lol wuuuuttt o:
I got exceptionally good looking. Oh wait. Ive always been exceptionally good looking ;D
ohshi -
... indeed. those crazy kids and der drinkin and der internetz
... ew D: that would be entertaining to go to i guess...?
i know. we are such hooligans.
I dunno i just thought it would be an awesome thing to ask on your profile xD
can i start a revolt against the staff?
ewwwwwwwwwww that sucks D: it would be very silly And yeah i can see that but I went to private school and loved it but only after all the idiots...
ew four essays? ON WHAT??? O.o hahahahahahahaha. it would be so worth it. You know you would love me forever if i did something like that....
why in the world would there ever be a six hour long english test D: HOW DOES THAT WORK?? Thats so great xD I wish i could come see it and be like...
fuck the what now
well for finals we do 4 1/2 hours for the first two days and then 3 hours on the last day. Im sure you are not awful. I have faith in you! :D And...
i watched pokemon 2000 yesterday with friends for the sole purpose of making fun of it. it was glorious.
our school gets out in EXACTLY three weeks. its quite thrilling I know. we only have three days of finals which is nice. well that kind of sucks....
Im sure your portfolio is fabulous. College your main worry? Thats good you broke that habit. that would have been bad if you didnt o: luckies. haha
Yeah well school is nearly over for me suckah! When do you guys get out? How is family shenanigans going? You are acting in the school plays?...
Haha thats the way to do itttttttt. hahaha homework is the bane of my existance. So much of it is busy work that helps me with absolutely nothing!...
yes, i do think im better then newb members. kind of how khv rolls
this is such a win group. btw.