How do you see video games? Do you play simply for entertainment?: Yep. Do you think video games can be considered art? And I'm not talking just high-def CG.: They're not intended to be. They can be, but at the end of the day, they're not meant to. When you pick up a game, how often do you find yourself completely wrapped up in it?: I get absorbed in it for several hours no matter how 'bad' it is. Have you ever played a game that has been considered to have terrible graphics (for the time it's from) but wanted to see the story, or vice versa (bad story/gameplay, good graphics)?: Hmm, for the vice verse, I can understand where everybody's coming from for FFXII. Political matters don't work all too well for video games. In fact, normally I'm just really not interested in those things at all. But dammit, I ended up completely enthralled. Crazy, huh? Why do you think gaming has become such a huge part of our everyday lives?: People wanna get away from reality. What is your opinion on the "video games make our kids violent" argument?: The types of video games you own don't cause your personality, they reflect it. You buy an overly violent video game, you probably already had an overly violent side, with no way to express it (unless you're insane, of course). Given that there is somewhat of a recession going on around the world, do you think the gaming industry will suffer from it?: Eh. I'm not much of an economist. Overall, how do you think video games have progressed? Do you think that fewer very good games are being made in order to produce games that barely sell but are from big toy companies? Like Barbie games for example.: (This is one of those 'look at the old days, everything's a classic, look at today, everything's only produced to make money' question, huh?) Dude, you have any idea how old those kinds of games are? It's a tie-in game that caused the crash of '83. And I used to have a Barbie game for PS1. Nice opening FMV for the day, but the gameplay really sucked. For you, what makes a video game good?: I don't have a clue myself. I think, when I play, I don't judge good or bad in any aspect. It just becomes something to do, and I'll smile through it. Has there ever been a game you've played that actually changed how you look at life, or at least made you think about things?: Kingdom Hearts II. Are Nobodies what my AS looks like to other people...? And for fun, what is the stupidest - yet somehow entertaining - game you've played or watched someone play?: Er... In video games, there are no stupid ideas. Whatever it is? It'll work, trust me, trust me.
Don't you think he meant 'third game' as in Kingdom Hearts 3?
The Character Links section in the Jiminy's Journal logs the entire main cast in relation to one another and with their moral alignments indicated. While there are individual versions of these diagrams in relation to each world, this particular one logs only the characters that appear in the main story. The final diagram in Final Mix+ should include Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Ansem/DiZ, Mickey, Naminé, Maleficent, Pete, Xehanort, Lingering Sentiment, and the Organisation XIII once you've finished everything, so if it's not completed by now, I have absolutely no idea what's wrong.
I can really understand that. God, that's just horrific. The worst part is, because the paraders are the most vocal part of the community, they're meant to represent the whole. And as soon as a representative does something obnoxious or harmful, it reflects upon the entire group. If you really want to be helpful to a cause, watch what you do. In the end, though, there just shouldn't have to be any big reaction to homosexuality/bisexuality - and that includes parading it around.
And, in the end, they also have TV shows. Still, Disney have promised to make more traditionally animated movies, and even so, the 3D movies are also an available choice. They're not restricted to just traditionally-animated films, or just 'the good ones'. And no, those aren't the same categories either. But they may run out of movies at some point considering the speed they're going at with including them. And since they appear to not have permission to use Pixar films and characters anymore, this might happen faster than you think.
...The wording here is "THE TIME FRAME FOR 3D IS AFTER RE:CODED". If it actually meant "3D IS GOING TO BE RELEASED AFTER RE:CODED", I'm very sure they would've translated his statement as that.
Source: The only reason he said Re:coded was 'the latest game in the timeline' is because Re:coded was the only game being developed that the public knew about at the time. Also: THINGS I POSTED BEFORE THAT YOU ARE STILL WORRIED ABOUT: Q: What's the story? Will be split between Sora and Riku in a single storyline. Q: It takes place in Sora/Riku's head? No, it takes place outside. Q: AU game? No. It's already confirmed it takes place in the same timeline as the rest of the series. Q: The Mark of Mastery will be involved? Yes. Q: It's a remake? ...Oh for God's sake.
Essex is in the UK, yeah. This is a place where it doesn't 'happen all the time'. It doesn't matter if they were scammed or not, they should've been arrested and the council should be launching an inquiry as to why their building (since council houses are indeed owned and maintained by the local council) was allowed to be sold/let out as such.
Well, you do see the world - it's Radiant Garden, except it's the Kingdom Hearts II version. The thing is, the shots are actually from the original trailer, and none of them seem to have been used in any demo of the game - because the advert isn't a compilation of scenes. The storyboard (drawn by Nomura) appears in the Ultimania.
It's actually a little more along the lines of, "only a very strong will earns somebody a Nobody, and only about the strongest one percent get a human Nobody." While Heartless can be formed from absolutely anybody, it's not the same for a Nobody.
I think you're one of the first people I've seen who couldn't complete that mode first try, really. It's not even that hard.
Nomura did an interview recently stating some things about KH3D which has been translated by andriasang that gives a few clues into the game's plot:
I love this picture.
I'm gonna use this line to make my favourite point. My personal definition of 'unnatural' is "something that is not seen in any species other than homo sapiens". Here's a short list of things that are, by that definition, unnatural: healthcare, law, religion, machines, burial of the dead, and cooked food. Saying you shouldn't do something because it's unnatural leaves you with basically nothing of human society, both modern and past, so in the end it's a damn stupid argument to make.
Neither have I. Then again, my computer seems to come from Bizarro Land. Limewire gives crappy service to everybody except me, and Steam gives crappy service to my computer but is everybody else's darling. =\
(The connection between Vanitas and Riku's armour becomes kinda obvious if you abide to the belief that Ansem Seeker of Darkness had memories of being Master Xehanort. Ansem Seeker of Darkness wears the clothes he had as Master Xehanort, and Riku's armour is directly based on Vanitas' armour; it's like a standard uniform for Xehanort and his apprentices. As for the Destiny's Embrace, assume that it isn't an Aqua-specific Keyblade, but just a Keyblade relating to Kairi and the Destiny Islands instead, that isn't representative of anything particular like, Sora's promise, which is the meaning of the Oathkeeper.) Spoiler Either the Mysterious Figure has been around in Nomura's mind since making KHII+, or it's a conversation between Xemnas and Terra.
Okay, okay. Hold up. Where has it actually been stated that Axel is coming back and that Lea's Heartless was destroyed?
*hides in a cardboard box*