Story: ------- (Takes place after KH2) *Villians Vale* "Now that those Organization fools are out of the way, we can finally extract our revenge on those fools..." siad Malificent "But how are we gonna do that?! he always beats us!!!" said Pete with a familiar whine "Have you any faith at all?! Now, stop whining... and grab my book of spells, we are going to visit Sora and his friends..." *Destiny Islands* "hey, lazy bum!" called out Kairi as she walked towards Sora Sora was lying on the beach looking up into the blue sky and breathing in the salty air. when Sora got up, sand was up and down his back... "man, it's great to be home at last" said Sora at last as looked over to see Riku was sitting on his usual spot on the palm tree... "what's up, Kairi?" asked Sora as she wiped the sand off his back. "well, Sora... I was just thinking... and I was wondering..." Kairi was pacing back and forth trying to get something out "Kairi, whats the matter?" asked Sora as he started to get nervous, not knowing what she would say "well, I... um... I..." studered Kairi "yes..." said Sora starting to shake. Kairi stoped pacing "Sora... do you like me?" asked Kairi. Sora started to step back "well, I... uh... well... that is to say..." Sora decided to just get on with it and tell her his feelings at last "Kairi, I d-" suddenly an explosion of dark fire appeared behind Sora. Malificent and Pete poped from it and Malificent started reading a spell from her book. Pete threw one of his bowling bombs at them but Riku blocked it with his keyblade. Sora and Kairi summond thier keyblades as well and started charging at Pete. "MALIFICENT HURRY!!!!!!" yelled Pete as he started to run away. Malificent merly said "It's done..." suddenly a light came from below Sora, Riku, and Kairi. "HA LATER LOSERS!!!!!" yelled Pete as the three got sucked down into the light and dissapeared... *70 years later* A light appeared in the ground and Sora, Riku, and Kairi poped out from it "what just happened?" asked Sora "that light that sucked us up... it transported us to the future..." siad Riku "how did you figure that out?" asked Kairi. Riku merely pointed to the main island. Sora and Kairi looked over and saw a once peaceful town... in riuns... *Villians Vale* "It seems my spell worked..." siad Malificent as she looked at a small hollogram of the three "let them realize what has happened while they've been gone then send in some of my servents to finish the job..." Characters: Sora- Ansem59 Riku- Mixt Kairi- Friendly_Heartless Pete- Ansem59 Malificent- Ansem59 OOC'S can be residents on different planets... and either are trying to change things (light) or be trying to destroy things or join Malificent (Dark) Name: Age: Side: (light or Dark) Powers: Bio: Picture:
when ever I meet a girl I like the only thing I can every say to her is: hi... I can't think of anything to say to the girls I like... I'm just too shy... can someone help me think of things to say? and other stuff like that? and if there's anyway for you guys to think about ways for me to overcome my shyness would be great too. thanks in advanced...
Chapter 1: A peaceful day It was a peaceful day on Destiny Islands. Sora, Riku, and Kairi were all enjoying the day. Kairi: "READY?!" Sora: "this time I'm gonna beat you!" Kairi: "SET!" Riku: "I think not..." Kairi: "GO!!" Riku and Sora took off running as fast as they could towards the tree-toped star Kairi: "wow! they have gotten alot faster since they've been gone..." Sora took the lead and reached the star before Riku but on his way back he overjumped a tree and fell down Sora: "GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" yelled Sora as he crashed into the ground Riku reached the star and landed on each tree perfectly gaining the lead on Sora Sora got up and realized Riku was ahead of him and darted with all the speed he had Riku had almost reached the finish line when Sora came up on the side of him. Sora was starting to pass Riku when Riku gave it everything he had Sora aqnd Riku both finished at the same time creating nothing more than a tie... Sora: "darn! I almost had you!" Riku: "your right... you did almost beat me... but you should have known better than that." Kairi: "don't worry... you guys always have tomarrow." Sora: "yeah, besides it's getting late... we should go back to the main island. Riku: "agreed, let's go..." They all left and everything seemed fine until they reached the main island where they found Wakka laying on the beach bleeding music Sora: "WAKKA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Wakka: "s- sora? they came out of nowhere... I didn't expect it..." Kairi: "who?!" Wakka "org- organi-" Wakka passed out Dusk Nobodies appeared, surrounding them Sora, Riku, and Kairi all got out their keyblades the nobodies charged at them Kairi, being inexpirenced in fighting the nobodies went to attack but missed when the Dusk slithered out of the way and kicked her down Sora: "KAIRI!!!!!" Sora charged at the Dusk and used reversal to confuse it Then Sora struck the Dusk killing it Riku fired his dark aura at one Dusk and destroyed another by striking it with his keyblade Sora: "Kairi... are you okay?" ???: "you should worry more about yourself then her..." A women in a black organization coat came out of a portal with her hood still on ???: "becuase she won't know why how you are about to fail her..."
I happen to agree with this guy
Pro-Louge Kairi ran as fast as she could, running towards Sora's house. "Kairi, YOUR HERE!" cried Goofy with excitment as Kairi arrived. Everyone was gathered outside except for Sora. Kairi didn't bother saying hello to everyone she just rushed inside, where she found Sora lying in his bed and Sora's mom kneeling down next to him. "I'm so sorry, Kairi..." said Sora's mom. Kairi looked down and started to cry Sora had fallen to a mysterious sickness and everyone had to mourne the loss of a hero. However, this event was only a foreshadowing of the horrible events to come. Six months later, three armored knights made an attack against Twilight Town. Countering to their attack was Riku who made that attack... his last... Donald was next to die. Eventually, Mickey meet his fate too. These three even killed Goofy... This would start a new age... an age... of darkness...
this was me and my friend on saterday...
okay... there is a school on which people who have super power's go to get there trianing (sorta like sky high) and it is called Super School!!! purpose: to make a character and have that character interact with the other character's rules: keep it PG-13 (I MEAN IT!!!! IF I FIND ANY MONKEY BISSINESS I WILL REPORT YOU TO A MOD thanks~) try to be creative (you can have power's like super strength but try to think of more clever super power's) have fun (I MEAN IT!!!! I WILL REPORT YOU TO A MOD IF YOU ARENT!!!!!!!! jk) my character: name: Raxtion super power: death stare... O_O how the super power was discovered: he killed his old teacher by staring at him personality: he is liad back and funny... but don't mess with him or he will give you the death stare!
i don't know if there has been a thread about this but there is one now... okay i plianly think abortion is wrong... a living person is created and some people (just becuase they want the easy way out) get the abortion instead of giving up the baby for adoption to parent's who want children. that is just wrong in my view but what do you guy's think...
*after kingdom hearts 2* Sora was thinking about all his friends outside of Destiny Islands like Leon, Yuffie, and Cid... so he decided to go to Hollow Bastion to visit them "RIKU!!!" siad Sora running up to riku "do you want to go to Hollow Bastion for a little bit?" "No im fine" he replied "we anly got back a few days ago and you want to leave?" "well, i miss all my friends there and i want to see how they are." Sora replied looking down then he went to go look for Kairi "alright, well have fun" siad Riku watching sora leave "KAIRI!!!" siad sora running up to her "want to meet my friends in Hollow Bastion?" "sure ill come with" she replied "good we can take highwind." Kairi and Sora did so and took off to Hollow Bastion when they arrived everything was tatered and destroyed "WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!!!!" siad Kairi in shock Sora was looking around when he saw Cloud lying on the floor "CLOUD!!!!!!" yelled Sora running over to him "sora... sephiroth.... is back...." Cloud fianted "sephiroth has gotten control of both the heartless and the nobodies..." siad Leon standing next to Kairi "BUT!!! how?!" asked Sora in shock "I don't know... but he has..." this is where the RP comes in okay a member will be assigned a character (ex: Leon) and we can begin :D Sora- ansem the wise 59 Kairi- Random Angel Riku- Hexin Mickey- ansem the wise 59 Donald- JediNinjaZC Goofy- JediNinjaZC Leon- the darkness grows within Cloud- Random Angel Tifa- #1 DinestyX Yuffie- Random Angel Cid- Xephos Sephiroth- ansem the wise 59 BTW don't take a character if you don't post in here
Re:Birth of the Riku Code Project *this thread is in dedication of Ultima-Sora and DjC the best of leader's* *also in dedication to all the coder's in the code vault* READY SET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is a continuation of the City Of Light's After the event's of that day raxtion was just a thought of the past that almost everyone hated but one man knew raxtion's power, after all, he had unlocked the City Of Light's. This man's name was Vad and his plan for the future was not one most would like. It was not raxtion that he wanted it was the power of the City Of Light's and all it's glory, however he does not know that anouther power is coming closer. Greater than that of imagination, a power greater than the City Of Light's. name: age: picture: personality: bio: name: max age: 36 picture: personality: he is kind and caring bio: he is in charge of recunstructing the city after the great battle that had been taken name: vad age: 54 picture: personality: he act's kind and caring but he is instead evil and backstabing bio: he is very well known throughout the city for his caring act's however he is about to show the town who he really is... theme music: click here
everyone know's the connection between light and dark well those two sides have always been agianst each other but when a third pressence arrives light and dark must come together to stop the more powerfull existance of the third enemy which is: the emotianal spector's these being's are created by both light and dark feeling's and are hungering for more emotion's and will not rest until they get it name: age: picture: light, dark, or emotional spector: personality: bio: name: Raxtion age: 43 picture: light, dark, or emotional spector: light personality: he is kind and just he is alway's ready to fight but is not alway's ready to kill and would rather die then see his kingdom fall into the hands of the dark, or the emotional spector's bio: he is the king of light name: max age: 23 picture: light, dark, or emotional spector: dark personality: he is crual and wicked and would do anything to kill raxtion even if it means bio: he is the prince of the dark and his father vad has is unusaully ill at the moment name: unknown age: unknown picture: light, dark, or emotional spector: emotional spector personality: it is emotionless this is why it hunger's for more emotion's so it know's what emotion's really are bio: all that is known is that it is the king of the emotional spector's
this is more of a spam RP it can be whatever you make it out to be here's how it will go i will be the judge and the other RPer's (who join) can be anything they want to be in a court (ex. police officer's, attorney, ect.) but of course it can't be a court if no one is on trial name: raxtion occupation: judge age: 43 attitude: he will do anything to get a case over so he can go home (to sum it up: he's lazy)
*this is a continuation of why can't i live my life but 20 years later* vad is a crimanal terrorists who has escaped many times from the police due to his super powers he has had 2 children with a woman he murdered, he has cuased many troubles with the U.S. government and last but not least has had to many encuonter's with a man named raxtion and his freinds many years ago raxtion vowed he would find vad and bring him to justice and left searching for vad now vad and his children have come out of hiding and decided to go on a rampage it is up to the hero's to stop him but raxtion is nowhere to be found you decide what happens next by participating in why can't i remeber my life name: raxtion age: 35 attitude: he is always trying to do good but is not always sure of the right way to do it bio: *look in the other thread* name: vad occupation: terrorist attitude: calm but cruel he is willing to hurt anyone to get what he wants bio: *look in the other thread* name: alisa age: 14 occupation: daddy's little girl attitude: she will do anything to get her dad's love bio: she has the power's of water and is cold and ruthless it is wise to stay out of her way name: max age: 16 occupation: terrorist attitude: he is willing to kill anyone for the right price bio: he despises his father and would love to see him dead but he wants to see raxtion dead even more
do you like me and DjC's signature's
in 2034 after the americans captured general raxtion who was the feared leader of the terrorists the terrorists sliped back in fear of losing now in the year of 2043 the rian of terrorisim has ended and everything has been put to peace today is a special day when the world leaders have gathered in a plane that has been named the united nations aircraft (becuase of sucurity measures to ensure they wouldn't be harmed by the terrorists) the meeting was being held when several gunshots were heard from the plane secret service agents quickly grabed the leader's of the world and put them in escape pods but some were cuaght in a cross fire and some got captured now the plane is being held by terrorists thier names unknown, thier intentions a mystery but unbeknownost to the terrorists there is a special secret service agent who sliped down to the cargo hold and is now wiating for a chance to strike name: occupation: rank: picture: name: vad occupation: terrorists rank: leader picture: RULES: -------- you can be whatever you want except for these rules only 4 terrorists only 1 secret service agent thats all~
(can't believe im making this) im leaving becuase of some personal issues and family related topics that i would not like to discuss so this is to everyone at the Code Vualt and Role-Playing forums good-bye thanks for showing me how great friends can be just know that i will be back but for now so-long
.........why do you think master xehanort and terra hate each other so much??? (and no stupid stuff)