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  1. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Ask the doctors why they couldn't cure him before it came to this.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Jan 1, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  2. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Especially concerning the fact that she's most likely to have grown up by the time of KH2. XD Of course, the TV show did have that design for a sixteen-year-old Lilo.
  3. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Everything got boosted in Days. The whole point of the game was they were attempting to make something genuinely hard, and it happened.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 31, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Umiyuri Papaeyra
  5. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Twelve hours alone aren't enough to kill anybody, and these are even broken. Remember the Final Fantasy XI incident? A group of players trying to defeat one of the bosses spent eighteen hours straight - no breaks - before they started being sick or passing out. But this guy died after twelve? His video gaming addiction is absolutely terrible, yes, but there's obviously another condition involved.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 30, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  6. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I'm kinda worried about this. For one thing, I've heard that one of the things they've tried to ban is depiction of school uniforms.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 27, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Umiyuri Papaeyra


    And yet, parental abandonment is a huge part of the monomyth, the specific plot that all stories are based on.

    So anyway, here's a mad rundown:

    Sora has a mom and a dad he recalls in CoM. In BBS it's mentioned that Sora's dad is the one that takes them out to the islet to play. However, during KH1 only his mother is heard. There's a possibility that his dad was there but just didn't speak, but it's also an option that, at that point, Sora's mom and dad were separated by some means. Available to us are divorce and death (because a hospital stay is never an option in fiction or any kind). Whatever happened to Sora's dad, though, doesn't seem to negatively affect Sora in any fashion.

    Riku maybe has a mom and dad too. We're not entirely sure. Riku was an independent spirit who didn't want to remain tied down any longer; he was likely indifferent to his parents and they were quite indifferent to him as well.

    Kairi's adoptive father is the Mayor of Destiny Islands. He's the ruler of the world, akin to characters like King Triton, King Mickey and Jack Skellington. Her real parents aren't around during BBS and the KH1 flashbacks; it may be that either her parents had no time to look after her or that they were both dead by the time she was four years old.

    And of course we have no idea what happened to any of these adults when the Heartless took over the world. If any one of them turned into a Heartless at that time, there's a chance they never reappeared when Sora restored the worlds to normal.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 27, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    Type of video: Music Video.
    Song used: Hikari - Rising Sun Rock Remix (CarboHydroM).
    Source videos used: Intros to KH1, KH2 and BBS.
    Random additional stuff: This video uses long cuts rather than short cuts. Mostly on the KH2 intro, because Rising Sun actually syncs PERFECTLY. Seriously. Now if only that video was in a higher quality...

    Merry Christmas~
    Thread by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 25, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    The 3DS has been confirmed not to need glasses. The 3D effect is created through a series of cameras that detect your face. The same trick was pulled off in a DSi downloadable game in Japan.
  10. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    It's because the first game was released as an honest experiment, and the later games were based on a set formula and made for money.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    The Re:coded secret ending actually leads directly into the plot of Kingdom Hearts 3D. While KH3D is not KHIII, canonically it takes place after KHII, making it the next in the series. All of this has been stated in interviews with Nomura.

    Also, what exactly is jackdone, anyway?
  12. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Depends. When is it on sale?

    Because then I would finally have a book that eclipses my copy of Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis on the illegible randomness scale!
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 22, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  13. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Yaaaaay somebody rip the renders of Selphie, Tidus and Wakka plz~
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    KHI, to me, made trying to cast magic a real, real slog. I dunno what exactly it was - likely the design of the command menu.

    BBS limited your abilities but made it somehow easier to cycle through them quickly while running and trying to evade attack. :P

    ...Also, cute blond breakdancing shota. Discovering Break Time literally made my day.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I definitely do NOT miss the battle engine of this game.

    But I'm supposed to be saying things I do miss... so yeah. Being given slight justification for getting a Keyblade design was kinda nice... but it doesn't have to be for every single one. The whole reason you get any Keyblade is 'you've connected with this person/world, and your bonds and memories have given you strength', so only one little in-story explanation is needed, and then after that just having the design be obviously related to a character or place is enough.

    ...a-and I want Gummi Space to be made of milkshake and brownies again. 0_0;;

    (I do indeed believe this thread will turn into an 'everything after KH1 was crap and they shouldn't have EVER made a sequel no matter how much we actually wanted one'-type discussion. Not surprising, because this kind of thing happens in every single fandom I've ever been in.)
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Let's see; a friend of mine has had several visions before of insects crawling all over his body, and one pretty cool one of twelve mice climbing onto his lap and singing Christmas carols. Myself, when it gets to the summer and I stay up late, I keep seeing the fan in the corner and it's starting up its blades and trying to eat me. ;A;

    The key difference between what we did and what you're trying to do: we were both just tired after one day. I have no idea what kind of stuff I'd see after multiple days awake. 0A0;;
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 20, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  17. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Art is powerful, art is beautiful, art is a reflection of our souls.

    Art is also a goddamn lie, because its constantly fluxuating definition is in the hands of the human consciousness only.

    If we were to give the question a scientific answer, it's 'there is no art, just the illusion humans have that what they are creating is worth something when it has no given uses whatsoever and exists purely as a waste of resources that will never be recycled'.

    That being said, it's the only school subject I've really shown explicit care for, and the easiest way I can communicate.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 20, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  18. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Didn't Takahashi say a while back that 5Ds was going to be the last Yuugiou anime?

    Also, new protagonist has the 'yuu' kanji (meaning 'fun') in his name, like every other protagonist. It was to be expected~
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 20, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I mean that, for KHII and Re:CoM both (or at least the clips I've seen of Re:CoM, seeing as I'm only English and we didn't get the game here), Haley actually put on a higher voice for Sora. If you look at the game interviews from 2005 you can actually hear him speak in both his normal post-puberty voice and his Sora voice. But for Re:coded it seems to be very similar to his normal voice instead. :P

    Also, they didn't turn Data!ku into a valley girl? Missed opportunity!

    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Muteness, plz. If I lost my sight I'd start looking for ways to kill myself.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Dec 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone