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  1. Lite
    With Bushy's permission, I'm reserving:

    Loke (Fairy Tail)

    Those who are into Fairy Tail probably know why I needed Bushy's permission for that one.
    Post by: Lite, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
    Name: Eric Herman and Commandramon
    Age (Eric): 18
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: A German DigiDestined who moved to Japan but a mere three years ago with his family. He is close friends with his Digimon Partner, Commandramon, who Eric had met when he was just a little Bommon.

    Post by: Lite, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lite
    ~Simon's House, Early Morning~
    The sun was rising, it's bright morning light shining into Simon's room through the window. Simon's eyes opened halfway before reacting to the bright light and closing back up tight.
    "Ngh...Sometimes I wish I just lived underground..." Simon grumbled as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
    He hopped out of bed and changed out of his pajamas into a white button-up shirt with blue pants. He put on a blue jacket with red streaks going down the left and right arms over his shirt. Finally, he took out a pair of goggles and place them on his head.
    As he left his room, he noticed that Tamamo, as usual, was still asleep. He approached her bedroom door and knocked.
    "Tamamo, are you up yet? C'mon, you don't want to sleep in too long do you-"
    There was a sudden loud crash from inside Tamamo's room.
    "What the-!?" Simon then opened Tamamo's door, and immediately stopped panicking when he saw what was on the other side.
    "You've gotta be kidding me..."
    "Simon! What the hell's this chick doing in your room!?"

    Standing in the middle of a mess of broken glass was Kamina, having kicked his way into Tamamo's room through the window.
    "Bro...This isn't my room. This is Tamamo's room."
    Kamina looked around the room for a moment, taking notice of the fact that it looked nothing like Simon's room.
    "Huh. Looks like I got the wrong window. Doesn't matter! You n' me are gonna head out and practice using Lagann today! C'mon, you're not gonna become an ace pilot just standing here!" Kamina said as he marched out of Tamamo's room, ignoring the fact that he left a mess of broken glass on the floor.
    Simon nervously looked back and forth between Kamina and Tamamo, unsure of where to go.
    "S-Sorry, Tamamo, I promise I'll pay for a new window!" Simon said as he ran after Kamina.
    Just then, something occurred to Simon: Today was the day of the memorial service.
    "Bro, wait! What about the memorial service? Shouldn't we go and pay our respects?"
    Kamina stopped for a moment before turning back to Simon.
    He thought for a moment.
    "You're right, bud. We should go. Good thinkin'."
    Simon smiled.
    "Thanks, bro."
    "BUT! You gotta bring Lagann with ya! That way we can get straight to practicing as soon as the service is over!"
    Simon sighed.
    "Fine...I just hope nobody gets the wrong idea..."
    "Whaddaya mean?"
    "Well I'm sure a teenager riding in a face-mecha isn't exactly normal."
    "Don't worry about that, little bro. I've got your back."
    "If you say so."
    Simon and Kamina then began to walk out the door, however Simon turned back inside once more.
    "Tamamo, Kamina and I are going to the memorial. You should come along too! We'll see you there if you decide to come." Simon yelled before closing the door.

    ~Tokyo, Early Afternoon~
    Mikey Kudo, a seemingly normal boy with a seemingly normal life, found himself walking the empty roads of Tokyo, thinking about something incredible a friend of his had told him about.​
    The aforementioned friend, Tai Kamiya, had told Mikey of these digital beings known as Digimon, and how those with something called a "Digivice" could bring out the true potential of a Digimon. After hearing all of that, it was all Mikey could think of. Knowing that a friend of his was chosen to have such a thing while Mikey continues on with his normal, dull life was...A bit of a bummer to say the least.​
    "Man...It'd be so cool to have my own Digivice...And even cooler to have a Digimon partner."
    Mikey sighed.
    "Well, might as well check out that memorial ceremony. Not like I've got anything else to do-"
    "I'm gonna...Die..." Said a weak, echoing voice in Mikey's head.
    Mikey turned around almost instantly.
    "Was that...Music?"
    After not hearing or seeing anything for a moment, Mikey called out.
    "Hey! Who's there!?"
    Suddenly, the sound of distorted music was heard in Mikey's head, followed by the weak voice speaking again.
    "You...You can hear me?"
    "Yeah! Who are you? Where are you?"
    "Why even bother asking...I'm gonna die...And here I was aiming to become the king..."
    "King...Like a monarch?"
    Suddenly, the environment around him turned black-and-white for a split second, and in that time he heard screams of terror.
    "Move to the right, now!" The voice strained, warning Mikey of on-coming danger.
    Mikey turned back around to see a car that seemed to have appeared out of some kind of green portal coming straight at him at full speed.
    Wasting no time, Mikey moved to the right as fast as he could, however he tripped and fell out of the way on to the sidewalk.
    He looked at the car as it sped off, breathing heavily.
    "What the..."
    Mikey heard the music again, but this time it was as if he could hear it coming from a different direction, as if it were in the direction he'd just turned to before being nearly run over. He saw an alleyway just up ahead, which he decided to check out. He ran up to the alleyway and immediately noticed something upon looking in; A small, red distortion. It looked like it was made of digital sound waves that were distorting more and more by the second.
    Mikey approached it and picked it up. Bringing it closer to his face, it looked as if he could almost make out a creature of some kind.
    "Hey, can you hear me? Hey!"
    "You're...The guy from earlier...I've reached my limit...I can't hold on anymore..."
    "Hey! C'mon, you've gotta hang in there!"
    Mikey tried to examine the creature further.
    "He's hurt...I can't turn my back on him! I..."
    Suddenly, images of a young Mikey standing in front of a soccer ball in the rain while crying began to flash through his mind.
    "I can't ignore him!"
    "Brings tears to my eyes, those words of yours...Soft-hearted bastard..."
    "The same goes for you, too. You're close to dying and you still took the time to help me."
    "Heh...We're birds of a feather, huh?"
    There was a moment of silence before a green light exploded in front of Mikey, a loud sound with it.
    The light also came with a strong-ish wind.
    In the center of the light, a small device appeared.
    Finally, the sound stopped, and what remained was a disembodied voice.
    "Boy. Do you wish to save the melody of that life?"
    Mikey was silent for a moment.
    "Y-Yeah, I do."
    "What is your name?"
    "Mikey Kudo!"
    The sound of Mikey's name echoed around him.
    Suddenly, the screen on the device brightened, as if it were turning on, and the device itself turned red.
    "Use this Xros Loader."
    The device, apparently called a "Xros Loader", slowly floated closer to Mikey, until it was finally in range for him to grab it.
    Somewhat hesitantly, Mikey reached for and took the device, which caused the green light to intensify to blinding levels before finally dissipating, leaving Mikey in the alley way he was in before.
    He looked at the Xros Loader, which had revealed a small hidden section on top. It looked no different than it did when it was hidden, aside from the golden "V".
    "Mikey...I can call you Mikey, right?" Said the voice from before, sounding much less weak.
    "Y-Yeah, sure."
    "Sweet! Just give me a few seconds to heal up and I'll give you a proper introduction."
    "Alright..." Mikey said before waiting a few moments.
    "Alright, good to go! Man, this is so awesome! I feel like I'm overflowing with power! This must be the legendary Xros Loader I've heard about!" Said the voice after a few awkward moments of silence.
    "Alright, Mikey! Let me outta here! Use Reload!"
    "Like this?"
    Mikey held the Xros Loader out in front of him.
    A red light shined before Mikey, and a small red form materialized within it, it's back to Mikey.
    The light then faded, the small red creature finally fully materialized.
    "You wanna know, don't you?"
    "I bet you wanna know...My name, that is."
    The red turned around and struck a pose.
    "I'm Shoutmon! The one who's gonna be the Digimon King one day! Carve that into your heart so you can remember it!"


    "W-Wait...Did you say...Digimon King!?"
    "Sure did."
    "So...That must make you a Digimon...Right?"
    "Sure am."
    A huge grin grew on Mikey's face.
    "YYYYYYEEEESSSS! I've got a Digivice and a Digimon partner!!"
    "Whoa, whoa, hold it...Partner? We've only just met...But seeing as this obviously ain't my home, I guess I could stick with you for a bit."
    "Awesome!" Mikey said before grabbing Shoutmon by the arm.
    "H-Hey, what the!?"
    "C'mon, I gotta show you to Tai!" Mikey said as he pulled Shoutmon along, hoping to find Tai in one of his usual spots.
    "Let go of my arm, would ya!?"

    OOC: This post is getting quite long, so I will make a separate post tomorrow with the rest of the stuff I need to write up.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite
    ~Hot Spring; Incalculable Manliness~
    Ryoma and Kamina's hot-blooded battle continued furiously. Neither side slowed down. Neither side held back. To the others watching, this looked like a pointless fight that came out of nowhere, but only Kamina and Ryoma knew why this had to be done. It was fate that brought these two together, and it was fate (along with some manly badassery) that drove them to fight one another.
    From the sidelines, Musashi sighed.
    "Ryoma, you're supposed to be relaxing!"
    "I am relaxing! I AM SO FUCKING RELAXED RIGHT NOW!" Ryoma yelled as he took another kick to the face.
    As the manliest of men continued to fight, two more new members of ZEXIS entered the bath.

    "So you're good with computers, huh? That's pretty interesting."
    "Yeah. It's a skill I've picked up over the years. And you do...What again?"
    "I was a cook at a local diner back home. Lately, though...Not so much. Can't work at a diner that's not there, right?"
    "Heh, you got that right."
    Joey Jones and Jun Lee, having met just outside the Hot Spring, entered the men's bath together, quickly taking notice of the heated brawl that was going down.
    "W-What's...Going on here?"
    "Yo!" Jin called, motioning for Jun and Joey to go over to him.
    The boys entered the water and made their way next to Jin, Rossiu and Musashi.
    "Hey there, name's Jin." Jin introduced.
    "I'm Rossiu." Followed Rossiu.
    "Musashi..." Musashi finished, still annoyed at Ryoma's seemingly unwarranted fist fight with Kamina.
    "My name's Joey Jones."
    "And I'm Jun Lee."
    There was silence for a moment as everyone looked again over at Ryoma and Kamina.
    "So...What's going on with them?"
    Jin smiled a bit, as if he understood.
    "Y'know, it's hard to explain. Let's just say that their fight was destined to happen."
    "Destined, huh?"

    Is it my turn now?
    I think so.
    Perfect!...Hey, weren't you talking in ellipses last time?
    Yes, but not this time. Now shuddupandgo.
    Alright then...Anyway...
    After failing to achieve the prize of (Ka)Mina's glorious mounds, I felt a sudden...Change.
    I couldn't tell what it was at first, so I excused myself (and by that I mean snapped a pic of the fight before effing off) and headed to the toilets.
    There were some kind of weird bumps and stuff coming from under my mask, so I decided to take it off to see what was up (After checking to see if the coast was clear, of course).
    When the mask came off, I was, uh...Shocked, to say the least. I'd apparently been turned into some kind of weird cat-thing. My face was still messed up too, so it was NOT pretty.
    I let out a yell.
    "I look like me grand-mum!"
    Your grandmother looks like a horribly maimed cat person?
    You should know, you're me too.
    Eh, I don't pay attention half the time.
    Moving on, there was still something that felt...Off. Like a part of me was missing.
    So I felt around a bit, and I quickly found that my Weensy-Wades were gone! Plus I had boobs so small I don't know if they could be classified as boobs. And I was the size of a little girl.
    So you're basically a loli catgirl?
    Those are my favorite kind!
    There was only one person who could have committed such an act.
    I dropped to my knees and held my fists into the air.
    You know this is your fault, right? YOU fed Bushy the heroine-filled pancakes. You probably aren't the only one he's screwed with.
    "Wait, maybe he tossed in some rules at the end of his post...This may not be permanent!"
    In a hurry, I quickly hopped out of the post Nick is writing at this very moment.
    I climbed past all the posts that had been made, before finally reaching the one I was looking for.
    I found the spoiler entitled "New temporary rule" and began to read (skim) through it. Upon finding the words "switched back to normal in your next post", I closed the spoiler back up and dropped back down into Nick's post, re-emerging in the Hot Spring bathroom.
    "Okay, so I just gotta wait until Nick's next post..."
    I checked to see if all was clear before removing my entire suit.
    "I AM and girl, and I AM a cat now, so I must be able to bend in just the right way...YES! Okay, end it here, Nick, I've got some work to do."
    Awww, but it was getting good!
    It really wasn't. Something tells me Nick enjoys being a pervert sometimes.

    ~Hot Spring; Private Bath~
    Genome smiled back at Noriko as she sat next to him.
    "So, your robot, Gunbuster...From what you said, it sounds like it's a two-pilot machine like my Lazengann. Are the cockpits set up the same? One in the 'head' and one in the 'torso'?" Genome asked Noriko, having went into some sort of "mecha-geek mode" all of a sudden.
    "Man, it would be pretty cool to see your Gunbuster and my Lazengann standing side-by-side, arms crossed and ready to take on the universe!"
    However, unbeknownst to Genome, he was not quite right on what he believed Gunbuster looked like, especially in the size department.

    Following behind Link and Archer, the rest of the group entered the large building.​
    Ken let out an impressed whistle.
    "I gotta admit, this place is pretty nice."
    "Certainly the best looking scenery we've seen since we got here...Wherever 'here' is."
    "Guy-Sensei, this is like nothing I've ever seen back home in the Hidden Leaf!"
    "You're right, Lee. Whoever owns this building must be quite prestigious...And with prestige usually comes natural ability! Perhaps we can learn something new for both of us here, Lee!"
    "Do you mean..."
    "Yes, my star-pupil. If what I'm hoping for is true, you would be training alongside me instead of under me."
    Youthful tears began to roll down Lee's face for like...The third time in the past 10 minutes.
    "He didn't even say it was gonna happen, Lee..." Naruto thought, an annoyed look on his face.
    Meanwhile, X and Zero were approached by Twilight, who asked what a Maverick was.
    X was unsure of how to answer. He hadn't been asked this kind of question before, and his programming didn't have a pre-set answer for it.
    "Mavericks are those like us, except they fight against Humanity instead of for it. Typically a Maverick is made through reprogramming, internal errors, or viruses, but it is possible for a Reploid to willingly go Maverick. It's our job to stop the threat they pose on humans, even if it means exterminating them."
    X's eyes widened at Zero's sudden explanation.
    "Y-Yeah, what Zero said. You can rest assured that he and I aren't Mavericks and don't plan on going Maverick any time soon."
    Suddenly, the sound of a motor vehicle could be heard from outside.
    Erze turned back towards the door.
    "What's that sound?"
    The door to the building, which had just been closed mere moments ago, opened back up, revealing four figures on the other side. Two of them sat on a hellish-looking motorcycle; A skeleton wearing black leather who's skull was engulfed in a purple flame and a rather ordinary looking man wearing a blue suit. Floating just above those two was a young girl with blonde hair who carried some sort of staff-like weapon. Finally, the fourth person, who didn't look like he enjoyed being with that group, was a young man with dark blue hair. His clothing had light-blue lines going down the sides that looked as if they were glowing.

    "Is that some kind of...Demon?" Erza thought to herself.
    "This place'll work." Ghost Rider said to himself before pushing Stryker into the building.
    Stryker nearly tripped as he was pushed.
    "Hey, watch it!"
    "Quit your whining. We dropped you off in the nearest city, just like you asked."
    Ghost Rider's black, empty eyes then looked to the rest of the group inside.
    "As far as any of you are concerned, we were never here." He said before revving up the engines of his bike.
    The wheels on the bike began to spin, purple flames flying off of them as they did so.
    Finally, the bike took off into the sky, with Fate flying close behind.
    Naruto thought for a moment...Something about two of them seemed...Familiar.
    "Wait a minute...I think I remember them."
    Ryu stepped up next to Naruto.
    "I think I do as well. It was back when we were on Earth, fighting the Unbreakable Dark. Does that sound about right?"
    "Yeah! It's foggy, but I remember that guy with the firey head! And the blonde girl too!"
    "Perhaps we'll run into them again soon...But for now, we should probably assist him." Ryu said, referring to Stryker.
    Naruto approached him.
    "Hey, it looks like you just kicked out of a ride. What happened?"
    "I asked those three for a ride, thinking everything was normal because that skeleton guy looked like a normal person when I first saw him. Then outta nowhere his skin just disappears and he turns into that...Thing! I asked them to drop me off here because, believe it or not, riding on a hellish motorcycle with a demonic flaming skeleton as the driver isn't exactly a good sign."
    "Heh...Fair enough. Name's Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said, extending a friendly hand out to Stryker.
    Stryker smirked.
    "Call me Stryker. Pleasure to meet you, Ruzu." Stryker responded, shaking Naruto's hand.
    Naruto fell silent for a moment.
    "...What did you just call me?"
    "Ruzu. It's a nickname I came up with just now. naRUto uZUmaki. Ruzu."
    Naruto cracked a small smile at the nickname.
    "I like it."
    "So...I hope your group's got room for one more?"
    "Sure do. C'mon, we were just heading inside to meet someone."
    "You got it, Ruzu."

    Meanwhile, back outside with Ghost Rider, Fate and Phoenix Wright...
    "Do you really think it was necessary to to just toss him off somewhere? What if he could have helped us?"
    "To be brutally honest, Fate and I are more than enough against most enemies. We're lucky we haven't come across anything with a grudge against defense attorneys."
    "But that doesn't mean we don't enjoy having you around, Mr. Wright. It's good to have a smart man like you on our side."
    "Smart, huh? Heh, I guess I am pretty smart."
    There was an awkward silence for a few moments.
    "S-So, uh...Where're we heading now?"
    "There's some kind of disturbance...Somewhere. I don't know what or who it is, but I don't like the feeling it's giving me."
    Fate was silent for a moment, looking somewhat disappointed.
    "Don't worry, Fate. We're not giving up on finding your friend. We're just taking a bit of a detour. As soon as we figure out what's going on and stop it, we'll continue the search for Nanoha."

    ~Lastation; Noire's House~

    Most everyone seemed to have gotten themselves comfortable at this point. The Heavy was outside cleaning his gun, The Scout was practicing his bat swings, The Medic was trying to un-flatten the Jeff the Goomba, who had an unfortunate run in with a shoe a few minutes before, Jak, Daxter and Torn were inside discussing different things involving their next move after their break was done with, and finally Ratchet, Clank and Qwark were checking to see if their weapons were in working order.
    While this happened, a small group of mercenaries were approaching Noire's home.

    Siegfried Schtauffen, Z.W.E.I., and Hildegard von Krone, having noticed the commotion moments ago, came to Noire's house to see if anybody was injured- Or if there was anyone there who needed to be injured.​
    "Excuse me." Siegfried said to anyone who would listen.
    "We happened to notice the noise and commotion that was going on over here. We've come to see if there is anyone in need of assistance."
    Z.W.E.I. sighed.
    "Do we really need to do this? I'm sure there's something more...Productive we could be doing."
    "Building as big of an alliance as possible is important in our current situation. We have no idea where we are, nor do we have any idea what kinds of enemies we could find ourselves up against. Besides, I think these people look civilized enough."
    At that moment, Siegfried noticed Captain Qwark, who was looking into the barrel of his Blaster Pistol, the pistol dangerously close to his eye.
    "...Most of them, anyway. Z.W.E.I., Hilde, you two head inside and see if you can find the person in charge. I'll stay out here and explain our reasoning for being here."
    "Fine..." Z.W.E.I. groaned before looking to Hilde.
    "Let's get going, then."

    Pit began to panic as Samus inexplicably started gasping before passing out.
    "Oh Goddess, what do I do!?" Pit then began to shuffle through his inventory that he summoned to him via a small portal to his bank vault back in Skyworld, which contained a wealth of different items and weapons.
    "Aha! This might work!" Pit said as he pulled out a medium-sized bottle filled with a pink liquid.
    Pit held it in his hands for a moment before remembering something.
    "Wait...Lady Palutena said something to me about this drink and mortals...What was it..."
    Pit began to think.
    "Remember Pit, don't go throwing the bottle at mortals once it's empty. That's just a jerk move!"
    "No, no, not that..."
    "Remember Pit, the hole in the bottle is just for decoration, don't go using it for-"
    "Nonononono DEFINITELY not that..."
    "Remember Pit, this is a divine liquid. If you need to give it to a Mortal, be sure to just give them three drops. Any more could have some seriously bad effects on a human body."
    "That's it!"
    Reaching into his inventory once more, Pit pulled out what looked like an angelic wine glass (and by "angelic" I mean it was really, really shiny). He carefully removed the cork that was closing off the top of the bottle before ever so gently pouring three drops into the glass.
    "There!" Pit said before placing the cork back on the bottle and putting it back into his inventory.
    He hurried over to Samus, who was already on her back and helmet-less.
    Opening her mouth, Pit poured the divine drink down Samus's throat.
    The glass was now empty, and all anyone could do now is wait and hope that the mighty Drink of the Gods would work it's wonders on Samus and bring her back from her unconsciousness.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite

    Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he can heal. Look at Doctor Doom. He's killed more people than a normal Doctor would. I think it's safe to assume that the doctors of the Marvel Universe don't work the same as the doctors of our universe.

    That would be fantastic if you did.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite
    Requesting that somebody play Doctor Stephen Strange from Marvel Comics.

    Dormammu needs his Arch-Enemy in dis here RP and I'd rather somebody else play him for their inevitable fight.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
  8. Lite
  9. Lite
  10. Lite
  11. Lite
    Of course you do. My eyes see ALL profiles.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Jul 27, 2013
  12. Lite

    Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
    Post by: Lite, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite

    Matt Ishida and Gabumon (Digimon)
    Henry Wong and Terriermon (Digimon)
    Mikey Kudo and Shoutmon (Digimon Fusion)
    Nene Amano and Sparrowmon (Digimon Fusion)
    Kiriha Aunuma and Greymon (Digimon Fusion)
    Starmon & Pickmons

    Apologies for the mass reserve, but I need Mikey and everyone below him due to how things work in Digimon Fusion (Or Xros Wars, if you prefer).
    Post by: Lite, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    This is certainly a surprise. I didn't expect to see a new Strider game, but I'm certainly glad it's being made. I never was able to experience the old ones, so this is a perfect chance to finally play as Strider outside of MvC. It looks fun, it's just pleasant to look at, and it's gonna be on current and next gen consoles, according to the trailer. Cannot wait for this.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Lite
    I was very much excited for this...Until I found out there was no Wii U version. It's kinda silly not to re-release all three versions of the game, especially when Link was one of the most fun characters to play as in SCII (in my opinion). But even with that quite large disappointment, I'll still probably get one of these versions...Eventually.

    *Wallows in Link-less sadness*
    Post by: Lite, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Lite

    Post by: Lite, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Lite

    Post by: Lite, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Lite
    Post by: Lite, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Lite

    *tilts Lillymon slightly diagonal*
    Post by: Lite, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Lite

    Son, I'm Barry. Omnipotent and yellow.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone