Happeh Early-Birthday, Sofa~! [gives giant box of cream puffs for you]
[cough] I followed through on that PDF thing I wanted to do... Dunno if I'll post it up or not but if anyone wants it...Sure, I'll be willing to. Gosh... I do odd things when I'm bored. X]
Mm... Another KHV Royale story. Of course I'm going to be reading this one. [copy, paste into wordpad, edits grammar mistakes] [coughawwnoLAXInternaltionalAirportcough] For some reason. I wanna make a PDF downloadable version XD (If anyone wants it)
Err... A lot of stuff was erased when I softened the lineart layer o_o (yeah. There were legs sketched in but I cut them off since I screwed up the proportion for the arms, so they looked funny; this includes the fingers for her left hand) Oh crud. I reverted back to my old "oddly shaped" eye style XD
I really was just going to leave it as a sketch but then that would be kinda sad... So I put a little color on it. ^-^ [coughireallyjustgotboredandplayedwiththecoloringcough] CnC?
Ditto. Specz plz~!
I finished the anime adaptation this afternoon and just purchased the first volume of the novel a few minutes ago and loving it. Anyone else here run into this series?
It's possible that Ven is ambidextrous... However, I don't think that the hand you use to hold a keyblade shows which hand is dominant. It's possible that you can learn to weild a keyblade using both hands interchangeably (but write with a specific hand), as it has it's advantages if you do so (ex. If you break one arm you can use the other and is still able to fight regardless of the handicap). I really never noticed. That's a good observation.
Mikki [fillerz bwahaha]
Well... It's a strange theory concerning their emotions. I've always wondered about that. I've always have the philosophy that Nobodies can display emotions that correspond to their personalities but are unable to truly feel anything without the assistance from a heart to actually care. So they're able to stop displaying emotion and become, in a sense, "emotionless" (in the case with Demyx and his "Silence, Traitor."). I always thought Demyx was more of the "talk first, action later" type of person. Not a pacifist but a "talk then fight" kinda guy.
Well... When I watched the scene in Japanese. I was all "ZOMG! THEY DID WHAT?!" Then logic kicked in and I'm all "You know, considering how many "cartoon accidents" he's had, he wouldn't die from something as simple as a rock." Then I watched it in English and was all "Dude. Cartoon accidents people."
Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas to you tooz. =3
Sorry about taking long. I had lots of things come up and I wasn't able to write. Oh well. At least it's here now. =] Enjoy. --------CHAPTER 002: Wan-wan-------- Karli slowly opened the door to the office, still pondering what the little girl said. Make good friends...? I don't get it... Oh well. She looked around the room. Compared to the rest of the building, the office was extremely small. It contained a small beige couch, a coffee table and a desk where a secretary was writing on applications for the school. There was a bin next to it that contained several black bags, the same as the ones that the girls were required to wear. Karli didn't have one yet. Behind the secretary, there was a door with a window where Karli spotted people running about inside, she assumed it was the rest of the office. The walls were painted a blinding color of white and the carpet was a dingy grey. The room overall gave off a very dull and depressing feeling. The staff... really... is very good at decorating... Karli inched to the secratary's desk and stood there till the lady realized there was someone else in the room. The lady seemed to be in her mid-30's, her brown hair tied in a bun and she already had wrinkles forming, due to the stress from her job. They were poorly covered with large amounts of make up, giving her a very grotesque look. All the secretary was wearing were some brown slacks and a cream colored sweater that hasn't seen contact with a lint rollar at all. She was chewing an exceptionally large piece of gum in her mouth. "What do you want, kid?" The lady said in a hoarse voice. "Uhm... I'm here to pick up my sceduale..." Karli said softly. The lady blew a bubble that popped, making a large sound. Karli flinched. Eww... Gross... "What was that? I can't hear you." "I'm here to pick up my scedule." Karli repeated in a slightly louder voice. The secretary turned to the computer on her desk and started typing. "So, you're a new kid..." She stopped typing and turned to Karli. "Name?" "Excuse me?" The lady waved her pen infront of Karli, "Kid, I asked for your name." "Oh! Right. Karli Nanc--" "Not that one!" The secretary snapped. Karli jumped at the sudden outburst. "Wh-what name, then?" The door from behind the secretary opened and a student walked out with a stack of papers. She had dirty-blonde hair that went down to her shoulder blades and blue colored eyes. On her bag, there was a large purple star pinned to the front. "Linda. Are you yelling at the new students again?" The student placed the papers on the desk and looked Linda in the eye. Linda scowled, "If you hate me yelling at them, then why don't you take this job, Rosey?" "Because it's yours." Rosey turned to Karli who was staring at her. "Hi, there! And what's your name?" She said energeticaly. "Ka-Karli... Nancy Da--" "No. What's your Member Name?" Rosey turned to fully face her and held her elbows. Karli rose an eyebrow, "Member Name?" "Yeah. Everyone has a Member Name. You know, that changable name that you use when you apply for schools and jobs? That one." Rosey grinned. "Mine's, Rosey. Member: 7839." "I can see that..." Karli let out a breath. "Well then... Mine is 'karlibell22'. I don't know that number thingy..." Rosey turned back to Linda, "There. See? If you were nicer to us students, you'd get better answers." "Whatever." Linda typed in the name and rotated the computer screen to show Karli's profile. She scrolled down to show some information and some of her previous school photos. "This you?" Karli nodded silently. "Okay then, I'll print out your mock ID." Linda pointed to the bin next to the desk, "Go ahead and grab whatever bag you like from the bin and attach it to your uniform skirt." "Skort..." Rosey corrected. "Whatever." Karli stared at the two for a minute then walked over and dug through the bin. All the bags were the same, but varied in weight. She decided to take the lightest one. When she looked back up, Rosey was holding a piece of paper with her ID Card attached to it. "Keep this card with you at all times. It's your ticket to everything in the school. You'll get a real one mailed to you, which should have your number on it." Karli took the paper and stared at the card. It was warm had a very bad photo of her on it, but more importantly, it only had her Member Name and Grade on it. "Why doesn't it have my real name on it?" she asked. Rosey crossed her arms and thought for a moment, "It's for security purposes, I guess. I never figured out why, but if another student wants to tell you their name, they're free to. You'll only be called by your member name by the staff and official people, ya' know. Either that or they'll use your number." Rosey smilled then took the bag that Karli had chosen and opened it. Karli stood up and the two girls peered inside. The contents of the bag were a small map of the school, a PDA, and a package of poptarts. "Aww. You got Poptarts! When I got my bag, all I got was a mini-dictionary of really big words." Rosey whined. "A mini-dictionary of really big words?" Karli ripped the plastic ID from the paper it was attached to and slid it in the card slot stiched in the small bag and clipped it to her skirt in the same fashion that the other girls had it. Rosey held her head in frustration. "Yeah! A mini-dictionary! It's so unfair! I wanted poptarts!" "I see..." Karli looked down at the paper in her hands, which listed where she was to go. Grade - Lower Secondary; Second Year Homeroom - Class 6C English - Tuesday and Friday Music - Thursday Home Economics - Wednesday Chemistry - Monday Lunch was scribbled in this space. Basic Lurking - Thursdays Algebra - Everyday Gymnastics - Monday and Wednesday Karli blinked. "Basic... Lurking?" Rosey snatched the paper and read it over. "Ooh, It seems that you do have that class." "What the heck is "Basic Lurking"? I've never heard of a class like that." "Oh. Don't worry about that. It's a class all new kids take, it's real easy. People are rotated into that class often. You'll probably be switched to a different one in a few weeks." "I see..." Karli took back the paper and looked it over. Linda prodded her arm with her pen. "Shouldn't you twerps get moving? You got class in 15 minutes. It's exactly 7:00." Rosey pulled the sleeve of her blazer up to reveal a watch. "Oh my gosh! We're going to be late!" She grabbed Karli's arm. "Come on, let's hurry! I have Homeroom with you, anyway." Before Karli said anything, Rosey dragged her out of the room and bolted through the hallways. -------- Rosey fiddled with the doorknob of Classroom 6C, finally deciding it was usless and kicked the door open, causing it to swing open and slam into the wall, cracking it. The students, as well as the teacher turned to the door. "Sorry we're late!" Rosey gasped out, tired from the run. Rosey then turned to Karli and opened her swinging bag, pulling out the package of poptarts. "I'll be taking this!" "H-Hey!" Karli watched as Rosey ripped the plastic with her teeth and bit into one of the pastries then swallowed. "Much better..." Rosey then placed the package into her own bag and dragged Karli in. "I was directing a new student, that's why I was late. It will never happen again!" The teacher placed his attendance book down and adjusted his spectacles. "I should see that it won't..." A male student leaned back in his seat. "Heh. They might take your modship away from you if you're late again, Rosey!" "Oh, be quiet, you." She squinted her eyes and pointed at the student, then turned back to the teacher. "I'll be going to my seat now!" Rosey skipped through the rows of desk and plopped into the empty chair with a backpack hanging from the side in the 3rd row. She waved to Karli. "Good luck!" "He he... Thanks?" Karli just walked up to the teacher and handed him her schedule. Taking the piece of paper, he handed it back to her and then placed a piece of chalk in her hand. "I'm pretty sure you know what to do. Just write your name on the board and introduce yourself." Know what to do, my foot... Karli then turned to the board and scribbled her Member Name. She really was just winging it, but judging from that Rosey told her about Member Names earlier she thought it would be the best action to take. Then she turned to face the class. "My name is Karlibell22. You can just call me Karli for short. Nice to meet you all..." Rosey clapped and cheered, "Yaaayyy! Go Karli!" The students turned in their seats and stared at Rosey. An awkward silence clung in the air and Rosey stopped clapping. "What? Come on, she's new. What do you expect?" The teacher rubbed his temples in frustration, "What will we do with you Rosey?" He sighed then turned to Karli, "Alright then. Welcome to the school, Karli. I'm Mr. Steinbeck and I'll be your Homeroom teacher. I'll also be your English teacher for the rest of the school year." "It's nice to meet you then." Mr. Steinbeck turned to the desks and scanned the room, pointing to a desk in the fouth row, 4th seat from the left from his point of view. A/N: I should tell ya'll about the seating charts. Most of them follow a 4x6 seating chart... Or something similar. "There's an empty seat there, next to 15945." The teacher scribbled her name into his attendance book and seating chart. "Alright, you're all set. You can go to sit now. "Thanks..." Karli went down the rows and plopped into her chair. She opened the top of the desk to see a small box of pencils, a notebook and a dictionary. She grabbed one of the pencils and the notebook and closed the lid, then placed the two objects on her desk. Back at PG, they don't have this kind of service. It's kinda nice. Karli grinned and drifted off to daydream-land then was prodded in her left arm. She turned to find a boy string at her oddly. He had messy hair and amber colored eyes. His hand had a wooden pencil in it. "What is it?" Karli wispered. He responded, "Pay attention. You'll be sorry if you don't." "Oh..." The boy turned to his desk when a small puppy poked his head out of the bag that was hanging from the hook on the side of his desk. It was cream colored and had small pointed ears. It pawed at the kid's sleeve. Karli jumped in her seat then pointed at it. "T-th-th...There's a... dog... in your bag..." The boy directed his attention to the small animal then picked it up and placed it on his head and continued writing. "Don't worry. He won't hurt anyone." Karli shivered. "But... You aren't supposed to have animals in school..." She slowly opened her notebook, keeping her eyes fixed on the dog that was staring at her. It barked twice, making Karli stand up, trip over her chair and hit her head on the next desk. Everyone turned to the back. Mr. Steinback diverted his attention from the board and set down his lesson book. "Is something wrong?" Rosey stood up to get a better look. "Ah! Wan-wan wanted to play again?" The kid pushed his pencil into his paper, snapping the graphite tip. "I told you, his name is not "Wan-wan"." The dog barked again at Karli, causing her to grab the desk leg, quivering. Rosey tilted her head to the side. "Is something wrong with Wan-wan, Karli?" Karli wimpered, "Get it awaaayyyy!" Mr. Steinbeck rubbed his head, "I don't see what the problem is with 15945's dog. It hasn't caused any trouble." "Just get it away!" Karli stood up and ran to the windowsill and jumped out. ------- Karli was standing outside the classroom with Rosey and "15945", shivering. "That makes sense. Still. I didn't think you'd be afraid of dogs." Karli nodded, "I don't wanna talk about it..." 15945 placed his palms together apologetically, "Sorry, he scared you." He placed his hands to his side, "My member name is "the darkness grows within" but you can call me "Jak". You already know my number is "15945"." The puppy poked it's head out of his backpack, "This is my buddy, Gusk." Rosey hugged her elbows, "You know. You realize you're going to have to get used to the dog being around since you're sitting next to it's owner. Wan-wan never leaves his side." "That's great to hear..." Karli said disappointed. "I thought I could be able to change my seat." Rosey shook her head, "Noope." "Great..." --------END CHAPTER 002-------- A/N: Okays. I mades another Chappie. =] I still don't know if I got your randomness right, Rosey. XD For everyone else who applied, I'll get to you guys soon enough. I'm still trying to plan out you guys' roles. I'm still taking applications so send them in. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas! P.S.: The numbers for everyone aren't random. If anyone guesses where they're from you gets a cookie. Also, the name "Gusk" for Jak's dog isn't random either. I'll praise you if you find out where it's from.
=P Lulz. That was good. I giggled when it was all "I'm the last Dark Lord on the planet" XD (Wait. That wasn't the line... Whatever. You get my drift.) Gaspit. Kiryu came back =D
[takes off hood] Yeah... I'll just have the High Ranked Lurkers take care of that... [disappers like a ghost]
>.> <.< [walks into insurance office, claims all the dead peoples insurance money then creeps into the underground community of Lurkerville]
Full Version. I jsut cut this one off 'cause... It's a preview XD
You mean "Makai Senki Disgaea"?
If anyone cares about a preview XP For some odd reason. It looks squished to me... LINK: Chain [Preview] Eh... Mmm... Vegas doesn't seem to like me so I was stuck with this. It's just a 1 minute 30 second preview of what'll look like. Originally, the preview was going to have subtitles. But after the trouble I went through trying to get it rendered. I didn't bother. You guys can tell me anything that I can do to improve it. It's just a preview anyway. I usually take suggestions into consideration once I'm at the 1:30 point. RANDOM: Are my music choices really that bad? ; ;
I don't know XD It was on Battery; Randomization. OR some kind of randomization...