That... is one... freakin'... long game... I mean... It's possible... If you want to make a 2D style game with something like RPGMaker. ^^;;; ...That'd still take forever to make... ._.
"Congratulations, your dead body is worth $5415!" Yay for long hair.
Wow... We actually get to see a segment of the story in the control room... I always wanted to figure out what goes on there.
But you ish are kyoot =3
[walks by whistling with a slingshot in my hand]
Put teh programz in a splitz HD... Ima do that later once I wipe this machine clean... It's been being all glitchy and junk.
... .... ..... ......Touche...
>> Rawr... He seriously is boring...
I adore those editors... Took them a month to make that. That totally owns my 2 days = 30 seconds of my AMV XD;;
=o Did j00 gets the right answer? Wait. U found teh square root of an elephant or that weird division thingy?
Inspired by a nice little chat with Cin... (This totally doesn't count as one of my regular art pieces XD) Fo srs. Whair mai inner randum go?
I agree with that. =3
Convo - Short for "Conversation" Usually refers to an instant messaging conversation/chatroom.
I do! I do! [invite plz]
XP I has a mic AND a webcam that doubles as a second mic so you can hear EVERYTHIN' in my room. I wanna talk to you peeps D= Lulz... I like the stalking idea...
Doesn't mean I can't be curious XP That actually IS real. There was a lockdown at my school just less than to an hour ago and I was scared stiff. 10 minutes after I got out, I got home, typed up what I wrote, posted it here and told people on MSN that I was really freaked out. I'm better now that I'm munching on carrots.
I dunno. I was just wondering if you guys thought what I wrote was real or not.
Originally Posted by My Notebook ...Yeah. I would think so. I wrote it.
Real, or not? ^^;;;
Well... Nice to meet you SPD... I really wanna call you Soup.. Yes. Soup will be your new nick from me. [hands you a paper saying "You have been nicked!"] Anyway. We should be in good hands since DS is still around too. I'll treat this is as a new staff member joining the team. =] DS, you'll still be the revered admin in my book! :3