Something simple and not expensive...please?
We saw What's face on webcam. **** was epic. and he looks totally awesome >: D
Edit: Flashlight Scare v2 These are for use here, just ask which one >__> (I dont think im good enough yet for that though) Cnc please.
Link has a Navi Cam.
It starts in the middle of it, but it's epic trailer.
I cant seem to find a place on google where to download Windows Movie Maker usable clips from Final Fantasy X, can anyone help?
I cried a bit when this happened T____T
Soap Opera, really...We would get so much ratings that we would win awards with our Drama...
CnC <3 I tried, at least. And Im trying to make them all the same size, for some reason it's not working, >:
Im making brownies, with extra chocolate chips inside. Want some?
And the theme song is really sexual if you think about it.... :lolface:
Excuse me while I go laugh XD
Im Jef Misa-Misa Kagami Kagome Snow White Happyfuntime Bear Roxas and Rawrimamonster
I cant go to sleep, what can help to make me go to sleep?
This Ouran High School Host Club avatars are only to be used on Kh-vids, yiu guys can pic out any of them except the honey one..since Im using it. CnC <3
And I am of no importance....PLOT FILLER
I like rain a lot, and I was reeeeeeeealllllly bored, an I know im not the best, sinc I just started out on PS... Cnc please <3
Im playing Mabinogi, I as wonering if anyone has one here also.
Should I get one of those livechannel things?
How are you today.... I love you guys.