heya. whats be up?
:o .
i was waiting for some staffie to mention this. arent i purty ;)
well this family is pretty cool. I helped start it a longgg longgg longgggggggggg time ago O.o p.s. happy burthdayz.
This would be the rocky mountains aka my backyard
Honestly? I have NO idea. At all O.o
it will help believe me. Being one of the whitest people EVER, I would know. do it. :D
your eyes look absolutely stunning <3 just btw
I would like to see it :) Also who has a DA account here? I like how I JUST made one today. Because Im cool like that. *points to signature*
ouchie >_< put some aloe on that stuff? p.s. you should look at my newly made DA account in my sig o:
are you now a lobster?
summer is the best thing. ever. evah. everrrrrrrr. haha everything is going pretty swell. how is everything with you?
<3333 haha its FINALLY SUMMER. though i still have a TV life. but really its getting annoying
Mr. Brightside, well put. Honestly dude its a forum. I would like to think of myself as a pretty well respected member but you know what dude I still get ****. I've been flamed, harassed, told to go die etc etc but you have to remember like life, somethings are going to go unapprechiated. Some people arent going to like you. Some people are just annoying little *****es. You said how you do nice things and arent getting respect for them but in all honesty, if you are doing the nice things for respect you arent doing them for the right reason. Its up to you to stay or not but thats my two cents. p.s. its the internet
i am cheep.
bhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. Misty i loveee youuuu. <3
oh my god its like the time when i changed my name to boris the blade. sara was pissssssssedddddddddddd
Hottest Female member. I should win.
Haha thank you so much :) It really means a lot to me that you would take the time to write all that haha. <3 Juicy: I know, I have that problem a lot so...I have started never leaving my house without my point and shoot. ever. EVER.