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  1. Razgriz Thirteen
    Oh dear what will the children look like
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Razgriz Thirteen
    Can I just have the leftover bananas? D:
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Razgriz Thirteen
    About MCU? Yeah sort of, I suppose.

    I do see your point there, but I'm not particularly worried it'll come to that. Loki has enough stories behind him, and there's a lot from the comics they can pick from and utilize to keep him going as a character of importance.
    And I have faith in Marvel Studios, they haven't let me down yet!
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Razgriz Thirteen
    Well this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe after all, and it's called as such for a reason. Plus anyways Loki is still a big part of the Thor story so it's not as if he's only there because he was in the Avengers.
    Am I making sense...? HAHA
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Razgriz Thirteen
    I suppose it was a strategy to reel the fan girls in yeah, but I never really thought it was a question of wether or not he'd appear. I mean the ending of Avengers put him back in Asgard and how could they not continue that part of the story, right?
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Razgriz Thirteen
    Not yet! Still just reading The Festival of Death. My sister is though, and she says she likes it.
    May I say, Romana seems like such a wonderful companion. I mean the idea of a Doctor who still doesn't entirely know how to fly a TARDIS, with a Time Lady who knows a lot more than him, it's refreshing.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  7. Razgriz Thirteen
    OH OH WOW. D'you have any of the stories republished for the 50th anniversary? My sister an I saw some in Australia (we don't have these things in Manila </3) so we got Ten Little Aliens (One/ I forget who), The Festival of Death (Four/Romana ii), Beautiful Chaos (Ten/Donna & Wilfred) and The Silent Stars Go By (Eleven/Ponds)

    Well for me the books are motivating me to explore Classic Who more!
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  8. Razgriz Thirteen
    Hey, hey guys, anyone else read any of the novels? I'm reading The Festival of Death right now, it's a Fourth Doctor / Romana ii story and it's supposedly one of the stories that began the trend of timey-wimey plots like The Big Bang, Blink, etc.

    It's actually pretty good!
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  9. Razgriz Thirteen
    Yep yep I've got loads to say about the finale, so I'm in!
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  10. Razgriz Thirteen
    I'm looking forward to seeing the lore of the MCU expanded a little more in this movie, and possibly some hints will be dropped for GotG because of the whole space and other worlds themes contained in Thor's stories.

    But why wouldn't you want to see Loki?
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Razgriz Thirteen
    My hearts cannot handle the perfection of this post, aww you two <33 ;___;

    Anyways, back from Australia, and guess who I had lunch with!
    View attachment 36045
    But then this is a KHV lunch so one photo just isn't enough y'know:
    View attachment 36044

    Then after getting over the awkwardness of the whole I-sorta-know-you-from-the-internet situation we stood up, left, and forgot to pay, so I had to call Kat back, which probably cost just about as much as lunch coz of roaming charges. So yeah, pretty eventful!
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Razgriz Thirteen
    Just saw it on TV, wow my face is still so red with feels gahhhhh.
    I know we were all very sceptical about the whole John Hurt as the Ninth business, but I liked how Moffat played it, Eleven is still the Eleventh Doctor because what the Ninth INCARNATION did, he didn't do in the name of The Doctor, hence he's not the Doctor in the Doctor's eyes. . . yeah?
    I totes agree on the Clara thing though, we were hyped up for so long and I expected something more convoluted, but that's alright, it still tore my heart out in the end ;__;
    Great episode overall, although, what did happen to 'where no one can lie or not answer' clause of Dorium's prophecy, and where was the 'Fall of the Eleventh'? And the whole event didn't seem very prophecy worthy tbh.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 19, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Razgriz Thirteen
    Greetings from Sydney!!
    Shucks I'm starting to miss having enough wifi to be active here :c
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Razgriz Thirteen
    Yay Misty!! The years have been good to you! ^.^
    MOSHI. HI. Looking good :> I have not heard from you in 28636890421478935 years how are you my friend

    Really how do you get all these beautiful things ;__; And I agree with Llave 1000%
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Razgriz Thirteen
    He got out because future Doctor went back to give it, I think? Yeah basically you don't question a lot of things, it's all very wibbly and sciency.

    And it's okay Lox, I was spoiled too, but by Tumblr. But nonetheless it's okay I feel your pain!! T__T
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Razgriz Thirteen
    Well even without that, the Doctor was still running from his mistakes. This could also be a The Next Doctor-esque misleading story, so we should really just sit tight and wait for more news.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 10, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Razgriz Thirteen
    I'm still holding out for some hope that this is all a fake since why would they even reveal so much information on something as big as the 50th?
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 10, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Razgriz Thirteen
    A really elaborate ruse, coz it's actually appearing in many news sites </3 PLUS THE FALL OF THE ELEVENTH GUYS. How can it happen in Trenzalore if Smith is the Twelfth? [/spoiler{
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 10, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Razgriz Thirteen
    Wait what no, sorry but I refuse to believe this until it turns up in other sources, I just, why would Moffat even do that...
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 10, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Razgriz Thirteen
    It's a shame, really. But I respect his decision yeah. Better they get someone who's truly passionate about being the Doctor and bringing him to life on the screen.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground