Yes, to see the Wizard of Oz Expect for their to be a munchkin head on your bed in the morning, that will be my doing :3 See you around Christmas-time, hope you get all those PS3's, Xbox 360's, and those anime body pillows you stow away in the closet so your mom won't see ^_^
._. I'm sick today, and it sucks a lot... Yayyyyyy T_T
How cold is it for you, /khv/?
Naruto Shippuden is on disney XD right now lolwut?
<3 See ya :3
*Sigh* So some of you may noticed that I've been gone for the past few weeks, so Im going to say why: Im happy, for once. Lifes not really bothering me or getting depressed over you guys, worrying every second whats going to happen on this damn site. I am honestly and truely 100% happy and life feels good. Im not going a long list of people but here: Fayt Wolfie What (I will look for you in those magazines bulding something so cool 8D) Haseo Xaale (I will always talk to you) John Harriet Rissy Dalk Fearless Jerome Julia Radiowave(Lol, your school compeates with me in Debate meetings) Haley Miele VGN (HAREM EXPERT) Ghetto ( I await your record, I will buy it 8D) Chev Styx CTR (Big Sis <3) Austin Ben Absol :3 The Fuk I just love you guys, you have been there for me and always have been there :3 You will always have a place in my heart. Thank you for those times, I will always cherish it I will be on MSN sometimes and I have a drop a line <3 I hope you guys understand why im leaving, if not..Im sorry, its something I have to do. But I will vist from time to time ^^ Love, Hugs, and RPGs Rayku
Spoiler They're all going to laugh at you!
Just four I made out of bordem... CnC <3
This show is pretty good, and its gaining a fast following with U.S fans.. Summary: I like how they made the countries turned into acutal people with backstories and traits ^-^
I geuss im back for now?
I used to know you so wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Hunnnting for Witchessssssss...
Wow. The book was amazing and the movie might live up to the book, I cannot wait to see this. My english teacher plans to take our class to see the movie verison to compare it to the book.
[and its so freaking addictive >:] [I have to wait a whole year till season 3....] Damn you HBO
More to come soon, and I need someway to make them just 100x100..because for some reason it wont let me input it >: Cnc please <3
Finding Nemo is on TV Just started :3
198 till I shall be in with the rainbow birgade... I wonder how it will feel...
:lolface: I am.... :3
Hello, how are you today stichpunks?
This scene apperently was compared to rape O_O