Man, they skipped about half of the game with what would probably have been the first 10 minutes or so, if that
Ignis listened to Stratos lecture Ananta about her way of trying to make Karina feel better, and she wondered about the way she felt when she lost her family. For the first week all she did was wander from city to city, trying to find a way to restore her home back to normal, and after that, she just kept falling deeper and deeper into darkness. The only thing she could think about was fighting to make up for what she couldn't do with her family before, which led to her taking on more and more dangerous jobs. Of course, that's how she ended up almost getting killed, bed ridden for how many months, and Marie looking after her like crazy. And while Marie certainly had her scary side when it came to her being angry about something, Ignis wasn't sure she was ever slapped by her. There were moments for a slap, but when someone's in a position like Karina was in, hitting them wasn't going to do anything. After Stratos's little lecture, he turned to Ignis and asked who she was. She forgot that not everyone had learned who she was at this point, and laughed a little. It was probably weird for a random girl to appear out of nowhere and ask questions like that. "I'm Ignis. Though everyone got to know me as Raisor." She wondered how long she'd have to explain who she was, and hoped it wasn't going to be a thing that dragged on forever. At that moment, Glen came out from his doorway, and of course, the first thing he blurts out is "what happened?". Karina apparently seemed to have that kind of effect on people at the moment. And not a second later he asked Ignis why she was a female again, and Ignis couldn't figure out why. Maybe she already told him her secret? If she did, she didn't remember. She shrugged her arms, not worrying about it, and gave a thumbs-up to him. "Yup, all back to normal. No more copycat bodies for me." Then she gave him thumbs-down. "And you get minus 5 points for not even being subtle about asking that question."
Ignis leaned against a wall while she watched the conversations going on between the other keyblade wielders. Karina was still upset, Beuce and Kaida were having a conversation about something or other, Ignis didn't really care too much, and the others seemed to be having their own things going on as well. She wanted to do something, but what that was, she had no clue. It probably wasn't a bad time to talk to some people, especially since they all finished their own tests and stuff, but conversing to a person who looks like they could carry a rain cloud the size of an ocean around them didn't seem enjoyable, and she didn't want to interrupt Beuce and Kaida. Since she was never any good at openly starting a conversation, at any point in time, Ignis wasn't sure what she was going to do. Looking around, she tried to find an option C for her dilemma. Then she noticed Stratos didn't really seem to be doing anything, and Ignis decided it was better than doing nothing. She walked over to him and tried to start a conversation. "Hey Stratos? So, do you have any idea what you're going to do after all of this craziness is done and over with?" She shuffled her feet a little, feeling a little awkward asking such a random question.
I know I've got $75 from one grandmother, and no clue what or if the other is sending anything. Good thing I don't plan on getting anything till next month. Though Horizon Zero Dawn, Tales of Berseria, Digimon Next Order, and KH 2.8 are going to clean me dry
Man, i wish all schools did that grading system. I'd have a much higher GPA right now if that were the case. I say so because I'm taking a chance at taking classes to get transferred to Texas A&M, and I need a good GPA, and having a 3.5 or higher would have been helpful.
I honestly wasn't a fan of this semester just because of Graphic Production, but at least it's done and over now. Can't say I like that I got a C in one of my classes, but it probably also had to do with the fact that I couldn't get my book till after the first week's assignment was due, so I missed on some points. GPA: 3.57 Human Resources in Technology: C Graphic Production Control: B+ Video Production I: A Content Strategy and Development: B+ New GPA: 3.44 Gotta get that GPA back up
Ignis watched as Ananta and Kaida tried to help Karina with her problem. All she could do was sigh as she watched them struggle. Ignis wasn't going to say anything like she knew exactly how Karina felt, but she certainly could say that she knew what it was like to fail in something big, and be the cause for the death of someone. Ignis began to remember the night she turned into Raisor. Monsters were attacking Crystilvale from everywhere, and the whole city was in flames. She remembered the screams of people running for their lives, and those losing their lives to the beasts. She remember trying to get out of the city with her family, and seeing the rare survivor trying to fight his way out and join their group. Worst of all, she remember those same people give up their lives right in front of her, just because they believed that she was more important, and they were willing to give their life for her. Ignis could never forget the faces of every person that died for her, but she also learned from her friends that she didn't need to feel responsible and knock herself down every time. She just had to remember what it was that they were giving their lives for, and Ignis knew that she was going to turn into the person they were trying to save, someone who could stop the war in her world, and try to bring some peace back to the people. All Ignis could see when she looked at Karina right now was what she saw in herself after she fled. Just sorrow, anger, and about a million other emotions mixed in all at once. It wasn't something that you could get over in a single day just from the help of some friends. She wasn't going to stop them, but Ignis knew that right now Karina needed to sort things out herself, and help could come later. "Hey guys, do you think we should look around the castle more? Maybe there's something else besides this giant hallway." Ignis couldn't think of much to say, but she tried to get them to do something besides twiddling their thumbs.
Wonder what it'll be this time. There was big different between Simple & Clean and Sanctuary, so I wonder if it'll be a big change like that Well, If we do, I'm making a Kim Possible reference ASAP
Ignis continued to walk with Beuce as she tried to get some distance from Ananta and Karina. She didn't know what had happened, but Ignis could tell from the damage Karina had taken and the look on her face that she didn't need a big crowd of people around her at the moment. She looked at Beuce and wondered how to respond to him. "Well, I wasn't pulling you because I thought you'd take a peak. At least, I hope that thought didn't go through your mind. I've been in that same state myself, and it's not good to crowd around at that point. We'll give her a little while to settle down and see what's up." As they walked, Stratos appeared from down the hall and Ignis waved to him. He questioned what happened and Ignis answered as best she could. "No clue, to be perfectly honest. I came out here, waited for everyone, Beuce showed up, then Karina, then Ananta, and now you. Karina seems to have been through Hell and then some though, so I'm going to make sure she gets a little space for a minute." Ignis brought her finger to Stratos's face to get his attention. "And you're going to leave her alone just like us, right?"
Ignis simply stood as Beuce stared at her and then poked her cheek. She wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him silly for staring so much like she was a piece of art, or just laugh of the thing like some kind of joke. Though she also couldn't deny that coming back as a female after being a boy for so long with the group would probably raise a couple questions. But considering what they've been through so far, was it really that much of a surprise? She grabbed Beuce's poking finger and pushed it down. "Yes, Beuce, it's me. Just to clarify now, it's not Raisor, it's Ignis. That's my real name. And there is also plenty of story behind what you see, but maybe we should save that for a later time?" She watched as down the hall another member of their group came out of their door, and it was Karina. The only thing was, she was battered, bruised, and all-around torn up like she'd been through Hell. "Let's save the discussion till we make sure everyone's okay, how's that?" Ignis walked over to Karina to make sure she was alright, and she noticed that Ananta had exited her room as well and was helping the girl. Then she noticed that Karina had exited in her birthday suit and Ignis quickly turned around. She grabbed Beuce's arm and dragged him away from the other two. "On second though, maybe I'll tell you after all. Let's find a nice place to chat, alright? Good, let's go." She dragged Beuce by the arm, trying to get him away from something he really had no business seeing.
Ignis took a step through the door and was blinded by another bright light. She blinked a couple times, trying to get her vision back, and looked around. She had ended up in the same hallway that she had entered from the Realm of Darkness. Somehow she was also still in the clothes that she had gotten in her memory world. Well, the memory world inside her memory world, that is. She clutched her head, thinking about the brain pain that thought was causing her. "Not sure why, but I kind of expected some place new," she stated to no one but herself. Looking around the hall was big, white, and particularly heavy on the emptiness. There didn't seem to be a soul in sight wherever she looked. She figured that she must have been the first to finish her trial, or anyone else who finished was somewhere else in the castle ahead of her. Either way, she was unsure of what else to do. She walked along to hallway, pacing back and forth with impatience waiting for everyone. She wanted to continue on ahead, but she also knew that she should wait for everyone to finish up what they were doing. Patience had never been her strong suit, past, present, or anytime in the future. Ignis got so bored and impatient she had the sudden urge to yell out loud. "Gah, would someone else please get back already!? This emptiness is driving me insane!"
David Tennant as Scrooge? I honestly am not able to imagine any voice he can create with that duck, so I'm going to be waiting with anticipation on hearing those lines in the first episode.
4??2?6??55?7262? expires 2/20 Completely useless because it was replaced many months ago.
Spoiler Hold up, so Luxu is the original owner of Xehanort's keyblade? That's couldn't possibly mean that Luxu is Xehanort could it? Because, and I've said this before, he did say something about surviving past the keyblade war at the end of BBS. So maybe in the past he switched hearts with someone else and left his keyblade in the Land of Departure for a while? Just a guess, but it seems to be pretty important
XIX: Reflection Finale Spoiler Ignis assaulted the shade with attacks of every kind. Strikes, slashes, thrusts. If it had a name, she used it to attack the thing. The shade on the other hand kept dodging and blocking her blows with little effort. Ignis was beginning to get annoyed at how she couldn't even land a blow. She needed to beat this thing to finish the trial, and she wasn't going to let herself get over it if she said that whole speech and got her nerve up only to fail at the last stretch. While she was deep in thought, the shade through some attacks of its own. Ignis block the best she could, but the hits began to feel heavier and heavier. Somehow this thing was pushing her back. "You poor thing. You thought you could beat me? I'm sorry to say, but you'll never have the power to beat me." The shade kept attacking with speed even Ignis couldn't follow. She tried her best to block, but blows kept getting in, and eventually a single blow got in, right in the middle of her chest. She bent forward, losing all of her air at once. After the blow, the shade backed away and waiting for Ignis to correct herself. In the meantime, Ignis was kneeling on the ground, bent over in pain. The world may not have been real, but the pain certainly felt real. She struggled for air and tried to climb back up. It proved difficult however, as her legs seemed to be shaky and felt like they could give way any second. "You know, if I ever get a hit on you, you're going to be in so much pain—" "Ah, but see, that's the thing. You'll never be able to hit me. I know all of your moves after all." Ignis stopped moving for a moment then look up at the shade. "What do you mean?" "Well, I am you. I did say that, didn't I? I know every move you're going to make, and I have the skills to surpass you. You're fighting a losing battle. You can never hope to defeat someone who knows everything about you." "Is that so?" Ignis struggled to keep her balance as she readied herself for another attack. "Guess I'll just have to learn everything about you then, huh?" The shade shook its head and sighed. "You just don't get it. I know everything about you because I am you. So how is it you don't know everything about me?" Ignis tried to understand the question, but the shade didn't give her much time to think. It moved so fast that it completely disappeared from view, and Ignis started looking around for it. She tried to find out where the next attack was going to come from, but she had no idea. "Boo." Out of nowhere, the shade appeared right in front of her. Ignis tried to attack, but it simply swept her arm away like a fly and kicked her, sending her flying. She tried to get up, but when she did, she started to think she was hallucinating. Instead of the shade, all she saw was an image of Aux walking toward her. "You claim you can be strong with your friends, but where are they right now? You're all alone, with no help." It came forward and punched Ignis again, and grabbed her hair and started delivering blow after blow. "You can't do anything by yourself! You're living a fantasy! Wake up you silly girl!" The Aux-shade thing finished punching her and threw her to the ground, then pointed its keyblade at her. "You said a lot of things a minute ago, but they were just empty words. You can't stand by them no matter how much you try." Ignis lay on the ground in pain. She tried to think of how to beat this thing, but she wasn't sure she could. Then the thought came to her. "Wait a minute. You just said 'empty words'." "What about it?" "Before, you said you were me. But you took the form on Raisor. The me that was lonely. The scared child who fought to hide his pain." She laughed a little as she looked up at to her foe. "So tell me, why are you lonely?" The shade stopped moving and silently stared at Ignis. It seemed like it was trying to process what was going on exactly. "You're a lonely, empty shell who takes the form of someone who fights to try and fill the emptiness in his life. But that's not me anymore. I've learned to take pride in the bonds I've formed. So what is it that still makes you take that form?" "Why don't you tell me?" "It's simple. You also said that you were the personification of the spell I cast. You're the bit of me that doesn't want to let go." "Hmph, so what of it!?" The shade kicked Ignis in the stomach, beginning its attack all over again. "If being lonely gives me strength, that's all there is to it! I shall keep you lonely as well and we will be the strongest there is!" Ignis kept taking the hits, but for some reason they didn't seem to hit as hard as before. Now she knew exactly why those blows were getting heavier each time. As the next kick come on, she grabbed the shade's foot. As she did, the illusion of Aux disappeared and she simply stared at the shade as it was. "Don't you see though? You won't be alone. I think Ray had it wrong. It wasn't that the spell acts like it has a mind of its own. When they copied him, I think they copied a piece of him that had personality too. I think the spell they created was given a personality all its own. And you've gone through so much these past 5000 years." "Let go of me!" The shade tried to gets it's leg free of Ignis, but failed to do so. "You just wanted someone to be your friend and see you as you were. You wanted someone to come along and not see you as a "thing", but as a person." "No...I...I just...." Ignis felt her body feel better, like her wound were starting to heal. She knew what it was she had to do now. "I think I understand why you don't want to give me my body back now. You want to stay so people will see you. To know that you actually exist. You don't want Ray to make you disappear forever." By this point the shade had stopped struggling altogether. "Look, I don't want to completely forget about you. After all, I spent that last four years of my life with you. Plus, I still need your strength. But I won't feel like I'm doing my job and saving my world if I'm doing it in the body of someone else. All I'm asking is that you let me have my body back." The shade stared at Ignis, almost seeming like it was going to cry. "Are you sure you won't forget about me? It's because of me that you lost your family that night. That you went through so much misery." "Are you kidding?" Ignis giggled a little. "How can I forget about you? Sure, you weakened me, and stuff went pretty south. But after that, I ended up meeting Marie, and later Ray, Korin, Lance, and everyone in SOS. If it weren't for you, I never would have made the friends that I did. But I have to finish things my way, and that includes being myself, body and all." The shade flickered a little and all of a sudden the flame around it disappeared. What seemed like an illusion of flames was actually Ray, or rather, the younger body of Ray who developed its own personality. It stepped back a little and looked at Ignis in the eyes. "So if I let you go, body and all, will you come back and visit me some time?" "Uh, and just how do you plan I do that? It took a 5000-year old scientist and a machine for me to get to you this once." "That's alright. As long as you believe that we're still connected, there'll be a way for you to talk to me." "Jeez you're selfish. Alright, but what do I call you? "Shade" seems a little strange, just saying." "Just call me by the name you gave me. Raisor." The figure began to flicker in a flash of light as it said that line, like it was fading from existence. "And if you're ever in trouble, make sure you call, got it? That idiot out there can only handle so much, even if he doesn't want to admit it." "You got it. It's too bad he can't actually talk to you. I wonder how he'd react if he found out his own personality was cloned." "I'm sure he'd just try to ignore it. His ego wouldn't let him believe there was another one of him." "Fair point there. Guess I'll catch you later," Ignis smiled then remembered to call it by name, "Raisor." Raisor grinned happily, cheerful that it had a real name for itself. "Thank you Ignis, for being my first friend." The body began to shimmer some, and eventually it disappeared, leaving only orbs of light trailing behind. Ignis groaned, "Well, glad I could make him happy, but it'd be nice to get out of here, just saying." As if on queue, the orbs that were left in place of Raisor began to shine and grow, eventually creating a doorway of light. Ignis wasn't sure where it would lead, but she knew that at this point, it was going to take her wherever she needed to go. She trusted that by the time she left this world, she would still be in her own, proper body, and hopefully she had found her keyblade. Not wanting to wait and find out, she took a step through the light. Surprised by what was next, there seemed to be a hallway of some sorts, with nothing but an exit in front of her. Ignis turned around to see if she could go back, but there wasn't anything but a wall. "So, you finished your trial huh?" Ignis turned around in surprised and out of nowhere were her friends from her world, and Mulan as well. She didn't know where they came from, but she was tired of all this popping in and out of places. Ray was the first to speak. "Let me just say that we're all proud of you." "Yeah, you finally got your body back!" Marie yelled. "Looks like you can continue your journey." Lance chimed in as well. "Make sure you come back, okay?" Korin stated last. Mulan walked up and put her hand on Ignis's shoulder. "I'm glad I was able to help you with your trial, even if it was only a little bit." "No problem, you gave as much advice as you needed to." Ignis replied. Mulan stepped to the side and watched. "Well, we don't want to keep you, so go on ahead okay?" The others did the same and made a path to the exit. Ignis wasn't sure if this was still a part of the memory world or what, but she wasn't going to ask. She was just happy to see her friends one last time for a good while. Not wanting to ruin the mood, she said no word and simply marched on proudly past everyone to the door. As she got there, she turned around one last time. "Hey guys, thanks—" Ignis's eyes widened as she looked back. There wasn't anything there but the white hallway. Absolutely no trace of her friends being there could be seen. Ignis wasn't sure what to chalk that one up to, but smiled anyways. She knew she had her friends at home waiting for her, and she had friends waiting for her elsewhere as well. "Guess it's time I get back to the group." Ignis said gleefully as she opened the door in front of her, blinded by a light and not knowing what was coming up next.
XIX: Reflection Ignis, Ray, and Mulan walked through the streets of Crystilvale as the sun began to set. The closer it got to nighttime, the more Ignis got the urge to just scream into the air and tell everyone to get out. Her experience from that night traumatized her so much she doubted she'd ever be able to fully get it out of her head, but she knew that even if she couldn't do that, she'd have to face what happened and work past it. That didn't stop her from wanting to at least try and change it. She knew that there was no way to avert the disaster that was going to happen, and she hated that. She watched as kids were playing in front of houses, families walking through the streets, and just random people in general going about their daily lives. It was too much to bear, knowing what was going to happen and try to ignore it. Ignis was pretty sure Ray had read her mind, because he spoke up after a couple minutes of walking. "Remember, it's just a memory. Nothing you do here will change the present. We're just here to break the spell on you," he said calmly. "I know." She looked forward and kept walking. "That doesn't stop me from wanting to change it though." "I never said it should. That fact that you even want to change it means you care about everyone here, even though you always seem so cold to everyone around you." Ignis kept walking and thought about what he had said. After she cast the spell and got her new body, she did seem to be a little distant toward everybody. Thinking on it, even Marie, who she had lived with for four years, and was Ignis's closest friend, wasn't entirely aware of how Ignis felt most of the time. Then she thought about that time in the wasteland and how she felt her body get lighter all of a sudden, like a weight had been taken off her. She remembered wondering how nice it was to have friends helping her, and her helping them. It seemed like she had finally managed to open to someone, even if she wasn't verbal about it. There was a part of her that hated that she had to learn that away from her friends though, since they were the ones who started helping her with her problems even before she started this whole thing with SOS. When she got back to her world—her real world that is, not this memory one—she would have to apologize and thank her friends first thing. By the time they arrive to the cliff with the stairs leading up to the mansion, the sun had basically set. The sky was losing the final bits of its color, and the clouds were beginning to roll in. She noticed the lighting flashing in the sky, and remembered the storm that night as well. She figured they maybe had about two or three hours before the attack started. She wasn't sure she wanted to stay around that long. "Come on, let's get moving, I think I have a clue on where we need to be." Ignis began climbing the steps with furious determination. Ray and Mulan followed quietly, not even speaking with each other. Ignis figured by this point they were just observers and not going to do much, but Ray did say they weren't here to guide her so much as stand by her. But she also remembered Mulan giving her some advice, and Ignis figured that when Ray said "guide", he didn't mean to show her the way, but they would be there to give a hint. Eventually the group came to the top of the stairs and there stood the Marista Manor. The building was ginormous, being two stories that spread though most of the plateau. The front door lay before them, and then to their left and rights, about 30 yards each, the building stretches back out toward the cliffs. She thought of the library on the right side of the building, and how her father was always there. Then she thought about the left side, where there wasn't much of anything but storage, and a cellar. She thought about the cellar and stopped in her tracks for a second. Ray and Mulan stopped right behind her. "You okay?" Mulan questioned. "Hold on. She needs to find the courage to do this." Ray stayed back watching. Ignis thought about the event that happened and how everything was ablaze. There were monsters all over, and dead bodies laying on the ground. She thought about how she was in her room quietly, oblivious to everything happening. How she opened her door to find Hell spread out before her. She remembered being afraid. But she wasn't just afraid for her life. She was afraid about everyone in the city. She had taken her life for granted, and when everything came crashing down, she realized what it was that was important to her. Now she was back to this same building, facing that night again. Except this time it wasn't a dream, and it was her only chance to move past it completely. She had to prove to herself that she believed in what she was doing, and wasn't merely copying the words her family and friends used to say. Taking a deep breath, she pushed one foot forward. Then another step, and then another. She found herself walking to the door, breathing heavily. Her heart was running at a million miles an hour. She was trying her hardest, but she wasn't sure that she had the strength to keep going. "Ignis!" Ray yelled behind her. Ignis turned around and looked at him. "Cheer up! Don't forget, you're not going through this alone. You've got help in the both of us," he took his arm and wrapped it around Mulan's shoulder, "and don't forget about everyone outside waiting for you." Mulan didn't seem happy about Ray's arm placement, as she grabbed his arm with her hand and elbowed his jaw with the other arm. Ray fell to the ground, with his annoying grin on his face. "It's fine that you want to be helpful, but how about you think before just playing your hands on a lady?" Mulan glared down at his, arms folded. Ignis tried to hold it in, but eventually laughter poured out. She had completely forgotten. She wasn't in this alone. She had her friends, memories of them or not, and they were all waiting for her to come back. She couldn't freak herself out now before getting started. It just took a blow to Ray for her to realize it. "Thanks Mulan, I needed that." She gave a thumbs-up to Mulan than turned around. "You're welcome!" Ray yelled as he was on the ground. Ignis was never going to admit it, to the memory of him or the real him, but she did enjoy having him around, and in the short time he's been with her, he's acted like a second father figure. She was going to make sure that at some point she paid him back in full. With strength renewed, she put her hand on the door in front of her, which was a giant wooden gate more than a door, and pushed. The door creaked slowly and nothing but darkness lay inside. She figured this was a part of the magic around them, because even at night the Manor wasn't this dark. She took a step through the door and continued walking. As soon as she passed by the doorway, however, the doors slammed shut behind her. Ignis spun her head around, surprised by the event. "Okay, so that's not normal." Ignis felt like she needed to talk to herself out loud at this point, to keep herself from going crazy. "And just what about this place is normal?" Ignis quickly stopped moving and listened. She knew that voice, but wasn't sure how it was happening. "Oh please, you know this place is made of magic. You shouldn't be surprised by anything at this point." At that moment, a flame lit in front of her. However, it wasn't a normal fire. This flame was some kind of black flame. It didn't seem sinister so much as...empty. "Who are you? Are you my trial?" Ignis questioned the flame. At that point more flames appeared around Ignis. It wasn't just one or two though. There were thousands of flames that light themselves up around her, filling the dark scene with nothing but dark light. Soon the lights began to fly around and dance, creating streaks of black, blue, and purple flames across the air. They whirled all over, then immediately stopped. Ignis wasn't sure she appreciated the light show, and wished whatever was happening would happen already. As if by reading her thoughts, the flames all sprung into action, flying in the same direction. Every single one of the flames flew to the spot right in front of Ignis where the first flame appeared and the flame grew larger and larger with each new flame. Eventually there was a giant inferno blazing in front of her. Ignis wasn't sure how, but instead of heat from the flame, there was nothing but cold. The cold blew like a blizzard across the darkness, making Ignis grow colder and colder. As the cold blew, a figure stepped out of the flames. Ignis wasn't sure if she should have said "I knew it.", or "How in the world?". The figure that was standing before her was her former self, or present, or whatever you call a body your currently have but don't have at the moment. The figure was wearing the same exact clothes she was wearing before entering this world. How it was possible, she'd never know. The figure didn't seem evil either, though. Instead it seemed just as empty as the flame. It was like a souless figure that somehow had come out of nothing. "Do you really not have a clue as to who I am?" The figure spoke, in a cold, empty voice. "I can take a wild guess." Ignis tried to keep her confidence about her. "You're me, aren't you?" "Yes and no. I am the you that formed after casting the spell. I am alone, empty, soulless, uncaring. And yet, at the same time, all I am is a visual form of the spell that you cast the create the power you desired." "Can't you just give a straight answer?" "When does magic ever come with anything that's 'straight'?" Ignis had to give the creepy magic figure a point for that one. Ray had once said that magic sometimes seemed to act like it had a mind of its own. Didn't change that fact that she was tired of all this beating around the bush. "So I don't suppose I could just ask you to go away and you'd do so?" Ignis asked. "Now why would I do that?" The figure spread out its arms and images appeared around Ignis, like watching through holes in space. "You've been through so many battles, haven't you? Some of which haven't even taken place in this world." Images began to appear from Ignis's past, showing battles she had since joining SOS. She saw fights she had in Baker Street, The Great Forest, Central Haven, and other worlds. She also saw the fight they had in Disneytown, when they all fell to Aux. "It seems to me like you need my power still. So why would I want to abandon you and leave you to die?" "I never said you had to take your power. I just want my body back." Ignis started to get irritated by the thing. "Ah, but it doesn't work like that my dear. You see, to have this power, you must have the body of the one who first donned it. Without that, you wouldn't be able to take the shock to your system." "The hell I need that body!" By this point Ignis was past irritated. "I've had that body for four years; cover who I was for four years! You think I want you around hiding who I am!?" "But my dear, I am simply showing you who you are." The figure brought a hand to its chest, "I am the you who desired power. You simply wanted to be alone with the strength to do what was necessary. You never even cared about those around you. All you wanted was strength." Ignis watched an image of her fighting year ago, ignoring her comrades and taking down monsters on her own. Then she saw images of her fighting in SOS, caring only about the fights that were in front of her. She thought about what it was saying. It was true, growing up all she wanted was strength. She wanted strength that surpassed everyone else. But it wasn't just strength that was her reasoning. "You've got it wrong. I didn't just want strength. I wanted to protect those who took care of me." She took a step toward the figure, fighting her fear of it. "I grew up in a crappy orphanage, barely living through each day. Some days I starved, while other days I had to eat nothing but bread crumbs. When my father came to grab me, my brother, and my sister, I promised myself from that point on all I'd do is get the strength to take care of them." "Yes, but your desire was still strength nonetheless, was it not? You still need me to help you in your fights. How else do you plan to face these upcoming challenges on your own? When you fought Aux, and lost I might add, you wouldn't even interact with your comrades. Kaida wanted nothing to do but get reassurance, but what did you do? You kept walking in silence, thinking about nothing but how to get the strength to beat Aux the next time you meet him." ignis thought about what this thing was saying. It was true. When she lost to Aux she thought she had taken it with pride, but she wasn't able to let it go. She didn't talk with the others while walking through the Realm of Darkness because the only thing she could think about was how to get the strength to win. Then she remembered what Ray said before she came in here. "I may need strength to beat him, or whatever enemy may come my way, but I've learned something in this short span of time." "Oh, and what may that be?" "I don't need to be strong enough myself to beat my enemies. I have allies—no, I have friends, to help me through whatever comes my way." "And what of the keyblade, my dear? You won't be able to do much in your travels through worlds without it. How will you have the strength to face your enemies?" "So what if I don't have the keyblade? I'll find some other way to fight. And if I can't keep fighting with SOS just because I don't have a keyblade, I'll find some other way to fight. If I have to fight a different battle, then so be it. I joined this adventure, and it'll be a cold day in Hell when I decide to leave everyone be." The dark figure stood for a moment. Ignis hadn't realized it before, but now that she had stopped talking with the figure, she noticed the air didn't seem as cold. And the flame in front of her seemed to have died down somewhat. Maybe that was a good sign? Whatever it was, hopefully it meant something good for her. "Let me ask you this, Ignis Marista. What's most important to you?" "That's simple. My friends and my family, and everyone else. The people I have met, and the people I have yet to meet." "Very well, then what do you want out of life?" "I want nothing more than a peaceful world for everyone. Whether that's just talking about my world, or every world out there. Everyone deserves to have peace in their life." "Next, what are you afraid of?" "I'm afraid of losing what I have, and losing what I could have. I'm afraid of failing myself, and failing my friends." "Final question. Who are you?" "I am Ignis Marista. I am a mercenary from the Marista Mercenary Household. I am daughter to Gradent Marista, sister to Furin and Kazan, ally to the SOS group. I am a keyblader." Ignis stood firm and let her answer loose for the whole world to hear. "And I am the one who will claim my body and save my family and friends!" Spoiler With the last words spoken, a light shone from behind Ignis and illuminated the whole area. The darkness around her dissipated and the black flame in front of her withered away, eventually dissolving. Soon enough there was nothing but light shining in from all angles and the shade in front of her. She knew now what it was. It was her insecurities, her fears, and her past that she had to overcome to move forward to the future. At the same time, Ignis felt a burning sensation in her hand and looked down. She saw orbs of light gather together in her hand and eventually a shape appeared. Ignis knew what it was the moment she saw it. It was a keyblade. Her keyblade. She wasn't sure if it was real or not, but the weight of it certainly felt real enough for her right now. "Very well Ignis Marista, I shall accept your conviction to break this spell. However, there is one more thing you must do to finish your trial." "And what would that be?" Ignis was ready by this point to take whatever the thing had in store for her. The figure clenched its hand, and in it, a keyblade formed, a shade's copy of what was in her hand. "Fight me, and prove you are worthy of my power." Ignis took her stance and grinned. "Why didn't you say so? Fighting's my specialty."
Yeah, I had the camera problems, but I never clipped inside the actual model. I just point warped, got a few strike in, and since the turtle kept moving its head, I point warped away before I fell to the ground for major damage
Yeah, it was kind of cool fighting something so massive, but there wasn't much damage to it. I mean, most of the fight I was either warp striking from one end to its eye, and vice versa from the other side going back and forth, but as for damage, it was pretty easy to dodge its attacks all things considered, since it glowed every time it was about to move. Though I won't deny that it was cool fighting something that size. And if it didn't take so long to do, it'd be a great way to power level with that exp magic trick.
Yeah, I passed the shield, so I finished the game with a total of 12. I'm pretty sure once I get the thing I'll get the trophy awarded
The only 4 I'm missing are maxing out fishing, survivor, and cooking, and getting the final royal arm just because I'm lazy