I don't hate you, remmeber what I said all that time ago? :lolface:
x3 I'm actually happy right now 8D
"And my army of brothers went over the hilltops, drenched in blood we may be... but fighting is all left to me... Together with my army of...
Purple British People ..damn I need my head checked out
I believe this is correct.
Halo 3 ODST "Light of Aidan-Lament"
Pineapple ._.
*laughs* Well Im almost thr same as L except the hair xD I live on sgar, hardly sleep and my skin is pale. >>;
Thanks, same here ^^;
lol xD *laughed really hard at this thread*
*in a bad mood*
<_< *moves away*
B| lives in Zombieland
:lolface: guess whaaat?
missed off the Xx.'s :lolface:
Raw :333 >>
Woo :3 >> still playing the beta
Skyyyyype d8
D8 Noes, Conservative has my town in thier..thing. save me ;_;
you lost the game :lolface: