I see. What was the process?
Been a pleasure :) I can't wait for our battle. Good luck with computer.
Hmm.. that motivation does sound rather... motivational. I just need to find the time to play lol. Perhaps once I am finished with kh2fm. Data...
Oh, very nice, very very nice. I have the Japanese roms of black and white 2. They are partially patched, I just never got around to playing them...
Well I could see how that would put a damper on things. You could always use an emulator lol. Or a 3ds. Emulator is more cost efficient lol. The...
Yep. I have it for the DS version, but believe it or not I never use it for its intended use XD With a bit of hackery and pyton scripting, I take...
lol pardon late response, a pokesav is a save generator. a mash up of the words pokemon and save. Pokesav. It generates a save file with a...
Working on editing video, listening to music (Yes, both can be done at the same time XD), researching a pokesav for GBA generations (Not turning...
Sweet :) Can't wait. So, what you up to?
Ah, a fellow hacker. So you don;t mind if I hack up a team then? lol (I have to make a team for Rienzel anyways lol)
Ah. Well that's good I suppose, the new comp :) What level are you pokemon? I need to get something battle ready lol.
You want to try it with me? Sure, I would be happy to :) But whats wrong with your computer?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeM9KyJt9Vs Basically all applies as in this video, however rather than selecting trade, select Colosseum. You...
Kay, one more question. Are you battling yourself or a friend? (Meaning one computer or two?)