ahhh hey do you have MSN ^-^
LOL. Enma Ai ;O how come you're so Mafia-ish xDDD x3
8D Man, do ya know if Jigoku Shoujo Season 4 is coming out? ;O
<3<3<3<3 8d
ohh I see. Well..Anything could exist...really...if you wished it to. so yeah... >w< hey, honey, I'm off to sleep...too tired... >.< oki? I'll...
omigad D: I know right D: LOL, Gee Bi-chan Hooooow come? 8D
*kisses back* ^-^ so...whats going on? D: ... mummy cat debate?
lawl ^-^ hmmm hungry too.... dying actually D: so you're a super yaoi fangirl now? xD
Yeah, I Like it a Lot, It's so Pretty, and God is a Girl, Rhiannon is a God.
lol, unh ^-^ Nice Nice >w<
awww btw.... I noticed that RP ... :hm... so your char has a guy she likes Intense. I feel like ****, LOL.
lol lucky, I haven't since I woke up which was 9 AM =.=
lawl, Okay *kisses your head* <3 hmm? I'm not 100% ? D:
lol being sick sucks... Lawl, other than that nothing much, you? 8D
go back to bed...haruhi... you're making me worried, You're sick...get better... T__T I Love You. weird...I'm sick when you're sick... o.o
lol, thought you wouldn't be on....cause you said you were sick...so ..Sorry ;___; <3
awww.... *huggies you* well..it seems I'm sick today too, I'm off.... for now =_= .... too bad we didn't get to talk....it hurts...to not being...
D: .__. Okay...Get Better! >w< Much better >w< Miss you ;O
I see. Yeah Crisis Core is Brilliant, mah Fave PSP game, I seriously want Final Fantasy Versus XIII though, for PS3 That game looks Amazing.
I Know, Right? what is your favorite game?