~Tokyo Outskirts~ Kamina and Simon found themselves walking through an area just outside Tokyo, with the intention of finding...Something. Anything. Kamina was bored, man."Bro, do you really think it's safe to be out here? There were a lot of 'Danger' and 'Keep Out' signs when we got here...And I could have sworn one of them said 'Beware of Rancor Pits'...""Keep Out signs are the best welcome, Simon! We're here to find something awesome. Something that'll change our lives forever!""...And you think we'll find it out here where there's absolutely nothing?""You gotta look deeper than that, Simon. What you see as nothin' but dirt could actually be full of treasures-OHSHIT!"Kamina's deep speech was cut off when he and Simon fell into a huge-ass hole that they failed to notice. After a short fall, Kamina and Simon landed butt-first onto the ground. They seemed to have landed in some kind of cave. "O-Oh no, OH GOD, please tell me this isn't one of the rancor pits!" "What the hell's a rancor?" "I DON'T KNOW!!" Kamina looked around the area a bit, straightening his shades as they had gone crooked during the fall. In the distance, he noticed another person, who was digging deeper into the underground. "Hey! You!" Kamina called, trying to get the person's attention. "B-Bro! Don't do that! It might be a rancor!" Ignoring Simon's odd fear, Kamina stood up and approached the digger in the distance. OOC: From now on I'm gonna be using my Cove banner style. My original style would have taken up too much space in one post if there were a lot of characters.
Reserving: Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Reserving: Sasuko Uchiha (aka fem!Sasuke)
Missed one earlier: Name: Holly Jones Description: Joey's older sister, and a killer bassist. Behind her cocky attitude lies a sad resentment towards her father, who she believes broke his promise to always be with her. Occupation: Student/Bassist Series Character is from: Heroman Other: Spoiler: Big image
Name: Joey Jones Description: A regular middle-school boy who is considered by most to be a wimp. An accusation he sometimes agrees with. His dream is to become a hero, just like his father was on the day of his death. Occupation: Student/Cook at a local diner in Tokyo Series Character is from: Heroman Other: Spoiler: Image Name: Jiraiya Description: An old ninja with a dirty lust for anything with breasts, Jiraiya is one of the three Legendary Sannin; Ninja who are considered the greatest of their time. In recent years, he's settled down with a wife and had a daughter, though his dirty-old-man traits still break out from time to time. And by that I mean all the time. Occupation: Legendary Sannin/Teacher of Ninjutsu (High Grade) Series Character is from: Naruto Other: Spoiler: image
Spoiler ~Nearby Avia~(OOC: From this point on, this group will have always only consisted of Naruto, Lee, Kakashi, Guy, X, Zero, Ryu, Ken, Erza (Technically Gaara too, but DT hasn't started playing him yet). Anyone else who was ever in this group before is now considered to have never been there.) Hours had passed, and the group that once trekked the Savannah, and the group of Shinobi, Reploids and Street Fighters had come to a stop, as X and Zero were detecting a nearby city."I'm picking up what seems to be a city nearby. Zero, you getting this too?""Yes. According to the readings, there isn't anything of hostile nature. But there are living organisms there.""Finally, a place that isn't the middle of nowhere..." Naruto said in a whiney-yet-relieved tone."Don't be so glum, Naruto! A growing ninja needs all the exercise he can get, even if it is merely a walk!" Lee exclaimed, acting as if the long walk was nothing to him."A good walk is nice...But a good rest is even nicer. Let's head into this town and see if there are any places to stay for a while." Ryu suggested."Sounds like a plan, buddy! Let's go." Ken said before walking forward."Wait." X said, halting the group's movement."Huh?""The city is on a much higher altitude than us.""How much higher?" Ryu asked.X pointed towards the top of some mountains, where clouds were spread about."That much higher. It's slightly above those clouds.""WHAAAAT!? It's on the top of a bunch of freakin' mountains!? How're we supposed get up there!?"Youthful tears rolled down Guy and Lee's face upon hearing of this challenge."YES! The ultimate training exercise! Let us get moving! The city atop the clouds awaits us!""That's the spirit, Lee! Let's go!" Guy added before the student and master took off towards the mountains, the flames of youth burning in their eyes. Literally. Their eyes looked like they were on fire. That can't be healthy. "..." "..." "..." "Do you think we should have mentioned the pathway leading up to the city?" Erza asked, looking to the rest of the group. "They still would have ran up the mountain anyway. If it's difficult, it's just training for them." Kakashi responded. "Zero and I will climb the mountain with your green friends to make sure they don't fall." "X and I are equipped an advanced vertical ascension technology*, so we can scale the mountain with little difficulty." "Riiiight...We'll see you there, then." "Roger." Zero said before starting to run towards the mountains, X close behind him. "I don't think I'll ever understand anything they say..." *Big words for Wall Jump -One Mountain-Climbing Montage Later...- Naruto, Ryu, Ken and Erza reached the top of the path to Avia, where Lee, X and Zero awaited them."Comrades! You have finally arrived!" Lee said, happy to see his group-mates."Have any trouble climbing the mountain, Lee?""None at all! However I did almost fall to my death one time...But luckily I was saved by these metal people!""Reploids, thank you."At that moment, Naruto noticed a small child clothed in green using some kind of chain device to get himself across the roofs of the buildings."Hey, wait up!" Naruto yelled, trying to get the boy's attention.He was grabbed by Kakashi, forcing him to stop."Naruto, do you really think it's smart to just run in there after someone you've never met?""It's just a little kid, Kakashi-sensei. How much harm could he do? Besides, I gotta find out where we are!" Naruto explained before freeing himself from Kakashi's grip and running to the rooftops.Kakashi sighed."Is he always like this?" Erza asked."Yep. But behind that loud, knucklehead exterior lies a hero. He's proven that much to me over the years.""I see." Erza said, cracking an ever-so-slight smile. Naruto reminded her a lot of Natsu."Guy-Sensei! Let us follow Naruto!""Good idea, Lee! Kakashi! Try not to fall too far behind."Kakashi sighed and Lee and Guy ran off with Naruto. "Well...Might as well go after them. Let's go." Kakashi said, somewhat annoyed, before running into the city, the rest of the group close behind. -With Guy and Lee...- "Do you see him, Lee? He couldn't have gotten too far." Guy asked, surveying the area as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop, trying to find Naruto.Suddenly, Lee pointed off into the distance, where Naruto was just ahead."There he is! He's down on all fours, he must be hurt, Guy-Sensei!""Worry not, Lee! I have a plan!" Lee and Guy continued to tail him as he followed the young green-clad boy. Meanwhile, Naruto got down on all fours to look down from the rooftops and see what the kid was doing. There were others meeting up with him; a blonde-haired girl wearing a hat, a multi-color haired girl who looked like she wanted to punch someone, and another young boy in green who looked somewhat similar to the one Naruto was chasing, but with a bigger head. "They look like a bunch of kids...Do they live here?" "DYNAMIC RECOVERY!!!" Called a familiar voice from behind Naruto. Naruto turned around to look at the voice, only to see Might Guy flying at him at full speed, his leg extended. "WHAT THE-" Within seconds, Guy's kick connected with Naruto's backside, sending him flying into the side of the building in front of him face-first before falling to the ground below. Lee stood behind Guy in awe and a bit of confusion. "Guy-Sensei, what was that? It looked like Dynamic Entry." "It's a healing technique that Kakashi taught me, with my own personal twist added on. A ninja's best tool is flair, Lee. Always gotta keep the enemy in awe at your abilities." "OF COURSE! Guy-Sensei, your knowledge brings me to tears every time you share it with me!" Naruto stood up, rubbing his face and his backside, before looking up at the roof he was knocked off of, where he saw Lee and Guy looking down a him. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE KICKING, BUSHY-BROW-SENSEI!" Naruto yelled before walking towards Link. Naruto tapped Link on the shoulder. "Hey, kid, what was with that chain thingy you used to get across the rooftops? Can't you just jump across them?" ~Temporal Tower~ Kabuto, still in the same room where the previous reincarnation had occurred, was speaking with another man about their plans."So you say we're being approached by the enemy? My, my, they're moving much faster than I had anticipated.""They are not on the move at this very moment. One group has taken a break at some kind of hot spring, while others are scattered across the landscape.""I see. I guess now would be the best time to bring them into the picture, wouldn't you say?""Do it."Kabuto grinned. "Luckily, the ones that can be brought back already have been. I've kept them in reserve for a time just like this." Kabuto explained. After preparing himself, Kabuto clapped his hands together. "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!" The ground began to shake slightly as five coffins emerged from the ground, each one standing vertically. When the coffins stopped rising, the lid of each one fell off one by one, revealing who was inside. Each coffin contained a member of the Akatsuki. From left to right, the coffins contained Nagato, Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori and finally Itachi Uchiha. "It is done." The man with Kabuto looked at the coffins, along with the lifeless bodies of the Akatsuki members inside. "Only these five?" "They are the only ones I can revive. Zetsu, Kisame and Hidan are all still alive." "Right...Then they will have to do for now." Just then, footsteps were heard from the entrance of the room. Kabuto and the man turned and saw a figure standing there. "Who are you? What business do you have here?" "My name is Viral. I've come...To seek your help." Spoiler: RE-ENTER Kabuto grinned fiendishly at Viral."Alright, Viral. Tell me, what kind of help are you seeking from me?""I was told you have the ability to raise the dead. Not only that, but the raised dead come back in a body much better than their original one. Is that right?""Word seems to get around quickly. Yes, that is correct. But why, exactly, should I help you, Viral? What's in it for me?""The one I seek to bring back was a very powerful warrior. He could bring entire kingdoms to their knees! If you bring him back, you will have that power on your side, along with my own." Kabuto was silent for a moment. "He must not have been that strong if he was beaten." Kabuto said sarcastically. "Tch...It was only by a stroke of bad luck that he was beaten." "Is that so. Alright, Viral, I'll fulfill your request. I hope you were informed of the requirements to perform this technique." "I was." Viral said before approaching Kabuto. Viral held his hand out, a large clump of light-blue bloody fur sitting in it. "This is his fur. Will this suffice?" Kabuto took the fur from Viral and examined it. "Yes, this should work. The blood makes this the perfect ingredient. Now, I do hope you've brought-" "A vessel? Yes." Viral walked back to the entrance and grabbed what looked to be a human-sized creature covered in fur. He dragged the creature, a Beastman, over to Kabuto and placed it in front of him. The Beastman was somewhat afraid of what would happen to him. "Stop quivering. You're doing this for the good of the Spiral King." The Beastman nodded and sat in his knees quietly. "Let's begin, then." Kabuto said before taking out the same scroll from inside his coat and unraveling it. He placed the bloody fur on the scroll, causing markings to spread across the floor, however they did not glow like they did when Reinforce's Linker Core was used. The dark circle formed underneath the Beastman. "Your sacrifice will be remembered and honored." Viral said to the Beastman before Kabuto proceeded. Kabuto clapped his hands together, a sadistic smile on his face. The small ash-like 'papers' from before began to cover the Beastman, who cried out in pain. Underneath the ash, the Beastman's form began to change into a much larger and wider form. Finally, the ash fell from the Beastman, revealing the form of the recently-deceased General of the Spiral King: Thymilph the Crasher. Thymilph sat on his knees, motionless, his body cracked as if it were made of hardened clay. The whites of his eyes were now pitch black. "L-Lord Thymilph?" Viral said, attempting to get the General's attention, only to get no response. Viral grolwed. "Is this some kind of joke!?" "Calm yourself, Viral. I'm not finished." Kabuto said before taking out a kunai knife with a blank tag attached to it. He stepped behind Thymilph. "Once I assign his orders thought this kunai, all of the abilities he had in life will be restored to him. He will become a puppet who can only follow those orders and cannot die. Naturally, any extraordinary abilities he had will also be restored." "A puppet!? You mean he will only follow what you tell him to!?" "Weren't you listening? He only follows orders assigned to the tag on this kunai. Since I'm feeling generous, I will allow you to specify the orders." Viral thought for a moment. He could make Thymilph a pawn under him...But if the Spiral King were to find out, he would have Viral's head. "Make him how he was in life. A servant to only the Spiral King." "As you wish." Kabuto said. A moment passed and the once-blank tag on the kunai suddenly had markings inscribed on it. Kabuto pushed the knife into the back of Thymilph's neck. Thymilph suddenly began to move as he came to life, confused at where he was. Viral knelt down by the once-fallen General. "Lord Thymilph, are you alright? It's me, Viral."
Reserving: Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto Shippuden) Shino Aburame (Naruto Shippuden) If either of these two were already taken, please say so and I'll remove this post.
Very true...Alright then.
Sounds easy enough. 'Cept Heroman can't smile. He's just a big ass-kicking toy. And Joey's a puss.
It's probably not hard, but I just don't know how to do it as I've never done it before.
"Let the flames of youth burn!"
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Now it's time to learn how to do that.
...Oh my god I must do this.
xD YES. They're fabulousness fits any song. Hmm...*looks at gif again* I think it's time for a theme change.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/ffffb4520ffbea9a0e5caf0b131528c3/tumblr_mmqjg0aD6d1s0gj2eo1_400.gif My reaction to this wonderful song.
Look at it this way; They may be better than you, but I'm pretty sure you're better than me. :'D Oooh, okay, so there's stealth in the Blade Wolf...
Oh, okay. Maybe those LPers have some kind of super strategy to get the updated stuff quicker. Ooooh, how was it?
I know your pain there. I have never, ever been good at stealth games. I wanna play the MGS games, but I know I'm gonna be hearing that " ! "...
Things fair pretty okay. Just trying to get through school in this last months. It's tough, but I'm makin' it. Yourself?
Truth be told, so was I. Guess I was wrong.