It takes getting used to I guess... Lots of people call me "feitsu" as opposed to "feifu" (only my friend Da-da calls me "Feifu" o_o) all the time. Both "eban" and "evan" are acceptable in my opinion if that is so. I translate by ear most of the time anyway. =/ My friend is the one who translates using the script and the voices. Which reminds me. I have to bother him so I could get back my Re:CoM RR script back. D<
Sure we can be civil. All we need is a good reason to be civil. I'm all good with being civil.
...Mish. D= MISH REMEMBERS! Yes, yes. That is very true... And everyone was all... Not corrupt XP ...And when most of the staff wasn't staff o_o I have the answer! STAFFNESS! IT'S THE STAFFNESS I SAY!
Oh... The "nu" part was just a habit of mine whenever I write out pronounciation... I say "n" as "nu" if it's at the end of a word. ._o People know what I mean though. My friend says that the "va ve vi etc." extensions were added sometime a couple of years ago. How was I supposed to know? XD I took Japanese in Elementary school when I was 7 (I moved before we got past Hiragana and Katakana) and I never learned about those.
"E-ba-n", you mean? Yes... Eh-bah-nu エバン
Okay. Those lyrics pwned XD I liked it. Can't wait to hear the song.
Gaspit @ the child-friendly-ness-ness. It's so... friendly. XD [holds up score card; 9.9567/10]
Close enough... XP Well... Hey. Youtube and Google in Cali make more sense now since Google BOUGHT Youtube. :P
That's so sweet =D I loved it.
Oh, wow. XD That's really ironic lol!
Well... I could record them since I have such a device. However, I don't own KH2 >P Anyone wanna give me a PS2 and KH2 for xMas? >D Eh. Seriously though. I can just download the cutscenes and have them as backups.
Gasp! I will, like... Level Darky 'cause I can! X3
Aww man. I just found out that Google is in Menlo Park, Cali DX That's no good. KH-Vids is Located in Cali.
FAP! FWAP! Miya mish mash pies snicker doodlz!
Uh... a Magic Mirror that can copy stuff XD Seriously. It's awesome.
Lulz XD That's awesome.
I know, huh XD That IS peculiar... o_o Or maybe it isn't... It might have been because of the "controlled environment" that Sora was placed in. Being that there weren't any potential enemies around.
Dude. You shouda had GOOGLE under attack. That woulda been catastrophic XD
Awwz! *^^* [hugz Chrono] Thankies~!
Like I said, this was made before English KH2 was out and the secrets of Anti-Form were discovered. At that time, many people made theories about Anti-form, which included this one by Deathspank and MyInnerFred. This is one of the few videos made about an Anti-Form Theory. It was pulled off the site shortly after everyone found out how Anti-Form really worked. The video itself in a way is a rarity. It's a KH-Vids Original, the way I see it. =P I haven't seen any download sites that have this video in particular. All the cutscenes and battles that KH-Vids provides, yes. This theory video, no.