lol, I see.... Snap Rarely like me ;__;
Lawl xD so... anything new happen here? xD The family is dead I know xD but anything besides that? x3
lol I think too far xD anyhow, Awesome hope things are going great for you >w<
oh damn xD hmmm things are goody >w< you in college or something now? x3
lol I'm Facepalming a lot... we can always fix that, somehow.
Hiya Haruhi!
Yeah.... Hell The Manga is Still ongoing, but the Anime is not =__= Thanks to It's Unappreciative-ness(mega word D<) Lawl, ofc I did xD I...
Lawl, ofc It's one of the best Animes out there xD Lol Blitzball ftw, Got Jecht's Special move and I beat everything in it xD Loved FF-X...
Lol, So whats up? xD Things going for the better way or worse? D:
Well I'm off, too tired, Goodnight, I love You *kisses and huggies* <3
Yeah we do... Nice xD
Nice, Names? xD ( kh-vids names or real I dunno you choose ) <3 hmm now we just need an Alien >w<
Alrighty <3 x3 hope you'll be on a bit longer but ofc it's always up to you xD Anyway gotten more members for our Brigade?
Awh. haha Indeed xD so you're gonna sleep soon? D:
I see *hugs you* I'm so happy that I've met you, you cleanse my boredom so quickly <3
oho Nice, Comic books o.o That's so Awesome D<
Nice, when you get a PS3 tell me, cause I wanna add you online on it <3 <3 lol are you rich? o.o
Awesome ^-^ I hope you'll learn a lot of that >D
I see.... damn.... sad to hear that, thought mah Enma Ai was happy ;__;
other games... like the ones on PS3?