nope. and I'M getting in trouble for it. D<
she wouldn't give me back my head-phones, and i got in trouble with my mum for asking for it back. AND mum though I was lying about doing my...
i understand that fully. i've shared my whole life with her, and I don't trust her. she always blows everything I say right up into my face. AND...
Ani smiled and nodded. "Beats going crazy in a castle by myself..." she mumbled, twirling a few of her hairs around a finger.
because i got in trouble for something gaby did.
because i kept asking for gaby to give my head phones back, but she keeps yelling "mom!!!!!!! she's hitting me!" when i didn't do ****!
she keeps saying she "did some work" but all shes done is tak on the phone. ch. typical.
:D uh-huh. keep trying. by the way-- "bozu" in japanese means "squirt". xD
my twin is lying to my mum, and I'M the one in trouble.
wellllllll--- i'm pissed off beyond the world
gomenasai, Kenni. :china: i'm in a terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible mood! that--- and right now, i need a hug.
gaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! what'd me and lozzy-dearest miss?!
i know!! yay verily!!! >D we must call forth more twins to control lhv!! xD kidding.... (>>----<< or AM i??)
hello. ^^ oh my joshua!! xD love the pretty colors on your profile!! xD
Hey Cherry! ^^ I saw your twewy rp,and i want to join! ^^
totally. 8D8 hey---- guess whaaaaaaaaat?!!!
gaby's being a meaner, and won't let me listen to the musicccc! (she stole my head-phones) v.v
teme= an insulting "nickname" :D
nothing much. i'm bored, therfor-- even the pixels run away in terror. :D
I like---- Beat... Sho...and Joshy-dear. xD i'm searching for piccy's as we speak (or type...? xD) anyways! I need people to join my TWEWY rp-- sooo..... any takers?