Oh, hmm... What happened when I was getting the cookies? Ah... 'Kay... VID: And the winner is... [Yes. I must have a video for everything.] (Watch the new vid you lazy peoples XD) Dude. You gotta feel bad for Goofy. He was used 100 times for Valor form. D= Kudos to everyone else who remembers this. ^-^ Literally... [throws around Kudos energy bars] Hey, what kinda cookies you want? =o Hurry up, before I eats them all. [shoves one in her mouth] And yeah, "wan" was intentional. Maybe if I make a game next time, it shall be a poll XD EDIT: Holy crud, I spelled "MyInnerFred" wrong XD
Uh... "Drive". That's your clue :P Seriously. It's your clue. I can't get any more obvious that. Another Random Tidbit: It was made before English KH2 came out.
Let's play a guessing game! This would be really nostalgic for you people who have been here long enough and downloaded the really, REALLY old videos. :D Like... Watch this video, read the instructions and... guess what it is! For you KH-Vids Members... And a message for Chrono! The reward is a cookie for whoever gets it right first! :P
I could afford to download the videos that Deathspank has on Youtube and keep them as backups if that helps (they're pretty high quality once I fix them up). I'll have to do that over the weekend though. I even have the Original Japanese videos from the old Filefront account in all their high-quality-not-Youtube-touched glory. o_o @Master: They just want people that could help monitor the videos if they go down and get them back up ASAP with fresh links.
Re:CoM comes with KH2:FM+ You can find imports of them online on eBay or somewhere.
Lyke... HAPPEH BIRTHDEI, DUDE! May the rest of your life be merry and jolly and all that happy good shtuff =D [gets hit with cake] Hey! ; ; [picks a piece from head and eats] OMG! IT'S YUMMEH!
Kaxiyu, hands down. XD It'll be my Nobody's name forever... Aww crud... Wait a min.. Gotta stop Kax from raiding the pantry again. o_O
=3 9/10 I like your name...
o.o ...Whose tutorial did you see?
I don't really know... Anyone know how I can measure? It really depends if I'm conciously looking at the keyboard or just typing without looking because I subconsiously learned the layout of a QWERTY keyboard (usually happens at night).
Nice ta meetcha! [types out givens] Make sure you read the rules, don't break them and stay active. [other stuff you need to know] Make sure you don't carry around cookies, eat them before you go around in the open or you will be attacked by Rabid Cookie-Muncher members. (I am also part of that group) Have fun and Enjoy your stay!
Jerry! Mice are cute =3 And Yukai is allergic to cats D=
Because they do? How come everyone YUKAI knows has a post count about 10 times bigger then her's? XD
おめめ! (omeme; grats) Yukai is happeh for O R A N G E! =3 Now your your butt to Prem O R A N G E!
[stereotypical post] Hi there! Have fun and make sure you read the rules!