ohhhhhsnappppppppppppp. if thats a rising action. then what will the climax be like o_o
Climax of plot climax of plot!
... I WILL SEARCH FAR AND WIDE. Mostly because this sounds amazing. ahahaha
.... i must go buy this book
bhahahhaa nawh. Im on yearbook with this girl who wants to do senior photos for money so she wanted people to practice on/ use in an ad for her photography.
what book now? haa
YAY. one vote! YES. D: well i am always here. most of the time. not really
I got senior pictures taken. Am I a senior? fawkkkkk no : D Im a to be junior. bhahahhahahhaha
probably. i wont win anything. no one knows who i am anymore o: (and yet im still on the first page for rep. bhahahahhahahahahahahahahhaaha) and...
maybe i will you whoar
maybe i will. bring some excitement. flame war or two. WOOHOO!
fosho ;D but only second to you. u are da purtttiessttt
Rebel XTIs are pretty expensive. We would have to get the Rebel XS because thats the downgrade and only costs 500 :x
i loved latin. too bad my high school doesnt offer it.
you should tell me how that is :x cause I have to buy a new camera for my yearbook staff and we are looking around at different cameras. and zoom lens o: zoooooommmmmm lennnnsssss .________.
OH MY GOD WOLFIR WHAT KIND OF DSLR o_________________________________o
indeed. Dont worry. I wont cause enough ruckus for a ban hammer
i will. start freaking out on people. "YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM HOW DAREEE YOUUUUUU" im excited
we all get bored eventually :P its interesting to be back and not have everyone know who i am. i kind of like it :P
its going pretty well for the most part. :D ive gotten pretty gosh darn good with photoshop and not bad with photography. havent visted KHV as...