Me too!! ._o;;; Like... Gasp! We kill people and we don't know it!
Ouch... That sucks. Hopefully you guys get those issues of Shonen Jump
Err... Shonen Jump stopped publication in Japan since like... June of last year... o_o;;; Manga Magazines is a "dying market", apperantly.
Wow... HALF PRICE!? I'd kill to have that.
You deleted your Recycle Bin? o_O How is that possible...? Well... Uhh... Try System Restore: Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore Then restore to the point that's most recent.
60%... If I didn't care about other people I'd probably get higher...
[stares at atrocious handwriting] >>;;; He he...
Zomg! Rly? I totally didn't know that! =o
Yeeee-- No... Nope. I see no ads.
Sewing is cool. Don't deny it. It's awesome.
Can I have Choco Chip plx? Oh! And Tea! =3 Tea plox~!
As do I... Is this connected with candy in any way? If not. I'm going back to the shadows...
You're talking about Rock Candy =3
I've already recieved the Database Errors multiple times withing the past 3 days. It sucks. We got another age of DB Errors. The only way I'm getting around is "Forum Jump" on the bottom of the page.
Nooo!! Christmas!! Why... WHY did you have to pick Christmas out of all the holidays?!
Panda panda~! =3 Ah, and I'll buy a panda to put in the castle's garden. I'll name that panda "Oha" (Good Morning)...
おは! OHA! [The above text is a URL] "I'm going to buy a big castle in Europe. And I'm going to move it to Tokyo. And then, I'm going to live in it!" Oha~! XD
I remember doing these a long time ago... Then I just suddenly re-made them into MP3 format. DX I'm such an idiot haha... In my honest opinion, the Hikari/Simple and Clean ones are worth a look... Hikari/Simple and Clean - First one I did... The original sound file seemed to "echo" a bit... Hikari/Simple and Clean (PlanitB Remix) - Took forever to find the full versions but I did. I recall someone requesting this... Oh well... Definatly recommend you guys to listen to this one since it just sounds plain cool XD;;; Passion/Sanctuary ~Opening Version~ - The only one not in MP3 format because I didn't like the sound of it. =/ Anyone else got something for me to mash together, go ahead and ask me... >_>;;;
I have no idea what happened, nor will I ever know but this seems really serious...
a mintz end ah havez? ou noez!