does anyone mind telling me what just happend i was just posting when i got this thing telling me i had the wrong address and appearently im not the only one
this is a thread where two stories will come together this thread will hold the cross over of: kingdom hearts 2 and harry potter kingdom hearts cast: sora- riku- kiari- king mickey- donald- goofy- harry potter cast: harry potter- herminy- #1 DinestyX ron weasly- jenny- #1 DinestyX mouthway (cant spell his name right LOL)- lord valdamort-
in the year 2498 there is a terrible monster who leads the world his name is raxtion and he is ruling it with a electrical fist. no one can stop him many have tried and failed now he sits at his throne telling the world how to live. not much is known about this firice king except that he is ruling us all. a group of rebels have come together to fight this monster in one final attempete but they need more people to join thier side are you going to help??? Name: raxtion Age: 146 Attitude: is cold and caluss Axis or Allies: leader of the axis Bio: not much is known except that the world started listening to him when he single handedly took over the kingdom of harrisor and assasinated the king Apperence: raxtion's picture Name: Age: Attitude: Axis or Allies: Bio: Apperence:
now i have dragon ball Z budokia 3 codes but there not for the GH edition because it freezes so could someone help me
DjC is leaving the forum's for good he wanted me to make this for him, he left for a number of reasons on which i am not going to mention. he has told me that he might come back but for right now he will probably never come back, for those of you who would want to keep in contact with him should pm me. DjC was a very good friend to me on this forum i hope you all think the same.
many years have passed by since the world were under the ruthless organizationXIII were beat by sora and his friends. sora has died of old age and so has riku and kiari and with those years people have forgotten there help in all the worlds but now something has happend somehow the villan's have come back to conquere all the worlds. the keyblades went to different individual to now protect the worlds once agian from every villian sora has faced name: age: weapon: picture: (you dont have to do this one) bio: name: raxtion age: 38 weapon: oathkeeper picture: bio: pretty laid-back
"Destiny is not what you make it... ...Destiny is what makes you" - ansem the wise 59 "destiny is something all of us face and it will be destiny that brings us together" this is a world that is facing World War III with new soldier technology. this new technology gives soldiers super strength by injecting a mysterious chemical in them, this is somewhat popular now. although not everyone likes it there are some of us who want to stop it and some of us who will stop it. who will stop it depends on who destiny picks so.....are you for or agianst destiny name: age: attatude: faces destiny or agianst destiny: for war: name: raxtion age: 62 attatude: very liad back faces destiny or agianst destiny: faces destiny for war:no name: danial age: 16 attatude: very stressed out most of the time faces destiny or agianst destiny: agianst destiny for war: no
many years ago a boy was lost dazed and confused lost in a desert place with no one around him abandond by his parents(if he had any) not even being able to remeber his own name, living off the land (which was poor). one day he saw a figure coming on the horizon, it was a man. when the man reached the boy he siad "what is such a bright child doing out here" the boy replied to him "i don't know" so the man insisted he come with him, so the boy did. when they arrived at their destination it was a town. just then a woman cried out "TERRA" THE BOY LOOKED AT THE WOMAN AS IF HE KNEW HER but still was confused "TERRA THANK GOD WE FOUND YOU, THANK YOU SIR" the man looked angry and siad "this boy is my property" the woman looked shocked "NO I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MY SON AWAY FROM ME AGIAN!!!!!!!! she went to attack him but he merly grabbed her head and used some sort of magic to freeze her "you are ALL MY PROPERTY!!!!!!!! you shall obay me" the boy was crying at this frozen woman's feet and suddenly his saddness turned into hatred and a stange weapon appered at his hand it looked like a key, he went rushing at the man who was distracted by his own talking"you shall all call me master xehanort" with that last word he was hit with terra's keyblade and went flying so hard and so fast when he hit the ground he was twitching he whispered "i'll be back for you" after he left terra said"i hate you master xehanort" the cast terra- TwilightBlader master xehanort- ansem the wise 59 ven- ishotansem aqua- #1 DinestyX dark helmet guy- GateKeeper EDIT: i thought this part sould be in here too king mickey- finalform
this thread is for pure spam say whatever you want, talk, spam do anything you can even do this jkgfkhduyghbsjkgbvfhjkbvfdjkhbgsb just say anything
okay this thread is meant to be fun what you do is talk in questions like "why is this thread even here?" and so on and so forth but i would not like to hear any "why is this thread stupid" or stuff like that okay so... ready SET GO!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone knows the video's made by evilman and khkid1212 there all over youtube but what about the video's made by other's that sometimes go unnoticed well i have brought them to you today+the code video's+ here they are here is the final video
zexion marluxia larxene lexaeus vexen EDIT: got the rest axel roxas demyx xaldin xigbar luxord siax xemnas final xemnas BTW these video's were not made by me all these video's were made by the gold crow give credit to him not me EDIT2:[off topic]here are two more video's from the gold crow of fighting terra terra terra no limit's/no drives enjoy~