Spoiler You guys have pretty much covered most everything I have to say about the Crimson Horror, so I don't think I need to repeat myself. As an episode it was brilliant, but in terms of the placement, I feel it kind of dropped the ball on the Clara mystery. We still know absolutely nothing, and if the finale is to reveal Clara's identity I think there wasn't enough of a proper build up to it. I'll actually be pretty disappointed if next week's episode doesn't at least lead up to the finale in some way.
YES YOU STARTED WITH MY(eleven's) SERIES TOO?? I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU WOOOOO! It's a shame, really. He could've done so much more. Why did Eccleston beg to leave anyway?
Sixty six!! '(O.O')~~~~~
Fifty nine! Our mother being.....Misty? XD
Fifty three~ Don't give up coz we got each otha! Oh my glob a poem about regs let's do this
50 WOOHOOO One day, maybe one day we will transcend these little lives of ours, and become prem, then BECOME MODS! We must aim high, coz that's all we've got! ;__;
Fourty six The life of a regular member ;__;
Forty three! Is this average or are we doing pretty well? XD
This makes you like, the first Bravest Warriors person I know that didn't get in to it because of me. It makes my heart smile :')
Greetings from Hong Kong International Airport! C: The Internet is so fast here whoa
Guys, Guys, Spoiler View attachment 35960 Spoiler I'm too lazy/busy packing to post the others. D: Maybe Dinny will! Anyways, gonna be in Australia/New Zealand for the next 18 days, so I will miss you all and see you again very very soon!!
That's alright, me. We just couldn't get enough ourself that's all. ;) Oh and Doctor, * straightens bowtie*
Now THAT'S what I call a temporal catastrophe. We be so cool like that~
Woah. Why hello there, me.
Oh hai durr LPTP~ ^.^
I have to agree with those reviews you've read, yeah. I mean, Oswin was all, 'Guys look I can hack the Dalek mainframe Nina now who wants a soufflé?' and Victorian Clara's all like ninja carriage stalker finding the TARDIS nanny secret life, but companion Clara, okay she has a little backstory with the leaf, she's funny, sweet and fiesty, got this very questioning and defiant attitude to the Doctor, but I can't think of a way she stands out like the other two. (I still love her though) Nonetheless, I'm still having a great time with Series 7 part 2 overall. Could be improved sure but hey, it's still pretty great as it is and as Enzy said, hating on the creators is too much. I'm sure they're trying their absolute best to bring us a good story, this Clara plot could literally go anywhere. On another note, guys my sister is 11 and she's also gone ahead and watched some Classic Who. Plus there's that incredible fact about next week she noticed, so I'm so very proud of her ;_____;
Spoiler Yeah, the episode had just enough sequences to please us fans with references, parts of the TARDIS we'd never seen before, the room with Amy's box TARDIS and the crib, the swimming pool and the library (with Encyclopedia Gallifrey) AND EVEN THE VOICES THAT LEAKED OUT OF THE TARDIS CONSOLE! ;_______; And it also had just enough story and suspense to strike a perfect balance. It was a shame that it all had to be deus ex machina'd away, but of course we can't have Clara running about knowing the Doctor's real name. Seeing as the Van Baalen Brothers' situation was still changed, I think Clara might subconsciously remember, and it may or may not suddenly pop back into her head once the question is asked in Trenzalore...... D: I wasn't all too excited for next week's episode either, but then my sister pointed out something good: the Doctor will be taking companion Clara back to Victorian England, so people who have met Victorian Clara will meet her and she will be in a part of time where one of her previous selves existed. Vastra will definitely have something to say, and perhaps like Hide, they didn't come for the action, but to learn even more about Clara?