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  1. Iskandar
  2. Iskandar
  3. Iskandar
  4. Iskandar
  5. Iskandar
    While the others were busy jumping around dodging and trying to swat down the microbots, Ignis was trying to figure out if there was any way to stall the man in the mask from attacking them. It seemed like the man was able to mold the microbots into whatever he needed them to be, which was kind of cool in its own way, but also bad for them. If they were able to freeze them it'd be nice, but watching Hikaru get swatted down like a fly basically put a damper on that plan. And since his partner had pulled a disappearing act on him, he seemed to be having a harder time with it. AJ asked her if she could do anything to hold the man down, and Ignis looked around. Then she wondered if maybe that couldn't use all the crates around them to their advantage.

    "Be back in a sec," she stated as she ran over to Hikaru.

    Stretching her hand out, she dragged him up and on his feet. "Hey Hikaru, you're better at magic than I am. Think you can aim at some of those crates danging by those cranes? Maybe we can use them to pile on the guy and block his vision enough to get ourselves out of here."

    Posts: 15/30
    Post by: Iskandar, Mar 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as the RG group seemed to have their hands full with the microbots. Those things were surprisingly difficult to deal with, considering their size. Then again, there was a million and a half of them, and they did manage to throw a giant thing like Baymax like a toy. She figured that it'd probably be best not to take her curiosity on this time and figure out how hard they actually hit for. Even so, she wished that she could do something about that heartless hiding in the back making more of the little annoyances. What an irritation to deal with, having one large annoyance make a million little ones, which keep the large one safe to keep making more little ones.

    She dodged an attack by the microbots as well, and tried to get close to the guy in the mask, as well as the heartless, but was cut off by a wave of the microbots.

    "Guess it's not going to be that easy huh? It never is..." She sighed with exasperation at how nothing could be simple, and looked toward the other UG members. "Hey guys, got any idea on how to get out of this mess?"

    Posts: 6/30
    Post by: Iskandar, Mar 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as Hiro worked on Baymax in the garage. She was kind of interested in all the different things that were in this world that weren't in hers. She knew what computers were and things like that now, but there was just something different about what she knew, and what she had seen. It was kind of like seeing all those buildings and things in Shibuya, except this was in someone's garage. She wondered what her world had been like before it lost its technology, but at the same time, she was kind of glad she had the use of magic and didn't have to worry about all the nuances of the tech-y stuff as well. As Hiro finished putting on Baymax's armor, she watched as he tried to get Baymax to do a fist bump, and she found it amusing. What was even more amusing to her, though, was Hikaru trying to get Kaida to fist bump, and him acting like a little kid about it. For some reason she couldn't help but let out the smallest of giggles.

    As Hiro and Baymax were ready to leave, the UG group followed them and ended up in the middle of some docks, which were surrounded by an annoying amount of fog.

    "Oh, yeah, like nothing bad ever happens in the middle of fog." She said sarcastically, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

    Surely enough, a guy in a mask came out of the fog on what seemed to water? Ignis tried to look closer, and it was actually an innumerable amount of microbots. The guy in the mask pointed his fingers and the microbots shoved Baymax aside. As this happened, Ignis noticed some kind of heartless behind the man, and it was creating more microbots.

    "See, I told you something always happens when there's fog around!" She pulled out her keyblade and ready herself for a fight.
    Post by: Iskandar, Mar 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Iskandar
    So I guess the question goes to those who own 1.5 HD Remix, does it look any better than what was on the PS3?
    Post by: Iskandar, Mar 7, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Iskandar
  10. Iskandar
    Ignis wondered what had caused Hiro to stop talking about his microbots when he began to explain what they were. For some reason he hesitated about something and then kind of dropped the subject. She figured something pretty bad must have happened, since no one ends that abruptly without a reason.

    She looked at the little thing that was apparently meant to do amazing things, and wondered how that would even work. Luckily for her though, she didn't have to worry about tracking down the others. It looked like she and the other UG members were to follow Hiro home, while the RG members were supposed to follow the microbots. Though she did feel a little guilty walking into someone else's house to spy on them.

    "Well, have fun following the tiny bug-like thing without loosing track of it. I'll be enjoying the coziness of a house." She grinned at AJ, ready to leave with the other UG members.
    Post by: Iskandar, Mar 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Iskandar
    Digimon Next Order
    Final Fantasy XIV
    Horizon Zero Dawn
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  12. Iskandar
    Ignis followed the group as they walked carrying Baymax to Hiro's house. For some reason this kid had snuck out instead of going to school all day, and she really hoped there was a good reason for that. This boy was pretty young, and she found it hard seeing such a young kid go out on his own. True, he had a giant fluffy thing with him, but she wasn't expecting much out of it.

    As they walked, she thought about what Hiro had said about that guy in a mask and those "microbot" things. She had no idea what a microbot was, but it probably was something they should think about. Hiro seemed to know what they were, and Ignis wanted to ask, but since she was basically nonexistent to everyone outside of the UG and AJ, it was kind of difficult to question him. Still, at least it made it easier for her to sneak around and walk wherever she pleased. Then she remembered that Hiro also said he was attacked by that guy in the mask.

    She put her hand against her forehead like she was having a headache and sighed. "Great, this means we probably have to deal with heartless along with some crazy guy in a mask attacking with mini bug things? AJ, could you please ask him what these microbots are and what they do? Seems like another pain to worry about."
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    Ignis had walked through the portal and ended up in what seemed to be another city of some kind. It was different than Shibuya though, because this one seemed a little less busy and crowded. Or maybe that was because they were in a different part of the city, either way, it didn't really matter to her. She just knew that they had to find Hiro, and walking around with no clue who that was was making it a giant pain.

    Luckily for her and AJ, and the others who were in that world too, a boy came walking down the street in a jacket and unkempt hair with a giant, white, and quite possibly softest looking...thing walking beside him. The thing told him to look both ways crossing the street, but what was important was that it called him Hiro.

    "Well, guess that narrows our search down quite a bit." Ignis sighed a little, thinking that this was way too easy.

    The boy and his friend walked into a building that head the worlds "Police Station" on it and AJ walked right on in, followed by a couple other of the keybladers. Ignis felt that she should probably keep watch outside, but since she didn't know when or where any of the enemies were going to come from, she joined the bandwagon and walked inside the building too.
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Iskandar
    San Fransokyo-ho! Ignis be disembarking for.
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Iskandar
    Guess I should probably equip stuff too, since that might be helpful

    Skull Noise

    White Fang


    High Jump
    Aerial Sweep
    Combo Plus
    Air Combo Plus
    Second Wind
    EXP Writer
    Dodge Roll
    Combo Plus+
    Warrior's Spirit
    Quick Offense
    MP Lock

    Skill Commands
    Sliding Dash
    Vorpal Blitz
    Fire Strike
    Strike Raid

    Stats Changes
    STR 40(+7)
    DEF 14(+2)
    MAG 9(+5)
    AP 25(+2)
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Iskandar
    Ignis listened as Yue explained how they only had 24 hours in a world to finish their mission, or else they'd fail the exam. Seeing as how their mission was to "Help Hiro", Ignis was sure they were going to have a fun time trying to figure this one out. And since she couldn't interact with AJ while in the UG, she hoped that he was able to get information they needed quickly.

    "Well, guess I'll head on through and get started on this. Here's to hoping we don't come close to the time limit, because I'd really like to not fail this exam."
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Iskandar
    Ignis had been watching things from the back of the group while everyone was still getting acquainted with their new surroundings. Soon enough, a man in a coat with some red thing around his neck, and dark glasses on his face. Apparently Yue seemed to know him, and they had a history with each other. It wasn't really any of Ignis' concern though, and Yue didn't seem like sharing, so she just let the conversation pass by her and tried not to listen in too much. By the end of their exchange, groups were made and Ignis had been paired up with one of the newcomers, AJ.

    While the rest of the keybladers got with their group, AJ came up to her and certainly didn't spare much time getting to the point about where he wanted to go. Ignis had honestly hoped she could get away from fighting for a while since it seemed like it was all she had done for a while, but she was also too tired to really complain about something like this.

    Sighing, she replied back to him. "Fine, I'll deal with the enemies that show up. Though it might help you to get experience if you fought a couple hordes of enemies yourself."

    She kind of had hoped to take things a little easy for the time being, but apparently there was going to be some time before that happened.
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Iskandar
  19. Iskandar
    Looks kind of like they're showing the order of the games chronologically or something, but that's my guess
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Iskandar
    I'll join in for 8-9 EST again
    Post by: Iskandar, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects