they turned into real

    Remembering the things he gave her, the places he showed her, Hermione pulled the angel away. Tears ran down her cheeks as she realized Harry broke his promise to protect her and it was just a lie. All he cared about was beating Voldemort.

    You broke the promise and made me realize

    It was all just a lie

    "Hermione, if I lived, we could have been together forever," he said.

    "We've reached the end, Harry!" Hermione shouted.

    Could have been forever

    But we have reached the end

    Hermione knew she couldn't love Harry anymore; she grabbed the gun and pointed it at Harry. She remembered Harry told her during their sixth year, the world failed to realize he was going to sacrifice himself to save it.

    This world may have failed you

    It doesn't give the reason why

    You could have chosen a different path in life

    If only Harry chose a different path to really prove he'd love her, maybe he could have lived and they would be together.

    The smile when you tore me apart

    You took my heart

    Deceived me right from the start

    You showed me dreams

    I wished they turned into real

    You broke the promise and made me realize

    It was all just a lie

    Hermione dropped her gun and fell to her knees; her tears fell to the ground. Harry unfolded his wings and wrapped them around him, and he disappeared. When she looked up and saw he was gone, Hermione stood up and heard his voice.

    'Wait a few years before dying. Then I won't stop you.'

    Smiling, Hermione picked the gun and put it in her pocket. A few years later, Hermione became 'Hermione Granger the Dark Slayer', because she killed the rest of the dark wizards and witches who were with Voldemort with only a gun, and she always wore black. When she was asked about why she became the Dark Slayer, she said because of a certain angel.


    Should I write about Miss Book-Worm as this Dark Slayer? Tell me what you think.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 22, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Princess Rapunzel
    Here is the OOC Thread! Here we can discuss the epsiodes, plot twists, character relations, development of characters, all that jazz. ^-^
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 17, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    Found this while browsing the web at school during break. A cross between Kamen Rider OOO and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Instead, there is Kousei Kougami shouting Subarashi with Erika holding his latest cake. Some of the characters, I can get the choice of pony type, like with Ankh and Ankh (Lost) being of the Pegasus, but where is Eiji's cutie mark?!
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 14, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone