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  1. Yukai
    I really wanna see someone get a good defensive item this time. The best defensive item in the last game was the special map that General Grevious got.

    I'd love to see a Kevlar vest in here... Oh! I'd also love to see a kusarigama! XD

    Oh yeah... AND THE HACHET RETURNS! =o Who's going to get sicked in the head with it this time? Last time, it was me...
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Yukai


    Cross over to the Dark Side... No one will ever know... :3 We have candy and cookies...
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Yukai
    You bump a thread that's a bazillion years old D=

    It's been dead FOREVER and you brought it back to life... Who wants to talk in a Zombie Thread?
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Yukai
    Start an entire KH-Vids Revolution and administer a punishment to every offense that is posted regardless if they're my friend or not... X3

    [gets a bazillion stares] ...I'm working on it! [thinks of a new idea]
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Yukai
    Well. This thread is certainly epic. [camps out in thread]
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Yukai
    I was thinking of formatting this computer and was thinking about partitioning the main hard drive so it has JUST enough space for programs and the OS so I don't have to go through the torture of moving all my files to an external hard drive... (why I didn't partition my hard drive in the first place is a mystery to me)

    I was thinking around 10-20 GB... Probably 20 GB... That's no problem when you have an 80 GB, 200 GB and a 320 GB hard drives, that last one being an external hard drive...

    The OS itself already uses 2-3 GB and then there's everything else...
    Thread by: Yukai, Jan 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Yukai
    You could make a cupcake cake =3

    Like. Arrange the cupcakes so they're touching then put icing on top like they're just one cake X3

    My aunt did that and it was awesome.
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Yukai
    It's highly likely that the girls in the lighthouse would kill each other. One gets food poisoning, uses food poisoning on food ment for someone and one of the girl's eats it on mistake. They all panic at the dead person and end up pointing guns at each other [literally].
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. Yukai
    Female Characters CAN use weaponry like that but it's unlikely...

    Not sure on my idea of weaponry... But it certainly has to be 'original'...

    A Kusarigama, Fans or even a piece Jewelry... Claws can be a sufficient weapon but Larxene's knives already act like claws.

    A whip could be a possible one...
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Yukai


    [hack, hack, whack, pins Da-da's head up on the tree in the front yard] End of that... [waits till book is released]
    Thread by: Yukai, Jan 11, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Yukai
    And Snipe makes a return!

    =3 Good job, dude!
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Yukai
    I'll be glad to come! [lives in CA] Bwahaha...

    Oh. I can get you guys into Disneyland, Universal Studios AND lots of other places. I'm the Princess of Theme Parks in my house >D Mom's the Queen... >_>
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Yukai
    [claps] That was WONDERFUL! Thank you for that speech!

    I am SO tired of rating really cruddy stuff! I twitch at cruddy stuff! Twitching person is not a good sign. That means it's either REALLY bad or it's seizure inducing.
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Yukai
    It's strange D=

    On the other hand... The quality of the video was wonderous! *-*
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Yukai

    DX This isn't no "it loaded short because your internet is bad". It's real... The clip really is only 1 min 30 secs!
    Thread by: Yukai, Jan 8, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Yukai
    After the "maybe we can all live" stage, then everyone goes into despair and denial, someone goes crazy and kills everyone off! =3

    That's how everything turned out in the last one. (at least... in my mind)
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Yukai

    Eh... ._. I love the idea behind it... but I have no idea what I should stick in next. I basically have the entire thing mapped out except that one LITTLE TINY section that's 10 seconds after this. ; ;

    (Gotta snag more footage for Chain, till then it's on hold. Plus... I'm doing something "different" with this one... ^^;;; )

    Song is Identity by SHK (It's found in O2JAM if anyone was wondering).

    If I can't think of anything I probably have to ditch it =< It's not worth the hassle to create anything else for this.
    Thread by: Yukai, Jan 7, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. Yukai


    P.S.: Oh... Can you send me a copy? I can steal someone's PS2 and play it~! =3
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Yukai


    Ya'll pwn... That's all there is too it.

    No. I'm not saying that to be nice. ・ω・
    Post by: Yukai, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Yukai
    I ended up taking a techno song and doing some trippy stuff with video editing, images and a particle generator...

    (I ran out of ideas fo 'Chain' so it's on hold)... Buuu... Two days of video and graphics bananza and I end up with a 29-30 second clip with no actual video clips! Just particle stuff and images galore.

    I'm still short 109 seconds.

    X| Whaa... No more... And the middle of the song is image heavy. No more graphics editing... [cry]

    Gimme till March (or April), a large amount of snacks and lots of soda and maybe I'll finish this video.

    Thread by: Yukai, Jan 6, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone