lol I moved to emulator now that I can move back for kh2fm. Does that make me a cheater? lol
lol I am alright. Could be better, could be worse. Yourself?
lol Sending kh2fm would talke like, 2 hours via skype lol. It's usually faster to torrent it yourself from that bay. Not that that is leagle and...
Deal! lol. Speaking of. you ever try out emulator? I read up on the program and now know what everything does and how to properly configure lol
Hmm... Wanna trade? D:
Ah. well you can view it's insides as well as edit them lol. (sorry for late responses, playing kh2fm on my comp like a boss lol)
Riku what? lol
lol It is fun. I made my page say I am admin XD
The story should be surrounded by 13 in some way, by the way lol
Oh, but F12 works too
Depends on how you obtain the source. Im my case I use google chrome. so I just right click and select "View page source" Then I copy and paste...
page source is the scripting and such and bla that goes into making a web page, in this case html. Basically, seeing what makes the site tick lol....
Thank you so much :) I really appreciate it. Anything I can do to return the favor? lol You have been so helpful in my plans to world dominati- I...
currently looking at the new format, page source and such lol. I still have the page source of the old way lol.
Indeed that is what I asked lol. An excellent guess. I am good as well. Trying to get used to the new "snazzier" khv layout lol.
Because I am seeing someone else >.> Actually I am seeing many many people >.> lol. How are you?
Not really, its just not there lol.
Its okay. I dislike a few things here and there, however some things I do like, like how when you click a location it brings it up on google maps....
It is, it is. Facebook is meh in my opinion. I dunno, what do you think of the new "Snazzy" look?
lol Yea. I hate most mainstream things. I can live with this however lol. Still waiting on video portal though. I still have page source of the...