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  1. Yukai
    I actually created the concept for this story when I was still lurking around. I only started writing it like two days ago though. Not sure if I want to finish it.

    >.> I stole some stuff from burnitup's fic, "Dark Hearts of KH-Vids." Yeah... Go read his fic now please.

    This probably has no real point but it shows how I was surprised at the change when I came back and it was all vBulletin-ized. XD Err... You get to see the view of one individual member? I have no idea.

    Until I decide if i should finish it, I'll just post a preview.

    ----STORY PREVIEW-----​

    Member Name: Yukai, Post Count: 3. Apparently, I was removed from the system... Taking out my lunch and slowly munching on the simple meal of rice and breaded pork-cutlet, I sat in the Spam-zone Central Plaza of the vast city of KH-Vids, New York. It's been awhile. A very long while. There were certain times when I did pop-in, just to say "Hi" and maybe see how many names I could remember.

    This place used to be so... small. Amazing what the effects of time has. The buildings were only half as tall during my last visit and there weren't even (approximately) 74% of these dang buildings when I was actually active. It feels like a completely new city. It's defiantly not one the that I knew...

    You could say that I was an oldie, someone who knows more about it's history then you do. Still, I didn't really deserve that title since I never stuck around long enough to get my name carved in stone. I knew most of everyone that you guys did and do now. Not sure if they remember me at all as I was lesser known, but let me have my happy moments where I think I'm important. It's all I have left of my self-esteem; most of it was lost when I was 6 years of age.

    Mmm-hmm. Real positive, aren't I?

    Enough about that though, no one really cares about my standings...

    I just shoved the last blob of rice from my lunch in my mouth and chewed on it before packing up. A little tour of the city is definitely in order...

    ----END PREVIEW-----​

    I dunno. What do you think? Finish it?
    Thread by: Yukai, Dec 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Yukai
    It IS messy... o_O Give me credit for being an idiot 12 year old (with the mind of a 15 year old; currently 15 with the mind of an 8 year old) who thought that pebbles would make a perfect filter for the water that went down the drain. I wasn't accounting the size of the pipes and whatever was jammed down there.

    How was I supposed to know that pebbles mixed with hair that my mom combed off my head and breakfast made a good stopper? DX
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Yukai
    Aww, heck. I know how you feel...

    Although, replace the rice with hair, pebbles and ketchup covered eggs o_o

    THAT'S not fun to clean.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Yukai
    It's a habit. I automatically assume people poke fun at me through the context of whatever they say. o_o

    I mean. You didn't think I knew that the anime was announced in August from some random person, did you?
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Yukai
    So, I'm an idiot for being a MapleStory player? o_o

    >> It's Japanese MapleStory lulz...
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Yukai
    Very, very, valid statement.

    What is going on in my brain:

    Roxas: Crud. Too many Heartless. [sees Riku ontop of building] HEY, DUDE! MIND HELPING ME!? [runs up building and chucks Oblivion @ Riku]

    Riku [Thinking]: Whatever. I'll just take care of these heartless trying to beat ya up so I can beat ya up myself in a minute. [jump; catches keyblade]

    [random fight scene] [/scene end bwahaha 8D]


    Topic: Yesh! It is now proven that Roxas can use KK. Kthxbai!

    EDIT: Well... >> I don't really have a reason for Roxas being able to use KK but it might be because he's part of Sora.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Yukai
    HQ images of Roxas using KK


    Have fun kiddies!
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Yukai
    This is really old news XD It came out in October. MapleStory players have known about it since August.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Yukai
    Who's up for another not-making-sense weekend of randomness and sleeping?! :D
    Thread by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Yukai
    You scares me too... DX
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Yukai
    What a twist... o_o
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Yukai


    Yeah. I was only good enough to get into KHVR and that's just about it. XD;;

    That's not the topic of this topic though! It's about Chrono and his status in old KHV. Not mine! DX
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Yukai


    Yeah... I was known as "that girl who had a ton of posts but no avvie or sig".

    Nope. Didn't stick around long enough to get my name carved in KHV history (thus I'm not recognizable), but I know some people remember that.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Yukai


    Lulz... I was only there for about 6 months before I turned tail and left silently >>

    [lesser known member that was number 6 on the most frequent poster list]
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Yukai


    Ha ha. Yeah. XD;;;

    Gooooddd times... Aww man. You got me talking like an old person. GG =< [eats soap]

    [hiccups a soap bubble] o_o
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Yukai
    Eh... Everyone is correct in a sense. There isn't a real answer nor is there a wrong answer.

    - Our tolerance level has lowered
    - New members are being immature
    - Staff being too uptight
    - We're getting snippy
    - etc. etc.

    All of them are valid in their own way...




    I should stop being so lenient and laid back about everything... Oh well. [proceeds to kill the thread as usual with her frequent postings]
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Yukai
    Don't know much about you. I can't say a word.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Yukai
    I agree with you on the point that the people changed as the site changed.

    [This is why I hate "growing older" you lose a lot of insight on things. ._o;;;]

    Don't hate me, but I think you all should be a little more considerate on what you post concerning those kinds of things. It's probably the closest thing to flaming that I've seen.

    And this really applies to everyone.


    And Rosey not a prick =<

    Yeah, it did. :P It seriously did happen. [was a witness]
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Yukai
    You know, we could have Roxas DW early in the game but at a very low power, he's very clumsy and with different Keyblades. Like when he has to train and hone his skills as a Keyblade weilder. Like, we could have a plot line, such as:

    After Roxas finds out that he can't properly Dual Wield till he can use one Keyblade first. We play with one Keyblade like normal then switch to Dual Wield later when he's more comfortable using one keyblade.

    In my opinion, it'd be awfully strange if Roxas was able to use a keyblade right off the bat. Sure he could have a "natural" sense of using one, being the Nobody of a Keyblade Wielder, but he probably wouldn't use it "effectively".

    I understood when Sora used a Keyblade right off the bat in KH1 since he used to swordfight with his old wooden swords. Still, he was a bit clumsy. As you play, Sora's skill increases as you go through the game (thus you get new skills like Dodge Roll XD).

    That's my opinion on this all.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Yukai
    Probably. It could also be the way we've been treating other people. I mean. It's not too hard to say "please refrain from posting such things as this in the future".

    It has a sense of power but also has a nicer tone then "ZOMG UR A NOOBZ! GET OFF MAH INTARWEBZ1 DX"

    It's one thing to use such a thing as a joke, it's another when you're spouting off to a newer member who doesn't realize it's a joke.

    I'm not saying that anyone does that, I just needed an example.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone