Do you love me First impressions Impressions now Best memory of us :'D (there must be so many.... lolz jk)
oh jelly. how i miss you, you whoar face. <3
boooooo D: fine. still favorite memory of us. what did you first think when you joined the KHV staff team.
me too love.
First impressions Impressions now Fondest memory of us GO
fight fight fight fight fight fight fight
well isnt that just a sucker punch to the ovaries.
... I still do that. I did that as a staff member too xD
Okay that book made no sense. It was pointless. I got to the end and I was like whattttt theeeeee fawwwkkkk? Bless Me Ultima was pretty bad >_<
"Its not stalking if you love them" - Creepy kid in english class last year
i miss a lot of good threads. like redsonic in the code vault. ooohhh the good times
my friend called me today and half way through our conversation goes "HOLY **** WHERE IS MY PHONE" and i was like uhhhh.........
I was drunk, I apologized, why do you keep bringing that up?
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. that was our little secret!
omg maybe there isnt a staff member online who can lock it because oh my GOD MAYBE THEY HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF THIS FORUM.
you are a fat sluutty bitch >:| (you happy?)
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah NECRO BUMP!
lol why would you think that? I act like im five ....bhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha. YES.
you must tell me about it
How old did you think I was? Im fifteen. Lol. Almost sixteen but im fifteen. Joined when I was 12 or 13.