What is your exact height in Smellometers? sorslor tho: Impressiomonisimims, I guess.
Reserving: Soma Cruz (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow)
~Hot Spring, Men's Bath~ With Ryoma and Kamina still fighting each other, it was hard to notice all of the new male members of ZEXIS entering the men's side of the public spring. Among these new members was Riddhe Marcenas, a comrade of another member of ZEXIS; Banagher Links.Riddhe entered the men's bath, a towel around his waist, and was immediately caught off guard by a stray splash of water that flew at him from the manly men who were fighting in a manly way."What is going-" Riddhe was cut off as more water splashed him in the face.Riddhe sighed."Nevermind..." He mumbled to himself before noticing a familiar face on the other end of the bath."Banagher?" Riddhe said before making his way over to who he thought was Banagher Links.Upon getting close enough, there was no denying that the one Riddhe saw was in fact Banagher Links."Banagher, you're okay! Good to see you again." Riddhe said as he sat down next to Gundam Unicorn's pilot.Riddhe let out a sigh of relief."I was worried. I hadn't seen or heard from you since we were taken here. It feels good to finally see a familiar face, though. So how have you been? I'm sure you've been through quite a lot, too." Gold awoke from his slumber, exiting his room rubbing his eyes. "Morning, guys..." He said with a yawn. Gold's Typhlosion followed him, yawning as well. He looked around to see most everyone else awake. "Man, it feels like I slept for like...Seven months or something...Must have been the super-comfy beds." "Sounds like you've gotten some good rest, Gold." Said Lance as he entered the HQ. "Lance? What were you doing outside?" "Getting a better look at the city, and just taking a walk. This poor city...The further away you get from the large capital tower, the worse it gets. I was almost killed by a falling neon sign back in the slums. Whoever runs this city must not care all that much for it's people." "Speaking of which, whatever happened to the others?" Lance and Gold looked to the right, where Blue was standing. "You mean Torn and his allies? Good question. I might be able to contact him through that communicator he gave me." Lance took the aforementioned communicator out from his pocket. It grew in size upon being taken out (don't ask how, it just does). After pressing buttons and figuring out how it worked, Lance finally sent a signal out to Torn's end...Or at least tried to. "This is odd..." "What's wrong?" "It says the others are too far out of range, but it also says the maximum range is 15 miles. They couldn't have gone that far...Could they?" "I've got a bad feeling about this...I heard a loud noise last night followed by screaming... The screaming sounded like it was flying away, too. Do you think it could have been them?" Lance sighed. "No way to tell, unfortunately. All we can do now is continue our mission and hope the others are okay." Meanwhile, Nate, having already tried to wake up, was zonked out on the couch, mumbling incomprehensible BS. "Lucariomon digivolve to...MegaLucariomohbnghnnnn..."
Reserving: Bloody Marie (Skullgirls)
~Avia~BGM The group that was sent to investigate carefully made their way through the area, weapons readied. Naruto kept his eyes focused on as much his immediate surroundings as he could. "Man...This place is givin' me the creeps..." "Do not fear, Naruto. Just pretend this is a Halloween festival!" Lee said, attempting to lessen Naruto's fear. "What kind of Halloween festival has no people around, Lee?" "A really good one." "Enough of that, you two. We're here on a mission." Guy ordered. "Yes sir, Guy-Sensei." X and Zero, meanwhile, were scanning every piece of unfamiliar matter in the area, unfortunately coming up with no data. "I don't get it...I've scanned these web-like things down to the atom and I still come back with nothing." "Same here, X. Whatever is covering this part of the city is not of our world. That may be what's preventing us from getting data on it. It doesn't exist where we're from." X sighed. "You might be right." Drawing one of her many blades, Erza cut through one of the webs that was stuck on the side of a building. "Whatever these are, they can be disposed of. If it was the intention of whoever put this substance here to lock people inside the buildings, they did a poor job." At that moment, an idea hatched in Naruto's head that was completely unrelated to what Erza had just said. He could speed up the search process. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto called out, forming a single hand seal. Three more Narutos appeared around the original in puffs of smoke. "You three go ahead and check things out and come back if you find anything." The three clones nodded before running off in different directions. "There. That should speed things up." "Whoa...Did you just clone yourself?" Stryker asked. "Sorta...They're not solid clones. One good hit on them and they disappear." "That is awesome! You gotta teach me how to do that!" "Well...For starters need a lot of chakra." "...A lot of what-now?" "...Yeah, something tells me you aren't cut out for the Shadow Clone Jutsu." ~Lastation; Noire's House~ At this point, Nick's characters were beginning to grow rather bored of sitting around doing nothing, so they decided to say "screw it" and join in whatever was going on. Firstly, the Medic approached Compa, who seemed to have gotten a Medigun of her own. "I don't believe it...I thought I was the only Doctor here." The Medic said before turning his attention to Blanc, who had just recently been badly injured. "Judging by the severity of her injuries, we may need to double the healing output. That is where I come in." The Medic readied his own Medigun and began to let out a stream of blue healing energy, similar to Compa's. As both beams healed Blanc, they began to twist around each other, forming into one large lilac-colored beam. The Medic's eyes widened with awe at this sight. "Fascinating...The beams...They have crossed...The healing output is off the charts!" Blanc's vital signs were returning to normal range. Meanwhile, Jak, Torn, Drake, Heavy and Scout all rushed in front of Blanc to cover her as she was healed, their various forms of firearms ready to fire if Blanc's "Tanzerin Trome" attack failed. Back behind all of the commotion, ZWEI sighed. "I told you we shouldn't have gotten involved..." Siegfried stood and watched, arms crossed. "Don't be so quick to think this was a bad idea, ZWEI. We may have found ourselves a fine group of skilled fighters here." "I still think you, Hilde and I are more than enough." Ratchet was about to go and assist, only to be stopped by Clank. "Ratchet, your weapons were not made for close-quarters. The chances of you taking this entire house down are too much to risk." Ratchet hesitated for a moment. "Alright then...I'll just have to stick to the Omniwrench. It hasn't failed me yet." Ratchet said as he readied his tool/weapon. While all of this happened, Captain Qwark was in the bathroom...Yeah. A few moments had passed, and the small being known as Dimentio was still not up. It was safe to assume he was at least unconscious. "Sheesh, can we catch a break already?" Daxter said from atop Jak's shoulder, despite the fact that neither he nor Jak did any fighting in the last battle. Lowering his weapon, Jak looked around at the others in the room. "Anybody else got something to hide? Maybe someone's got a ring master they'd like to pull out of their-" "Hellooooo, anybody home?" "There has to be, you heard all the noise too." "Yep, there's definitely someone home...Hey, where did 'pb go?" "I'm here, I'm here..." Spoiler: ENTER Standing at the still-open door was Red, Tekken, Cave and 5pb. Red examined the people inside the house, looking to see if there was anyone she recogniz- "IFFY!!!" Red exclaimed as she cut off my narration. Red ran for IF and instantly super-glomped her. The other three entered behind her. Torn crossed his arms and sighed as the four girls entered. "If we woulda had this many on our side back in Haven, we coulda kicked the Baron's ass to the moon and back by now." "Now that you mention it, I wonder how the city's doing...Along with that group of Pokémon Trainers." Jak said. Torn shrugged. "Now way of knowing now. Too far out of range to use our vidcom units." Jak sighed. "Figures."
~Central Park~ Mikey's level of excitement was raised tenfold as soon as he heard Tai say the words "Mikey" and "DigiDestined" with the words "you're" and "a" in between.It was then that Izzy explained his theory on how one becomes a Digidestined. It all made perfect sense, too."So...If we wanted to, we could show everyone in Japan our Digimon and they all could become DigiDestined?" Mikey asked."Hey, that sounds pretty cool! An army of DigiDestined and their Digimon! With us at the head of it all, I could become Digimon King in no time!" "I don't think we need a group THAT big, Shoutmon...Seems a little...Extreme." "Buddy, you don't know the half of "extreme"." "Hey, guys!" Called a voice from the distance. Spoiler: ENTER Approaching the group was Henry Wong, and with him, sitting atop his head, was his Digimon partner Terriermon."Sorry I'm late...Suzie didn't wanna let Terriermon go." Henry explained."She sure loves playing with me!" Terriermon added.Terriermon then noticed Shoutmon and smiled."Hey, look! A new Digimon friend!"Henry looked to Shoutmon as well before looking up to Mikey."You two must be partners. Am I right?""You bet! Name's Mikey. And this is Shoutmon.""Yo." Shoutmon said, somewhat annoyed that he's been unable to properly introduce himself since Mikey came along."It looks like you all were about to get a bite to eat. Mind if I join you guys?"While the DigiDestined spoke, Terriermon hopped down from Henry's head and approached Shoutmon."My name's Terriermon! Nice to meet you, Yellmon!""It's Shoutmon!"Terriermon giggled."Sorry, Shoutmon. And is Taiki your DigiDestined partner?"Shoutmon facepalmed."His name is Mikey. Seriously, what kind of stupid name is Taiki? Anyway, I like to think of him more as a General, but if DigiDestined is the right word, I ain't gonna argue."Matt sighed."Sometimes I regret having so many friends..." Matt said to himself sarcastically."Aww, you don't mean that, do you?" Gabumon asked."I guess not...But that might change if we don't hurry up and get some food already."
Reserving: Victor Sullivan (Uncharted series)
Reserving: Tekken (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder what my life would be like without the Crossover Cove. And Game Grumps, for that matter.
ISTP. I got Riku. I'm okay with this.
...I feel a sudden urge to bring in an Otaku Eggman into Cove and give him his own Death Egg called the Desu Eggu.
~Avia~ The group looked out at the quarantined area of Avia, none of them sure of what was causing trouble over there. "That faint purple aura...Could it be linked to the Satsui no Hado?" Ryu said to himself, somewhat worried. Ken put a hand on Ryu's shoulder. "Doesn't matter if it is, remember? That seal on your hand holds all the bad urges back." Ryu looked at his hand. "You're right...But who knows how much longer it will hold." "Quit bein' such a worry-wart. You're gonna be just fine." Meanwhile, Naruto wasn't all too happy about being ordered around by some "king" he had just met. "So we tagged along with that Link kid just to be ordered around by some punk calling himself a king?" "Naruto! Do you not see what this means? This king wants our help. You want to prove you're the best, don't you?" "Well...Yeah, but..." "Now's the time to do it. Show King Masamune how powerful Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf Village truly is!" "Tch...Like I need to show some "king" how strong I am..." Naruto said in a somewhat annoyed tone of voice. Erza stood silently, mentally preparing herself for whatever force she was going to be up against. Unlike Naruto, she trusted Archer and Link's judgement. "Remember, we're going out there to find out what is going on. We're not just going to go in blindly and fight. First we find out what we're up against, then we finish it off." Hearing this, X nodded. "In that case..." X held out his arms, shifting into a "T-Stance". "First Armor: Engage!" X's body began to glow white, and the features on his body changed from his standard blue Maverick-Hunter body to the First Armor. His upgraded helmet gave him increased brute strength, allowing him to headbutt nearby enemies or break through walls. His upgraded legs allow him to dash at high speeds, greatly increasing his agility. His upgraded torso halves the amount of damage taken from enemies. Finally, his upgraded Buster allows him to charge up to three "levels", instead of the regular two. The third level of charge requires more time, but deals much more damage than the second level. The light faded, revealing X in the First Armor. "Ready to go." Zero gave a slight smile at his partner's readiness, even thought X dislikes fighting. "I see you're getting serious." "We don't know what's out there, Zero. My scanners can't pick it up from here and neither can yours. Avoiding casualties is a top priority in this situation." "Agreed. Good thinking, X." Stryker stood in the back, looking confused. "So you're just gonna take orders from some guy who calls himself king? How do we know he's not just pulling that from nowhere?" "Perhaps the fact that the crest on his helmet matches the one on the outside of this building would prove it." Erza pointed out. Stryker groaned. "I still don't like this..." "Neither do I. I didn't come here to be bossed around." "We're being offered assistance in return for performing this job. Wouldn't you agree that a larger force guarantees more safety and strength?" "Hell no! I've beaten a guy that called himself God all on my own! He destroyed my home village in seconds, and nearly killed some of my best friends! Strength doesn't come from numbers, it comes from your own power! We don't need some "king" and his army! I say we go straight to that "Temporal Tower" or whatever and kick the ass of everyone inside!" "Stop being such a fool! You can't just run head first into everything, Natsu!" There was silence for a moment. "...Natsu? Is that another nickname?" "N-No, I just...It's nothing. It was a mistake. My point is, we need this man's help. This "Temporal Tower" could be full of people like the man that you defeated." Naruto could tell that the name Natsu had some meaning to Erza. Perhaps it was a person she was friends with? He didn't know. But the way she seemed to get so upset when she said the person's name made it apparent that the way Naruto was handling the situation wasn't the smartest. Naruto sighed. "Alright...Fine...I'll do it. But after this, I'm not letting some "king" order me around." "Excellent! Naruto and I will show that we are the strongest!" "As will the rest of us, Lee! Our collective flames of youth will best any opponent!" Erza looked to Stryker. "What about you? Will you change your mind?" "...I'm still not buying it. But...I'll go with you. I'll help you find out what's out there, but after that I'm not wasting my time or energy fighting anything." Erza thought for a moment. "Fine. Fair enough." Erza began to turn around, but stopped. "However..." Suddenly, Erza's eyes gave off a horrifying glow, and her voice became equally horrifying. "IF YOU DARE EVEN THINK OF BETRAYING US, I WILL SHOW NO MERCY." Stryker, nearly wetting himself in fear, nodded. "Y-You have my word." Stryker said, his voice cracking as he spoke. Erza then returned to "normal", smiling slightly at Stryker. "Good." She said before turning back towards Link. Stryker looked at Naruto. "Why didn't you tell me she was a demon-woman!?" Stryker whispered. "I didn't know! That's the first time I've seen her do that!" "Link, I believe that was your name, when you are ready to move out, we will follow." Erza said, her sword at the ready. OOC: This was all my mind would allow me to write for now. I'll get the rest when I'm not mentally wore out.
Reserving: Yuan Shao (Dynasty Warriors) Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) Zhang Fei (Dynasty Warriors) Ma Chao (Dynasty Warriors) Huang Zhong (Dynasty Warriors) Zhou Tai (Dynasty Warriors) Zhang Bao (Dynasty Warriors) Xingcai (Dynasty Warriors) Along with the Sun family, which consists of: Sun Jian Sun Ce Sun Quan Sun Shangxiang All also from Dynasty Warriors.
Reserving: Lucemon (Digimon Xros Wars)
Just letting you know; I'm gonna be gone for a while today. I should be back around 3pm my time.
~Central Park~ TK's older brother Matt, alongside his partner Gabumon, followed close behind TK."We could go eat, yeah, but what about Growlmon? Are we just gonna leave him outside until he deDigivolves?" Matt asked, having heard the explanation from Kari."I say we have Tai go in and get our food while the rest of us stay outside and cover Growlmon until he can revert back to Guilmon." Matt suggested with a somewhat sarcastic tone.Before any answer could be given, a voice could be heard calling out to Tai and the others from a distance. "Hey! Guys! Check this out!" "Seriously, my arm is starting to get sore! LET GO OF ME!!" Spoiler Matt turned towards the source somewhat-familiar voice."Is that...Mikey?""You mean our new friend who got all bummed out about not having a Digimon partner of his own?""Yeah...But by the look of the thing he's dragging with him...That seems to have changed."Mikey approached the group of DigiDestined, Shoutmon still in his grasp."Hey, Mikey, we were just about to get a bite to eat. You wanna join us?""Yeah, sure, sounds great, Matt. But you'll never guess what just happened to me!"Matt leaned over to look at the small red Digimon that had it's arm finally freed from Mikey's grasp."You found a Digimon?""Yep!"Shoutmon stepped up in front of Mikey."I'm sure you wanna know my name, right? Well I'll tell you! My name is-""This is Shoutmon!""I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT!""Heh...Sorry, Shoutmon...Anyway, look what else I got." Mikey said as he took his Xros Loader out from his pocket."Is that some kind of Digivice?""Yeah! The weird light I got it from called it a Xros Loader. It never said how to use it, though..."Matt looked at the device for a few more moments before realizing he had no idea how it worked."Maybe Izzy could give you a hand?""Good idea. Thanks, Matt." Mikey said before going over to Izzy.Gabumon then approached Shoutmon, who hadn't followed Mikey."I'm Gabumon, Matt's partner. Are you Mikey's partner?""Yeah, I guess so...He did save my life after all.""Mikey saved your life? Wow, that's amazing!""Shoutmon, come over here!" Mikey called."On my way!" Shoutmon said as he went over to Mikey.Matt sighed."Jeez, we're never gonna get anything to eat at this rate..."Gabumon's stomach then began to grumble."Great...Now I'm hungry too."Meanwhile, Mikey was now conversing with Tai and Izzy. "Tai, this is Shoutmon. I found him in an alleyway a few blocks over, where he was pretty close to dying." "I'd been calling for help for a while, and just when I thought I was done for, Mikey heeds my call and saves me!" Mikey held up his Xros Loader. "When I saved Shoutmon, some kind of light engulfed me, and a strange voice gave me this. It's called a Xros Loader. Shoutmon was able to power back up to full strength from inside of it." He turned to Izzy. "Do you know anything about a Xros Loader, Izzy? The voice I heard didn't give me any instructions..." Spoiler: ENTER ~Tokyo Streets: Somewhere Near Yoshi's House~ Just as Palutena finished warning Pit of the long fall, the flight-less Angel had fallen from the sky and landed butt-first on the ground. Luckily his angel body was much more durable than a human's. "Oowwwwwwww! You coulda been a little more hasty with the warning, Lady Palutena!" Pit said as he stood up, rubbing his behind as we did so. Pit looked around a bit. "Man, the human world always looks so different from Skyworld. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. So, what're we doing here exactly? There aren't any Underworld Troops on the loose."