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  1. Lite

    Hatin' on LoL are we? Fine. I didn't think I'd have to do this, but you leave me no choice.

    Take it away, Jon! Make him belieeeeve in the Leeeeeaaaaague!

    okay i'm done spamming now lol
    Post by: Lite, Jul 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
    One more reserve:

    Meden Torore (Project X Zone)
    Post by: Lite, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lite

    Nobody ever said your OC wasn't accepted. So everything is fine, no need to apologize. Your OC is accepted.

    While we're on the subject of characters, I have a few reserves to make:

    Vi (League of Legends)
    Gangplank (League of Legends)
    Aatrox (League of Legends)

    Bet you'll never guess what I started playing this week. /sarcasm
    Post by: Lite, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite

    Oh. *facepalm*

    That's what I get for skimming.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite

    That is true. My bad for not mentioning it.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite

    Characters don't need to be accepted if you're not a new RPer in CC (which you aren't), so you're all good.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
    Okay, favorite series time, baby!

    Let me just start by saying...Pretty much everything Nova said. Honestly, I don't see what all the hate is about towards the 3D Sonic games. SA1 was pretty awesome, and SA2 was just HNNNNNGH. Heroes was pretty cool too, imo, I loved a lot of it's music (dat Team Chaotix theme). Shadow was...Okay gameplay-wise in my opinion. I didn't think it was the worst thing evar but I've certainly played better from 3D Sonic games. And then we have...IT. Some have tried to tell me it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. I tell them to try playing it without a bag of weed. Then we have Unleashed, which was good as Normal Sonic and so-so as the Werehog. Colors was friggin' awesome, and Generations made me feel like a wee boy again.

    Sonic: Lost World is looking fan-freakin'-tastic as well. If I didn't already have a WiiU, I'd probably get one for that game alone.

    I don't think the classics need much explanation. They're fast-paced and fun, with plenty of replay value if you're like me and want to master the levels to the point of being able to speed-run them. Also, Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a must-play. Period. Go play it. Now.

    In conclusion, I like both styles, but the fact that Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a part of the Classic titles is what puts them a tad higher than the 3D games on my personal favorites list.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Lite

    Jules Hedgehog (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Bernadette Hedgehog (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Muttski (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Elias Acorn (Archie Sonic Comics)

    For HoT:
    Ghost Girl (Sonic: Night of the Werehog)
    Sir Charles Hedgehog/Uncle Chuck (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Post by: Lite, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
  10. Lite

    Sorry about that. Like Dark said, we'd assumed you didn't have them since they weren't on your list.

    How very generous of you to let me have them though, Myst. Thank you.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite

    Joe Kido and Gomamon (Digimon)
    Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon (Digimon)
    Yolei Inoue and Hawkmon (Digimon Adventure 02)
    Cody Hida and Armadillomon (Digimon Adventire 02)
    Post by: Lite, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite
    ~Hot Spring~
    An aroma was exiting the kitchen of the Hot Spring.​
    An aroma of something round.​
    Something made in a pan.​
    Something...called a cake but really isn't that much of a cake.​
    How come they're called pancakes?
    Maybe because they're made in a pan?
    "You think so?"
    I always thought it was somethin' to do with that Pan girl from the Dragon Ball series.
    I highly doubt that's the reason.
    "I dunno, I may have a point."
    See! I agree with me!
    Whatever, can we please get on with the post? The damn banner isn't even in here yet.
    "Oh, Niiiiick, that's your cue!"
    "Much obliged, oh controller of mine."
    So there I was, standin' in the kitchen of the illustrious Bushy Springs, makin' Pancakes for the ol' B-Man himself.
    "997, 998, 999...1000! There ya go, Bushy ol' pal! 1000 pancakes for that hungry godmoddin' belly of yours. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a post to screw around in."
    With that outta the way, I marched out of the kitchen, tossin' my hat and apron to the side, high on life.
    You sure it wasn't the heroine you put in the pancakes?
    He means the special ingredient I suggested! I hear it's a best-seller among shady thugs in alleyways!
    I really hope Bushy realizes he needs to godmod himself a drug immunity before eating those...
    Anyway, as I mosey'd through the Hot Spring, I began to think to myself; Why was Nick going through the trouble of making this? It's not like I was NEEDED for anything. It was his good pal DarkTraitor's turn to respond to some of his guys, after all.
    "Mind explaining, Nick?"
    "Ooooh, I see. So you're saying you happened to, uhm...ahem, 'Acquire' my new game on PC, which is available now in North America and will be available this Friday in Europe?"
    "Whoa, whoa, hold the phone there, corn-flake. You tellin' me you pirated my game? For the love of...I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the horseshit that Microsoft pulled with their new console because of piracy, do I?"
    You mean the DRM policies and used game restrictions?
    Didn't they reverse that?
    "QUIET! Point is, High Moon studios worked their asses off on that game- Trust me, I have 'em hanging on my room wall in the Dai-Gurren- and I do think that they deserve the money from the purchase!"
    Excuse me, but did you just tell someone to...Abide by the law?
    Eeewwww, a good citizen! Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!
    "When we're talkin' about MY game, hell yeah I want you to buy it legit."
    "What? Oh, fine, I'll move on. Wouldn't wanna make this post a decent length or anything."
    After being cut off by my butt-nugget of a controller, I made my way to the guy's bath. As much as I'd like to indulge in some good old-fashioned lady lumps in the girls' section, I felt like doing a bit of trolling with the guys.
    As I swagged on into the guys' bath, I quickly noticed that something was off...I couldn't put my finger on it, though...
    Can we put our wang on it?
    *sigh*It's the girl Kamina. She's standing at the other end of the guys' bath with her bazongas out for Stan's sake.
    "Bazongas you say?"
    I looked over to the other side of the bath, and lo and behold, there they were.
    I've got to say...Those are the manliest lady lumps we've ever seen.
    "I'm goin' in. CHAAAAAAARGE!"
    I ran as fast as my spandex would let me, ready to acquire my prize...But...
    But what?
    We tripped on that Kirby...Jon...Thing.
    I fell face-first into the water, my prize mere centimeters out of reach.
    Well this sucks.
    You'd better hope she's not one of those anime girls that turns all red and horrendously beats down perverts like us.
    You say that like it's a bad thing.

    After the confusion from the green-clad kid's lack of jumping knowledge had settled, Naruto looked over to the girl (Twilight) who was questioning where all the people were coming from.
    "Uhh...I just came from the roof."
    "As did we!" called Might Guy's voice as he jumped from the rooftop he had kicked Naruto from, landing just behind Naruto. Lee followed close behind.
    "The Powerful Might Guy and his youthful student, Rock Lee! And there's more where we came from! Kakashi and the others should be here any second."
    "What will we do until they arrive, Guy-Sensei?" Lee asked.
    "There's only one thing we CAN do, Lee...TRAINING EXERCISES!"
    "YES! More Training! Guy-Sensei, how shall we begin our training?"
    "From you, I want 100 push ups."
    "Only 100?"
    "Yes...For you see...I want you to do them...Within Five Seconds!"
    Lee's eyes widened.
    "YES, GUY-SENSEI!" Lee yelled out before dropping to the ground, doing push ups ridiculously fast.
    "Naruto! I want you give me five laps up and down this mountain."
    "Wh-WHAT!? Why? I'm not one of your 'burning spirit' students, y'know!"
    "And it's a shame Kakashi hasn't truly found the flame of your youth. For only then can you unlock your true potential!"
    "...Right. I'm just gonna sit here and wait for Kakashi-Sensei and the others."
    Guy sighed.
    "Suit yourself, Naruto. But when you're in the heat of battle and you cramp up from lack of exercise, don't say I didn't warn you."
    A few moments passed, and finally Kakashi had caught up to them, Gaara right behind him.
    Kakashi jumped from the rooftops down to the ground by Naruto, while Gaara floated down on a platform of sand.
    "Late as usual, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said jokingly.
    "Well, we didn't know you'd run off to, so we had to do a bit of searching. Luckily Gaara was able to take to the skies on his sand and track you down." Kakashi responded.
    "Luckily your orange clothing and blonde hair is easy to spot."
    Just then, X and Zero had caught up as well.
    "Destination reached, objectives found."
    Finally, Erza arrived, holding Ken and Ryu under her arms.
    "Unfortunately these two aren't all that skilled in jumping, so I had to carry them." Erza explained.
    "Sh-She's strong...And not exactly all that gentle..." Ryu said.
    "Got that right..." Ken responded.
    Erza then dropped Ryu and Ken, who stood up, somewhat disoriented.
    Link looked at the new group that had just arrived, unsure if they were trustworthy.
    "So who are all of you? I haven't heard a single introduction from anyone." Link said, arms crossed.
    "Oh, right. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village!" Naruto exclaimed, putting his fist up to his chest.
    "Kakashi Hatake, Naruto's sensei." Kakashi greeted, giving a small wave to Link.
    "I am the handsome beast of the Hidden Leaf: Rock Lee!" Lee said, still doing push-ups despite the fact that he'd already done more than 100 in five seconds.
    "And I am his Sensei, Might Guy!" Guy gave a thumbs up, his white teeth shimmering in the light.
    "I am Gaara. Kazekage of the Village Hidden in the Sand." Gaara said, his arms crossed.
    "Mega Man X. Maverick Hunter." X greeted, saluting with his X Buster arm.
    "Zero. Maverick Hunter." Zero repeated, not saluting like his partner.
    "I am Ryu, student of Gouken and one of Naruto's more recent teachers." Ryu greeted.
    "Name's Ken. Student of Gouken and Naruto's other recent teacher, just like Ryu." Ken responded, pointing to his friend Ryu upon mentioning him.
    "My name is Erza Scarlet. I am from the Guild known as Fairy Tail." Erza said as she gave an ever-so-slight bow to Link.
    Seeing that all of them had willingly introduced themselves without a fight, Link felt at ease. They all seemed like trustworthy people.
    "My name's Link. Nice to meet you all."
    Post by: Lite, Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite
    ~Simon's House~
    "Simon!" Tamamo called out as she mauled hugged Simon.
    Simon took the full force of Tamamo's breast-first hug, his face feeling as if it had just been assaulted by a couple of firm dodgeballs.
    "...Good to see you two, Tamamo." Simon mumbled from withing Tamamo's engulfing bust.
    It was then that she backed off, her face turning red somewhat as she rubbed the back of her head.
    "Um, I'll just get changed. One minute."
    Tamamo then exited the room to clean herself up and change.
    "Today's been boring here. Not like in the city. What happened was all over the news. Abductors! Everyone thought they were just like a UFO thing. A myth like the Loch Ness Monster and stuff. But then they appear over Tokyo and it's like whoosh, one goes up in smoke and smashes part of the city!"
    "Yeah, I saw a bunch of construction workers out there cleaning stuff up...It was pretty busted up over there. I hope not too many people were hurt."
    It was then that Simon began to imagine the possibility of stopping that destruction had he found Lagann sooner.
    He couldn't think long, as Tamamo had come around the corner, wearing somewhat less-revealing attire.
    "How do I look? As of whenever Nintendo High re-opens, Tamamo will be joining you at school from now on, so I thought I should wear something more attractive for a change."
    He examined her outfit quickly as to not look like he was staring.
    "You look great, Tamamo." Simon said with a smile.
    Just then, a loud thunderclap was heard from outside, startling Simon.
    "Thunder? I didn't think it was supposed to rain." Simon said as he stood up and looked outside.
    The sky had darkened considerably due to sudden rainclouds, and rain began to fall.
    "Guess the weather man got it wrong."
    A lightning bolt struck down on a close-by residence.
    "Oh man...The lightning looks pretty rough."

    ~Jones Residence~
    Sitting in his room with what looked to be a busted action figure was Joey Jones, a new student at Nintendo High- Or rather, he will be once school starts back up.
    He had the busted toy in one hand and a screwdriver in the other as he twisted a screw into the toy.
    Other tools were sprawled across the floor, along with a circular device that served as the toy's controller.
    "Don't worry, I'll have you all fixed up in no time." He said to the toy.
    He had been working for days to fix this toy, but he was finally about finished.
    "Just one...more...screw...Done!"
    Joey placed the toy on a chair that sat right below an opened overhead window on the ceiling.
    He stared at the toy for a few moments, admiring his hard work.
    "I think I'll call you...Heroman. Because you're my hero!"
    Smiling at the newly-fixed Heroman, Joey stood up and exited the room to get himself something to drink.
    Moments later, Joey stood in his kitchen, drinking down a glass of milk, when suddenly, a thunderclap was heard.
    Joey looked out the nearest window, where he saw rain falling.
    "Rain? Oh no! Heroman!"
    Joey rushed back to his room, where rain was pouring in through the open window, right onto Joey's toy.
    Joey ran from his bedroom doorway towards the chair that the toy sat on.
    However, just as he was about to grab the toy, a bolt of lightning struck Heroman directly through the overhead window, sending Joey flying across the room into the opposite wall.
    Much to Joey's surprise, the toy was completely intact, aside from some smoke rising off of it's body from the lightning.
    Joey stood up, somewhat afraid to approach the toy again.
    "What the..."
    Joey stepped closer to the toy, as the rain was calming down.
    He reached forward to touch it with his left index finger, only to be zapped before he could touch it.
    "What the heck was that?"
    Suddenly, a noise was heard from the floor below Joey.
    He looked down to see that the circular controller device was glowing.
    He knelt down and picked it up hesitantly. When he held it, the glowing intensified.
    Before he could even react, the controller completely disassembled into hundreds of small glowing squares that filled the room, floating around for a few seconds, before finally reassembling, this time as a much larger mechanism that covered Joey's arm from his hand to his elbow.
    "Wh-What the!?"
    An instinctive feeling overcame Joey to press the marking, which he did.
    Upon pressing it, the controller glowed, as did the toy, but much brighter.
    The glowing toy began to look as if it was growing. It grew and grew, until finally the top of it was pushing the ceiling further upwards, breaking it.
    The light finally faded, and a new, much larger form was revealed.
    The small toy that Joey had fixed up mere minutes ago was now a towering robot that was staring down at him.
    "H-Heroman is...Is alive!"

    OOC: To prevent that from getting too long, I'm cutting it off here for Joey. Cliffhangers ftw. :3

    ~Path to Mt. Fuji; Seven Years Ago~
    Peppy Hare, alongside Vivian, were running quickly through the streets to reach Mt. Fuji. They seemed to be in quite the hurry. An excellent opportunity for them to be caught off guard. A thought that a nearby armored S-Type was currently having as he quickly ran out in front of them, his large demonic blade ready to kill.​
    "Stop, weaklings. You will go no further." Said the offender.
    The armor-clad S-Type known as Nightmare stood before Peppy and Vivian with the intent to kill.
    His glowing red eyes were locked on Peppy and Vivian, picking out which of them would be the easiest target to eliminate first.
    He'd decided to target the female, as she seemed the weakest.
    "You will not disturb the Relic! I will make sure of it." He said before charging at the two, swinging his one-eyed blade at Vivian, prepared to cut her clean in half if necessary.
    "Your Soul is mine!"
    Then it happened. The sound of flesh being cut into, followed by the splattering of blood onto the asphalt.
    Nightmare's Soul Edge had cut nearly halfway through Vivian's torso through her side.
    Removing the blade from the woman, Nightmare watched sadistically as she fell backwards.
    "It is as I said. You will not disturb the Relic."
    Nightmare stood and watched, waiting for Peppy's reaction, sadistically awaiting a despair-ridden cry.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Why yes, all the time.

    Why yes, all the time.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Jun 24, 2013
  15. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Alrighty. Sounds good.

    Alrighty. Sounds good.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Jun 24, 2013
  16. Lite
  17. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Sure, they can too.

    Sure, they can too.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Jun 24, 2013
  18. Lite
  19. Lite

    Dan Blackmore (Fate/Extra)
    Archer [Robin Hood] (Fate/Extra)
    Post by: Lite, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite