~Demolition Site~ The various Digidestined enjoyed their meal, when suddenly the young girl by the name of Kari was abducted by one of several invading Digimon. MadLeomon, Targetmon, Snimon, Diatrymon, Kuwagumon, Woodmon and Ebidramon all stood together against the Digidestined. "A-Are those Digimon!?" Mikey asked, not knowing that Digimon could come in such evil-looking variations. Shoutmon, upon seeing MadLeomon, quickly summoned his Microphone Staff. "Sure is, and the hairy one in the middle is one that I know all too well." "Grrrr...Humans...I hate humans!" MadLeomon yelled as he charged the Digidestined.Just as MadLeomon got within range, the ground in front of the Digidestined began to move, as if something was coming up from underneath.Finally, MadLeomon was just about to strike, when a blue horn-like object emerged from the ground and sent MadLeomon sliding back."Ram Slammer!" Said the most fabulous voice ever. Spoiler: ENTER "Haha! Take that!"Ballistamon stood triumphantly in front of the Digidestined.Sitting on Ballistamon's shoulder was Starmon and the little Pickmonz. "Yeah! Nice save, Ballistamon, thank ya very much." Said Starmon in an Elvis-style tone. "More Digimon!? We're gonna be completely outnumbered if they keep coming out of the ground like that!" Tai exclaimed, assuming Ballistamon was an enemy."Calm down, there's nothin' to worry about! Ballistamon's one of my friends. He's on our side."MadLeomon growled."I won't be beaten by a bunch of brats! Everyone move!" MadLeomon ordered (despite not being the "leader").He pointed to Shoutmon."Tear 'em up, rain terror from the skies!" MadLeomon ordered the Pteramon that were floating above him.They charged down at Shoutmon."Hmph. I know what you're thinkin', Mikey. You're wondering why I'm still smiling, why I'm not scared of MadLeomon.""Yeah?" Mikey said, a confident smile on his face as if he knew Shoutmon's answer already."I said it once, I'll say it again! It's because I'm Shoutmon, the future king of the Digital World! And I'll make sure the ugly furball knows it!"Shoutmon held the microphone on his staff up to his mouth."BELLOW BLASTEEERRR!" Shoutmon yelled, causing a stream of flames to fly from his microphone and incinerate the charging Pteramon."Shoutmon, you rock!""Sorry, Mikey, no time for autographs now, but I'll tell you one thing: You're the first human friend I've ever had." Shoutmon said, looking back at Mikey with a smile.Turning back to the battle, Shoutmon called out to the other DigiDestined."Mikey, Ballistamon and I will deal with MadLeomon! You guys take the rest!"Matt observed the area around them."There has to be some kind of leader for a force like this...There's no way they all just came here with nobody ordering them to do it."Matt looked closer, still finding nothing."But where?"Terriermon sat on Henry's head, looking at the immediate threat. "Should we fight them? There's quite a few of them out there." "I...I don't know...Maybe we won't have to if we the others can just hang in there." Henry said, unsure of what he just said was even possible. Mere moments after saying that, one of the opposing Digimon, Targetmon began charging the two of them. The pink monkey Digimon jumped into the air and prepared the shoes on it's hands for attack. "Shocking Hug-hug Sneaker!" "DCD Bomb!" Just before Henry and Terriermon were about to be attacked by Targetmon, another voice called out an attack of it's own, followed by a small bomb exploding in Targetmon's face, sending it back away from Henry and Terriermon. The source of the voice landed in front of the two, though nobody knew it's identity. It was a small cyborg-creature and dressed in military garb carrying an M16 assault rifle. It turned to Henry and Terriermon and saluted. "Commandramon, reporting for duty!" "At ease, Commandramon." said another voice. Henry turned around to see a much older boy walking up behind him. "Don't worry, Commandramon and I will deal with this one." "O-Okay...Who are you?" "Eric. Now step aside, we've got a Targetmon to deal with." The boy, apparently named 'Eric', said as he stepped past Henry. Spoiler: ENTER "Awaiting orders, General Herman Sir!" "Fire at will." "Sir, yes sir!" Commandramon raised it's rifle and aimed it at Targetmon, opening fire with extreme accuracy. "Target Eliminated." Commandramon stated as he lowered his weapon. Targetmon lay on the ground motionless...That is, until the Anja Serenade in it's heart revived it, bring it back to full strength. "Try all you want, I'll just keep comin' back!" Targetmon gloated, clapping his shoe-covered hands together. "Tch...Fine. You asked for this. Commandramon!" "Yes sir!" Spoiler: BGM Eric took out a Digivice resembling Tai's, however it's color scheme resembled Commandramon's skin color.He aimed it Commandramon, causing the Digimon to be engulfed in a bright light."Commandramon Digivolve to..." Commandramon's body changed due to the digivolution. He grew in height, his large nose was reduced in size, now covered by a full helmet, just as his body was completely covered in armor.His assault rifle was replaced with a combat knife, which he held back-handed.The digivolution was now complete, and Commandramon had become..."Sealsdramon!"The enemy Targetmon smirked."Digivolve all you want, it's not gonna stop be from coming back again and again!""Hmph. Then we'll just take you down over and over. It works just as well.""And it gives me plenty of practice." Sealsdramon added, his voice having gotten deeper.Eric turned back to Henry."Feel free to join in any time. Sealsdramon and I won't be able to keep him down alone."Henry was very hesitant. As much as he didn't want to fight...He knew sooner or later he would have to. And this new guy, Eric, looked to be on his side."I...I don't know..."Terriermon hopped off of Henry's head and looked up at him."Don't worry, Henry. I can do this! We gotta send these bad Digimon back to where they came from or else they'll hurt other people too!"Henry sighed."You're right. Okay, let's do this, then. Just be careful.""I will! Moumantai!" Spoiler: Start vid at about 3 seconds in "Let's go!" Gargomon said as it's digivolution ended. Gargomon and Sealsdramon began to fend off the enemy Targetmon, all the while Henry was worried sick about his Digimon Partner. OOC: Stopping here for now. Will continue next post.
Reserving: Angie Hinomoto (Digimon Fusion) Jeremy Tsurgi (Digimon Fusion) Tagiru Akashi (Digimon Fusion) Gumdramon (Digimon Fusion)
Dunno, I guess you could say I have a lot of ECHsperience acting like Jon. :3 And I tend to do that too. Intelligent and informed posts on the...
Barry stuff is indeed hard to come by, what with him being the silent grump who edits the videos for so long. But if I do find something I'll...
Oh my Barry that first gif...As Ross would say; is rly good. Definitely putting that in my sig. Maybe I'll get one o' them fancy-shmancy gif...
~Hot Spring~*no banners because lazy* Riddhe looked at the girl that Banagher referred to. "Hmmm...No, I can't say that I do, Banagher-" He was cut off by the sound of Leeron's voice echoing through the Hot Spring. "Attention ZEXIS. Whenever all you sweethearts are ready, the plan is ready, and everyone in ZEXIS should report to the command room as soon as you're decent~." Riddhe sighed."And I just got a chance to sit down, too. Well, we shouldn't keep the commanders waiting. I'll meet you in the command room, Banagher. I look forward to fighting alongside you again." Riddhe said as he stood up and walked away to gather his clothes. There were some other sighs of disappointment that their break was ending, but for the most part the members of ZEXIS were ready to head out. In the men's bath, Kamina and Ryoma were still battling one another, having not slowed down even the slightest bit, until finally...Silence. Both Kamina and Ryoma stopped frozen in their tracks, each of their fists within mere centimeters of the other's face. The two of them lowered their fists and stared at each other for a few moments more. Not a word was spoken, but the two of them spoke through their eyes. Through their exchange of fists, they had created a bond between men. A bond that not even death could break. Finally, after many moments of silence, Ryoma spoke up. "See you at the command room...Kamina." He said as he covered himself with a towel and proceeded to get his clothes. Musashi sighed as he stood up to follow Ryoma. "Time to go, everyone. Grab your pants and make your way to the command room." Jin was the next to stand. "Come with me, my children! Our destiny awaits!" Jin said to Rossiu, Joey and Jun in an obviously faked "knight-in-shining-armor" voice. "Alright...Just promise never to talk like that again..." Rossiu said as he followed. Joey and Jun followed close behind. Finally, Jonby hopped out of the water, worried sick over the whereabouts of his friend. "I'll find you, Arin. Even if I gotta roll around at the speed of sound to do it." He said as he made his way to the Command Room, since he wore no clothes aside from his hat. ~Command Room~ Finally, ZEXIS had gathered, clothed and rested, ready to move out. They awaited word from one of their commanders on what the plan was.In the back of the group, Naota stood next to Canti, becoming more and more worried about Haruko, though he hadn't mentioned her disappearance to Canti yet.The TV-robot tugged on Naota's sleeve.Naota looked up at his monitor-head."What is it."A picture of Haruko's face with a question mark appeared on Canti's screen, as if to ask where she was."She's not here. Don't worry about it, she'll be back before we leave." Naota said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
Reserving: Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Reservifying: Heart Aino (Arcana Heart) Saki Tsuzura (Arcana Heart) Kamui Tokinomiya (Arcana Heart) Konoha (Arcana Heart)
Reserving: Sniperwheel (TOME) Asterob (TOME) Ravenfreak (TOME) Rockoon (TOME) If they're not taken, of course. I did a search and none of those names came up, but the search function has a tendency to lie to me.
I'LL PUT A HOLE IN THAT *HORN NOISE* Why thank you. Grep!Jon also thanks you by uncomfortably staring into your soul.
Reserving: Ahri (League of Legends) Vladimir (League of Legends)
ECH. BARRY, PUT DAT IN. Just wanted to say you couldn't have picked a better avatar for Barry.
Reserving: Sean Matsuda (Street Fighter) Ran Hibiki (Rival Schools) T. Hawk (Street Fighter)
~Avia~ The investigation group continued to search the area, still unsuccessful in finding anything other than the web-y substance. "You sure there isn't just a really bad spider problem?" Ryu cringed. "Spiders...I hate spiders." "I highly doubt spiders is what messed this place up. Unless they're huge mutant spiders or something." Stryker said. Ryu shivered. "Can we drop the spider subject, please?" "I didn't know you were such an arachnophobe, Ryu." Ken said jokingly. "So they sent another group to scout this place out, huh?" Said a voice approaching the group from behind. The entire group (or at least, those who were still there) turned towards the voice, some prepping their weapons. "Who's there!?" X yelled, Buster at the ready. "Stay calm, I'm a part of a group of mercenaries that was sent in here earlier...I'm actually the last part. My name is Ansem." Spoiler: ENTER Erza stepped forward and spoke to Ansem."You say you're the last of your group of mercenaries? What happened to the rest?""The same thing that happened to the rest of the teams that were sent in here. We were no match for what we were up against. I was lucky enough to have escaped unharmed. If you don't mind, I'd like to join you. I saw one of my comrades drop his weapon before he was...taken out. I'd like to retrieve it, so I have something to remember him by.""Hm...Archer? What do you say? Can Ansem accompany us so he can find his fallen comrade's weapon?" ~Outside the Hot Spring~ Heero stood outside the spring under a conveniently placed tree, arms crossed. It was quiet, making it easy for him to get lost in thought.And lost in thought he was, as he tried to mentally remove himself from this outlandish world he found himself in, just so he could find even a small bit of freedom from the insanity he'd been forcefully thrown into."Heero-kuuuuuuuuun~"Welp. There went that. Spoiler Heero sighed as he heard the irritatingly familiar voice of Haruko approaching him. He turned his head away from her voice, trying his best to ignore her, which was quite difficult as she was now right behind him and resting her head on his shoulder."Hey, what're you doing out here? Don't you wanna come inside and relax?""..."Haruko removed herself from Heero's shoulder and stepped in front of him, crossing her arms and putting on an annoyed scowl."Come on, you're so quiet and moody. Why can't you just have fun for once?"Heero simply turned his head away again.Haruko growled."You know, I think you'd be a bit happier if you tried to make some friends! But instead, all you do is stand around and stay quiet!"There was still no sound from Heero.Haruko sighed."Fine. I didn't think I'd have to do this...But I don't have a choice anymore."It was at this point that Heero, his head still turned away somewhat, looked over to Haruko only to see her grab him by the head and pull him toward her."What-!?"Before he could speak, his lips were assaulted by Haruko's, who held him close with a warm - and somewhat awkward - embrace.While all of this happened, the "lovebirds" were ignorant to the fact that someone was witnessing this event. Spoiler: The Witness Naota, from a distance, saw what Haruko was doing to Heero.Part of him couldn't care less, yet another part felt...Something. Was it jealousy? He couldn't tell.After stopping himself from staring, Naota ran off before he could be seen, shaking his head as if he were shaking something off."What just happened? Why did I...Care so much?"After running far enough away, Naota stopped."Tch...Why should I care...She's just some weird girl who ran me over on the street one day...If anything I should have a restraining order."Naota then decided to take another look back at the two, as his odd feeling wasn't leaving him. But what he saw this time was much worse than before.Back with Heero and Haruko, the kiss was still going on, and Heero was becoming more and more angered. So much so, in fact, that he grabbed Haruko by her neck and pushed her away, still holding on. "I...Will...Kill you." Heero growled, his grip tightening with every word. Noticing that he was choking someone who was on his side, he let her go. "Get away from me. Now." He said to Haruko before turning away from her. Haruko's face went from fear to sadness, as tears began to roll down her eyes. But unlike last time, she could feel Heero's hatred. He wasn't playing hard-to-get, he seriously wanted nothing to do with her. "Hee-Hee-Hee-Heerooo-kuuuuuuun!" She yelled out before bursting into tears and running away. Far away. Seeing this, Naota ran up to Heero, pulling back a fist. "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you!?" He called out just before swinging at Heero. Naota was unsuccessful in his attack, as Heero simply dodged it. "You...You didn't have to do that to her, you know..." Naota said, trying to act as if he didn't care all that much. "Hmph." Naota looked in the direction Haruko had run off to, expecting her to come back. He waited for a few moments more...Nothing. "I wonder if she'll come back..." Naota said, sounding somewhat disappointed. And I'm sure you're (not) wondering; Where's Canti? He's trying to peep in on the ladies' bath. Yeahp, he's a pervy TV robot.
D-Daaaance for me...Dance. I just...I need you to dance.
Really...I thought any situation would call for that. Okay, Ross is on his way. Don't expect him any time soon, though. goddammit, ross.
But Ninja Brian should already be there. Stabbing people. I'm sure he could help.