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  1. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    You should be able to book back in with your dentist about the holes and the bleeding if it's an emergency. Then again, I'm thinking about the NHS here (where it's free on visits, but comes out of everyone's taxes instead), and not in terms of the US health system (where everybody gets bills for their pain).

    And, if there is an infection in your gums, you should definitely visit the dentist to see if it requires antibiotics.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  2. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    And that in itself was the point, darling.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Nah, it's just that all of the Final Mix games are released with the English dub track. That's pretty much the official version of the voices.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Sea Salt Ice-Cream is the Kingdom Hearts version of the Sandvich.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Yep, they exist, and I used to be one, but then canon made me change my mind. The Harmonians are pretty famous in the fandom for being ravenous, by the way. O_O

    Aaaaand I was one of those too. Ages back. Mom was the one who read Philosopher's Stone and took me to see the movie. I then went on a Potter rampage that lasted a good few years and resulted in me getting all the Harry Potter toys and a bunch of Lego sets and also those lovely ragdolls with the embroidered faces and the charm necklaces.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    ...Does anybody else think that main page artwork looks... really, really terrible?

    The images are nowhere near the same scale (all separate art clumped together badly in Photoshop, I'm guessing - Terra and Mickey are from the 2008 mural and Ven is ripped from his Station and rotated) and even beyond that it only becomes obvious that Aqua (who has the only new artwork) is not paraplegic when the image is over 100% scale.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Er... I actually found that interview question relating to Xion a while back for another thread. Xion was thought up during the post-production of Kingdom Hearts II. At the point of KHFM she really didn't exist.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Let's see. Design theory pool... :

    -AU universe. The game would take place in an alternate history where the events of Birth by Sleep do not come to pass. Ven, Aqua and Terra were not born and do not exist. If Sora, Riku and Kairi exist, only as NPCs who are included as a reference to the main series, unless something comes up in an expansion pack.
    -The Dive into the Heart introduction and tutorial chooses your character's class with a series of personality questions: classes include Keyblade Wielder (all around good, based on Sora), Guardian (defence-based, based on Goofy), Warrior (offence-based, speaks for itself), Mystic (all-around magic-based, based on Donald, essentially a Red Mage), Aligned (offensive magic-based, based off a generic Organisation member, essentially a Black Mage), and Prince/ss of Heart (healing magic-based, essentially a White Mage). The Keyblade Wielder class is given extremely rarely after the player inputs a certain set of answers that are unique to each game disc.
    -Only after the personality test is the player allowed to customise the character's appearance. Options that make the character look like characters from the main series would definitely only be given to members with premium accounts, and the options would have to be relevant to the class, eg. you can't make a Keyblade Wielder with Kairi's appearance, you can't make a Mystic that looks like Terra, you can't make a Prince of Heart that looks like Riku, and so on.
    -Enemies would be Heartless of all shapes and sizes. In the alternate history, there is probably a large group of people playing Ansem's role as leader of the Heartless who would be exclusive to the MMO.
    -Special bosses and expansion pack bosses would be Disney Villains.
    -The worlds included would likely have to be ones that haven't been involved in any Kingdom Hearts game and that all carry a particular theme, apart from certain standards: Olympus Coliseum, Radiant Garden, Disney Town/Castle.
    - Olympus Coliseum is a PvP tournament area.
    - Radiant Garden is in essence the players' forum, and also hosts a job board.
    - Disney Town/Castle is the minigame zone.

    ...Decent concept?
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Juuuuuuuuust sneaking in here...

    The quote addresses Roxas as 'the boy who knows Sora', not by his name... but we've known he's called Roxas for years now. So obviously, this is a just-after-KHFM interview, made back when Xion didn't exist.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    The name 'Isshu' wasn't properly pronounced with two syllables anyway - it's read as 'Ish'.

    The new name, Unova, you can either read as 'another' (as in, 'another region') or as United States of America, as my friend pointed out.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  11. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    You know, I think this is the only website I've ever seen that has theorised that travelling back in time should make you age down as you travel. =\

    Is there a possibility the whole thing is actually a simulation?
  12. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    If I could live forever, heal no matter what, and be forever young (I wanna be foreeeeever young~) I would either be experimented on in a laboratory, or legally change my name to Mary Sue. Just 'coz.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  13. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    This is not the first inappropriate song that's been put to a Winnie-the-Pooh trailer. The song added to the first Tigger Movie trailer was "Semi-Charmed Kind of Life".

    I think they picked it because that first line, his voice sounds just like Pooh.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Damn. And over here we have people complaining about the yearly tuition fees going up!

    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  15. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Eggman is very damn proud of himself after killing him in SA2, but we don't get to see the long term effects of his death on the good Doctor - mostly because Sonic improvised his way out and met back up with him.

    Short term effect: :D, except INTELLECT-STYLE. He can get along with trying to take over the world with no distractions. Well, except Tails. And Amy. And Knuckles. And Shadow. And GUN. But hey, none of them have ever beaten him on their tod, have they? This is pretty much all we saw in SA2.

    Long term effect: likely some form of... withdrawal? Regret? Sure, Tails would probably start saving the world in Sonic's stead, but a slow-but-smart flying fox is very, very removed from a speedy and impulsive hedgehog. And if Shadow decided to do it instead, he might have the speedy hedgehog thing down, but his personality is knife-like and straight-to-the-point. It definitely wouldn't be the same. Also Eggman'd probably get his neck snapped at some point.

    But Sonic... There's a particular challenge there that nobody else in the main cast could give Eggman. And it's planted in his attitude as much as it is in his abilities.

    Besides, about ninety percent of everything he builds has been build to stop Sonic (and only one to stop Tails). His inventive and creative streak seems to very well depend on the kid. Remove that inspiration and suddenly the only thing Eggman is building are the robots that do his bidding and, hey, they don't even like him very much. And before you say Eggmanland (his motivation in SA1), he finally built that in Sonic Unleashed. It's an extensive carnival of horrors and it was build to... stop... Sonic...

    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I don't think the game is gonna be based all around the Mark of Mastery exam... It's more likely gonna be an establishing plot point, and then something else more pressing comes up. That's kinda how it happened in Days, BBS and KH2.

    After all, if Yen Sid's version fills an entire 3DS game cartridge, then we seriously need to ask Eraqus' ghost why his version was only five minutes long!

    (Admittedly he did have an audience with him, so cutting to the chase is preferred, but...)
  17. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    And judging by some files Unseen64 dug up, this affected Kingdom Hearts using Toy Story. I don't think they're legally allowed to use any Pixar properties.

    Has anybody noticed in the interview that apparently it's 'necessary' for Sora and Riku to wear their KHI outfits? And how is it they aged down if this takes place after KHII?
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Hitler is Team Jacob?

    Isn't it more likely he'd be Team No-one, considering they're all genetic freaks?
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Terra does handstand push-ups (O_O), Aqua does a baton routine with her Keyblade, and Ventus performs an Air Flare leading into a 1990.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  20. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Is there a polite way to tell this guy to bug off?
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Help with Life