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  1. Blayz Mods
  2. Blayz Mods
  3. Blayz Mods
  4. Blayz Mods
  5. Blayz Mods
    Hey guys anyone know what the skill mod number is for the last one in the skill mod list that resembles soras last blue ability? I'm trying to put to gether a rom hack mod for duel roxas and I want to compile a list of skill mods that can disable all soras blue abilities by default, and I'd like to compile it myself because I need it to be compatible with crazycatz english translation patch, unless someone who uses his patch can compile it that'd be awesome, otherwise I need to do it on my own terms. Thanks guys!
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Jun 2, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Blayz Mods
    Once the hp code and mp code is activated you need to remove them from the code list for them the deplete otherwise they will just be infinitely full gauges. Sorry that I failed to mention that part.Dx
    Post by: Blayz Mods, May 21, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Blayz Mods
    well first of all you need to play around with different values to get the amount of hp you want, the easiest way to find the value you want would be to use the windows calculator, just play around with numbers 1 - 255, 255 is the maximum amount of hp sora can have. Just test the different values from 1 - 255 in windows calculator and test each value on you emulator till you get the amount of hp you are looking for. Oh also you need to user the programmer interface on the windows calculator, you can enable the programmer interface by going to one of the drop down menu's on the calculator and selecting programmer. I'm on windows 10, so my calculator may look different then yours dipending on what windows operating system you are currently using.

    Edit: I just notice you were also looking to change the maximum MP too. Ironically I happen to have a code for mp as well.

    Current MP (Default 120)
    11C6C8D0 000000??
    11C6C8D4 000000??
    do the same thing with the MP code that you do with the HP code. value of 78 is the default value for Proud Mode MP and HP.

    for Critical HP and MP 3C is the default value for Critical Mode HP and MP.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, May 16, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Blayz Mods
    1: Use this code to "reduce" or increase soras hp..
    11C6C750 000000?? -- replace ?? with the value of the ammount of hp you want in hex via using windows calculator to determine the right value.
    11C6C754 000000?? -- replace ?? with the value of the ammount of hp you want in hex via using windows calculator to determine the right value.

    2: BGM Mod list in the attachments on the front page.

    3: No problem!

    4: kay!

    5: No problem!
    Post by: Blayz Mods, May 10, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Blayz Mods
    Fair enough.[DOUBLEPOST=1462184761][/DOUBLEPOST]
    1: you can mod maximum HP and MP by using the character stats list found in the attachments on the op.

    2: Please elaborate more on what it is you mean by hack the music.

    3: front page most likely but not 100% sure as I don't use difficulty mods, only one I know of is the Heaven or Hell mode code in the op>(front page) under *Miscellaneous*.

    4: not sure

    5: watch this tutorial on ai modding, as for heath...boss stats on the front page!

    Post by: Blayz Mods, May 2, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Blayz Mods
    if your using ps2 then you can use this code to play as roxas boss
    2032F094 12030102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2AA 00008052
    1032E2B8 0000808A
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    E006FDFF 0034D45C
    11ce0b6e 0000????
    11ce0b6a 00000951
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00afb2c0
    2094bc88 00b32218
    209adc58 00b329c0
    E027FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209c2b68 00d50190
    209c9cf8 00d50190
    209cc638 00d64f60
    209d43b8 00d64f60
    209d9ef8 00d64f60
    209df898 00d64f60
    209e2e38 00d64f60
    209e7358 00d64f60
    209ebb38 00f20a50
    209f0758 00d709d0
    209f4be8 00d78c60
    209f9568 00d50190
    209fc978 00d50190
    20a09f08 00f73cb0
    20a09f18 00f87db0
    20a5e8d8 00edb540
    20a5e8e8 00f0b160
    20a64b68 00f0b350
    20a64b78 00f20980
    20a6b4d8 00f29830
    20a6b4e8 00f31d70
    20a70078 00f68a90
    20a70088 00f73c20
    20a46728 00dfa690
    20a46738 00e0f930
    20a10838 00d83440
    20a16fe8 00d90db0
    20a1ce28 00d9eae0
    20a224a8 00daaf10
    20a26988 00db8bd0
    20a2b728 00dc3e80
    20a2f858 00dce970
    20a33e18 00dd5e40
    20a3bb08 00de4e30
    20a40038 00dec5f0
    20a4e928 00dce970
    E001FFFB 0034D45C
    11C6C280 00000000
    otherwise if your using pcsx2 as timestones stated just use SoraikoSans Teamod Trainor

    Edit: credits go to Gultigargar for the playable roxas boss code[DOUBLEPOST=1461975390][/DOUBLEPOST]
    may I ask exactly where you found the code? chances are its either a asm hack or a older code that has compatibility problems or is just buggy.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Apr 29, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Blayz Mods
    So I was Browsing a old dump of mine and came across this...

    Camera Distance Mod
    WARNING: Do NOT (I repeat) do not save with this code on or active, you will be stuck in a awkward camera position and be pretty much screwed. I will not be resposible for anyone who messes up their game or save if they save with this code active, it will be on YOUR own accord and yours alone, if you want to save with the code on use a save that is dubbed unimportant or useless to you, do not save on a save file you care about.
    00348758 ???00000
    420 = Default
    410 = Partial Distance
    447 = Slightly Rotates Camera Angle (but not that much)
    534 = Maximum Distance

    Code Information
    It mods the camera distance as you can obviously tell by the name of the code, however it also changes the position of the camera, test it yourselves and you'll know what I'm telling you.{/code][/spoiler]
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Blayz Mods
    Ah, okay nvm then, was just curious. will get back on topic now (myself I mean).
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Apr 3, 2016 in forum: Code Vault