You wouldn't be saying that just because you're Jecht, would you? There's 'it sounds cooler' and then there's 'it's based on a word from a real-world language and this is how it's said there'. 'Tai-dus' sounds cooler, but 'Tee-da' is correct. This is the same problem I have with The Castle of Cagliostro. There's 'it looks like it's said that way' (Cag-lee-OH-stro) and 'it's based on spelling from a real language so it's pronounced this way' (Kai-YOH-stro; gli forms a 'yeast' sound in Italian). Unfortunately, the first option was taken by both the Japanese version and the English version.
It likely won't, so don't even bother paying the money.
There's a difference between the rights to distribution and the intellectual rights which involve characters and settings.
I guess something that doesn't help all the other player characters is that Mission Mode's enemies are 30% stronger...
I got... somebody called Diomedes DÃaz? Apparently he's a vallenato singer who's been in operation for thirty-four years. And he was also convicted of manslaughter. Er...
This multiplied by infinity... unless, of course, the sequel blows the original out of the water (heck, Toy Story never needed any sequels, but look at it now), but this definitely won't. Also for God's sake Disney WHY ARE YOU STILL MAKING DTV MOVIES YOU WERE BLOCKED FROM MAKING THOSE BY JOHN LASSETER FOR GOD'S SAKE AND HE'S BEEN IN YOUR EMPLOYMENT SINCE THE EIGHTIES WHEN YOU DIDN'T MAKE THOSE AND YOU WERE RESPECTED
I'm sorry, but I'm so used to Shiro being a boy's name. =D Amano-chan~~ And I wanna read the Land of Dragons bit, but the chapters after the first one have been skipped. D=
Standard naming convention for a scandal like this one. The [InsertHere]gate pattern has been in use for years.
I have read what's available up to the first skip in scanlations, and then not past that point. I'm very, very impressed by how Amano managed to contract the two Beast's Castle visits, because the way she's done it actually reminds me a bit of the first game's world plots and how they related to the overall story arch. It seems a much better way to have gone about the plots than the episodic visits.
My newest sad moment ocurred when I played BBS. I picked Ven as my starter character and I was easily drawn into his plot. But even though I did get teary during several points in the storyline, I actually caused my own worst moment by accidentally wandering into character at the worst possible time. You see, I was pretty horrified when Terra saved my life, because I already had an idea what happened, and I really, really wanted to get back to him as soon as possible. So, right after Vanitas talked to me at Destiny Island, I ran straight back to the Land of Departure and entered the summit (not knowing another area had just been removed, as Ventus previously could not visit LoD each time that I tried). Once I got there, something just seemed incredibly wrong. The sky was stormy, and there was no music. Freaked, I hurried down the mountain to the training area and made for the path to the next mountain, not looking up. I was stopped by a message. "The road forward has collapsed." And then I finally looked up and saw what'd happened to the academy building. It dug into me so much - the thoughts going through my head were, "Terra hasn't just killed somebody, he's destroyed our whole world, our home..." - that I ended up crying for an hour.
You know, it's actually kind of interesting how all those breaks to revive HP are actually different exercises that would normally wear you out.
It probably would save a headache if it wasn't typed entirely as nearly run-on sentences with very little punctuaction or capitalisation, and there were full-stops used instead of ellipses at the end of every 'section' (since it's not at all clear if they are sentences or just clauses).
Hmm. If any perspective is needed on the 'when is it coming out' thing, the English cast actually finished recording the entire script before the game was announced in Japan, so you know. It might end up that the release dates for Japan and US/UK might be much closer than normal. Also- I lol'd. It confirms my immaturity and marks me as forever childish and dirty-minded, but by Cosmos it was so worth it.
They're not going to make an MMO, don't worry. We're just busy creating a hypothetical situation here, made of either what we'd like to see or what would actually work (because you know there's a difference).
Aaaaaaaaaaaand so the information has changed today and it turns out their models were in the beta for Final Mix+, not the beta for Kingdom Hearts II. Disney and Pixar weren't fighting in 2007, but the characters were still removed from the game, and regardless of their reasons the fact remains that SQUARE ENIX haven't tried to feature Pixar characters in the games since then, and that's likely to continue to be the pattern.
They were gonna put Woody and Buzz in Kingdom Hearts II (the character models, untextured, have been located in a beta version of the game). However, during the production of the game, Disney got into legal trouble with Pixar for trying to make a Toy Story DTV sequel (for the second time), and Pixar attempted to break off. When that happened, Disney decided to produce its own CG film to challenge Pixar and prove that Disney could make CG films without them - this film was Chicken Little, which ended up flopping completely. Since Chicken Little is a summon in the final version of the game, and no 'Andy's Toy Box' or other kind of Toy Story world existed in any form in the game, it's most likely that Woody and Buzz were the original incarnation of the summon, and were removed because of that legal trouble. Since they've never appeared again in any game, beta or otherwise, it's not an unreasonable deduction to make that either Disney or Pixar have stopped SQUARE ENIX from putting Pixar characters in Kingdom Hearts due to that incident.
It's not that you find suspicious stuff on a recon mission, it's that you look around and examine everything. Even so, there is suspicious stuff around Agrabah, like the scaffolding, and the massive piles of sand. In any case, try to look at stuff that seems interesting, stuff that doesn't appear on the other worlds that Roxas has seen - or even stuff he might've seen, but just not in that way before.
I've mentioned it before in a couple of threads, but I really don't think Kingdom Hearts is legally allowed to use Pixar properties, especially since the Toy Story issue.
It wouldn't be that hard, actually. You just need a decent graphics card and then, for the most part, you're good to go.
Pocahontas, maybe? That part of the exam would be about settling local property disputes. Maybe a test of the ability to solve issues without immediately resorting to WHACK WHACK CLICK LOL.