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  1. Razgriz Thirteen
    Oh that's it, that is definitely it. And he says he just plans as he goes, lies. HAHA.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Razgriz Thirteen
    The latter being the Silence? Coz in s5 when River was trapped in the TARDIS a voice was heard repeatedly saying 'silence will fall', so it's connected.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Razgriz Thirteen


    Okay here is my argument for this:
    The Forest of the Dead
    RIVER: Doctor, one day I'm going to be someone that you trust completely, but I can't wait for you to find that out. So I'm going to prove it to you. And I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry.
    (River whispers in the Doctor's ear, and he looks stunned.)

    later on,

    RIVER: Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried.
    RIVER: You wouldn't tell me why, but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the library. You even gave me your screwdriver. That should have been a clue.

    DOCTOR: River, you know my name.
    DOCTOR: You whispered my name in my ear.
    DOCTOR: There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could.

    ONE REASON. One time, one precise, specific event that Ten knew about, long before he knew he'd marry River, and miss her. Also, River apologized for knowing his name, and in her detailed account of their last date, she says the giving of the sonic should have been a clue. If he'd told her his name THAT should've been the biggest clue of them all.

    The Name of the Doctor
    RIVER: Well, I know it.
    CLARA: What, you know his name? He told you?
    RIVER: I made him.
    CLARA: How?
    RIVER: It took a while.

    DOCTOR: Trenzalore. I've heard the name, of course. Dorium mentioned it. A few others. Always suspected what it was, never wanted to find out myself. River would know, though. River always knew.

    Now this bit, I don't know if it's reading into the text too much, but this gives me the impression that River knows all about Trenzalore's importance: the concern on her face when Vastra said 'Trenzalore', how her 'grave' was the secret entrance, and from that I'd infer she was there when it happened.
    And of course, (now this bit's almost just speculation on my part but):

    The Wedding of River Song
    DORIUM: On the Fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely, or fail to answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered

    Now I'd assume the whole business of Eleven's arc being encompassed by 'The Pandorica Will Open/Silence Will Fall' should be addressed before Eleven regenerates, so who blew up the TARDIS and cracked the universe, who and why are the Silence, and who asks the question, ought to have some answers this Christmas.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Razgriz Thirteen
    I find default m!shep funny coz he looks just like my uncle.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Razgriz Thirteen
    I have to wait until Wednesday to get me a copy of ME3.

    Wednesday is also the start of the new school year.

    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Razgriz Thirteen

    Yeeeah I imagine that's what Moffat might do, considering it's such an important moment and they didn't actually show the last date..

    Relax Cat :c
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Razgriz Thirteen
    Good point. So not the 50th then, but maybe the Christmas Special. Ten said there was only one time he would or cluld ever tell anyone his name, so it must be some time of great crisis or need, so I doubt he told her on their last date..
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Razgriz Thirteen
    If it is then this John Hurt secret must be pretty darn big. He'd been keeping his name a mystery centuries before where the John Hurt incarnation seems to have come in (between 8 and 9) And if it's so big that Ten could only think of ONE TIME he would ever have to, then this should be really, REALLY big.

    Also River knew about and was worried when Trenzalore was mentioned in the conference call, so it's possible she herself was at the 'fall of the Eleventh'
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Razgriz Thirteen
    The Doctor had to tweak it, he put the uh, the thing that held River's consciousness that allowed him to save her, yeah?[DOUBLEPOST=1370220956][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I still think River has to show up once more at the 'only time' as Ten said, that he could or would give his name.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Razgriz Thirteen
    He left it in the library. Since River's sonic looks similar to 10's, my assumption is that he kept the damaged one after Eleventh Hour, fixed it and perhaps added the new features, then gave it to River that night.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Razgriz Thirteen
    Agreed. The whole melancholy thing going in Weiss' trailer was wonderful. Weiss, Ruby, Yang and Blake

    Well, everyone's pretty much said everything I would say about this trailer. The fight scenes were absolutely flawless, but the voice acting was so subpar.
    Ruby's voice was okay, I didn't mind high, I just thought she'd sound more serious and mature for her age and not perky.

    If there's anything else I'd add, it's how Yang's got a lot of attitude but I don't see it at all on her face. I guess facial expressions aren't their strong points.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Razgriz Thirteen
    Misty suggested once that with the Gallifreyan high council gone, and no one to regulate regenerations, there's a chance the Doctor could have more somehow. Also, it's possible that the regenerations River used up on him could have made a difference as well.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Razgriz Thirteen

    Well he ought to, since it's around this time in the Doctor's timeline that he make an appearance. Also, the fact that this is the Doctor's last proper regeneration is quite worrying.. Will the Misty theory come true? Coz if this is it we're looking at about 4 or 5 years till the end of the show, given that was more or less the amount of time Ten and Eleven had on screen.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Razgriz Thirteen
    Okay I'm gonna have a pretty rough Christmas ;________;
    This also throws a lot of theories and ideas out the window guys,
    such as The Fall of the ELEVENTH, and other things like the Classic Who 'Valeyard regeneration of the Doctor that's supposed to exist between his twelfth and thirteenth, seeing as Smith is actually the twelfth regeneration
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Razgriz Thirteen
    But the rebellion was only formally organized after Starkiller's death, right? So if it's about the rebels, there won't be much to tell before those two years..?
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 28, 2013 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  16. Razgriz Thirteen
    If this is about the birth of the Rebel Alliance though, Starkiller HAS to make an appearance, or at least be referenced. I mean he's such an important figure in this stage of the rebellion.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 28, 2013 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  17. Razgriz Thirteen
    The graphics were top-notch, the acting was wonderful (Benedict Cumberbatch you brilliant man), the story was well made, moves on from what the first movie set in motion quite nicely (though I do think the first one was better story-wise). Well, I know I'll be greatly disappointed if nothing else comes after.
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 28, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Razgriz Thirteen
    one hundred fifty one
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Razgriz Thirteen
    One hundred forty nine
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Razgriz Thirteen
    One hundred and forty seven
    Post by: Razgriz Thirteen, May 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground