One hundred and forty five
One four three go go go go
one four one Shhhhhh just keep going
first impression..? Clone Wars, yay or nay? If you had horcruxes what would they be? Doctor who? Will silence fall?
Doctor Who: The Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris I'm starting to appreciate media tie-ins, since in books you can explore ideas further. With a story in a novel there's much more time to get into detail and weave a really intricate and complex story without totally confusing the fans, and this book does exactly that. It was a great read, fun, exciting and captures the idea of the complexities of time travel so perfectly on a scale a Doctor Who tv story never quite could.
One hundred and twelve
One hundred and ten~
Whaaaaaat. We should be at 99 now yeah?
Ninety - five Eleven, Ten and Four, favourites in that particular order.
Ninety three. My bad. Eleven, and you?
Ah. Well anywho, ninety - one!
Who? XD Eighty nine!
Eighty seven go go go go
Eighty five! Romana, one of the Fouth Doctor's companions! LOOK NO MODS OR ADMINS HIT THE GAS LET'S GO.
e i g h t y t h r e e
Seventy - seven ~ Is there any particular goal to reach at the moment?
Well I like GIMP coz it's legit and free, and well there's a reason it's free, which is that. But it's alright, a little dodgy and tricky sometimes but it mostly gets the job done.
Shush no we can do this Seventy - five
s e v e n t y - t h r e e ~
Everything is Lalla Ward and nothing hurts <3