lol I LOVE Photoshop. so very much xD I just do normal stuff like curves, maybe change the contrast tone or edit the color a bit so peoples faces arent like yellow but in yearbook we dont really do that much more. Sometimes we sharpen images. Depends. We also made the grass greener xD Becuase our final deadline was last friday and for things like girls soccer, the season has barely started and the grass is pretty much dead. so we made the grass a littttleee more green xD
Ive recently started taking up photography due to yearbook... none of that nature nonsense though, people. I like taking pictures of people and sports and i absolutely adore taking pictures of boys swimming and girls soccer and gymnastics because gymnastics is close to my heart. Photography is fun (:
And do I dream again? For now I find.... ... :D I saw that when it came here. and. i. died.
Things.. kind of weird. a little crazy. But i dont think i would have it any other way <3 how are things with you!? I havent talked with you in forevverrrr. foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.
c: this was last night when i got bored after a long day. Kind of just wanted to smile <3 Spoiler
Hence the *invasion* part of my post. for i felt like invading c: you know you love me and my surprises
*invasion invasion invasion*
.. Wolfie. I am listening to that song right now. just fyi.
What was your first impression of me what do you think of me now whatever happened to the duck. do you remember when xaldin was drunk and we all were in that convo with him.
well arent we witty. and hullo o:
.... I think orange is at disney O.o
I demand being on this list >:|
hahahahahahaha NO WAY??? :P well there is nothing wrong with growing up a little. i have to head to bed, i have a competition tomorrow and school so... message me if you want to catch up more k? k. aidosss