seems the ultima keyblade code is conflicting with the exp gain code along with the stat codes, try disabling the keyblade code and try this instead, should give you 98 of every keyblade, downside is you get 98 of all bottle items as well, but if you don't care about that then here's the code... Code: All Bottle Items (98) 20340CE8 62626262 10340CEC 00006262 00340CEE 00000062 00340D49 00000062 20340DCC 62626262 10340DD0 00006262 and then save to retain the keyblades. then disable it after and re-enable the exp gain code plus the stat codes. but if you DO care than well... at least I tried. :/
All Bottle Items (98) 20340CE8 62626262 10340CEC 00006262 00340CEE 00000062 00340D49 00000062 20340DCC 62626262 10340DD0 00006262
I've never messed with the boss warps myself personally, but from what I've read a lot of people seem to be having issues getting them to work.
I love this idea, I just might do that!
No problem!
Try this!!! Code: Infinite HP Slot 1 (Proud mode) 11C6C750 00000078 11C6C754 00000078
Infinite HP Slot 1 (Proud mode) 11C6C750 00000078 11C6C754 00000078
I didn't know where else to ask this so if this is not the place for this please move to the proper section... So I want to relocate the twilight thorn battle to a more stable location but the only difference is I want to fight the twilight thorn as sora? So if it's possible I wanted to know the most stable location to fight the twilight thorn as sora. If there is such a location that is!
I'm curious...what does kfdz stand for? I don't see a lot of names like that on here very often!
Try this! Code: Infinite HP Slot 1 11C6C750 0000003C 11C6C754 0000003C
Infinite HP Slot 1 11C6C750 0000003C 11C6C754 0000003C
depends on the format the code is in. For example action replay max would look like this... xxxx-xxxx-yyyyy xxxx-xxxx-yyyyy and RAW/Codebreaker would look like this... xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy only they will both contain both letters and numbers one being in hexadecimal format, which would be RAW/Codebreaker Format.
I need one with the game completed and all the Hades cups completed, I need it for modding purposes. Anyone happen to have one they can lend me? P.s. I'm not request codes our mods of any kind just the save file, so please don't lock this because as I said not request codes or mods. Thank you!
Oh that code? that code is a unreleased version of roxas keyblades, the guy who made it didn't release it due to the fact that people were stealing his work. And if your playing on a ps2 try using the code jokered or if your on emulator try using the jokered code as a pnach file. Code: Anti Sora Uses RC's and Items (PS2 Press R2 to Activate) D034d45c 0000FDFF 01C9571F 00000001 Anti Sora Uses RC's and Items (PCSX2 Press R2 to Activate) patch=1,EE,D034d45c,extended,0000FDFF patch=1,EE,01C9571F,extended,00000001 if that doesn't work idk what the problem is then. ;/
Anti Sora Uses RC's and Items (PS2 Press R2 to Activate) D034d45c 0000FDFF 01C9571F 00000001 Anti Sora Uses RC's and Items (PCSX2 Press R2 to Activate) patch=1,EE,D034d45c,extended,0000FDFF patch=1,EE,01C9571F,extended,00000001
Try asking here Jacob! this section is not for mod related questions Edit: ****!!! I think I just Necro bumped the thread!!!!
Sorry for the late response, depends on what code you're using and also if you using a english patch like say crazycata english patch then the codes are likely 98% of the time not going to work.
basically what I want to change is an event during the beginning and the end of a heartless boss fight where the heartless is summoned and at the end of the fight where the heartless boss is dying with the appearing and derezzing of the Organization XIII Data bosses and absent silhouette bosses? or is that even possible to do?? Edit: Sorry guys, this thread can be locked, I have a different idea of how I'm going to go about this so if all else fails I'll request to have this thread re-opened. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Instead of creating a brand new thread you should post your comment in the corresponding thread...
Okay so... 1. sadly, no, that is not easy to do via normal codes. 2. Sorry, but no there is not, if there were such a thing (and no offense) then there would be instances of it all over youtube in the kh modding community. 3. That's very odd, it worked fine for me! What other codes are you using along with the anti form code? can you post them for me, it'd help me get a better understanding about what could be causing that to occur.
1. Yes! Try this code here... 01C9571F 00000001 2. Yes, you can find NarutoSuperKubii's code for Roxas Keyblades here... Easiest and less time-consuming way to use this code is an emulator, so if you use pcsx2 then great, but if not good luck on entering in that huge code. 3. I'm not sure what you mean, can you elaborate? Edit: I just tested the code I provided for anti-form and just realized that he still can't use magic sadly.:/ He CAN, however, use items and RC's though! ;)
You can patch the game with more than one patch at a time, all you need is some kind of toolkit for the version you are currently playing.
not that I know of.
1: If you use the unlock all worlds code and save with it on a save file you care about or need you cannot complete the game. If you still want to use it on a save then use it on a save you don't care about or need. 2: Use mymc to add game saves for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, using an English patch doesn't matter, it will work with any save, the only thing that doesn't work with some English patches are certain codes, but it also depends on the English patch. here's the mymc tool.!ogBEDJAY!9nvM08JOY7m-u-_-SyianBoT0RG7UbYQ792l0fqKpFE